The Bible is Bullshit

You're describing demonic activity. Just because these are lucid dreams, that doesn't mean they're meaningless.

No Lori. They are just dreams.

My dogs have dreams too. Are they chasing demonic rabbits in their sleep?


It's all just dreams. Not a spirit realm, or pathway to an alternate reality, just dreams, an activity our fuddled little brains need to make sense of the events of the day, and file all the experiences away.
People accept this torment their entire lives without calling on jesus to save them,

I don't need Jesus. I just need to make sure I don't get over tired, or eat hard to digest food before bedtime, lay off the caffeine in the PM, and make sure I'm well hydrated.

Unless Jesus is dietician, he can't help.

No Lori, you were.
That is the beauty (or "ugliness") of the human spirit.

I guess you had to be there. I did not write those poems. At the time I was involved in substantial spiritual activity, a small part of which was channeling these writings. There were physical manifestations of the spirit that I observed, and qhen I questioned one such manifestation (that my feet were very heavy making it difficult to walk), the answer I received was "when a spirit that isn't used to being in a body is in one, it feels very heavy".
I don't think that the bible is complete bullshit because it sends a nice message - do good unto others and forgive. Nevertheless, if you see the bible from a rational point of view, you can consider it a storybook, a collection of fairy tales. There's no historic proof for most of the stories told in the bible but I think it's the message that counts, not the historic credibility.
(that my feet were very heavy making it difficult to walk),

ffs Lori, that's just REM atonia.

When you dream, you motor functions are not stimulated, to prevent you acting out your dreams. Often this feeds back into the dream, that you find it hard to walk.

It's common, IN DREAMS.
If a plane of reality is not bound by physical laws, then it is a realm obviously outside of the physical universe... That's the mentality of a five-year-old.


I mean, I disagree with almost every belief Lori holds (probably), since I am of a different religion and theological position than her. But I can disagree respectfully and not act like a brat.

Or, you can also have the mentality of a five-year-old by making silly claims of realms outside the physical universe.

Btw, is calling someone an asshole respectful?
ffs Lori, that's just REM atonia.

When you dream, you motor functions are not stimulated, to prevent you acting out your dreams. Often this feeds back into the dream, that you find it hard to walk.

It's common, IN DREAMS.

i wasn't asleep when that happened. i was in the middle of channeling a poem. i got up to use the restroom, and when i started to walk, it felt like i had lead boots on, even though i was barefoot.

i asked the question (talking to myself really), but i got that answer.

then i entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my pupils were completely dilated. i had black eyes. i stood there with my jaw dropped for 10-15 seconds. then my pupils reduced down to the size of a pin head for a few seconds, and then went back to normal.

i did not write those poems.

and the incident was in the middle of a bunch of other spiritual experiences and interactions that were ongoing, and had significant meaning.
There you go again, calling people assholes. You are definitely a Christian as you have no morals whatsoever.

well if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, what kind of morals would i have if i called it a chimpanzee?

honesty is moral.

you're a troll Q. if you don't like being called on it, then stop doing it. it's certainly not contributing anything to any thread.

you never do contribute to threads. you just call people who do liars and/or insane.

i's an asshole thing to do.
honesty is moral.

You have neither.

you're a troll Q. if you don't like being called on it, then stop doing it. it's certainly not contributing anything to any thread.

It exposes your lies.

you never do contribute to threads. you just call people who do liars and/or insane.

i's an asshole thing to do.

Yes, and Jeebus loves you for calling me an asshole.

Tell you what, next time you talk to Jeebus, tell him I'm waiting to kick his sorry ass. :)

I am convinced that you are honest.
But what you say, under my rules, it is unacceptable that reality.
By that I do not believe in you
(Lie, the same thing but said rude) are aware that you've contradicted yourself here.

And that you have no reason to not believe what I've testified to other than that you've already made up your mind that such things can not happen.

But I assure you that if they happened to you, you would change your mind.

Not because I am convinced that you believe what you say.

Even would happen to myself would not be enough.
But it's hard to explain filtering perceptions by reason.

do you think i have no reason?
do you think i have no reason?

What you say is unreasonable.

5 years ago a spirit used my body to pen some poetry. It happens.

Yeah, I can. I actually have a personal relationship with god that was accomplished through christ.

My belief is in a spiritual realm, which logically would not be subject to physical law.

God can prove his existence. He did for me.