The Bible is Bullshit

M*W: By age, what do you mean? The classic definitition of "age" in the bible is "a generation." I personally believe it means the end of an astrological age.


I haven't actually read the link, so don't quote me on it.

If this is what you mean by "age," then I guess we've still not arrived at it.

Yes. And by generation, you could consider the evolutionary stages of man. We are still in the same generation as jesus because he wasn't a neandrothal or a homowhatever.
M*W: But what about all those people who have died in the past 2000 years. Didn't Jesus promise to return before the end of their age, too? That's also biblical. That's also a lie.

Jesus never promised to return in their times. And he does not promise to return in my times. But i have a very strong impression that He will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
um..i will be the first to say that i am not a biblical scholar..

Thats right your not.

but thats not what i get..

You got the traditions of men.

before anyone gets to heaven we all must die,then there will be a reckoning
those who did not follow (god,not man) are cast into hell, those who followed will go to heaven..

1 Thessalonians 4
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

Those who have fallen asleep = those who have died. So at the time of the Messiah's Return there will still be living followers of the Messiah Jesus and they will be caught up into the air to meet Him as He returns. Jesus does not just swop down in the air pick up people and take them to heaven. Jesus comes down and destroys the army of the beast and rules the earth for 1000 years with the saints. This is the first reasurection Spoken of in Revelation chapter 20.

i dont recall anything saying anything about our earthly bodies being immortal..much less only those alive when jesus returns being the only ones qualified for heaven..

I never said that our bodies in their current state shall be immortal. But we shall come to inhabit eternal incorruptable bodies given to us at the time of the Messiah's return.

1 Corinthians 15
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
55 “ O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The spirit realm that impressed upon me and that you don't believe in.

Why do you doubt the mere possibility of it so?

Because all the events people attribute to it have mundane explanations.

Well I was wide awake when the stationery on my coffee table wadded itself up and started morphing and propelling all on its own. I held the piece of paper in my hand. I observed its changed characteristics with my eyes. I heard the crackle of the packaging with my ears. And it remained so and evident over time. Its not as if I snapped out of it and everything was back to normal.

And I was once nearly abducted by aliens, that appeared at the foot of my bed, with ghostly white faces, and paralysed me, and started lifting me. Except I was dreaming it was happening.

I also once awoke to find I was being strangled by this rather beautiful dark haired woman. She was very strong, and was just using one hand, and pushing me back against the wall at the same time, and I was paralysed with fear. I wriggled, and managed to scream, and she stopped, and ran off. When I finished thrashing around, I got up, and made chase. The front door was locked, so she hadn't gone out of the front door. I ran to the back door. Same. Maybe she was upstairs? I got a kitchen knife, turned on all the lights, and checked every room. She wasn't there. Then, I realised, it had just been a dream.

I also once was woken due to a strange noise. I opened my curtains, to see a penny, rolling back and forth along the window sill, on it's edge. It was slow, deliberate motion. As I started to watch it, demonic voices started singing to me. I grabbed at the coin, it felt like it was stuck to the sill by a strong magnet, but eventually I tore it free. The voices stopped. I woke again, and ran to the window. There was nothing there.

Oh, and then there was the time a seven foot tall Paper Witch floated into the room, and picked me up, and swirled me around in a dance. At each revolution, she pushed her paper fingers deeper into my arms and chest, pinning me, the grin on her face getting ever wider. Then I woke up again.

These were all frighteningly real experiences. For a short time after each event, I thought these things had happened. Shorter for the last one, of course, because that was truly crazy.

No, because it makes more sense.

More sense than a hypnagogic dream as an explanation? No.

Then you should know that god told me over a decade ago that the abduction phenomenon is a spiritual one, and that aliens are the locusts described in the book of revelation, and they will serve to perpetuate the reign of the antichrist and false prophet, and the mark of the beast.

No Lori, it was just a bad dream. Witnessed as such by my partner, who was wide awake while I was having this experience.

You should also know that jesus can protect you from such entities.

Or not getting over tired, and making sure I'm well hydrated before bedtime, and avoiding hard to digest foodstuffs, ...

Its good enough for god to work with.

Your 'god' is a hallucination. Or was that Paper Witch real, too?
If the worlds most renowned physicists don't have all the answers then I highly doubt that you or I do.

Not having all the answers doesn't mean there is wiggle room for such things to exist.

Claims of communication with spirits, ghosts, and all paranormal events always falter under scrutiny.

Always. Your experience is no exception.
If the worlds most renowned physicists don't have all the answers then I highly doubt that you or I do.

Not having all the answers doesn't mean there is wiggle room for such things to exist.

Claims of communication with spirits, ghosts, and all paranormal events always falter under scrutiny.

Always. Your experience is no exception.
Those who have fallen asleep = those who have died. So at the time of the Messiah's Return there will still be living followers of the Messiah Jesus and they will be caught up into the air to meet Him as He returns. Jesus does not just swop down in the air pick up people and take them to heaven. Jesus comes down and destroys the army of the beast and rules the earth for 1000 years with the saints. This is the first reasurection Spoken of in Revelation chapter 20.

yes, that is what i was talking about..

I never said that our bodies in their current state shall be immortal. But we shall come to inhabit eternal incorruptable bodies given to us at the time of the Messiah's return.

1 Corinthians 15
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
55 “ O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
and those four words creates the rapture theory..
Not having all the answers doesn't mean there is wiggle room for such things to exist.

Claims of communication with spirits, ghosts, and all paranormal events always falter under scrutiny.

Always. Your experience is no exception.

There is a ton of wiggle room and to not think so is actually contrary to what we already know.

Imo a reluctance to consider this is based in fear, not science.
yes, that is what i was talking about..

and those four words creates the rapture theory..

I was listening to revelation on audio last night and it also says that the time of tribulation will be cut short to save the flesh of the elect.
There is a ton of wiggle room

and to not think so is actually contrary to what we already know.
Incorrect. What we know of science precludes certain things from ever being.

Imo a reluctance to consider this is based in fear, not science.
You mean as compared with the ignorance of what science actually says that you're displaying?
Because all the events people attribute to it have mundane explanations.

And I was once nearly abducted by aliens, that appeared at the foot of my bed, with ghostly white faces, and paralysed me, and started lifting me. Except I was dreaming it was happening.

I also once awoke to find I was being strangled by this rather beautiful dark haired woman. She was very strong, and was just using one hand, and pushing me back against the wall at the same time, and I was paralysed with fear. I wriggled, and managed to scream, and she stopped, and ran off. When I finished thrashing around, I got up, and made chase. The front door was locked, so she hadn't gone out of the front door. I ran to the back door. Same. Maybe she was upstairs? I got a kitchen knife, turned on all the lights, and checked every room. She wasn't there. Then, I realised, it had just been a dream.

I also once was woken due to a strange noise. I opened my curtains, to see a penny, rolling back and forth along the window sill, on it's edge. It was slow, deliberate motion. As I started to watch it, demonic voices started singing to me. I grabbed at the coin, it felt like it was stuck to the sill by a strong magnet, but eventually I tore it free. The voices stopped. I woke again, and ran to the window. There was nothing there.

Oh, and then there was the time a seven foot tall Paper Witch floated into the room, and picked me up, and swirled me around in a dance. At each revolution, she pushed her paper fingers deeper into my arms and chest, pinning me, the grin on her face getting ever wider. Then I woke up again.

These were all frighteningly real experiences. For a short time after each event, I thought these things had happened. Shorter for the last one, of course, because that was truly crazy.

More sense than a hypnagogic dream as an explanation? No.

No Lori, it was just a bad dream. Witnessed as such by my partner, who was wide awake while I was having this experience.

Or not getting over tired, and making sure I'm well hydrated before bedtime, and avoiding hard to digest foodstuffs, ...

Your 'god' is a hallucination. Or was that Paper Witch real, too?

You're describing demonic activity. Just because these are lucid dreams, that doesn't mean they're meaningless.

People testify to abduction all the time while their bodies are lying in bed next to their partners. If the abduction experience were a mere physical one, there would be so mant bodies flying around we'd need air traffic control for them. This is a demonic spiritual phenomenon phlog. And the abduction scenario often times involves screen memories (like paper witches). Jesus can help you if you're in trouble. They are subject to a command in his name. Believe it and use it.
I think you'll find the clue was hidden carefully in the sentence:

Um, it does, essentially.

Not if its a spiritual phenomenon it doesn't.

Remaining helpless in ignorance and denial is not the answer.
Any good physicist will tell you that our relative knowledge is miniscule. That's why their jobs are so exciting.

Any good physicist will also tell you your belief system violates physical laws, yet you would never take that advice. :)
Any good physicist will also tell you your belief system violates physical laws, yet you would never take that advice. :)

My belief is in a spiritual realm, which logically would not be subject to physical law.
Because all the events people attribute to it have mundane explanations.

And I was once nearly abducted by aliens, that appeared at the foot of my bed, with ghostly white faces, and paralysed me, and started lifting me. Except I was dreaming it was happening.

I also once awoke to find I was being strangled by this rather beautiful dark haired woman. She was very strong, and was just using one hand, and pushing me back against the wall at the same time, and I was paralysed with fear. I wriggled, and managed to scream, and she stopped, and ran off. When I finished thrashing around, I got up, and made chase. The front door was locked, so she hadn't gone out of the front door. I ran to the back door. Same. Maybe she was upstairs? I got a kitchen knife, turned on all the lights, and checked every room. She wasn't there. Then, I realised, it had just been a dream.

I also once was woken due to a strange noise. I opened my curtains, to see a penny, rolling back and forth along the window sill, on it's edge. It was slow, deliberate motion. As I started to watch it, demonic voices started singing to me. I grabbed at the coin, it felt like it was stuck to the sill by a strong magnet, but eventually I tore it free. The voices stopped. I woke again, and ran to the window. There was nothing there.

Oh, and then there was the time a seven foot tall Paper Witch floated into the room, and picked me up, and swirled me around in a dance. At each revolution, she pushed her paper fingers deeper into my arms and chest, pinning me, the grin on her face getting ever wider. Then I woke up again.

These were all frighteningly real experiences. For a short time after each event, I thought these things had happened. Shorter for the last one, of course, because that was truly crazy.

More sense than a hypnagogic dream as an explanation? No.

No Lori, it was just a bad dream. Witnessed as such by my partner, who was wide awake while I was having this experience.

Or not getting over tired, and making sure I'm well hydrated before bedtime, and avoiding hard to digest foodstuffs, ...

Your 'god' is a hallucination. Or was that Paper Witch real, too?

People accept this torment their entire lives without calling on jesus to save them, ironically because they are afraid of the consequence. Sounds like hell.