The Bible is Bullshit

I direly hope that's sarcasm.

Of course its not sarcasm. And as much as phlog might love to think so, I'm not special, I'm one of many. One of many on this forum actually. And he knows that. Which renders his last post meaningless sarcastic bullshit.
Of course its not sarcasm. And as much as phlog might love to think so, I'm not special, I'm one of many. One of many on this forum actually. And he knows that. Which renders his last post meaningless sarcastic bullshit.

Did God tell you that he knows I know other people here speak to him? If he told you that, he was wrong.

Who on the forums claims to speak to God then? I was only aware of you.
Adstar, MW, alan, you, everybody. Everyone hears gods voice, but not everyone attributes that voice to god. God also speaks through a variety of means. Sometimes its a voice, sometimes an impression, music, art, another person, a "coincedence", a dream...
Adstar, MW, alan, you, everybody. Everyone hears gods voice, but not everyone attributes that voice to god. God also speaks through a variety of means. Sometimes its a voice, sometimes an impression, music, art, another person, a "coincedence", a dream...

So, you hear voices everywhere you go?
Adstar, MW, alan, you, everybody. Everyone hears gods voice, but not everyone attributes that voice to god. God also speaks through a variety of means. Sometimes its a voice, sometimes an impression, music, art, another person, a "coincedence", a dream...

Hey Lori :)

I actually had a dream last night. It was the first time in my life that i had a poetic dream. Never experienced a dream where a poem was read out to me for me to contemplate. The poem was like a riddle with vision preceding it. The message i got from it was that the final players are now in position for the end of History of this world as we now know it. And that history as we know it will continue until the final player in the game is taken away. The anti-christ. I think i know who that person is. We shall see.

I have received messages from God through some of the things you mention. Like music, another person, a coincidence (that’s just too far out to be a coincidence.) but most of all i get messages from God through my conscience and i get moved by emotions towards people.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hey Lori :)

I actually had a dream last night. It was the first time in my life that i had a poetic dream. Never experienced a dream where a poem was read out to me for me to contemplate. The poem was like a riddle with vision preceding it. The message i got from it was that the final players are now in position for the end of History of this world as we now know it. And that history as we know it will continue until the final player in the game is taken away. The anti-christ. I think i know who that person is. We shall see.

I have received messages from God through some of the things you mention. Like music, another person, a coincidence (that’s just too far out to be a coincidence.) but most of all i get messages from God through my conscience and i get moved by emotions towards people.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

A poetic dream...that's unique.

The experience I went through in 2005 was about a transition from one age to the next. The kingdom is being formed. Each individual being prepared in a personal way, like pieces of a puzzle.
Adstar, MW, alan, you, everybody. Everyone hears gods voice, but not everyone attributes that voice to god. God also speaks through a variety of means. Sometimes its a voice, sometimes an impression, music, art, another person, a "coincedence", a dream...

Sorry Lori, are you saying I hear God's voice?

I don't. Because there is no God.

I initially misread this thread to say "Biology is bullshit", probably because it was more accurate statement in general.
The video makes some valid points explaining why the bible is BS, what is the basis for your claims that biology is BS? Simply making assertions without support is not very constructive.
The video makes some valid points explaining why the bible is BS, what is the basis for your claims that biology is BS? Simply making assertions without support is not very constructive.

What do you want me to respond to? Penn & Teller? The guy who is commenting in the video displays no competency.
You made a claim that you think biology is BS - please explain.
Sorry Lori, are you saying I hear God's voice?

I don't. Because there is no God.

Yeah you do, you just don't recognize it. Everyone on this earth is influenced by spirits, the holy spirit being one. I've had people who don't believe or recognize say very prophetic and meaningful things to me in regards to my spiritual experience. They had no idea; just making conversation.

Everyone on this earth is influenced by spirits, the holy spirit being one.
There is no such things as spirits. This was a concept imagined by people in past ignorant times when they had no idea of neuroscience, and is still being propagated today and being believed because many people have not yet realized we have moved past those dark and ignorant times.

I've had people who don't believe or recognize say very prophetic and meaningful things to me in regards to my spiritual experience. They had no idea; just making conversation.
That's nothing to do with spirits, that's just being human. Most people who are even moderately sensitive can relate to other people's experiences and feelings, and often share similar ones. You are just human, nothing more.
Yeah you do, you just don't recognize it. Everyone on this earth is influenced by spirits, the holy spirit being one. I've had people who don't believe or recognize say very prophetic and meaningful things to me in regards to my spiritual experience. They had no idea; just making conversation.

Just making conversation:

"I like jazz"

"Hey, me too! Isn't that just prophetic and meaningful in regards to our spiritual experience and the influence from spirits when we hear voices in our heads"
Guys, when you see one, or interact with one, or have one inhabit your body for a while, or wad shit up on your coffee table right in front of you, well then I suppose you'll check yourselves into some hospital and douse yourselves with drugs. :p
Yeah you do, you just don't recognize it. Everyone on this earth is influenced by spirits, the holy spirit being one. I've had people who don't believe or recognize say very prophetic and meaningful things to me in regards to my spiritual experience. They had no idea; just making conversation.

Lori, didn't the bible's protagonist Jesus have a period where he heard voices that attempted to convince him of one thing or another (or some such). Could the voice you declare is a deity actually be nothing more than a giant deception.