The Bible in 50 words

Originally posted by Increan
Ah, the starter of this thread. His comment kinda just came out of nowhere so I was curious.

NP, pardon if I sounded rude. I'm just a little concerned about the "yikes" that followed his revalation. I don't like it when people dis the wifey ya know? (she's the sweetest, love the heck out of her)
Originally posted by wesmorris
I'm somewhat surprised that you can't admit to it. Wow, I suppose this tendency is illuminating as to a larger personality trait? Do I smell delusion? Denial isn't a river. It's a problem with your head.
Admit to what exactly? Your allusive accusation of my lying orrrrr the "dig" theory?
If it were an observation, you.. as the good christian that you are, wouldn't have bothered to type it as it had no bearing on your commentary other that to kind of be "in your face".
Now that makes sense - but from my perpective it's still just an observation.
You called him a "follower" of mine as if I'm some sort of religious figure whom he worshipped.
Well that thought did cross my mind - and it was a factor of the whole reason why I typed 'follower'.
What reason could you possibly have for making such and assertion besides a bit of a dig?
To make him realise what it looked like he was doing, "Saying yeah, sure, uh huh, yeah." - a "yes man" - that makes you look quite 'religious' - accepting it all by faith without any reasoning to come with it? Agreed? Well at least he spoke for himself with his proposed argument.
Okay I'll drop it after one more (rhetorical) question: Can one ever really be mature if one can't admit (at least to one's self) to one's mistakes/weaknesses/etc?
First we have to come to a mutual definition of mature, which in my opinion, is quite difficult. In other words I really don't care whether I appear "mature" to anyone because that's more a personal concept - it's like you saying "I'm ugly". Pleeeeaasse.

To add, I always try to include a bit of humour in my posts, so, about your apparent wife - 'yikes' just meant we have enough "wesmorrises" on the forum - can't handle one more. No offensive. It would appear that she has some theistic tendency too; Re: "The Bible In 50 Words"?
Originally posted by MarcAC
Well that thought did cross my mind - and it was a factor of the whole reason why I typed 'follower'.

Yeah, well I would rather follow a flesh a blood person than some invisible guy who everyone is suppose to love and fear at the same time. Anyways you never replied to my earlier post.
Originally posted by Increan
Well it was a bad choice of words of my part. Not so much contradictory as it is just plain stupid.
O.k. Some people say monkeys are stupid: some say they are smart. What do you say?
Do you really wan't to get into the whole "if god is omnipotent, can he create a god just like him or who created god or the ever great could god make a burrito do hot even he couldn't eat it"
Well you brought it up and got me interested. You see, I believe in God, so if there is something that might contradict His being I really want to know what it might be. But the question then arises, is omnipotence 'stupid' or is it the questions that are raised? For example, say God was... smart... yeah?... why would he create something he can't handle? Why would he create a another God? Frankly, I don't think it's the concept that is stupid.;)
It raises to many questions that are even more unanswerable that normal religious questions.
Well for many scientists energy has always existed and has no origin - that's a fundamental scientific concept. Stupid, isn't it?
In my opinion if God exist there probably is a limit to his power and thats why he doesn't just gt rid of all the evil in the world and make it a better place to live.
I disagree here. I think his plan involves us and our free will [with which evil is inextricably intertwined - but with God all is possible]
Also I think that every planet with life on it probably has their own god.
Maybe, it would be interesting to find them describing the same God Christians do wouldn't it? However, I doubt that would be - they may not have needed Jesus to die for them.
I mean how long has it been since we've seen the wrath og God like in the old testamate.
Jesus died for us and saved us from God's wrath - well - those who will accept His offer anyway.
Maybe there was a God back then and he died because he was just a being like any of us.
Couldn't be the same God of the Bible; He is analogical to what scientists say for energy - Is, Was, and Will be.
People just have a god so they don't feel alone and to give them hope in life,
Or maybe because they need him. With people like you and wes in mind I see God as a, say, fundamental particle - a quark - you can't see Him, He is somewhat intangible, so you don't think He is there - and yet without Him - you wouldn't exist.
these are weakminded people(most the population sadly).
What exactly do you mean by weak minded?
If you can't go through life believing in yourslef and you friends and not needing a mythical being that does nothing for anyone than I praise you, if not I pity you I really do.
Please, don't waste your energy pitying me, o.k.? I have my self-confidence, I trust my friends. I believe in God, and His goodness, and His Substance, and His Omnipotence.

Lata bro.
Originally posted by MarcAC
1) if there is something that might contradict His being I really want to know what it might be.

2) I believe in God, and His goodness, and His Substance, and His Omnipotence.

Perhaps you can illustrate how these statements are not mutually exclusive? If you "believe" then how can you accept evidence which contradicts your "belief"?
Originally posted by MarcAC
O.k. Some people say monkeys are stupid: some say they are smart. What do you say?Well you brought it up and got me interested. You see, I believe in God, so if there is something that might contradict His being I really want to know what it might be. But the question then arises, is omnipotence 'stupid' or is it the questions that are raised? For example, say God was... smart... yeah?... why would he create something he can't handle? Why would he create a another God? Frankly, I don't think it's the concept that is stupid.;)

But what if he was created by another god? You know that in the correct translation of the bible the word god is actaully plural and in the bible it says we us and our a lot so even the text that you hold dear says there is more than one god. the whole angels thing actually just says gods.

I disagree here. I think his plan involves us and our free will [with which evil is inextricably intertwined - but with God all is possible]

If he meant us to have free will then he possibly cannot punish us for not believeing in him, if he would do so it cintradicts the whole free will concept.

What exactly do you mean by weak minded?

Someone not open to the concept of believeing something else or the fact that something might be different than what they think it is.

Please, don't waste your energy pitying me, o.k.? I have my self-confidence, I trust my friends. I believe in God, and His goodness, and His Substance, and His Omnipotence.

Lata bro.

Fine I won't pity you, but if you could just spend one moment trying to phathom the idea that god never existed, then I will leave you be.
Originally posted by Increan
But what if he was created by another god? You know that in the correct translation of the bible the word god is actaully plural and in the bible it says we us and our a lot so even the text that you hold dear says there is more than one god. the whole angels thing actually just says gods.
Well, yes, Christians attribute the pluralisation to the Trinity. Well, not gods, but 'sons of god' [the angel thing]. And so what if God was created be something else? Does it really matter to us who cannot know, and to whom He would be the most powerful being we ever will encounter?
If he meant us to have free will then he possibly cannot punish us for not believeing in him, if he would do so it cintradicts the whole free will concept.
It's not that simple, through our free will He is sending us where we want to go. You can't say you haven't been implored to put your faith in God by someone already. If through your choices you choose to go to hell, well, that's where you want to go obviously.
Someone not open to the concept of believeing something else or the fact that something might be different than what they think it is.
Well, I'm a Christian, and that doesn't describe me. You can always entertain a thought and not accept it. Why would you believe something which contradicts what you hold to be true?
Fine I won't pity you, but if you could just spend one moment trying to phathom the idea that god never existed, then I will leave you be.
I've entertained the thought many times, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it. None of the proposed arguments against his existence have compelled me to do so.
Originally posted by MarcAC
None of the proposed arguments against his existence.

So let me see here, in order for you not to believe in something I am VERY CONFIDENT is total bullshit.. I have to prove to you that it's not bullshit.

That's impossible if you've already accepted that it's not bullshit.

May I ask if you were raised as a christian? I suppose at least in christian home?
Originally posted by wesmorris
So let me see here, in order for you not to believe in something I am VERY CONFIDENT is total bullshit.. I have to prove to you that it's not bullshit.

That's impossible if you've already accepted that it's not bullshit.

May I ask if you were raised as a christian? I suppose at least in christian home?

Being raised christian really doesn't have anything to do with it. I asked his age becaue I have found if no one is told any other way by the time there 18 it's pretty much a hopeless battle. I have converted many people who have been raised christian.
I strive to maintain a certain level of anonimity on the web. But if you are trying to "convert" me... [laughing like hell]... keep trying. I only aim to make you realise truth within yourselves.:)

Err wes, do you understand what you typed up there?... cause I don't.
Originally posted by MarcAC
I only aim to make you realise truth within yourselves.:)

You mean, "convert you to my cult". Please, don't front.

Err wes, do you understand what you typed up there?... cause I don't.

Yes I do, but I'll rephrase just for you!

You've already chosen what you believe and misrepresent yourself when you say that if there is compelling evidence as to why that belief is irrational that you're interested. You know you're not, but you seem to tell yourself otherwise so you don't seem like a "blind-faith" christian, which is in fact what you really are.

I think you lie (mostly to yourself) when you claim to be open to arguments contrary to your beliefs.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Yes I do, but I'll rephrase just for you!
You've already chosen what you believe and misrepresent yourself when you say that if there is compelling evidence as to why that belief is irrational that you're interested. You know you're not, but you seem to tell yourself otherwise so you don't seem like a "blind-faith" christian, which is in fact what you really are.
As I said, when the evidence is compelling enough - which I doubt it ever will be as it is always open to debate I will be utterly convinced. We don't know enough about our surroundings to state without doubt that there is no God
I think you lie (mostly to yourself) when you claim to be open to arguments contrary to your beliefs.
Well, as you stated, what you think is not always correct. Entertain the thought, but there is no compelling reason to accept it. I'm done with this.

Until next time wes.
if God was omnipotent, then why couldn't he find Adam and Eve after they had eaten from the tree of knowledge? He should have known where they were if he was omnicient (part of omnipotent).

If God is omnipotent, then how can hell, a place defined as "Out of God's sight", exist?

Based on the Bible, the foundation of your (and used to be my) religion, he certainly doesn't seem to be omnipotent to me.

I don't want to convert anyone, but I do feel bad for people who live their lives based on faith of a belief system which has alot of pitfalls. if something goes wrong in a die hard christian's life, you get one of two extremes as a reaction (IME), "Oh, God why have you forsaken me", and "Oh, God I understand that you are testing me, so I will perservere". Neither of which is the response that it *should be*, IMO. "What's the problem, how can I help to fix it?"