The Bible in 50 words

Originally posted by BillClintonsCigar
You're married Wesmorris?? :eek: I had no idea! Congratulations! :)

Thank you so much! I'm honored to have a WONDERFUL family.. two babies and a lovely wifey. I do feel incredibly fortunate.
Originally posted by MarcAC
We don't know enough about our surroundings to state without doubt that there is no God[color]

It's amusing to me that in the act of defending your faith, you cite the evidence that is exactly what renders it stupid. You're absolutely right, but it works both ways...

And if you ARE correct... then what does that say as to the relevance of your SPECIFIC faith? In other words.. what relevance does that imply for the bible?

I'm sure that even though YOU presented it.. this evidence isn't convincing eh? :rolleyes:
I think the bog standard answer to that from god "lovers" is that he was "elsewhere" at the time - yeah right!!!!
River-wind... hell is nowhere (at least not in the Bible) defined as "out of God's sight". Hell (Hades or Sheol) means "the grave" - Hell and death both get thrown in the lake of fire (Rev.20:14), which is prepared (by God) for the devil.

As for Adam and Eve: The emphasis is on their shame - on the fact that they are tring to hide from God because of their sense of guilt. When God asks in Gen 3:9 "Where are you?", there is the word "But..." - "But God asked...". And that settles it. If Adam en Eve were really succesful in hiding, they wouldn't have started explaining their actions immediately after the question. In fact, the question immediately exposes their sin.

The "presence of God" is visible through our intimate relationship with Him. When you hide from God's presence, you are essentially hiding from interaction with Him. But that is like thinking someone goes away when you close your eyes. It's not the omnipresence that disappears - it's our experience of it.

At any rate, God's existence doesn't depend on His attributes - whether it's "omniscience", "omnipresence" or "omnipotence", these are just words we use to try and describe His relationship with us, nothing more. If you don't have a relationship with God, of course you will fail to see these attributes. They have no bearing on you.

What meaning does "omniscience" have if you don't believe God knows you? Or "omnipotence" if you don't believe God has shown His power? What does omnipresence mean to you if God has no place in your life?
hell is nowhere (at least not in the Bible) defined as "out of God's sight". Hell (Hades or Sheol) means "the grave" - Hell and death both get thrown in the lake of fire(Rev.20:14), which is prepared (by God) for the devil.
"The Babylonian conception of hell is made known to us by a tablet which relates the descent of Istar thither in search of her lovely young husband, Tammuz. It has been stated that the same word for Hades, i. e. Sheol, as that used in the Hebrew Scriptures, has been found in Babylonian texts; but this assertion has been made while the means for definitely proving it do not at present exist. The lady of the Babylonian Hades was called Nin-kigal, and the place itself had a river running through it, over which spirits had to cross." [More...]

Source: The History Of The Devil
Originally posted by Jenyar
The "presence of God" is visible through our intimate relationship with Him. When you hide from God's presence, you are essentially hiding from interaction with Him.
The typical circular theistic tripe.
Originally posted by Jenyar

At any rate, God's existence doesn't depend on His attributes - whether it's "omniscience", "omnipresence" or "omnipotence", these are just words we use to try and describe His relationship with us, nothing more. If you don't have a relationship with God, of course you will fail to see these attributes. They have no bearing on you.
What you're really saying is: "if you don't develop your 'mystical' side, you'll never have an over-developed sense of mysticism". If you want all aspects of life (fundamental questions and more) to forever remain a part of this mysticism, you'll follow "god".
Originally posted by Jenyar

What meaning does "omniscience" have if you don't believe God knows you?
For your hypothesized "god", "omniscience" shouldn't change regardless of my belief... that's what the word means. All knowing. All knowing doesn't mean "except for that guy".
Originally posted by Jenyar

Or "omnipotence" if you don't believe God has shown His power?
Same deal. Further, how is it that I should believe that "god" has shown his power? In that I exist? Okay that's fine but that doesn't mean anything more than that I do... you seem to ask for first cause, I only know of the last. Apparently, two people fucked and I'm the resultant. I know nothing of what came before and I maintain skepticism for that which apparent charlitans would have me believe. It seems to benefit them more than me, thought they'd certainly have me think differently. Further, I'd think a "omnipotent" being could easily convert people with proper evidence. The fact that there IS none (besides circumstantial crap) is a testament to the shallow vanity of religions.
Originally posted by Jenyar

What does omnipresence mean to you if God has no place in your life?

It should mean that 'god' is everywhere. I'd think that given the whole "omnipotence" and all it'd be easy to make that known. It'd be much easier I'd think to just DO it rather than making people read some book. As a matter of fact if you asked I'd have to say "which book?" as it seems there are not only multiple versions of the bible to choose from, but many other religious texts that seem to be vying to the title of "god's message"... but I guess that's not supposed to seem suspiscious.
God can make an excellent substitute for conscience. Heck, God is working out so well for some people I know that they don't even use theirs anymore.
The Seven Deadly Sins... How well does God do?
Hard: defending God from judgement, when the God of the Bible is clearly an egomaniacal narcissist who thrives on bending human beings to his whimsey and will.
:) Either you are right, and right now you are successfully resisting any such narcissistic manipulation by God, depite His best (or worst) efforts...

or you do not know the God of the Bible, and somebody is lying to you.

When you see a lioness protecting her cubs, do you call her an egomaniacal narcissist intent on destroying anybody who threatens them?

What you are seeing is the difference between believing and not believing - the oh-so-politically-incorrect "inside and outside". God's will is done through those who does it, and His will is not done by those who don't. Either way, His will is done. But you will see God from different sides.
When you see a lioness protecting her cubs, do you call her an egomaniacal narcissist intent on destroying anybody who threatens them?

only when she's gutting them.
Right, so she should only scare them enough to make them fear her, but not enough to make them take her seriously? How can she be sincere about protecting them if she is only bluffing? After all, God shows mercy up till the point of death. What do you expect to happen afterwards?
Your posts have lost all cohesiveness and relevancy.

Anyway, it doesn't matter...Jesus Freaks like you can't defend the Judeo-Christian God to Philistine heathens like me. I've had this conversation with you before,'s fine for people to believe what they want. Just don't try to change my mind about what I believe. It won't work, and it's really obnoxious.
The bible in 50 words, my version:

Old Testament:

What up son, it be God! Peep dis: I be da Almighty King of Kings, creator of all things. But I can’t control them, because I’m so far away Now. Nobody gets it, Cuzz! So I gots to lay down my wrath, cause mans just a dirty dawg – know dat!

New Testament:

Sheeat – I’d better send my boy down to take care of things before I get so mad dat I kill everything. What the f****, I should’ve never created free will. With hope, my priest and teachers will get some control. Otherwise I’ll be ripping shit again! Know what I mean!

Actually, that’s 100 words, I felt I should separate the two.
Re: Taoism in Three Words

Originally posted by LaoTzu
Yes and no.

I thought it could be summed up in one word??!?!?




no.. hmm..


Shit maybe yours was better. :)
Re: Re: Taoism in Three Words

Originally posted by wesmorris
I thought it could be summed up in one word??!?!?




no.. hmm..


Shit maybe yours was better. :)
One word: Way.