The Bible in 50 words

Originally posted by wesmorris
So you're seriously now saying that god is a person? Uhm.. okay.. so he's a person, but he's omnimpotent. Sounds like you're haveing a hard time keeping your story straight. Maybe you just aren't sure?
I'm saying God has a personality, so He's a person. Why can't he be omnipotent and be a person? I hope your follower doesn't come with the 'rock that He can't lift' cliche.
Originally posted by MarcAC
I'm saying God has a personality, so He's a person. Why can't he be omnipotent and be a person? I hope your follower doesn't come with the 'rock that He can't lift' cliche.

First, him being my follower is a snide comment on your part. Not too nice from someone bound by the limits of christianity. Secondly.. people aren't omnipotent. Lastly... I would imagine he's referring the very basic observation that the definition of a "god" that is "omnipotent" and "all-knowing" would have to be a sadistic fuck to allow the suffering blah blah, which wouldn't fit with the "all-good" or whatever description.

Re: Re: Re: GOD?

Originally posted by one_raven
Deism is not a religion, it is the definition of a base belief that God created the heavens and earth, then left it to its own devices.


It has nothing to do with believing in God through reason as opposed to Revelation.
Perhaps God does not reveal himself to people NOW (since he is not around) but that does not mean that belief in his existence must come about by reason.
Merriam-Webster defines deism as a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe [my emphasis].

Oxford defines deism as belief in the existence of a supreme being arising from reason rather than revelation [my emphasis].

The World Union of Deists states that "Deism is ... based on nature and reason, not 'revelation'" [my emphasis].

The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (a very reputable source) states that deism "involves the belief in the existence of God, on purely rational grounds, without any reliance on revealed religion or religious authority" [my emphasis].

The Deus Project (formerly known as the United Deist Church) defines deism as "belief in the existence of God based on rational thought, without any reliance on revealed religion or religious authority" [my emphasis].

No offence, but it seems that it is you who has been misinformed about deism. Although the notion that God created the universe and then left is a common one among deists, it is not a requisite for deism.
Originally posted by wesmorris
First, him being my follower is a snide comment on your part. Not too nice from someone bound by the limits of christianity. Secondly.. people aren't omnipotent. Lastly... I would imagine he's referring the very basic observation that the definition of a "god" that is "omnipotent" and "all-knowing" would have to be a sadistic fuck to allow the suffering blah blah, which wouldn't fit with the "all-good" or whatever description.


Wellllll they say god has a plan, what if he lets people die to come into heaven, or nirvana or whatever you want to call it
Originally posted by wesmorris
First, him being my follower is a snide comment on your part. Not too nice from someone bound by the limits of christianity.
I was just stating an observation
Secondly.. people aren't omnipotent.
Lastly... I would imagine he's referring the very basic observation that the definition of a "god" that is "omnipotent" and "all-knowing" would have to be a sadistic fuck to allow the suffering blah blah, which wouldn't fit with the "all-good" or whatever description.:p
Sure, such is the human imagination. This universe is stranger than we can ever imagine and our limited logic and reasoning can ever discern.
Lata bro.:)
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Originally posted by MarcAC
I was just stating an observation

An observation based on what? That I agreed with him on a couple of things? That's not much of a basis to make anykind of observation.
Originally posted by MarcAC
I was just stating an observation

You know.. lying is a sin I'm pretty sure. You should repent. I mean, you HAVE to right.. since that's what you believe? Please, it wasn't an "observation". It was a dig and you know it. I though honesty was an important part of being christian? Man, seems like this godless little athiest is more honest that the self professed christian? Ironic?

Yes, I'll admit that this is a dig.. but it's more clever than the typical dig since it's a de-digger. :D

Seems like it's more difficult to confess to a lie when it's a lie you believe eh? When it's a lie you tell yourself? I'm not EVEN trying to make a larger comment about religion in general. No way. I believe that. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by wesmorris
You know.. lying is a sin I'm pretty sure. You should repent. I mean, you HAVE to right.. since that's what you believe? Please, it wasn't an "observation". It was a dig and you know it. I though honesty was an important part of being christian? Man, seems like this godless little athiest is more honest that the self professed christian? Ironic?
Not really, you stated those who have the 'mind-virus' never usually acknowledge it or something like that. Just an observation - is just that. Hey, if it offends, well, my apologies.
Seems like it's more difficult to confess to a lie when it's a lie you believe eh? When it's a lie you tell yourself? I'm not EVEN trying to make a larger comment about religion in general. No way. I believe that. :rolleyes:
I agree.
Originally posted by Increan
An observation based on what? That I agreed with him on a couple of things? That's not much of a basis to make anykind of observation.
Well, I could be wrong, so you're not wes's follower? O.k., my apologies, it just seemed you were really supporting him and his cause for a while there. By the way, where's your omnipotent as contradictory argument? I'm sure wes wasn't speaking for you with his attempt.
Originally posted by MarcAC
Not really, you stated those who have the 'mind-virus' never usually acknowledge it or something like that. Just an observation - is just that. Hey, if it offends, well, my apologies.I agree.

I'm somewhat surprised that you can't admit to it. Wow, I suppose this tendency is illuminating as to a larger personality trait? Do I smell delusion? Denial isn't a river. It's a problem with your head.

If it were an observation, you.. as the good christian that you are, wouldn't have bothered to type it as it had no bearing on your commentary other that to kind of be "in your face". You called him a "follower" of mine as if I'm some sort of religious figure whom he worshipped. What reason could you possibly have for making such and assertion besides a bit of a dig? Lying to yourself should be el sinno numero uno. Hrmph. Well, I'm sure you've had enough of my putting it in your face, so I'll drop it.

Okay I'll drop it after one more (rhetorical) question: Can one ever really be mature if one can't admit (at least to one's self) to one's mistakes/weaknesses/etc?
Originally posted by MarcAC
Well, I could be wrong, so you're not wes's follower? O.k., my apologies, it just seemed you were really supporting him and his cause for a while there. By the way, where's your omnipotent as contradictory argument? I'm sure wes wasn't speaking for you with his attempt.

Well it was a bad choice of words of my part. Not so much contradictory as it is just plain stupid. Do you really wan't to get into the whole "if god is omnipotent, can he create a god just like him or who created god or the ever great could god make a burrito do hot even he couldn't eat it" being omnipotent is just stupid. It raises to many questions that are even more unanswerable that normal religious questions. In my opinion if God exist there probably is a limit to his power and thats why he doesn't just gt rid of all the evil in the world and make it a better place to live. Also I think that every planet with life on it probably has their own god. I mean how long has it been since we've seen the wrath og God like in the old testamate. Maybe there was a God back then and he died because he was just a being like any of us. People just have a god so they don't feel alone and to give them hope in life, these are weakminded people(most the population sadly). If you can't go through life believing in yourslef and you friends and not needing a mythical being that does nothing for anyone than I praise you, if not I pity you I really do.