The Bible in 50 words

Depends if you are a supporter of euthanasia.

Seriously. People cause each other suffering and despair. We can help make the world a better place, and be a part of the solution rather than the problem.

Besides, just killing us - "taking us out of the world", as Jesus put it - would mean that Satan's will has prevailed over God's will, that life was an unnecessary lie, and that injustice was victorious.

In the end, since justice will have to be served, mercy is our being found on God's side, declared guiltless, and not on the side of evil.
should only have to say once

this is absolutely ludicrous

Does Jesse Jackson speak on the behalf of all black people?
No, he does not.

Does Salman Rushdie or Muammar Qaddaffi speak for all Islamists? No, they do not.

Explain to me, then, why does every atheist think that Martin Luther, Pope #99, etc., speak for christians? One Person speaks for us: Jesus.

Sin is always wrong. And no matter what you do, or how hard you try, you are STILL GOING TO SIN. Yes, christians are forgiven, but we are still expected to expend every effort not to sin against our fellow man and against God. However, God does realize that we are incapable of being perfect, or he would not have chosen to provide a sacrifice to atone for our sins. If it were possible for humans to be perfect and not sin against God, there would have been no necessity for Jesus to come to earth and make himself into a sacrificial lamb.

It doesn't matter if you believe in God. There are no atheists in Hell...they all believe, now!!!
you can call us deceived all you want, you can laugh at us and call our faith a crutch, and the time is coming when our lives will be forfeit to all you atheists who supposedly believe in freedom of religion (but only for non-christians).

Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, We Will Serve THE LORD.

You know the truth, and if you reject it, you have none to blame but yourselves.
Re: should only have to say once

Originally posted by crazydanny
Sin is always wrong. And no matter what you do, or how hard you try, you are STILL GOING TO SIN. Yes, christians are forgiven, but we are still expected to expend every effort not to sin against our fellow man and against God. However, God does realize that we are incapable of being perfect, or he would not have chosen to provide a sacrifice to atone for our sins.

Therein lies one of my biggest issues with Christianty.

The devaluation of humans.
The requirement to strive for an admittedly impossible goal which makes the religion indespensible.
It is a bullshit manipulative game.

Sinners go to Hell.
Humans are not capable of living without sin.
BUT, if you get on Jesus' VIP guest list you will be allowed into Heaven.
Either you succumb, or you will spend eternity in Hell because you are shit.

That is a religion that is based on and preaches love?
Re: Re: GOD?

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
I meant exactly what I said. Deism is belief in God through reason, as opposed to revelation.

How do you figure?
Deism is not a religion, it is the definition of a base belief that God created the heavens and earth, then left it to its own devices.
He stays out of it.
There are many flavors of Deist belief and they differ widely.
Some believe thet God created man.
Some believe man evolved.
Some believe in a combination of the two.
Some beleive in basically the same God that Christians beleive in, except after Adam and Eve's sin, he abandoned mankind.
The only common thread is that God, in effect, is an absent father.
A dead-beat dad. :)

It has nothing to do with believing in God through reason as opposed to Revelation.
Perhaps God does not reveal himself to people NOW (since he is not around) but that does not mean that belief in his existence must come about by reason.

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
I am not misinformed about deism. I have conversed at length with many deists in the past (in fact, I was one during my transition from Xianity to pantheism to atheism).

Perhaps you were conversing with misinformed Diests.
Have you ever met a misinformed Christian, Muslim or other person that is a memebr of a religion that they don;t fully understand?
I KNOW I have.
did someone kick you?

Okay, have you ever did one wrong thing in your life? Did you tell a lie on someone, swipe something, screw someone who was not your wife, etc.

God's nature is Love, but God is also Holy, Holy, Holy. Because he is Holy, he cannot tolerate Sin (which is actually nothing more than refusing to do something God's way, and doing it your own way). Since everyone has done something wrong, everyone deserves to die and burn in Hell. No one is exempt. If you stole a candybar, you have sinned. If you cheated on your wife, you have sinned. If you had homosexual sex, you have sinned. For each and any of these things, God's Holiness and Justice demand that you die and pay in hell, because in each and everything that you do, you CHOSE TO DO SO. You know not to steal, lie, cheat and all the other things that we do, but each of us still does it, regardless, so each of us deserves to die. Death is the punishment for Sin. The Jews got around this by sacrificing animals, so that something died in their place. But all that did was cover up the sin, they were not forgiven.

So what option did God have? He could have just let us all sin our ways merrily right into Hell, or he could have found some way to help us out of the mess we got ourselves into. You forget that he refers to all of us as his children...would you want your children separated from you for eternity? No, you would want them with you. However, he cannot just overlook all the things we intentionally do on this earth, because his very nature and character prevent that. So what did he do?

It's said that you measure the depth of a well by hanging a rope down it, that way you know how long a piece you need to rescue someone.

How long a rope has been lowered from Heaven? God sent the most loved, cherished part of himself to come to this earth and die as our substitute, as our atoning sacrifice.

And what are you doing?
If you were on death row, about to go to the electric chair, and the Governor sent down a last-minute pardon that not only commuted your death sentence, but set you free to walk the earth with your slate washed clean, would you reject that? Would you say, Hell No! I wanna fry!

When you reject the sacrifice of Christ, that is what you are doing.
God expects us to break our necks every day to follow his rules and not do one thing to hurt ourselves, others or Him. Each and everyone of us breaks that rule, willfully, a thousand times a day, simply because our human flesh is too lazy to try. He understands this, and gave us Christ to make up for this. Don't come crying to me about how deep in the water you are when you sit right there and bald-facedly slap away His hand while he's trying to pull you out
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Yeah, you pretty much said what I said.
What you seem to respect about Christianity, I abhor about it.

The rules that man made in the name of God's will were purposely designed as impossible goals.

It is a SIN to even DESIRE to screw someone that is not my wife.
It is a sin to do most anything that comes naturally for us.
Our instinctual actions, thoughts and emotions are sins.

I have broken almost all of the commandments.

Some of my "sins" are things that I am not proud of, and have learned from my mistakes, and matured quite a bit since.
Some I continue to do, and have no intention if stopping because I don't think they are wrong.

Christiany claims to be non-judgemental, but tells me that what I do not deem to be wrong is a sin punishable by eternity in Hell.

You say that people do "wrong" things, and deserve to go to Hell because of it.
If I don't consider them wrong, I don't consider the action immoral.

And if God were truly loving, caring and forgiving, then he would forgive me whether or not I kiss his son's ass.
If he can't do that, then he can kiss my ass.

No matter WHAT my child ever does I would NEVER condemn them to an eternity of suffering!!

I guess I am more loving and forgiving than your God is.:rolleyes:
sleep in the bed you made, then

yer choice fella

you've decided you are smarter and better than the creator of the universe, which obviously makes you smarter and better than the rest of us, too, so go off in your little corner and worship yourself, then.

bring plenty of marshmallows, they say Hell is pretty hot...

by the way, we are not condemned to hell...when you are not forgiven of your sin (by your own choice, I remind you) you cannot stand in God's Presence, so there is only one other place for you to be....Hell.

No one puts you there, you do it to yourself. By rejecting God's Pardon, you tell him you want to be punished.

Obviously, you do, so quit bellyaching about it don't like the rules? Tough!
When you Create the Universe, you get to make the rules. Until then, you have to live by the same rules the rest of us do, or face the consequences. You know what the rules are, and rejecting them or denying them doesn't change the fact that they still apply to you, just as surely as the laws of this country apply to you, whether or not you agree with them.
Re: re:children

Originally posted by crazydanny
Obviously, you do, so quit bellyaching about it don't like the rules? Tough!
When you Create the Universe, you get to make the rules. Until then, you have to live by the same rules the rest of us do, or face the consequences. You know what the rules are, and rejecting them or denying them doesn't change the fact that they still apply to you, just as surely as the laws of this country apply to you, whether or not you agree with them.

I am not bellyaching about the rules.
I reject them.
I don't think they ARE God's (if he exists) rules.
If there is a God, I am convinced that it is not the Christian invention of God.
Therefore I do not accept this fantasy as the creator of the universe, nor do I accept the silly rules.

Sure, If I am an American then the rules (whether or not I agree with them) apply to me.
I choose to abide by them, or break them and face the possible consequences.
If I were Christian, THEN they would be rules that apply to me.
Sine I am not Christian, there are no rules from Christianty that apply to me.
Just as the rules in China don't apply to me since I am not a citizen, nor within the boundaries, of China their rules do not apply to me.

Should you abide by the rules of Judaism?
No, you aren't a Jew.
Re: sleep in the bed you made, then

Originally posted by crazydanny
you've decided you are smarter and better than the creator of the universe, which obviously makes you smarter and better than the rest of us, too, so go off in your little corner and worship yourself, then.

It doesn;t make me better or smarter than the "rest of you" (whoever you are deciding to speak on the behalf of).
It makes me smarter, better, more comasionate than the Christian notion of God.
It makes MANY other people smarter, better and more comapassionate than the Christian God as well.
Okay, have you ever did one wrong thing in your life? Did you tell a lie on someone, swipe something, screw someone who was not your wife, etc.
Yes, because I'm human. I've been wrong a multitude of times, and have done baaaddd things.

God's nature is Love, but God is also Holy, Holy, Holy. Because he is Holy, he cannot tolerate Sin (which is actually nothing more than refusing to do something God's way, and doing it your own way).
Danny, if I release a deadly virus in Europe, and it kills everyone, am I guilty of murder (or genocide)? Yes, I am. Yet this is exactly what God has done. If God exists, he has murdered millions by creating bacteria to plague us.
If a woman is being raped in front of my eyes, and I just turn away, do I not share some of the guilt for not attempting to stop the heinous crime?
Women are raped, children die of starvation, children are molested and tortured. God allows this. God turns his head and does nothing. Therefore, God shares guilt of almost every sin we commit. He has the power to stop it, yet does jack-crap.

Your God is not holy. He is a jerk. An asshole. And I don't worship assholes.

You worship God? Do you also worship Hitler, Saddam, Osama, and any other crackpot with power?

Since everyone has done something wrong, everyone deserves to die and burn in Hell.
If there were no double standards, God would be burning in hell right now.

If you had homosexual sex, you have sinned.
Ahhh, just the type of behaviour that makes me roll my eyes in despair.

God made me the way I am. God also gave me the life I am living. Therefore, I am a product of God.

you've decided you are smarter and better than the creator of the universe,
I have decided that there is more evidence for my existence than there is for a big dude in the sky that controls everything.

bring plenty of marshmallows, they say Hell is pretty hot...
one_raven could sue you for assault, you know. You shouldn't use threats to convert people to your religion.

you cannot stand in God's Presence, so there is only one other place for you to be....Hell.
I don't need, or desire, God's presence.

No one puts you there, you do it to yourself. By rejecting God's Pardon, you tell him you want to be punished.
By not giving a thief your wallet, you are telling him that you want to be shot. Nice reasoning.

When you Create the Universe, you get to make the rules.
So if God tells you that to get into heaven, you must castarate yourself with a blunt knife, will you do so?

You know what the rules are, and rejecting them or denying them doesn't change the fact that they still apply to you, just as surely as the laws of this country apply to you, whether or not you agree with them.
I don't remember voting in God as my ruler. I don't remember agreeing to God's 'rules'. According to law, I am not bound to any contract.

But, here are my thoughts in general about your 'god'.

1. If God exists, he is a jerk, a retard, petty, vain and not worth my worship.
2. As doom once said, God has created assholes that continually destroy the Earth. No perfect God would create assholes.
3. Thousands of people suffer every day. God does nothing. He has the power to stop it. What does this say about God?
God doesn't reveal himself to us. He gives us intelligence, and then spits on his gift.
4. God tells us we have free will, yet says that if we don't obey HIS laws and worship HIM, we are to burn in hell for eternity. That is like a mass murderer telling me that if I don't give him 1 million dollars, he will kill me.
5. God is so barbaric and bitter at humanity that he sends HIS OWN SON to die painfully on the cross. And God only done this because he needed blood atonement.
6. God blames his constructional errors on the creation, and not the creator. How fair and reasonable is that?
7. I never agreed to God being emperor of the universe.
8. I do not have to follow God merely because he is powerful. Power does not mean you deserve respect, love or worship. Worship, love and respect should only be given to those who use their power responsibly and fairly, and performs acts that help others.
9 And, as one-raven said, if God is so loving, he will forgive me if I live a good life, even if I am atheist. Because God, being all knowing, should understand that humans have flaws, and that it is normal for the human mind to doubt. He should understand that it is not my fault that require evidence to support outrageous claims.

Danny, how do you know that you follow the 'right' God? Maybe the real God is Allah, or Zeus? Do you have proof that you have chosen the right God, or just 'faith'? Ponder that question before telling us atheists that we are going to 'hell'.
Re: read my open letter to atheists

Originally posted by crazydanny
it's a new thread

It is trivial prejudicial crap based on lies and misconceptions marked with intolerance, judgement, arrogance and stupidity.

Otherwise it was a lovely read.

Hey, wait, those are sins.

Well, I guess I will see you in Hell.

I will save you some marshmallows, since I am the compassionate type (unlike God). :rolleyes:
Lost In The Translation: The First Copyright

They recently discovered a smaller scroll hidden in the cylinder of the first scroll of the ancient Biblical scriptures, believed to be the actual "first page" of the Bible. When deciphered, it read:

"Copyright (c) 300 B.C. God. All Rights Reserved First scrawling First-Sunrise-After-Stonehenge-Keystone- Is-Shadowed, 300 B.C.

All beings, places and events depicted in this work are fictional, and any resemblance to actual beings, places and events past, present or future is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the actions performed in this work are dangerous and should only be attempted by professionals familiar with the action in question.

NOTE: Those tiny points of light in the sky when it gets dark are called 'stars'. Some of them do blow up on occasion. In no way should this be construed as a sign that there is, beneath such an explosion, any form of saviour. Should such a misconstrual happen, the author will not be held responsible for the avalanche of arrogance, zeal, bigotry, humanocentricity and other vile acts which will surely follow the residents of the planet into time eternal until someone sees fit to erase the denizens of the world and let the author start over.

DSBN 0-000000-0000-1

Suggested retail: 1 sheep.
Re: should only have to say once

Originally posted by crazydanny
One Person speaks for us: Jesus.

Okay, so isn't it wrong to call Jesus a person since he's "god"? Further, I hate to break this to you... but Jesus died like a couple thousand years ago or something.

So you're saying that a corpse speaks for christians? I don't get it. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by crazydanny

Yes, christians are forgiven

This is gonna freak you out danny, but it's true.. I swear: I, an athiest, can forgive myself.. so why do I need corpses?
Originally posted by crazydanny

but we are still expected to expend every effort not to sin against our fellow man and against God.

By this line of thinking I cannot believe that all christians don't just cower under their beds trying not to think bad thoughts while awaiting to join the corpse that they worship.
Re: Re: should only have to say once

Originally posted by wesmorris
Okay, so isn't it wrong to call Jesus a person since he's "god"?

Now I was always under the impression that Jesus was the son of god not god. So with that said it only gives me more reason to not understand some christians. More along the lines of baptists whole only worship Jesus and they claim he is god. Now if jesus was god who was watching over everything and making sure what needed to happen happend while he was in human form. Not a very logical assumption is it? When you think about it I can't think of any other dead person that is worshiped. While on the subject, many religious scholars have found that the original text in the bible had been translated wrong and walking on water actually meant walking by the water, so maybe all the miracles performed by this "Jesus" were not miracles at all. What if he was a cult leader, and he had his brainwashed followers that wrote all these great things about him, ever thought of that?

Oh, this is not directed at you Wes, your quote just inspired me.
Re: Re: Re: should only have to say once

Originally posted by Increan
Oh, this is not directed at you Wes, your quote just inspired me.
NP man, I do have a few comments though...
Originally posted by Increan

Now I was always under the impression that Jesus was the son of god not god.
I was talking about the "trinity". I like to shove whatever stupid crap they leave laying around right back at them. Of course I don't think it ever really helps, but it's fun for me. :D The meme is a cruel mistress.
Originally posted by Increan

Now if jesus was god who was watching over everything and making sure what needed to happen happend while he was in human form.
Well technically if the had the "omnipotent", rules really don't apply.
Originally posted by Increan

Not a very logical assumption is it?
Hey bro, you're talking to christians about logic in their belief system... good luck. :)
Originally posted by Increan

When you think about it I can't think of any other dead person that is worshiped.
Think "muhammed" or however you spell it. Budda? Lots of dead guys get worshipped.
Originally posted by Increan

While on the subject, many religious scholars have found that the original text in the bible had been translated wrong and walking on water actually meant walking by the water, so maybe all the miracles performed by this "Jesus" were not miracles at all.
Now you're talking.
Originally posted by Increan

What if he was a cult leader, and he had his brainwashed followers that wrote all these great things about him, ever thought of that?

What if in fact, he was schizophrenic? What if he was just amazingly charismatic and good with words? What if he was a egomaniac? "I am the truth, the way."? WTF? Sounds like the rantings of a madman to me.

Oh and I just want you people to remember that everything I say is divine in nature and if you don't believe/follow me you'll burn in hell for all eternity! You've been a great audience! Thank you! GOODNIGHT!!!!! *exits, stage left*
Re: Re: Re: Re: should only have to say once

Originally posted by wesmorris
Well technically if the had the "omnipotent", rules really don't apply.

While him being omnipotent is a contradiction in and of itself so...............yeah.

Think "muhammed" or however you spell it. Budda? Lots of dead guys get worshipped.

With Budda and Muhammed they follow his way of life not worship him. It's more of a philosophy. Anyways most Muhammed followers believe in Ala(sp).

What if in fact, he was schizophrenic? What if he was just amazingly charismatic and good with words? What if he was a egomaniac? "I am the truth, the way."? WTF? Sounds like the rantings of a madman to me.

Oh and I just want you people to remember that everything I say is divine in nature and if you don't believe/follow me you'll burn in hell for all eternity! You've been a great audience! Thank you! GOODNIGHT!!!!! *exits, stage left*

Sure does sound the the rantings of a madman.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Okay, so isn't it wrong to call Jesus a person since he's "god"? Further, I hate to break this to you... but Jesus died like a couple thousand years ago or something.
So Jesus is God, but He's also a person. God is a Person - we have personalities - we are modelled off God's image. Jesus' death and resurection are the foundations of Christianity.
Originally posted by wesmorris' follower, Increan
While him being omnipotent is a contradiction in and of itself so...............yeah.
No. Care to elaborate?
Originally posted by MarcAC
So Jesus is God, but He's also a person. God is a Person - we have personalities - we are modelled off God's image. Jesus' death and resurection are the foundations of Christianity.

So you're seriously now saying that god is a person? Uhm.. okay.. so he's a person, but he's omnimpotent. Sounds like you're haveing a hard time keeping your story straight. Maybe you just aren't sure?