The Battle For Earth?

Answer to all questions: No

Anyone who thinks human beings can achieve peace on earth in their current configuration and seeks to achieve it, will be one disappointed and depressed pumpkin by the time they reach old age.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So, we should not even try? Give up! Is that the answer?

I do not think that Peter would have agreed with you. But to each his own!

1 Peter 3:10-12 (New King James Version)

10 For “ He who would love life
And see good days,
Let him refrain his tongue from evil,
And his lips from speaking deceit.
11 Let him turn away from evil and do good;
Let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers;
But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil.”

Nice to talk with you again!
Here is another one, Adstar!

Hebrews 12:14 (New King James Version)
14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:

There are more!
And of course...

Matthew 5:9 (New King James Version)
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.
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It's hard to deal with Muslims when they are instructed to not befriend "infidels."

So has every other religious sect. :rolleyes:

Only secularists can be friendly to all theological sects, as long as our lives are not threaten by our disbelief. ;)
It's hard to deal with Muslims when they are instructed to not befriend "infidels."

M*W: I don't know what part of the USA you are in (if, in fact, you are in the USA), but I've never had a problem being friends with Muslims, when they have known full well that I am an 'infidel.' They never called me an 'infidel,' nor has any Muslim I know implied that I am an 'infidel.'

I've worked with many Muslims (in academic medicine), and have been fortunate to become close to them. We've had many discussions about religion. Any question I have had about Islam, they answered me with respect and concern. Any question they had for me about christianity, I responded the same to them. I made it known, however, that I am not a christian.

I don't understand where other people have such a hard time getting to know Muslims. The Muslims I know are not terrorists. In fact, after 9/11, some of the Muslims I worked with came to me and apologized for what the terrorists did. They wanted to make sure that I didn't lump them with the terrorists! Of course, I didn't. Even in my city, Houston, TX, Muslims were proactive in speaking out about 9/11. They wanted to show the people of our city that they didn't approve of what the terrorists did, and more, that they had no association with the terrorists. We definitely don't have a problem with the Muslims in our area. They are peaceful people. They stay in areas settled by Muslims, although that's not what the people of my city expect.

As far as professionalism among Muslims, I have always been impressed with the compassion Muslim physicians have for their patients (even non-Muslims). They take their professions more seriously than some of their non-Muslim counterparts. They savor their education. They are not arrogant people. They are generous to a fault, and they have a lot to offer this country. I don't fear them, because I have no reason to, and I can respect their passion for their faith. They don't try to cram it down anyone's throat, unlike christians. If I were in a position to choose a Muslim over a christian, I'm sure you'd know who I would choose.
Christians are instructed to be friendly to unbelievers, how else can they be drawn in? But as Islam says don't befriend "the infidel," their methods to "evangelize" are obviously different than befriending those who you are supposedly concerned about, apples and oranges.
I think that stereotypical views of Islam is created by our media, they need for us to hate these people so Americans can still want to support this freaking war, however the propaganda has been able to manipulate people's views of Muslims, and any variant. To the point where a person requested out of an airplane, just because there were some Muslims on the same flight. This is truly ridiculous and it truly shows how bigoted Americans can be.

BTW M*W When I lived in Houston, my mom's doctor was an Iraqi Muslim. Damn good doctor saved mom's life perhaps you heard of him Mahdi Al-Bassam? he was mom's doc for the two years I lived there.
So has every other religious sect. :rolleyes:

Only secularists can be friendly to all theological sects, as long as our lives are not threaten by our disbelief. ;)

Only a secularist?
Religious people cannot be friendly to all theological sects? It seems that this is less associated with a label then to their personality, which you seem to generalize based on religious persuasion.
Religious people cannot be friendly to all theological sects? It seems that this is less associated with a label then to their personality, which you seem to generalize based on religious persuasion.

No! actually my view is associated with their relgious texts. Now mind you I'm only talking of the general more popular religious texts here, such as Buybull and the Quackran!
Only radical sects do this aswell as marrying prepubecent children. The majority of Islam is tolerant of differences in belief.

Imaplanck, this is simply not so.

Leaving islam (apostacy) is a felony in every single islamic nation in the world. The penalties for apostacy in aforesaid nations ranges from fines, to imprisonment to death (as illustrated in the recent Pakistani case). Similarly, "insulting" islam is also illegal throughout, with fines again ranging from penalties to imprisonment - and I think even death in several places. Pakistan would again be one. Saudi Arabia another, Iran of course. There are certainly others: Afghanistan and several African nations spring to mind also.

Nor is islam particularly tolerant of other brands of itself. Sufis are commonly termed "kufr". Shia and Sunnis still depise each other. (Wahhabis, of course, despise everyone.) Individuals react as individuals. Islamic society? As the mob.

MW: Whatever your experiences here, they are not those of non-muslims living in islamic nations. Those poor souls are second class citizens from birth, barring their conversion to islam. However nice individual muslims may be, political islam is a nightmare for non-muslims; there are, moreover, no examples of any islamic nation treating non-muslims with any equality, save perhaps Saddam's Iraq.
O.K... Looking at this problem from another perspective...

If earth were to attempt to colonize another planet in the near future, because this old earth was doomed to certain destruction, and we wanted to create a peaceful New World, somewhere else in the Universe, how would we possibly achieve this? Suppose that you and you alone were given the responsibility to choose who would go and who would stay. Who among all of the peoples of the earth would you choose to send? What people under what philosophy, government, or religion has the greatest chance of actually achieving a peaceful New World?

Anybody read any good sci-fi lately?

What are the individual human attributes that you would be looking for in those that you would choose? Perhaps that is a place to start, at least?

Should you even be allowed on the departing ship, yourself?

And... what is your favorite color, and why?

(O.K... Umm... strike that last one!)
IceAgeCivilizations: The fact remains that Islam discourages friendships with "infidels," and encourages family members to kill any who leave Islam.

M*W: Well, I didn't experience this with the Muslims I knew. They were very open-minded, intelligent people.

Godless: I don't know your mother's physician, but my personal cardiologist is Muslim. I have the best care one could imagine.
Imaplanck, this is simply not so.

Leaving islam (apostacy) is a felony in every single islamic nation in the world. The penalties for apostacy in aforesaid nations ranges from fines, to imprisonment to death (as illustrated in the recent Pakistani case). Similarly, "insulting" islam is also illegal throughout, with fines again ranging from penalties to imprisonment - and I think even death in several places. Pakistan would again be one. Saudi Arabia another, Iran of course. There are certainly others: Afghanistan and several African nations spring to mind also.

Nor is islam particularly tolerant of other brands of itself. Sufis are commonly termed "kufr". Shia and Sunnis still depise each other. (Wahhabis, of course, despise everyone.) Individuals react as individuals. Islamic society? As the mob.

You see, you are roping all muslims in together. Not all muslims interpret the Qur'an in the same way, or indeed completely literally(the permission to marry children as Mahamed did, for example). Can you produce evidence that more than 50% of muslims are actively intolerent towards other factions?
IAC: Hey Med Woman, you say the accounts about Jesus are myth, how 'bout the accounts about Muhammed, are they myth too?

M*W: All man-made religions are myth including the most ancient religion of all -- sun worship.