The Battle For Earth?

This clarification is necessary M*W because, as I have said, it is perfectly fine to kill anyone for picking up sticks on the Sabbath! Now that we have that cleared up?

M*W: Sure, as the story goes, it's fine if you just happen to be the jealous creator god, but if you're the asshole who threw down the sticks in the first place, you're a pre-meditated assassin-for-hire.
M*W: Sure, as the story goes, it's fine if you just happen to be the jealous creator god, but if you're the asshole who threw down the sticks in the first place, you're a pre-meditated assassin-for-hire.

Interesting Point!
Turtle, you do realize that the penalty for just picking up sticks, on the Sabbath was death, don't you? Are you sure you want to unleash this on the world all over again?

Yes, but not exactly. I believe that a world leader should be only one. If he will say; today we don't work, we would not. Peace could be established only thru one thinking not two. To many countries to many differences. One man one thinking. Peace! Jesus or whoever he will be.
M*W: No, I am not a believer, but please explain what it is that I "don't even know."

That you are a believer! God is a puppet show man and you are a part of that.
He doesn't won't you to see.
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That you are a believer! God is a puppet show man and you are a part of that. He doesn't won't you to see.

M*W: No, I am NOT a believer. There is NO god, so there is NOTHING this non-existent god would want from any human. What you are saying is just a figment of your own imagination. It is NOT based in reality.
Medicine Woman, were you always an athiest?Its just a name like yours screams supernatural to me.:)

M*W: I've only been an atheist since I joined sciforums (6 years ago). I credit sciforums with my de-programming and re-education.

I chose my username because I am a female medical professional. There's nothing supernatural about it (except it does have medical and spiritual connotations for certain Native Americans).
M*W: I've only been an atheist since I joined sciforums (6 years ago). I credit sciforums with my de-programming and re-education.
Cool! Its good to know some people can be re-educated to think for themselves, but then I would say that as a life-long disbeliever in crap.
I chose my username because I am a female medical professional. .
That would have been my second guess.:)
There's nothing supernatural about it (except it does have medical and spiritual connotations for certain Native Americans).

Yeah, also are witch doctors of africa called 'medicine men'?
M*W: I've only been an atheist since I joined sciforums (6 years ago). I credit sciforums with my de-programming and re-education.

I chose my username because I am a female medical professional. There's nothing supernatural about it (except it does have medical and spiritual connotations for certain Native Americans).

Oh my nonexistent deities!

It's Jane Seymour.


Tricky, that was.

So, Godless, you're into not tolerating "religious nonsense?" That's what the Soviet Union was all about, why don't you move to China, they don't tolerate much "religious nonsense," like you, so maybe you can become the head of the Committee to Expunge Relgious Nonsense, and by the way, please define "religious nonsense."

Here's a tip: Go get an education! :rolleyes:

Wait! Just read this from Geeser from another thread:

You read this, you'll get educated! Promise! ;)
Religous nonsense- Words or text composed by followers of religion, spread with no regard for evidential verification or rationality.
If the entire world were converted to Islam would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Christianity would there really be peace on earth, goodwill towards men?

If the entire world were converted to Buddhism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to "Your Religion or Philosophy Here" would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Atheism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to just one Religion or Philosophy, which one would be the best one? Which one would bring peace and harmony to all of the peoples of the earth? Which would bring about the end of war?

Let the battle begin... He He...

Answer to all questions: No

Anyone who thinks human beings can achieve peace on earth in their current configuration and seeks to achieve it, will be one disappointed and depressed pumpkin by the time they reach old age.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: No, I am NOT a believer. There is NO god, so there is NOTHING this non-existent god would want from any human. What you are saying is just a figment of your own imagination. It is NOT based in reality.

Is big bang proven, is there any possibilities that he is a creator of our perfect solar system? No! Throw a fist of m&m's on the floor and wait for a miracle. Maybe they will start rotating, just like our solar system.
Is reality a big bang, or something supernatural?

Reality! But what does this word mean? Each has his own reality. I draw upon my personal reality upon the dark side of myself, my unconscious. ~ Fredrico Fellini