The Battle For Earth?

I couldn't agree more with the premise so far.

Universal blowjobs would indeed end all conflict. No one would have the energy to start anything of any importance.

Well, it could... perhaps... at least... I mean... bring some balance to the force!
And protein to the diets of half the world's population. Why, it has the soundings of something that could help alleviate famine!

Just kidding about the famine thing. But only those who swallow really love world peace. The rest are posers.
Most people, on this forum, seem to have the idea that if only everyone else agreed with them then all would be right with the world.

Politely! WTF? are you talking about? I've been on these here board apx 6 years, now and I don't recall of any member ever mentioning that we need a world utopia, to solve the world's problems. I've seen many debates, few flame wars, some X-members disappear never come back, others permanently banned, and some just pop their head in the religious subforum every now and then. But never I've seen someone mention that everyone needs to agree with any particular ideology to solve world problems.

That's true. But the actual, tiny bit of "good" in the world is consistently overwhelmed by the "bad".

That's an inaccurate analogy there old Baron! The truth is quite the opposite, considering that what you say would be truth, is just plain lunacies!
The world is an overwhelmingly good place, the bad is just on CNN & Fox news a bit too much, but quiet small incidents happen for a population of 6 billion. However overall the world is not in chaos, people are not constantly getting killed in the streets of civilized societies, they are not constantly committing crimes against one another, I understand that it may seem overwhelming bad to you, but hey! look, at least you got, running water, electricity to run the computer you type bs on, and you happen to live in a civil society I assume. Since you can communicate here any crap that comes up to your head! Proves that the world is not such a bad place as you so blatantly put it!
-If you are free and life is just to you than is no problem to speak about good things. Try to see a life from a slave and raped kid in Korea to get the answers. After that we could not debate about good things any more.

-Animal kingdom is just, it will not eat you for 30 years like humans do.
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If the entire world were converted to Islam would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Christianity would there really be peace on earth, goodwill towards men?

If the entire world were converted to Buddhism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to "Your Religion or Philosophy Here" would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Atheism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to just one Religion or Philosophy, which one would be the best one? Which one would bring peace and harmony to all of the peoples of the earth? Which would bring about the end of war?

Let the battle begin... He He...

hmm, no. what about territory wars. think world war one. or two.

or forms of government. think communism, think capitalism.
Politely! WTF? are you talking about? I've been on these here board apx 6 years, now and I don't recall of any member ever mentioning that we need a world utopia, to solve the world's problems. I've seen many debates, few flame wars, some X-members disappear never come back, others permanently banned, and some just pop their head in the religious subforum every now and then. But never I've seen someone mention that everyone needs to agree with any particular ideology to solve world problems.

Well, perhaps I am wrong about all of this!

But... most theists I know of, especially of the Christian variety, do seem to have the mistaken idea that if only the world were run under their own particular brand of religion then the world would exist in peace. And I would make a wild guess that Islam teaches this as well. But perhaps I am wrong about this.

And... also some atheists do place differences over religion at the root of almost all wars that are fought on this planet, as if without the existence of religion, all or most wars would cease. Certainly you have seen this one somewhere in your travels. They seem to think that if only we could wipe all religions off the face of the earth then there would be peace on earth. The basic idea there being that, if everyone were atheistic, then the world would be at peace. Kinda like what is described in John Lennon's song, "Imagine". But perhaps I am wrong about this as well!

I do not have the answer to any of this, but I am looking for it. This particular forum excels at tearing people apart over differences in ideologies no matter what they are!

Is it possible for us all to come together, instead, and find solutions?

So, what direction do you recommend for the world? And how will you fix mankind, Godless? If it were up to you what would you do?
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If you are free and life is just to you than is no problem to speak about good things. Try to see a life from a slave and raped kid in Korea to get the answers. After that we could not debate about good things any more.

-Animal kingdom is just, it will not eat you for 30 years like humans do.

I think you did you choose the right name for the forum! As you apparently show that you are a bit SLOW!!

Not every damn kid in the world is being raped!! Wait, Just one second! Just let me think! Yes, Yes, that's it you are right every damn kid in the world is geting raped, when being indoctrinated in irrational religious institutions by force, damn sorry, you are right......
But... most theists I know of, especially of the Christian variety, do seem to have the mistaken idea that if only the world were run under their own particular brand of religion then the world would exist in peace

Thats one of the reasons we call them delusional! ;)

And... also some atheists do place differences over religion at the root of almost all wars that are fought on this planet, as if without the existence of religion, all or most wars would cease.

I do think you got that one wrong as well, just because one observes that most wars have religious overtones included with other issues, does not render the observer to assume that without "religious" influence there would have never been any wars!

They seem to think that if only we could wipe all religions off the face of the earth then there would be peace on earth.

Again, observed history has shown us that this is not the case, but if you so kindly make a claim, then the atheist credo is back it up with evidence. Can you back up the claim; That atheist believe if there were no religious influence in the world there be no wars? I've been an atheist for 23 years now, and I've never heard of an atheist claiming a utopia would have existed if there have never been any religious influence.

I do not have the answer to any of this, but I am looking for it. This particular forum excels at tearing people apart over differences in ideologies no matter what they are!

But if you stick around long enough, you will realize that there's no homogeneous idealogies around here either. ;) Even atheist debate amongs themselves certain ideas, scientific observances, political influences etc... The only commonality atheist have, is that we all don't believe in religious assertions. Most also reject any variant of mysticism, but not all.
Some believe in UFO's.

Is it possible for us all to come together, instead, and find solutions?

I think there is, however it be a long time in coming.

So, what direction do you recommend for the world? And how will you fix mankind, Godless?

If only! LOL...I could become the benevolent dictator...LOL A Disc Jock's joke on a radio station in Houston Tx.

Historically, every human being that sought world peace in a grand scale has been killed.
If he existed; Jesus got crusified, for preaching love and peace amongs all humans, Malcom X got shot for trying to bring peace to Islam, Marthin Luther King, got shot for having a dream that all would live in peace, JFK got shot in the head for trying to bring world peace, "so do think some people" and so on, every one that has tried to bring peace to the world in a grand scale, has been shot, crusified, or poisoned..

There's no quick fix to manking's initiative to comit violence, however there could be worl peace amongs nations. Only if every nation had a rational leader. Fat Chance... LOL...
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*So, how will you fix this world, Godless? I missed that part.*

I just edited, read again.
Now, come on everyone, it's easy, just "Visualize Whirled Peas", Right? Well, on second thought, maybe it is a little more complicated than that!
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religon too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
In a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
I think you did you choose the right name for the forum! As you apparently show that you are a bit SLOW!!

Not every damn kid in the world is being raped!! Wait, Just one second! Just let me think! Yes, Yes, that's it you are right every damn kid in the world is geting raped, when being indoctrinated in irrational religious institutions by force, damn sorry, you are right......

I'm SLOW in English, I know.
It look's like life treat's you right. Usually people who didn't suffer or experienced bad things speaks about good. Do you tip homeless people? If you not, than you need education on emotional level.

Channel 4 News uncovers the modern day slave trade taking place across Eastern Europe. Our correspondent talks to the women in Romania who were literally sold into slavery.

1. Infiltrating Europe's trade in human beings infiltrated a dangerous gang of human traffickers that sells unsuspecting young women from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union into sexual slavery. From Macedonia, Preston Mendenhall reports.

Some 12.3 million people are enslaved worldwide, according to a major report.

Study finds Israel''s Migrant Workers endure "A Contemporary Form of Slavery".(Islam and the Mideast in theFar East)

By the way only god could save this world not a man.
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Historically, every human being that sought world peace in a grand scale has been killed.
If he existed; Jesus got crusified, for preaching love and peace amongs all humans, Malcom X got shot for trying to bring peace to Islam, Marthin Luther King, got shot for having a dream that all would live in peace, JFK got shot in the head for trying to bring world peace, "so do think some people" and so on, every one that has tried to bring peace to the world in a grand scale, has been shot, crusified, or poisoned..

Perhaps this has been caused, more recently, by the Christian belief that a powerful world leader will eventually come forward and attempt to bring peace to the world, but he will be evil and actually be the antichrist. We can't have peace without God so he must be the antichrist, and must be killed!

Who knows? Just a wacko theory of mine.

But thank you! I will watch my back!
What about humanism? If every person in the world were a humanist? Would that end world wars? Is their any hope there at all? Would that improve the world?

What do you all think?
But didn't He make it this way?

He did, but not everything. I believe that free will weak's up greediness. Everything follows from that. Why would you have if I could. People in this planet will do everything for comfort and easy life.
What about humanism? If every person in the world were a humanist? Would that end world wars? Is their any hope there at all? Would that improve the world?

What do you all think?

It would,
Do you think rich people will share?