The Battle For Earth?

If everybody converted to corpsism, then there'd be peace on Earth.
Eternal peace.
Well. Except for all the nasty killing and biting and struggling in the animal kingdom...
So, they'd have to be converted to corpses too.
Then there'd be peace on Earth.
Until the plants start moving around fighting one another.
So, better kill them too.

Better just sterilize the whole universe just to be safe.
The, peace at last.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religon too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
In a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Anyone want to take a crack at why this won't work, or will it?

I've always wondered about this song!
I'm SLOW in English, I know.

No, your slow at critical thinking.

It look's like life treat's you right. Usually people who didn't suffer or experienced bad things speaks about good. Do you tip homeless people?

Been there done that! I don't tip homeless people, they are mostly drunks, drug addicts, or plain lazy. I've been homeless before I was a drug addict, so I know from experience what I'm talking about. ;)

So is the over all population of the world homeless? Remember there are apx 6 billion people in the world, to determine that mostly all humans suffer, are homeless or have a shitty lifes, or commit crimes, or we are generally bad, would have to be a majority of the world population living under these circumstances. To postulate that Baron's statement is accurate "
That's true. But the actual, tiny bit of "good" in the world is consistently overwhelmed by the "bad".
It would mean that most of the world citizens are living under these conditions, so since apparently that does not seem to be the case, his statement, and your query to postulate that is factual, are illogical. By mere observation.

Those numbers shown of these situation that you brought about, have to take in account the 6 billion citizens of the world. hence 12 million people is barely scratching the surface of the world's population. don't get me wrong, I Know lots of people suffer, and have shitty lives, but it's not "overwhelmingly" bad as Baron's claims them to be, that would mean that over 2billion people are living under these conditions, that does not seem to be the case now does it?

I' we been homeless to and it was not my fault to be there. I believe many of them are victims of greed or bad luck.
There's no quick fix to manking's initiative to comit violence, however there could be worl peace amongs nations. Only if every nation had a rational leader. Fat Chance... LOL...

Are there any good long-term solutions then?

Is there any good path to begin the journey on? Is there anything that we can do today that will make the world better in the future? Or is it all just hopeless?
If the Muslim nations would stop hassling Israel, and if Islamists would stop trying to take over the world by force, and if religious freedom were granted all over the world, then things would get better.
Is there any good path to begin the journey on? Is there anything that we can do today that will make the world better in the future? Or is it all just hopeless?

It all depends in what you consider to be an ideal world? Which philosophy will we follow?, which religious nonsense will be tolerated? how much power if any will governments allow religious influences?

I think if you take a critical look at the past, and how the world functions today, we are way better off, then in the middle ages, or the dark ages, are we not? So basically we will come to a choices as a human species some day! Will we self destruct for differences in religious idealogies, or make compromises? Will we rather work together and solve the world's energy crisis, or shall we just inaliate weaker nations? Will reason ever prevail above superstition and greed?

The tools to achieve world peace are in place. Our reason need to be coherent in one ideology, the survival of the human species, untill then, it will just be one superior clan over the other!
So, Godless, you're into not tolerating "religious nonsense?" That's what the Soviet Union was all about, why don't you move to China, they don't tolerate much "religious nonsense," like you, so maybe you can become the head of the Committee to Expunge Relgious Nonsense, and by the way, please define "religious nonsense."
Which philosophy will we follow?, which religious nonsense will be tolerated? how much power if any will governments allow religious influences?

That is the very heart of this thread? Which philosophy should be followed?

Which philosophy should eventually be adopted by the entire world so that we can all live in peace?
That is the very heart of this thread? Which philosophy should be followed?

Which philosophy should eventually be adopted by the entire world so that we can all live in peace?

10 Commandments!

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before Me
You shall not make for yourself an idol
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
You shall not covet your neighbor's house...

Something like this, with new prospective and understandings.
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In my fate, I will go with eye for an eye. Well I will have a court to decide.
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10 Commandments!

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before Me
You shall not make for yourself an idol
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
You shall not covet your neighbor's house...

Something like this, with new prospective and understandings.

Turtle, you do realize that the penalty for just picking up sticks, on the Sabbath was death, don't you? Are you sure you want to unleash this on the world all over again?
Med Woman, if you don't know the difference between murdering someone and killing someone because he/she is trying to murder you, then I don't know what to tell you.
Med Woman, if you don't know the difference between murdering someone and killing someone because he/she is trying to murder you, then I don't know what to tell you.

M*W: I understand the difference between cold blooded murder and self-defense. Exactly what does this have to do with anything?