The Afterlife

There is an illness called 'False Memory Syndrome'...
We have one mind but two parts: the conscious and subconscious. The conscious portion consist of about 10% of our thinking ability and the subconscious consists of about 90%. Our conscious mind consists of what is available to our conscious thinking process. It is the analytical, rational, logical, two plus two is four part of the mind. The subconscious is not logical and it contains our emotions, habits, automatic responses, feelings, instincts, impressions and much of our memory. One of the peculiarities of the subconscious mind is that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality. In regards to memory; a thought, image, idea whether real or not, repeated often enough or when emotionally charged, becomes like a real memory to the subconscious mind.
[A] condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships are centered around a memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false but in which the person strongly believes. Note that the syndrome is not characterized by false memories as such. We all have memories that are inaccurate. Rather, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so deeply ingrained that it orients the individual's entire personality and lifestyle, in turn disrupting all sorts of other adaptive behavior. The analogy to personality disorder is intentional. False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory. Thus it takes on a life of its own, encapsulated and resistant to correction. The person may become so focused on memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with the real problems in his or her life.

|"Psychological studies have shown that it is virtually impossible |
|to tell the difference between a real memory and one that is a |
|product of imagination or some other process." |
| Elizabeth Loftus |
| "Memory Faults and Fixes" |
| Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 2002 |

There is confabulation....

Confabulation, also known as false memory is the confusion of imagination with memory, and/or the confusion of true memories with false memories. [1] Confabulation can result from both organic and psychological causes.[2]

....But I don't think you will get any satire
I'm going for confabulation...
Please tell me that this is satire...

Nope it is the truth according to Pharaohmoan

There is an illness called 'False Memory Syndrome'...
There is confabulation....
....But I don't think you will get any satire
I'm going for confabulation...

There may well be labels and psycological conditions out there that lead to false memory most I would imagine are brought about by a trauma of some kind.

However I chose to trust my memories simply because since childhood they've been with me. It's only until adult life I was able to put names to those memories and learnt about reincarnation and the big bang. However even as a child I knew we started from a singularity that exploded which was definitely not taught to me at school except the school of life that is!

I have proved to myself and substantiated at least one lifetime which was as a musician. When I was shopping in Islington I passed a music shop with a photo of what I recognised as me (I was about 6) I just stood there and stared and had the oddest thought to myself 'so this is immortality!' it was like an adult thought in all honesty.

I have other memories again with me since childhood they include using the kings chamber in the cheops pyramid. Again I learnt about Egypt in adult life yet the memory was with me in childhood.
Well, if you really do have all of those memories, then good for you, mate. It must make for one hell of an interesting life, to say the least.
There may well be labels and psycological conditions out there that lead to false memory most I would imagine are brought about by a trauma of some kind.

However I chose to trust my memories simply because since childhood they've been with me. I have other memories again with me since childhood they include using the kings chamber in the cheops pyramid. Again I learnt about Egypt in adult life yet the memory was with me in childhood.

The fact that all your memories are based on the impossible or improvable, combined with the fact of no proof and that when you make these claims you sometimes avoid straight anwsering directly to the question and go on a tangent thus avoiding any challange to your claim...................If this isn't confabulation,FMS or something similar then I don't know what would you.........!!!!!

I wouldn't trust the percptive qualities of a 6 year old and i'm suprised you do,
If I can get some angle to your claims on this......

You have been and recall being.........

Compiled from other threads
1)A fish,specificly a salmon as you remember swiming upstream

2)A bird,

3)A lion,you remember hating hyena's

4)A musician, because you saw a picture when you were 6

5)Egyptian as You have used the kings chamber as a stargate which transported you to another star system,

6)You remember taking over the body you are in when you were 7 (as you are not the original owner of it),and you died when the original p/moan was 7 and entered his body.

7) quote p/moan...."I managed to find out about my previous lifetime I won't say who they were but I do recall them dying of a very rare kind of cancer and where they lived and worked was also verifyed by their records. I even remember the nationalty of the doctor who saw me."

8)you are an energy which has been around since before the begining of time/pre-big bang quote p/moan..I could simply manipulate the matter around me, moving vast amounts of water for example, moving rocks with thought, and being able to pass through matter with ease.

You are capable of....
Bending time,
Stop traffic with your mind,
communicate with other dimension's,
You have sent everyone in a bar to sleep with your mind,
you travel to the astral world using outerbody experiences

Come on dude you need to wake up............!!!!!!!!!!!

As it's not possible(1 lifetime poss 2 I could believe you believed it) and you have yet to give even the slightest hint at proof apart from "I proved it to myself"
it's either the result of a traumatic experience which you have covered up with childish whishful fantasies {poss FMS or similar}.........Confabulation caused by drugs, physical or neurological problems.....possibly you do not know the difference between dreams and reality and get them mixed up:scratchin:thats confab' again....or you are LiarMacLiarpants.....

Yet I am wasting my time as people who suffer from these illness's do not know their memories are false or flawed and are aghast,insulted or flatly deny that they could be mistaken...even when all logic points to this (which it does)...
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Well, if you really do have all of those memories, then good for you, mate. It must make for one hell of an interesting life, to say the least.

Well actually no it hasn't. The fact that I know so much more is out there and I haven't been able to access it including the mulit-verse has made me depressed and frustrated if anything.

The fact that people still disbelieve in the afterlife makes me somehwat sad.
The fact that this universe is i suspect the pits of the multi-verse makes me sad that I am here. Enough to want to kill myself to get to the prize.

There will always be people like P'hoof who need proof and can come up with some cleveer condition for false memories, I pitty them as they will always base their lives and existances on factual evidence when it's not that easy. It's hard to have faith and believe wholeheartedly that there is something greater for me and my experiences this is obvious.

As i said in my previous post something wnet tragically wrong to cause the big bang something I rememeber, so I know for a fact that life here on earth is not as it should be.
has made me depressed and frustrated if anything.
Enough to want to kill myself to get to the prize.
Points to illness.....seriously

There will always be people like P'hoof who need proof and can come up with some cleveer condition for false memories, I pitty them as they will always base their lives and existances on factual evidence when it's not that easy..
you have said you have had proof before and refused to give it.....

Yeah sure Hoof needs I'm not depressed or frustrated at my belief's or sprituality...I liken my belief to that of shamanism or wicca, my belief is of this planet, of us, of nature of the factual things we know not presumption and ideals based on things we know.........I'm an Atheist, A happy Atheist (well sad at the destuction of the planet we are witnessing),
there is no need to pity me as if there is an afterlife what a bonus
Hang on a moment Pharoahmoan, whether your mad, lying or winding everyone up is a matter for debate. However, you can't seriously actually believe in this bollocks. The farting unicorn analogy was a bit extreme, but they're absolutely right.

I pitty them as they will always base their lives and existances on factual evidence when it's not that easy.

That is one of the stupidest sentences I have ever read.
So you're saying you don't base your beliefs in fact? (ie) They are false?

If the world lived on what you consider to be your more enlightened wavelength, we'd all be back to the Dark Ages. You think everything you've guessed to be correct is the truth, if I imagined a world where I was God and had the ability to read everyone's minds would that world be real?
Do you not accept that there is a marked difference in reality between what we experience when we are asleep and what we experience when we are awake?

Again, you can't seriously actually believe this bollocks.
I mean, it's not even consistent bollocks.

You quoted me twice, within the same page, and gave completely different answers. Firstly you weren't sure, but over night you seemed to have been visited by the ghost of a Christmas yet to come.

"Why doesn't everyone remember this infinitesimal amount of time then? Personally my first memory stretches back only to the infancy of 'this life'; and I'm most certainly not the only one."

Maybe it has something to do with the age of a soul, the older the soul the further back they can remember.

Because we've been dispersed over time and most if not all have lost their memory of this event. I'm lucky in that i remember my memories from lifetime to lifetime but obviously most people don't
Hang on a moment Pharoahmoan, whether your mad, lying or winding everyone up is a matter for debate. However, you can't seriously actually believe in this bollocks. The farting unicorn analogy was a bit extreme, but they're absolutely right.

That is one of the stupidest sentences I have ever read.
So you're saying you don't base your beliefs in fact? (ie) They are false?

If the world lived on what you consider to be your more enlightened wavelength, we'd all be back to the Dark Ages. You think everything you've guessed to be correct is the truth, if I imagined a world where I was God and had the ability to read everyone's minds would that world be real?
Do you not accept that there is a marked difference in reality between what we experience when we are asleep and what we experience when we are awake?

Again, you can't seriously actually believe this bollocks.
I mean, it's not even consistent bollocks.

You quoted me twice, within the same page, and gave completely different answers. Firstly you weren't sure, but over night you seemed to have been visited by the ghost of a Christmas yet to come.

"Why doesn't everyone remember this infinitesimal amount of time then? Personally my first memory stretches back only to the infancy of 'this life'; and I'm most certainly not the only one."

If you can't see how knowing the facts alone is enough to asscend out of the quagmire that is human existance then your in the dark/dark ages yourself. I feel a unity the macrocosm which has greater purpose.

I'm certainly not gonna justify myself to you as you have no idea who or what I am about and my journey to get to the levels of awareness i have reached. The fact of the matter in that bigger pciture I will distance myself from people with opinions like your's. You will become part of the past, forgotton about.

What you see as different opinions I see as different angles.

Go ahead and name something you consider spiritual and I'll easily tell you what wavelenghth its on.
If you can't see how knowing the facts alone is enough to asscend out of the quagmire that is human existance then your in the dark/dark ages yourself. I feel a unity the macrocosm which has greater purpose.

I'm certainly not gonna justify myself to you as you have no idea who or what I am about and my journey to get to the levels of awareness i have reached. The fact of the matter in that bigger pciture I will distance myself from people with opinions like your's. You will become part of the past, forgotton about.

Ha ha, touched a nerve have I?

That's the point, you don't 'know' anything, these are just your own theories. Plus, you're not addressing the point at all.

This week I'm on work experience, and I'm working in the local hospital. The ward I've actually been placed in is for more long-term patients and is practically a nursing home. A handful of patients suffer from Alzheimer's or a more general dementia.

One man, who we will call Mr B., was adamant that someone had left a pint of beer near his bed. Everyone except Mr B. agreed that there was nothing there.

During the last few weeks of my great aunt's life, she would sometimes awake briefly and realise we were all sitting around her bed. She used to call my mother over, point at the bottom of her bed and say, "that's a lovely kitten isn't it? Followed me all the way home from school."
There was no cat on her bed.

Yes, these are extreme cases of delirium and no, I'm not trying to tell you that you are mentally ill. I'm merely trying to illustrate my point and ascertain your rather strange one.

Were the pint of beer and the cat actually there? The two examples 'knew' in their own minds that they were. Where do you draw this line of unproven reality, Pharoahmoan?
I'd be interested to know your theories, if you have any, on life after death.

Plus, if you do 'believe' in the mostly monotheistic idea of heaven and hell (for example), do you have any reasons for this except for a blind faith?

I'm not seeking to pick apart anyone's belief systems, only ascertain the motives behind them. Also, I love hearing other theories on an 'afterlife', which contain a more scientific viewpoint.


Mes deux cents:

When we're talking about life after death, we're really questioning the idea of existence. Physically, the atoms that once made up our bodies will always exist* (and the energy we contained in our bodies will never be destroyed), but because we will not be consciously aware of this, we don't generally consider it to be a continuation of life.

However, and I know this will sound like a I-dodge-the-brutal-truth-by-making-things-sound-poetic spiel, but isn't our persona (our soul?) merely a collection of our memories, inherent characteristics and the thoughts we form with them?
Therefore, if this is recorded, our persona will still exist. In not only our diaries, letters, photographs and videos, but in the memories of others?

Or, do we have a spirit, which exists within us, but also dies when we do?

Essentially, I believe in no afterlife, and think that many ideas surrounding one spout from a fear of the unknown. However, I still feel like I am being very closed minded, and would love to be persuaded to believe, or at least brought to appreciate, other points of view.


* I once read somewhere that about 98% of the atoms that make up our bodies are exchanged every 5-10 years. So, based on that, we are quite literally a completely different person to the one we were 15 years ago.

i belive, you die, your put in a box, your worm food, and then you rot away slowly, i dont think your "soul" goes to heaven, or even hell.

and if your cremated and your ashes are scattered then keep the ashes till winter to grit the path
Ha ha, touched a nerve have I?

That's the point, you don't 'know' anything, these are just your own theories. Plus, you're not addressing the point at all.

This week I'm on work experience, and I'm working in the local hospital. The ward I've actually been placed in is for more long-term patients and is practically a nursing home. A handful of patients suffer from Alzheimer's or a more general dementia.

One man, who we will call Mr B., was adamant that someone had left a pint of beer near his bed. Everyone except Mr B. agreed that there was nothing there.

During the last few weeks of my great aunt's life, she would sometimes awake briefly and realise we were all sitting around her bed. She used to call my mother over, point at the bottom of her bed and say, "that's a lovely kitten isn't it? Followed me all the way home from school."
There was no cat on her bed.

Yes, these are extreme cases of delirium and no, I'm not trying to tell you that you are mentally ill. I'm merely trying to illustrate my point and ascertain your rather strange one.

Were the pint of beer and the cat actually there? The two examples 'knew' in their own minds that they were. Where do you draw this line of unproven reality, Pharoahmoan?

Of course you've touched a nerve, you practically insulted me.

I don't really identify with your examples as there are of old people and we all know that people can become delirious with age.

They may be just theories but they are not theories I've based on a whim. I've not accepted things that have happened to me first time, except my memories of past lives that is. It's been a process of ilimination and acceptance and belief. Belief has led me to further insights into the macrocosm and its interconnectedness with our world, our species and our minds. Those that believe in science alone will never be privy to these marvels of organisation and spirituality, and in my opinion spirituality is king as eventually some of us wil be reconnected to the source. I doubt atheists will be prepared at their time of death for being reunited with the source as they don't even believe in it.

Life isn't just about proof in fact the spirit craves connection to nature. It is touched by music and love, it is swayed by emotion. All these things are an indication that the spirit within is alive.
I don't really identify with your examples as there are of old people and we all know that people can become delirious with age.
All people can become deluded at any age...!!!!

Those that believe in science alone will never be privy to these marvels of organisation and spirituality, and in my opinion spirituality is king as eventually some of us wil be reconnected to the source. I doubt atheists will be prepared at their time of death for being reunited with the source as they don't even believe in it.

Atheism is a disbelief in deities so it is irrelavent as they can believe in an afterlife,be spiritual.....
It doesn't make sense to me how you can claim to be so enlightened and have this amassed knowledge over lifetimes yet have also said how you are frustrated to the point of suicide, and how you would find it easy to kill those you would class as evil (or had opposing beliefs to you).....

To me this seems like you are walking on the wrong path, it doesn't seem harmonious or enlightening to me at all...
Meaningless after meaningless after misunderstood words...

'Into the macrocosm and its interconnectedness with our world,'?! And you expect to be taken seriously? That is purely babble, barely concealing the fact your opinion is not valid because you can't even relate it to me satisfactorily.

I don't really identify with your examples as there are of old people and we all know that people can become delirious with age.

I don't care if you can 'identify' with them - I'm not offering some kind of therapy here. My point is, why are their sometimes persistent illusions (even you admitted they were 'delirious') any less real than your supposed past lives? No-one else can see the cat or the the beer or your ability to stop traffic with your mind. Nevertheless, you maintain that proof and fact (oh yes and I'm quoting you) hold no place in your undoubtedly imaginary world.
Even when writing this I know that you will not reply because you, like me, must accept that this is true. Process of ilimination (or elimination for that matter)? Care to elaborate?

Life isn't just about proof in fact the spirit craves connection to nature. It is touched by music and love, it is swayed by emotion. All these things are an indication that the spirit within is alive.

You want to know something crazy? I actually agree with the second half of that paragraph. However, the first handful of words are unspeakably ridiculous. Why would a love for nature make proof redundant.

Perhaps we better go over some definitions, especially as you seem to be repeatedly misusing a lot of words.

From the online Cambridge dictionaries.

a fact or piece of information which shows that something exists or is true:

someone who believes that God or gods do not exist (Doesn't say anything about the afterlife, P.moan)

(knowledge obtained from) the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by observing, measuring and experimenting, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities: (Maybe, just maybe, a little more reliable than your mysterious 'process of elimination')
All people can become deluded at any age...!!!!


Atheism is a disbelief in deities so it is irrelavent as they can believe in an afterlife,be spiritual.....
It doesn't make sense to me how you can claim to be so enlightened and have this amassed knowledge over lifetimes yet have also said how you are frustrated to the point of suicide, and how you would find it easy to kill those you would class as evil (or had opposing beliefs to you).....

To me this seems like you are walking on the wrong path, it doesn't seem harmonious or enlightening to me at all...

The reason I am not so keen on this life is that I see how disconnected it is from the source and that gets me down. i see death as an easy form of liberation from the physical world but this is only because I have so much faith in the afterlife IOW I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that it exists.

I haven't conducted a survey but I would say the majority of atheists are non-spiritual and are concerned with the physical and not the etherical or paranormal. If you dissagree thats your choice. And yes i still hold fast to the fact that I would find it easy to eliminate anything that causes disharmony to the creational aspect of existance by a minority.

I know exactly the path I walk how it seems to you is not relevant to me, you're not my preacher thank God. You are not me therefore cannot truly know me.
Meaningless after meaningless after misunderstood words...

Then save yourself the effort and don't reply to my posts. You obviously have no memory of an afterlife so I don;t see how you can contribute accept to put a negative spin on it.

You want proof look up your arse where you will find your own truth.
I haven't conducted a survey but I would say the majority of atheists are non-spiritual and are concerned with the physical and not the etherical or paranormal.
So your just guessing what another's belief is,I.E. an Atheist does not believe in God so he doesn't believe in anything........thats plain ignorance.
And yes i still hold fast to the fact that I would find it easy to eliminate anything that causes disharmony to the creational aspect of existance by a minority.
So you would kill anything thats does not fit into your idealment of harmony...which is nothing more than a disharmonious action in itself

I know exactly the path I walk how it seems to you is not relevant to me, you're not my preacher thank God. You are not me therefore cannot truly know me.
Well when you deny the possability of any type of mistake on your part and threaten to harm yourself to prove yourself right....and kill those that are not on the same cloud of thought as you that is not enlightenment that is claim enlightenment yet claim frustration to the point of suicide.........and you think thats enlightenment.

For someone who claims to know so much about before the big bang and the afterlife you have given nothing apart from "It happened like that because I said it did,I proved it to myself,through lifetimes of knowlege etc" and when questioned you go on a tangent piling intelligent words together which have no or very little meaning to the actual questions asked.

I'm sorry mate but your claims on the afterlife are backed by nothing other than trusting thought you had as a child....unless you can put some logical step by step explanatory reasoning as to how you got to these belief's then I can only see it as a form of what I posted earlier.........
False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory. Thus it takes on a life of its own, encapsulated and resistant to correction. The person may become so focused on memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with the real problems in his or her life.
Confabulation, also known as false memory is the confusion of imagination with memory, and/or the confusion of true memories with false memories. [1] Confabulation can result from both organic and psychological causes.[2]
I am open-minded to many things but i'm not going to believe anyone who claims such grandoise things on thier word alone...
you're not my preacher thank God. You are not me therefore cannot truly know me.
Yea but we live in the same house and I only got dragged here to settle some arguments with you as you could not understand that I did not believe what you were saying,your only awnser when questioned being "but its true" or "you don't understand because your narrow-minded" and you have given absolutly no reason for me to think otherwise.
And as you have avoided CELLAR_DOORS question about the beer and cat,and avoided C_D'S point when he quoted you and said you gave 2 different anwser's on the same page, I think it's because you are narrow-minded to anything apart from you own belief which you don't base on fact or proof and have the cheek to pity those that base their belief's on factual evidence when it should be the other way round,those with belief based on fact (able to show how they got to their belief), should pity those who base their belief's on hope(unable to explain or show)
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“ Originally Posted by Cellar_Door
Meaningless after meaningless after misunderstood words... ”

P/MOAN..Then save yourself the effort and don't reply to my posts. You obviously have no memory of an afterlife so I don;t see how you can contribute accept to put a negative spin on it.

You want proof look up your arse where you will find your own truth.

I don't get what you mean by this either...
Q...C_D..Where do you draw this line of unproven reality, Pharoahmoan?

A...P/MOAN..Belief has led me to further insights into the macrocosm and its interconnectedness with our world, our species and our minds...
So your just guessing what another's belief is,I.E. an Atheist does not believe in God so he doesn't believe in anything........thats plain ignorance.

Why are you saying otherwise? I'm talking about the majority. And no I haven't done a survery it's an asumption. I may start a poll on it.

So you would kill anything thats does not fit into your idealment of harmony...which is nothing more than a disharmonious action in itself

That's like saying its disharmonious to kill a pig if you're starving to death.
If a minorities action is affecting/infecting the whole then yes I am saying eliminate it, erradicate it, remove it from creation.

Well when you deny the possability of any type of mistake on your part and threaten to harm yourself to prove yourself right....and kill those that are not on the same cloud of thought as you that is not enlightenment that is claim enlightenment yet claim frustration to the point of suicide.........and you think thats enlightenment.
No it's a strong belief I have in the afterlife. I am not professing that others should take the same measures.

For someone who claims to know so much about before the big bang and the afterlife you have given nothing apart from "It happened like that because I said it did,I proved it to myself,through lifetimes of knowlege etc" and when questioned you go on a tangent piling intelligent words together which have no or very little meaning to the actual questions asked.

I'm sorry mate but your claims on the afterlife are backed by nothing other than trusting thought you had as a child....unless you can put some logical step by step explanatory reasoning as to how you got to these belief's then I can only see it as a form of what I posted earlier.........

Boring, its the same old adage of prove v's faith. Won't go into it further.

Yea but we live in the same house and I only got dragged here to settle some arguments with you as you could not understand that I did not believe what you were saying,your only awnser when questioned being "but its true" or "you don't understand because your narrow-minded" and you have given absolutly no reason for me to think otherwise.
And as you have avoided CELLAR_DOORS question about the beer and cat,and avoided C_D'S point when he quoted you and said you gave 2 different anwser's on the same page, I think it's because you are narrow-minded to anything apart from you own belief which you don't base on fact or proof and have the cheek to pity those that base their belief's on factual evidence when it should be the other way round,those with belief based on fact (able to show how they got to their belief), should pity those who base their belief's on hope(unable to explain or show)

Yes because in the end I see those who have faith in the afterlife or at the very least are spiritual as being ahead of the game.
I don't get what you mean by this either...
Q...C_D..Where do you draw this line of unproven reality, Pharoahmoan?

A...P/MOAN..Belief has led me to further insights into the macrocosm and its interconnectedness with our world, our species and our minds...

Well it's a fair question and I'd have to say that it's a complicated process of trial and error and seeing what sticks or resonates with me. If new information seems both logical and progressive than I would tend to believe it. If it is something not provable like are there other lifeforms out there I would have to say based on what I've read and learnt yes. I'm not going to say how I came to that assumption (notice I say assumption and not conclusion) because not only is it long winded but it's a personal belief.

Regarding delusions and when a person see's something that is not there I would say if other people don't see what the person see's is then their own affair and as long as it doesn't harm the individual or affects others is harmless. What i find interesting is where more than one person see's a vision eg our lady of fatima incident where 3 children had the same vision.

I have only had one episode which I would put in this catagory and only I can decide whether it was a delusion, elusion or I was just hallucinating.