The Afterlife

I read this link and it was quite interesting but could see no proof for the existence of god in it I might just as well say,
" The planets are all round that must mean god exist as they are all uniform shape",

And considering he starts with Genesis "in the begining" he starts with a book which has been proved to be based on babylonian fairytales written by the jews while they were enslaved in babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, English Assyriologist George Smith found tablets giving accounts of a tale so like noah that it must be the same story...(1873)

Hurmuzd Rassam, discovered the library in the ruins of Nineveh(1854), the capital of Assyria that belonged to the the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal(650Bc) 100 years before the jews were in captivity so....
"In the begining the argument was flawed"
To be honest, I don't know why you bother pharoahmoan. I've never seen an argument for the spiritual win in a reasoned debate... ever.

You're right I wonder why those of us who believe nay it's more than believe for me. I have actaully proved to myself that there more to life than meets the eye, an underlying force that permeates all and influences all, a unity of intelligent energy. I could go on but i won't why because I think you may be right why bother agruing the case for the afterlife to those who don't believe in it or have no inclination of changing their beliefs. Personally I'm starting to think it's a waste of time and I/we/those who believe shouldn't waste their time and efforts any more. IMO in the end those that believe that will have the head start in the afterlife anyway so why encourage further competition in the race for bliss!
You're right I wonder why those of us who believe nay it's more than believe for me. I have actaully proved to myself that there more to life than meets the eye, an underlying force that permeates all and influences all, a unity of intelligent energy. I could go on but i won't why because I think you may be right why bother agruing the case for the afterlife to those who don't believe in it or have no inclination of changing their beliefs. Personally I'm starting to think it's a waste of time and I/we/those who believe shouldn't waste their time and efforts any more. IMO in the end those that believe that will have the head start in the afterlife anyway so why encourage further competition in the race for bliss!

perhaps people lead fullfiling lives now and have no need for an afterlife...
as what they do now lives on after they have died 'Afterlife'

and those who do not do anything worthwhile leave nothing to be remembered for therefore need to believe in a second chance to prove to themselves that it doesn't matter that they have wasted their one chance at life.......

A madman can prove to himself that red haired people are possesed by the devil, he may beieve it a dogmatic fact but it doesn't make it so
I read this link and it was quite interesting but could see no proof for the existence of god in it I might just as well say,
" The planets are all round that must mean god exist as they are all uniform shape",

He's like all Theists who involve themselves in this debate - he makes up his own definitions for Atheism and then heavily relies on them throughout.
He tells us that all Atheists think the universe popped out of nowhere (a concise conclusion to come to; I can see he is familiar with the leading scientific theories -_-) but that Theists accept something must have created it.

Do they? If all the energy that would become the universe already existed as God, where did God come from? Surely they're saying that God just popped up out of nowhere too.

Anyway, I digress...

Pharoahmoan, if there is a heaven, I doubt you would be granted admittance. It seems to me as if all this preaching is only for show - to get yourself in God's good-books. In your own words, "in the end those that believe that will have the head start in the afterlife".

Can't you see this was exactly what religion is for? Keep working hard down here; pay homage to your Lord; put up with bad conditions and disease; don't worry yourself with matters down here. Then you'll fly off to this magical fairy land where you'll meet all your dead relatives and live happily for ever.
I've seen you say in other threads, when defending religion, that they are obviously valid because they can't have been made for nothing. Correct; sort of.
Polytheists have been around for centuries, but it was only when the bigwigs found that they could utilise this and become very powerful, that modern religions evolved.
He's like all Theists who involve themselves in this debate - he makes up his own definitions for Atheism and then heavily relies on them throughout.
He tells us that all Atheists think the universe popped out of nowhere (a concise conclusion to come to; I can see he is familiar with the leading scientific theories -_-) but that Theists accept something must have created it.

Do they? If all the energy that would become the universe already existed as God, where did God come from? Surely they're saying that God just popped up out of nowhere too.

Thanks for not slagging off my knowledge of science. It is somewhat rudimentary :bawl:

I'm not going to get into a chicken and egg arguement over where did God come from, it's non-productive.

Anyway, I digress...

Pharoahmoan, if there is a heaven, I doubt you would be granted admittance. It seems to me as if all this preaching is only for show - to get yourself in God's good-books. In your own words, "in the end those that believe that will have the head start in the afterlife".

It's seems you've tried to compartmentalise me, well sorry I don't fit into a box that easily. My posts some of which may be perceived a preeching are about attaining knowledge of existance and understanding what makes others tick. Most of what i do are selfless acts that add to my spritually aware micro, possibly macrocosm.

Can't you see this was exactly what religion is for? Keep working hard down here; pay homage to your Lord; put up with bad conditions and disease; don't worry yourself with matters down here. Then you'll fly off to this magical fairy land where you'll meet all your dead relatives and live happily for ever.
I've seen you say in other threads, when defending religion, that they are obviously valid because they can't have been made for nothing. Correct; sort of.
Polytheists have been around for centuries, but it was only when the bigwigs found that they could utilise this and become very powerful, that modern religions evolved.

Well said, yes i can see how religion has been abused and it infuritates me. The message of Jesus was no doubt aimed at the laymen of the time however it has been twisted and misinterpreted beyond belief. The bible admitadly does seem out of date.

just out of interest what would make you beleive in a God, what evidence would you need?
I'm agnostic, but I often take the Atheist viewpoint in those (all too common) debates.

Evidence? Well, quite a lot actually, as I'm not really one to commit myself without plenty of convincing beforehand.

However, this is a hard question to answer because I think that I am now so skeptical about the existence of the spiritual that nothing could persuade me otherwise. For example, Theists today pick and choose which bits of what religions sound most pleasing to them. By the book, there should be no women vicars or priests; in fact, no women in powerful positions. By the book, it should be an "eye for an eye", but Jesus tells us that we should "turn the other cheek, so that they can strike that as well".

Most of all, I despise the cultural rape of the Pagan and Norse Gods, Native American traditions and many other primitive and extinct belief systems. New age types, Wiccans - they really do just make it up as they go along. With your disregard of a Bible which you should worship by, but you realise could be constructively brought down, makes me think your beliefs are bollocks too.


All threads seem to degenerate into these tired arguments. The actual purpose of this was to see what people on the forum specifically thought of the concept of the Afterlife (and why).
I tend to believe there is no such thing as an afterlife, mostly because I don't really believe in God. :D I mean, sure, you could guess that since we are all made up of the same stuff that maybe there is some sort of peripheral consciousness we join when we die and all that jazz...who knows?

But I don't fear the idea of there being nothing after this. Nothingness would be just that--nothingness. There would be no fair, no pain, no regret, nothing. You just cease to exist, and you're none the wiser. If that's scary to you, try to wrap your mind around the idea that there has already been a time when you didn't exist. That notion is curbed a bit by the fact that we can't really remember our infancy, and definitely not our time in the womb...but look at you. You didn't exist for about 13.7 billion years before you were born, and you aren't any worse for it now. :D
Sorry buddy but my memory streches back to the big bang ergo if I was conscious then I must have been conscious before the singularity happened. So as far as I'm concerned I've always existed hence the reason I can also remember a number of past lifetimes.
That notion is curbed a bit by the fact that we can't really remember our infancy, and definitely not our time in the womb...but look at you. You didn't exist for about 13.7 billion years before you were born, and you aren't any worse for it now.

Sorry buddy but my memory streches back to the big bang ergo if I was conscious then I must have been conscious before the singularity happened. So as far as I'm concerned I've always existed hence the reason I can also remember a number of past lifetimes.

Don't do it JDawg, you don't know what you are letting yourself in for....................:m:=:geek:=:crazy:
Sorry buddy but my memory streches back to the big bang ergo if I was conscious then I must have been conscious before the singularity happened. So as far as I'm concerned I've always existed hence the reason I can also remember a number of past lifetimes.

Why doesn't everyone remember this infinitesimal amount of time then? Personally my first memory stretches back only to the infancy of 'this life'; and I'm most certainly not the only one.
Why doesn't everyone remember this infinitesimal amount of time then? Personally my first memory stretches back only to the infancy of 'this life'; and I'm most certainly not the only one.

Maybe it has something to do with the age of a soul, the older the soul the further back they can remember.
Maybe it has something to do with the age of a soul, the older the soul the further back they can remember.

Ahh, so now we're getting somewhere. If souls differ in ages, then some must have been created or born after the beginning of time.

Which seems a bit at odds with your previous point. And besides, how are souls created?
Liar McLiarpants said:
Sorry buddy but my memory streches back to the big bang ergo if I was conscious then I must have been conscious before the singularity happened. So as far as I'm concerned I've always existed hence the reason I can also remember a number of past lifetimes.

Mmmhmm. Tell me, what caused the Big Bang?
I go with the "no afterlife" crowd.

I have as much objective reason to believe in that as I do pink unicorns who fart happiness.
Ahh, so now we're getting somewhere. If souls differ in ages, then some must have been created or born after the beginning of time.

Which seems a bit at odds with your previous point. And besides, how are souls created?

Exactly. It would be a bit presumptous of me to say how souls are born though. I suspect they are born of a conscious atom and move from there through into the insect kingdom then animal then human depending on how successful they have been would depend how far up the chain they make it.

Why doesn't everyone remember this infinitesimal amount of time then? Personally my first memory stretches back only to the infancy of 'this life'; and I'm most certainly not the only one.
Because we've been dispersed over time and most if not all have lost their memory of this event. I'm lucky in that i remember my memories from lifetime to lifetime but obviously most people don't

Mmmhmm. Tell me, what caused the Big Bang?
It's a long story but I'll try and shorten it for you. Basically we/the collective God mind ie united in thought thought we'd made first contact and entered a very small world to investigate. Unfortunatly the world we entered was hostile so we destroyed it by exploding. My personal take on this is that it was related to the nagative entity we ejected from our abode previous to the big bang (don't know how long before as time is different up there!) that was causing major disruptions within the community. Obviously this action came back to bite us in the arse and here we are today making up for our mistakes and trying to repair the damage.

However this is not the first big bang that I can recall. It's at least the second. I suspect this one again was due to undue duress on the God head probably again due to negative entities/energies that were disrupting creation.
God's Personal Stephen Colbert said:
It's a long story but I'll try and shorten it for you. Basically we/the collective God mind ie united in thought thought we'd made first contact and entered a very small world to investigate. Unfortunatly the world we entered was hostile so we destroyed it by exploding. My personal take on this is that it was related to the nagative entity we ejected from our abode previous to the big bang (don't know how long before as time is different up there!) that was causing major disruptions within the community. Obviously this action came back to bite us in the arse and here we are today making up for our mistakes and trying to repair the damage.

However this is not the first big bang that I can recall. It's at least the second. I suspect this one again was due to undue duress on the God head probably again due to negative entities/energies that were disrupting creation.

Please tell me that this is satire...