The Afterlife

Regarding delusions and when a person see's something that is not there I would say if other people don't see what the person see's is then their own affair and as long as it doesn't harm the individual or affects others is harmless. .

So the person who saw the cat or beer were correct in what they saw and the problem was the people who could not see it.............:scratchin:this doesn't make much sense to me.....
My take would be if there is no step by step reasoning for it to exist and if no-one else can see it, hear it touch it etc then it isn't real or has no existance in reality the cat and beer were internaly created delusions....
Most people's belief's can be proved through step by step factual assertations they have made and generaly there are a number of people who share the same belief.......
Your beliefs are internaly created with no external possability for observation.So the question stands how can you base this as a likely possability of reality when there is no reasoning behind it, apart from egotistical comfort.

I have only had one episode which I would put in this catagory and only I can decide whether it was a delusion, elusion or I was just hallucinating.
Is that bending time,stopping traffic with your mind,OBE'S,using the pyramids as a stargate or memories of the big bang
Why are you saying otherwise? I'm talking about the majority. And no I haven't done a survery it's an asumption. I may start a poll on it.
Because i'm an Atheist and it is a v.narrow minded view that if you don't believe in god you don't believe in anything apart from materialistic values

That's like saying its disharmonious to kill a pig if you're starving to death.
If a minorities action is affecting/infecting the whole then yes I am saying eliminate it, erradicate it, remove it from creation.
No its not like that at all.....also the majority does not think along the lines of what you were talking about on this thread
and those that did not fit into your perception of harmony would be disharmonious therefore should be killed....
P/MOAN..This might come as a surprise to many but killing someone that has deeply offended or transgressed me would come very easily to me. It is only fear of persecution that prevents me from carrying out these actions which in todays modern society is the right thing. Silly I know but what if in years to come someone introduces something to identify 'evil' people. Would killing be so wrong then?
What I really want is for us to a state of harmony and bliss and the first step in this is identifying disharmonious energies not capable of being at one with the multiverse.
P/MOAN..As for blame it's because I see the species as holding me back from reaching happier state of existence. Reality as we see it is suffocating for me, that's because my eyes are open
P/MOAN.. For me it makes perfect sense to erradicate evil, but I don't know if there would ever be a way to identify it without question. I mean if i could put on a pair of shades that somehow spots evil people (very hypothetical I know) ,yes I would eradicate those people an mass as they would and are a hinderence to the overal progression of the species.
I would not trust a mass murderers perception of evil as this in many cases is most likely to be distorted
The last statment you claim you would kill on mass on your perception of evil but you would not trust a mass murderers perception, so in doing this you would not trust your own opinion as that would be of a mass murderer...nothing like killing a pig really...!!!!!!!

No it's a strong belief I have in the afterlife. I am not professing that others should take the same measures.
No you don't claim belief in this matter you claim to KNOW through experience

Boring, its the same old adage of prove v's faith. Won't go into it further.
Nope you are unable to give anything at all to back your claims,its not won't, its you can't go into it further...its the same old wall you hit when you claim an internal belief has existance in the external world,the barrier of reality...I.E the cat and the beer
Yes because in the end I see those who have faith in the afterlife or at the very least are spiritual as being ahead of the game.
Yet another example of you failing to anwser what was put to you and avoiding confrontation which challenges your memories
Then save yourself the effort and don't reply to my posts. You obviously have no memory of an afterlife so I don;t see how you can contribute accept to put a negative spin on it.

You want proof look up your arse where you will find your own truth.

Oh don't be so bloody childish, your argument is weak enough as it is.

I reply to your posts because you posted them to my thread. It's common courtesy to acknowledge what someone is saying in a debate. You, on the other hand, have ignored and chosen to skate over my points - just as I predicted.

Don't see how I can contribute? Because I don't believe and/or agree with you? Personally I don't see how you've contributed to a reasoned discussion in any way - you've contradicted yourself many times by getting the words 'knowing' and 'believing' mixed up, and a question has to be asked more than once to get a straight answer.
Regarding delusions and when a person see's something that is not there I would say if other people don't see what the person see's is then their own affair and as long as it doesn't harm the individual or affects others is harmless. What i find interesting is where more than one person see's a vision eg our lady of fatima incident where 3 children had the same vision.

Why is it a delusion and how do you know the vision isn't really there?
Why is it a delusion and how do you know the vision isn't really there?

The truth is this area is a bit grey as it crosses over into faith. Illusions or visions are only capable of influencing the masses imo based on who how and why. Who is seeing the vision eg is it a small girl of the chief of a tribe. How have they come to see their vision eg drugs, dance, faith. And why are they communicating their experience to others eg for self gain, out of love, to teach/enlighten etc etc.
And your memories are not illusions or visions? What makes them so different?

Its a waste pf time to get a decent intelligent anwser about this as he seems so dumbfounded that people don't believe him on his word alone, I think i've got it bang on for..........

We all have memories that are inaccurate. Rather, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so deeply ingrained that it orients the individual's entire personality and lifestyle, in turn disrupting all sorts of other adaptive behavior. The analogy to personality disorder is intentional. False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory
Confabulation, also known as false memory is the confusion of imagination with memory, and/or the confusion of true memories with false memories. [1] Confabulation can result from both organic and psychological causes.[2]

Did you see how he couldn't anwser the cat and the beer question why....?
because the correct anwser invalidates his claim of proof that he has made in his head (like the claims of a cat/beer)....
It's such self egotistical

P/MOANS first thread which drove me to these forums..
Is this blasphemy...

If you read it and some of his other thread's they revolve round the same repitition of circular rhetoric putting words which have no interconectedness with the questions asked and no consistancy with the page before either...

I.E.talking about his claim at remembering the big bang

Saquist..." I'm not sure if I understand what you're suggesting. Do you see your memories as proof you created or helped create all things?"

P/moan..."Yikes no I'm just saying they are memories I don't remember any part of the creational process as such apart from the big bang itself"
Saquist..."Can you tell me what you saw or remember which led you to this idea?"

P/moan..."I could simply manipulate the matter around me, moving vast amounts of water for example, moving rocks with thought, and being able to pass through matter with ease."

And with the bits on killing and self harm on top of everything else it's unjustified naivety either he see's people as gulible/stupid with an edge of narcisstic aloofness or it's down to a poss illness which has effected his perception of childhood memories or he is a wally, it has to be one of these as his avoidance of straight questions enquiring about his claim are avoided so consistantly throughout all his threads.......
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And with the bits on killing and self harm on top of everything else it's unjustified naivety either he see's people as gulible/stupid with an edge of narcisstic aloofness or it's down to a poss illness which has effected his perception of childhood memories or he is a wally, it has to be one of these as his avoidance of straight questions enquiring about his claim are avoided so consistantly throughout all his threads.......


I have to admit that it's been a surreal experience talking to him. Plus, I still don't actually know his beliefs in any depth at all. So, we've ascertained that he thinks he was concious at the time of the big bang - but what does he believes happens when he dies? Firstly he was talking about God, and being one of the enlightened ones (this having a strong cross-religious context) and then he was off talking about reincarnation.

As some once said, if you argue with a fool, there are two of them.
. False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory[/B]

He's said to me he's leaving the forums now, in my opinion to 'assiduously avoid evidence that challenges his memory'......which proves to me without a shadow of a doubt his lack of integrety in his belief....
If he really believed or had really proved it to himself I would have expected straight talking anwsers and a sturdy standing from his side of the discussion .

Before these forums I put up with this b*ll*cks day in day out and he could not understand why I did not believe him and accused me of being narrow-minded and stated he felt sorry for me as I'm I hope now he realises that I am open-minded and it is he that is narrow-minded on his egotistical memories and failure to look outside the box to his confused standing,and given that not one person has been taken in by his 'belief's based on his memories' should give him cause to think "hey I might be mistaken" but those of the narssisistic mind can never be wrong.. I'm sure he would be a pshycaitrist's wet dream, or the next Jim Jones
Let me summarize this thread.

People DONT KNOW whether or not there is an afterlife.

Many people claim to know...
-Religious sorts will tell you immediately from a pre-conditioned response that there is one.
-Non-religious folks will tell you the opposite because religion has destroyed the world.
Did you actually read it?

We knew that already - that wasn't the point of the thread at all. I wanted to see what various people thought happened after you died. Plus, we started to discuss the definition of reality and conciousness (albeit in a surreal way).
However, as a response, I got one really quite mad Theist; a load of overbearing Atheists and a handful of sane people.