Thank God I'm An Atheist (Warning: STRONG Content)

Crunchy Cat said:
I understand the assertion and any way we look at it the first two words
at the very beginning still apply and reinforce the previous point.

The point seems irrelevant to ascertaining whether the experience is real.

My theory is that the brain is capable of generating and interpreting
information in fantastic ways. While such mind-generated events can
be experienced, they are nontheless mind-generated (i.e. not a result
of stimulus from an extermal source). One of these theories has support
and the other doesn't (which unfortunatly reduces it to a hypothesis
at best).

Yes, at best it’s a theory that they are mind-generated. And it seems superfluous to me, given that I can’t tell whether any reality I experience, including the one in which I’m typing this, is mind-generated or not. I could be a in a vat a la The Matrix, just perceiving this reality. Even my body may be an illusion.

The logic used is correct. My friend could be claimed to be a hallucination
and this could be rectified by bringing in impartial observers whom you
were confident were not hallucinations (and then having them report the
results of the experiment).

And were I not confident, then what?

At a very low,
and somewhat difficult to understand, level... truth is a state of information
represented minimally by the spatial coordinates x, y, z, t (time).

Those coordinates would themselves be based on faith. As I said, a = a is an axiom; that is, generally accepted, not proven. To stay logical it is best to discard the concept of truth altogether, or use it as shorthand for “generally accepted.”

Discussion is good; however, convincing is upping the ante. I will
make a trip to Bellvue WA and see your hypnotherapist so long as that
condition I outlined before is met. It is taking things to the next level
and it also can act as precident.

Here is her site. Note that there are several sessions involved; the first is a consultation. We can discuss the wager. It need be something reasonable since I cannot fully trust you to say you believed it when you did. What I suggest is that I give you a tour of some highlights of Seattle, regardless whether you believed it. Heck, I'll even buy you dinner. Let me know by email a few weeks before your appt.
I saw a rich muslim eating a very expensive meal. At the beginnig he said: In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.
When he finished eating he thanked his Allah.
I roared with laughter.
zanket said:
The point seems irrelevant to ascertaining whether the experience is real.

It is relevant when considering the assertion 'the experience does not
change'. One contradicts the other.

zanket said:
Yes, at best it’s a theory that they are mind-generated. And it seems superfluous to me, given that I can’t tell whether any reality I experience, including the one in which I’m typing this, is mind-generated or not. I could be a in a vat a la The Matrix, just perceiving this reality. Even my body may be an illusion.

A very honest answer and a great reason to ask questions.

zanket said:
And were I not confident, then what?

Then something confidence can be given to would need to be found.

zanket said:
Those coordinates would themselves be based on faith. As I said, a = a is an axiom; that is, generally accepted, not proven. To stay logical it is best to discard the concept of truth altogether, or use it as shorthand for “generally accepted.”

I am ok with taking it down a notch and calling it a 'theory'. It's well
supported and not contradicted (which would exclude it from being 'belief' /
'faith' based).

zanket said:
Here is her site. Note that there are several sessions involved; the first is a consultation. We can discuss the wager. It need be something reasonable since I cannot fully trust you to say you believed it when you did. What I suggest is that I give you a tour of some highlights of Seattle, regardless whether you believed it. Heck, I'll even buy you dinner. Let me know by email a few weeks before your appt.

Yep I saw the site. Good stuff. I don't want the wager to be monetary.
From my perspective, I will offer strong support and leadership towards
the truth of past lives / in-between lives / etc. if I am convinced. If
I am not convinced of course, I will define the exact reasons 'why' I am
not convinced. What's your ante?

Now, there is an issue of trust. My question is how can I earn your trust?
Should we talk on the phone? Instant message chat? Video conference?
Want to know my background with verification? Want to talk to my wife,
friends, etc? Let me know.

BTW, I would certainly take you up on that tour and dinner :).
§outh§tar: "Thank God I'm An Atheist"

Very well said, Thanking God that you are 'An Atheist'. I thank God that I am not 'An Atheist'.

§outh§tar: "I WANT TO BELIEVE"

February of 1983, I prayed for an answer.

Near the end of February of 1983, I was in a state of helplessness, my cup was empty and I felt alone. With extreme anger I cried out, "OH GOD, WHERE ARE YOU!? Can you see and hear of all the things that have happened and are happening!?" Those that have a mind to process what they see and hear would think that YOU are sleeping or do not even exist, or on vacation, or just don't care, by letting all the suffering and destruction happen on this earth. Why all the abominations that have happen in JESUS' name that are to bloody and wicked to mention? OH GOD, why all the conflicts and division within christianity? Countless numbers of christian churches with their various false religious doctrines and false religious preaching using The Name of JESUS as its foundation, and at the same time seeing and hearing of ALL the suffering, and also seeing the destruction of the environment from all kinds of polutents which causes suffering to ALL livings things. And also, the weapons of mass destruction that mankind have used and will use against each other again to the point of ANNIHILATION, which is M.A.D., if they are not stopped! OH GOD! LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN CRY!, OH GOD! WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING!"

I did not expect an answer, but I did get an answer.

Peace be with you, Paul
Crunchy Cat said:
It is relevant when considering the assertion 'the experience does not change'. One contradicts the other.

I meant only that the experiences you experienced before do not change. If you go back over and over to 1805 you will always be the same person then, having the same experiences. You can't change the experiences; you only observe them first-person and can analyze them.

Yep I saw the site. Good stuff. I don't want the wager to be monetary.
From my perspective, I will offer strong support and leadership towards
the truth of past lives / in-between lives / etc. if I am convinced. If
I am not convinced of course, I will define the exact reasons 'why' I am
not convinced. What's your ante?

What you propose is fine with me.

Now, there is an issue of trust. My question is how can I earn your trust?
Should we talk on the phone? Instant message chat? Video conference?
Want to know my background with verification? Want to talk to my wife,
friends, etc? Let me know.

Not necessary. Just email me (through my sciforums profile) a few weeks before, if not sooner. My availability will be hit-and-miss between April 1 and June 30.

BTW, I would certainly take you up on that tour and dinner :).

Great! I've been told I'm a good tour director.
zanket said:
I meant only that the experiences you experienced before do not change. If you go back over and over to 1805 you will always be the same person then, having the same experiences. You can't change the experiences; you only observe them first-person and can analyze them.

I see. I am not sure we are seeing eye to eye on this one, but I think
it can be safely tabled for now considering the great direction we're
moving it.

zanket said:
What you propose is fine with me.

Excellent. In the event I don't come away convinced (and of course
explain why) then can I count on you to reconsider your position with
the same open-mindedness and effort that I am?

zanket said:
Not necessary. Just email me (through my sciforums profile) a few weeks before, if not sooner. My availability will be hit-and-miss between April 1 and June 30.


Once we're in complete agreement with the ante, I'll begin email
communications. I'll also try to keep you in the loop each step of the

zanket said:
Great! I've been told I'm a good tour director.


And how did you know "the body is a vehicle/medium through which the soul expresses itself"?

Your original thread starter does not give any indication of a non-existence of God, neither does it question whether or not God exists, so this question you are asking is rather irrelivant. Both the title and the opening argument suggest that God does exist, but is He an entity worthy of praise and worship. I am merely responding to your post.
However, in answer to your question, I will refer you to a verse out of the Bhagavad Gita, which offers an excellent response which can be and often, observed.

B.G. 2:13

dehino 'smin yatha dehe
kaumaram yauvanam jara
tatha dehantara-praptir
dhiras tatra na muhyati

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.

Before I comment further, I would like to see what you make of this text.

And how did you know this?

If you wish to continue with this line of questioning, I suggest you start a thread which question the existence of God.

What "laws of nature" do I transgress if I swore?

It is not as simple as that.

“ I thought you were discussing God, now it seems you are discussing sectarian religions. Make up your mind. ”

No difference there.

That's like saying there is no difference between you and your natural father, when clearly there is.

And how did you know this?

This is already covered, i'm just awaiting your response to the B.G.

Aah, my interpretation is wrong but yours is correct. Sorry. :rolleyes:

You said;

When they see the birds flying to find food while they themselves starve, shall we tell them to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord?

There is plenty of food and clothes in this world, far exeeding the people, yet 2/3 (or so) of the world lives in poverty. Within the minority there are single billionaires, millionaires and millions of people who are well fed and clothed. Yet we (affluent), cannot find ways to make our poor neighbours have the basic necessities of life (food/water, clothes and shelter). God is correct, in that He has provided abundantly, but more-powerful men decided that distrubution of wealth be done in such a way that we have people in seriously pitiful conditions. The entire chapter informs us of a) this temporary position, and b) the realistic position of the soul. The only reason, i persume, we do not relate to the infomation, is because we are in a position where we feel we do not need such advise, as life is generally good (although poverty exists here also). The position of those childrens pictures you posted is that they have nothing, not even the basic necessities of life which in a sense shows their pathetic position, but it also sheds light on the pathetic position of the man who has billions, and still working to accumilate more billions. The latter appears to be in a better position, but the indication of that verse is that, in reality he is in a worse position.
You mistakenly think that God is acting on a physical level, and you are totally disregarding the soul.

My understanding is wrong but yours is correct. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Your understanding is right to you and others who think similarly, but i'm afraid, your answer is bias, in that you fail or refuse to unserstand that God is described as a purely spiritual being, and that we are atomic individual parts and parcels of that pure, gigantic spirit.


Salvation does not require material wealth or affluent position.

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:

Your original thread starter does not give any indication of a non-existence of God, neither does it question whether or not God exists, so this question you are asking is rather irrelivant. Both the title and the opening argument suggest that God does exist, but is He an entity worthy of praise and worship. I am merely responding to your post.

Existence can neither be confirmed not denied. Words are to blame. Don't see how what I ask has anything to do with what you just said and existence though. I see however that your Bhagavad gītā makes the unnecessary assumption of a personal god.

However, in answer to your question, I will refer you to a verse out of the Bhagavad Gita, which offers an excellent response which can be and often, observed.

B.G. 2:13

dehino 'smin yatha dehe
kaumaram yauvanam jara
tatha dehantara-praptir
dhiras tatra na muhyati

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.

Before I comment further, I would like to see what you make of this text.

I am not sure how the poem arrived at the assumption that the soul passes into another body at death. And on that note, what is a soul, if you could explain for me as well.

If you wish to continue with this line of questioning, I suggest you start a thread which question the existence of God.

An exercise in futility (see first paragraph).

It is not as simple as that.

Could you please explain then?

That's like saying there is no difference between you and your natural father, when clearly there is.

Hmm, there are a few unnecessary assumptions here.

Please define "you" and "your natural father". You seem to be referring to those two as 'entities', and separate ones at that. I do not understand why you did that.

This is already covered, i'm just awaiting your response to the B.G.

Not really. You might have told me what some poem claims, but you haven't told me how you know.

There is plenty of food and clothes in this world, far exeeding the people, yet 2/3 (or so) of the world lives in poverty. Within the minority there are single billionaires, millionaires and millions of people who are well fed and clothed. Yet we (affluent), cannot find ways to make our poor neighbours have the basic necessities of life (food/water, clothes and shelter). God is correct, in that He has provided abundantly, but more-powerful men decided that distrubution of wealth be done in such a way that we have people in seriously pitiful conditions. The entire chapter informs us of a) this temporary position, and b) the realistic position of the soul. The only reason, i persume, we do not relate to the infomation, is because we are in a position where we feel we do not need such advise, as life is generally good (although poverty exists here also). The position of those childrens pictures you posted is that they have nothing, not even the basic necessities of life which in a sense shows their pathetic position, but it also sheds light on the pathetic position of the man who has billions, and still working to accumilate more billions. The latter appears to be in a better position, but the indication of that verse is that, in reality he is in a worse position.
You mistakenly think that God is acting on a physical level, and you are totally disregarding the soul.

You haven't given me any reason as of yet to take this 'soul' business seriously; I don't even know what it is. Also how do you know that God has provided abundantly for us? It is one thing to assume a priori that God exists, but to claim God provides abundantly is a stretch. Please explain how you yourself came to that assumption. Also I need you to explain to me why you make the assumption that God does not acting "on a physical level".

There are also some problems you failed to address:

If you are making the unnecessary assumption that God is a generous provider, then why did He not provide all men with a good sense of economy?

Your understanding is right to you and others who think similarly, but i'm afraid, your answer is bias, in that you fail or refuse to unserstand that God is described as a purely spiritual being, and that we are atomic individual parts and parcels of that pure, gigantic spirit.

Please explain to me how you arrived at the following assumptions:

1) God is a "purely spiritual being"
2) We are "atomic individual parts and parcels" of God
3) God is a "pure, gigantic spirit"

Salvation does not require material wealth or affluent position.

Jan Ardena.

They may prove helpful nonetheless. After all, God is the abundant provider of wealth and affluent position. And of course, God would not provide without good reason.

Existence can neither be confirmed not denied. Words are to blame. Don't see how what I ask has anything to do with what you just said and existence though.

You asked;

"And how did you know "the body is a vehicle/medium through which the soul expresses itself"? ”

If God exists, then it is reasonable to assume the soul exists. This thread is an enquiry, based on the assumption that God does exist, but asks if He is worthy of worship. My original response was based on the point of your enquiry. If you have difficulty in accepting the existence of the soul, while at the same time accepting the existence of God, then you are clearly misinformed as to the nature of God. If you don't accept His existence, then I will withdraw my point, as it is not relivant to your enquiry. And will enquire from you the real purpose of this thread.

I see however that your Bhagavad gītā makes the unnecessary assumption of a personal god.

If God exists, and is personal, why is it an 'unnecessary assumption'.

what is a soul, if you could explain for me as well.

A soul is the person. It is not that we have a soul, as much as we are the soul.
In Vedic literature the soul is described as 'pure consciousness', that is it's make up.
It has, in its pure state, all the qualities of God, the same way a teaspoon full of the atlantic ocean represents all the qualities of the ocean itself. The difference between the individual soul and God, is a matter of size, God is infinate, whereas the soul is finite.
The same applies to the atlantic ocean metaphor.
The soul comes from God's own self, and due to our individualness, we sometimes desire to become lords ourself (fall). So God places us in material existence in order to play out our desire. But he wants us to come back to our natural position, which can only happen when we realise what that position is.
In the Bible, we understand that God breathed life in the nostril, and Adam became a 'living' soul.

I am not sure how the poem arrived at the assumption that the soul passes into another body at death.

It is self-explanetary;

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age................

Although your body and mind are changing at every moment, you, the person, remains the same.

......the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.

Using the above fact, we can understand that the soul, or the part of us that is unchangable, that part of us that is always recognised by intimate associates, has no reason to die all of a sudden, because the ever- changable bodily dress does. So at the time of death, the individual soul passes into another situation or set of circumstances, according to it's level of consciousnes.
When one becomes self-realised, meaning one truly realises that he is not the body, and works in that way, then he is not bewildered, he/she accepts that that is a part of nature.

Could you please explain then?

Why did you swear?
Was it in jest?
Did you really intend to harm someones sensibilities?
Do you have any idea how that someone will react as a result of the harm that was intended?
Will that person, in the future hurt people because of the harm that was administered to them?

Oh! "What someone else does is not my problem!" I hear. :eek:
If they don't have the intelligence to realise i didn't really mean what i said, then they deserve what they get! :eek:

Maybe you would be right, but, the point is, you had somthing to do with that persons imbalance, and that has to be put right before you move on. So, swearing itself, has nothing to do with nature, but ones intentions, no matter how minute, can create serious repercussions if not checked.

Like Janet Jakson says, in one of her songs; "Its all about expression."

Please define "you" and "your natural father". You seem to be referring to those two as 'entities', and separate ones at that. I do not understand why you did that.

You claim that sectarien religions and God are the same thing, the metaphor gives a clearer perspective of your claim. You are the seed of your father, but you are not your father. He is one individual and you are another. In the same way, religion is a seed planted by God, but religious sects He is not. So religions, once having become established, are in the hands of man. If they choose to put a slant on the religion, probably for their own benefit, then the religion becomes irreligion.
But religion itself, the original seed, can never be changed, and it is when we understand this, that we come to the platform of real religion.

Not really. You might have told me what some poem claims, but you haven't told me how you know.

Okay before we proceed any further, please tell me what 'you know' about anything, and please cite how you know?

You haven't given me any reason as of yet to take this 'soul' business seriously;

It is not up to me to give you reasons to take anything seriously, but maybe if you are capable of reasoning the subject matter unbiasly, you may decide to look more into it before you shut down that portal for good.

Also how do you know that God has provided abundantly for us? It is one thing to assume a priori that God exists,

Then don't make comparisons with God and starving children. You want to provide negative propoganda about God without questioning His existence, but as soon as someone wishes to make positive propoganda, you demand proof of this and that.

My 2 cents; If you really believe God doesn't exist, then move on, don't waste your time like so many sad theists who pose as atheists wishing kill God for whatever reason. :)

but to claim God provides abundantly is a stretch.


Please explain how you yourself came to that assumption.

That is not an easy task, because in reality it forms every part of my existence. Of course there are religious books which explain the soul, but these are just parts and parcel of the overall understanding.

Also I need you to explain to me why you make the assumption that God does not acting "on a physical level".

Because He is not a physical being. His willing, eventually manifests itself in the physical world, through action and inaction, but He always remains trancendental.

If you are making the unnecessary assumption that God is a generous provider, then why did He not provide all men with a good sense of economy?

You get all kinds of men and there is no need to give all men a good sense of economy. But those that have should utilise their energy for the good of mankind, and in return those men that lack acedemic intelligence, but can work, should work to maintain a healthy economy. So God is generous, in that He provides men with adequate intelligence, but unfortunately this intelligence is being misused.

Please explain to me how you arrived at the following assumptions:

1) God is a "purely spiritual being"
2) We are "atomic individual parts and parcels" of God
3) God is a "pure, gigantic spirit"

1) That is a logical assumption. If God is the greatest, all-knowing, all-powerfull, all-mighty, self-existing, non-dependant, trancendental being, then He is different to all the other beings we encounter. He could not possibly be material in any sense of the word.

2) What is that self that does not change, that is recognisable throughout ones life. The only being that possess this same character, that we can be aware of is God.

3) If He were anything less than pure spirit, He could not be God. And if everything, including this entire universe and all-within, emanates from God, then He must be pretty gigantic.

Before you rush in with, where is the evidence and proof of my claims, give some thought to your question.

They may prove helpful nonetheless.

It may or may not, it depends on the circumstances, but if one spends ones life acquiring these things, but pays no attention to there spiritual growth and awareness, then it cannot possibly help, as these things are temporary.

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:

If God exists, then it is reasonable to assume the soul exists. This thread is an enquiry, based on the assumption that God does exist, but asks if He is worthy of worship. My original response was based on the point of your enquiry. If you have difficulty in accepting the existence of the soul, while at the same time accepting the existence of God, then you are clearly misinformed as to the nature of God. If you don't accept His existence, then I will withdraw my point, as it is not relivant to your enquiry. And will enquire from you the real purpose of this thread.

A non sequitur. It does not follow that if God exists, the soul exists.

If God exists, and is personal, why is it an 'unnecessary assumption'.

A non sequitur. It does not follow that if God exists, He is personal.

A soul is the person. It is not that we have a soul, as much as we are the soul.
In Vedic literature the soul is described as 'pure consciousness', that is it's make up.

When you say 'pure' consciousness, are you subscribing to dualism?

It has, in its pure state, all the qualities of God, the same way a teaspoon full of the atlantic ocean represents all the qualities of the ocean itself.

Not even close. A teaspoon full of ocean water does not EVEN BEGIN to be as majestic in quality as the ocean itself. If that was the case, instead of going to the beach, I could stare down into my toilet and claim it represents "all the qualities of the ocean".

The difference between the individual soul and God, is a matter of size, God is infinate, whereas the soul is finite.
The same applies to the atlantic ocean metaphor.

How did you know God is infinite?

Note: This is NOT the same as questioning God's existence since asking that question assumes the validity of the premise.

The soul comes from God's own self, and due to our individualness, we sometimes desire to become lords ourself (fall). So God places us in material existence in order to play out our desire. But he wants us to come back to our natural position, which can only happen when we realise what that position is.

How did you know any of this?

Why would an infinite God succumb to the will of infinite mortals (or souls if you will)?

Using the above fact, we can understand that the soul, or the part of us that is unchangable, that part of us that is always recognised by intimate associates, has no reason to die all of a sudden, because the ever- changable bodily dress does. So at the time of death, the individual soul passes into another situation or set of circumstances, according to it's level of consciousnes.
When one becomes self-realised, meaning one truly realises that he is not the body, and works in that way, then he is not bewildered, he/she accepts that that is a part of nature.

How did you know that "at the time of death, the individual soul passes into another situation or set of circumstances, according to it's level of consciousnes."

I hope you are noticing a trend here. You make unsupported statements and expect me to accept them without any explanation from you.

Will that person, in the future hurt people because of the harm that was administered to them?

Absurd presuppositionalism.

Maybe you would be right, but, the point is, you had somthing to do with that persons imbalance, and that has to be put right before you move on. So, swearing itself, has nothing to do with nature, but ones intentions, no matter how minute, can create serious repercussions if not checked.

Not necessarily. And apart from that, the 'imbalanced' person can choose not to let it affect them.

You claim that sectarien religions and God are the same thing, the metaphor gives a clearer perspective of your claim. You are the seed of your father, but you are not your father. He is one individual and you are another. In the same way, religion is a seed planted by God, but religious sects He is not. So religions, once having become established, are in the hands of man. If they choose to put a slant on the religion, probably for their own benefit, then the religion becomes irreligion.
But religion itself, the original seed, can never be changed, and it is when we understand this, that we come to the platform of real religion.

Could you please quote me at a time when I claimed "sectarien religions and God are the same thing". Baseless comments "can create serious repercussions if not checked".

Okay before we proceed any further, please tell me what 'you know' about anything, and please cite how you know?

Please answer my question and I will answer yours.

Then don't make comparisons with God and starving children. You want to provide negative propoganda about God without questioning His existence, but as soon as someone wishes to make positive propoganda, you demand proof of this and that.

Another baseless statement. I never even once demanded 'proof' from you.

I just wanted to know what your reason for believing certain things you said was.

My 2 cents; If you really believe God doesn't exist, then move on, don't waste your time like so many sad theists who pose as atheists wishing kill God for whatever reason. :)

Why would a theist want to kill God?

but to claim God provides abundantly is a stretch.

Audiatur et altera pars

Try telling me why you believe God provides abundantly.

That is not an easy task, because in reality it forms every part of my existence. Of course there are religious books which explain the soul, but these are just parts and parcel of the overall understanding.

That's a cop out. You could at least condense it for a "sad theist" like me who wishes to "kill God".

//If there was a stupider ad hominem..

Because He is not a physical being. His willing, eventually manifests itself in the physical world, through action and inaction, but He always remains trancendental.

More unstated premises. Why do you believe God's "willing" manifests itself in the physical world?

This is also not the same thing as questioning God's existence.

You get all kinds of men and there is no need to give all men a good sense of economy.

Then why did he give all men a sense of morality. Arbitrariness?

But those that have should utilise their energy for the good of mankind, and in return those men that lack acedemic intelligence, but can work, should work to maintain a healthy economy. So God is generous, in that He provides men with adequate intelligence, but unfortunately this intelligence is being misused.

What about extra terrestrials from another universe?

What about those who don't have the resources (like schooling, good jobs) to put their "intelligence" to use. And what of those who don't have "adequate intelligence", or are ignored because their intelligence is not up to the society's standard?

1) That is a logical assumption. If God is the greatest, all-knowing, all-powerfull, all-mighty, self-existing, non-dependant, trancendental being, then He is different to all the other beings we encounter. He could not possibly be material in any sense of the word.

If God "cannot possibly be material", then He is not all powerful.

2) What is that self that does not change, that is recognisable throughout ones life. The only being that possess this same character, that we can be aware of is God.

3) If He were anything less than pure spirit, He could not be God. And if everything, including this entire universe and all-within, emanates from God, then He must be pretty gigantic.

In that case, then God is only as big as the universe and He is therefore not "the greatest". You are also insinuating that evil "emanates" from a 'pure spirit.'

Before you rush in with, where is the evidence and proof of my claims, give some thought to your question.

Maybe if you tried to explain yourself before making baseless assertions this conversation would be more productive. Dontcha think?

A non sequitur. It does not follow that if God exists, the soul exists.

Why not?

A non sequitur. It does not follow that if God exists, He is personal.

That does not stop it from being a reasonable assumption.

When you say 'pure' consciousness, are you subscribing to dualism?


Not even close. A teaspoon full of ocean water does not EVEN BEGIN to be as majestic in quality as the ocean itself.

Please explain.

If that was the case, instead of going to the beach, I could stare down into my toilet and claim it represents "all the qualities of the ocean".

Explain above, then we will move on to this.

How did you know God is infinite?
Note: This is NOT the same as questioning God's existence since asking that question assumes the validity of the premise.

What exactly is the premise? Is it God does exist, or God is infinate.

How did you know any of this?

Most probably the same or similar way you know God exists.

Why would an infinite God succumb to the will of infinite mortals (or souls if you will)?

A pure soul in is not mortal, he is the same as God, but minute in size, it is merely under the illusion of mortality, due to identification of material body as self. God succumbs to the will of a soul which cries out to Him.

How did you know that "at the time of death, the individual soul passes into another situation or set of circumstances, according to it's level of consciousnes."

We are discussing whether God is worthy of worship. I assume you must have some idea of God, regardless of belief. You use scripture to accentuate the irrelevance of God, I, in return use scripture to accentuate the relevance of God. From what i can tell we are both using scriptures for the basis of our points.

I hope you are noticing a trend here. You make unsupported statements and expect me to accept them without any explanation from you.

Right back atchya.

Absurd presuppositionalism.


Not necessarily. And apart from that, the 'imbalanced' person can choose not to let it affect them.

And you could choose not to affect them by your actions. Both are unecessary, but entirely possible.

Could you please quote me at a time when I claimed "sectarien religions and God are the same thing".

Yes, in your first response to me;

“ I thought you were discussing God, now it seems you are discussing sectarian religions. Make up your mind. ”

No difference there.[/QUOTE]

Baseless comments "can create serious repercussions if not checked".

I am responding to your comments.

Please answer my question and I will answer yours.

I am not sure what you mean by 'know'.

I just wanted to know what your reason for believing certain things you said was.

There is no 'one reason', in any particular sphere, but a culmination of different, on-going things. But for the purpose of progression i will state that the scriptures are one good reason.

Why would a theist want to kill God?

Maybe for the same reason a son may wish to kill his father.

Try telling me why you believe God provides abundantly.

Please answer my question and i will answer yours.

That's a cop out. You could at least condense it for a "sad theist" like me who wishes to "kill God".

Who deems it to be a cop out? You? Why is that not surprising?
Maybe if you accept it as not a cop out, we could bring more to the surface.

//If there was a stupider ad hominem..

Forgive me for thinking that putting a Mr.Smiley face at the end, lightens up the conversation. :(

More unstated premises. Why do you believe God's "willing" manifests itself in the physical world?

This is also not the same thing as questioning God's existence.

It is not unsubstantiated, it is there for all to see in any bona-fide scripture.

Then why did he give all men a sense of morality.

Not all men have a sense of morality, which is why we have laws and justice.

What about extra terrestrials from another universe?

What about them?

What about those who don't have the resources (like schooling, good jobs) to put their "intelligence" to use. And what of those who don't have "adequate intelligence", or are ignored because their intelligence is not up to the society's standard?

Then the ones who have, have a responsibility to those that don't have by the power of goodness.

If God "cannot possibly be material", then He is not all powerful.

Material is such because it is under the control of nature, God is always described as being the controller of nature.

In that case, then God is only as big as the universe and He is therefore not "the greatest". You are also insinuating that evil "emanates" from a 'pure spirit.'

Could you please quote me at a time when I claimed that "God is only as big as the universe" "Baseless comments can create serious repercussions if not checked".

Maybe if you tried to explain yourself before making baseless assertions this conversation would be more productive. Dontcha think?

If i were making baseless assertions, that would indeed be true.

Jan Ardena.
Crunchy Cat said:
In the event I don't come away convinced (and of course explain why) then can I count on you to reconsider your position with
the same open-mindedness and effort that I am?

Yes. I will fully consider your opinion.

Once we're in complete agreement with the ante, I'll begin email
communications. I'll also try to keep you in the loop each step of the

I think we are in agreement, right? No ante.
zanket said:
Yes. I will fully consider your opinion.

I am looking for a commitment for a critical 'life-changing' reconsidation that
the existence of 'God' does not become 'true' as a result of 'past life
regression' experiences. I am effectively asking you to personally challenge
your acceptance that 'God' exists.

zanket said:
I think we are in agreement, right? No ante.

I think we may be a touch misaligned. There is no financial ante, but
there is a ante of personal committment to embrace something that may
significantly change our lives. Is this ante agreable?
§outh§tar said:
And to think I'm not even American!

You don't have to be an American to pick up on American English usage which gets stupider and stupider everyday. One finds American English all over the globe -- in books, various publications, on line, in the theaters and on television.
Crunchy Cat said:
I am looking for a commitment for a critical 'life-changing' reconsidation that the existence of 'God' does not become 'true' as a result of 'past life regression' experiences.

I assume that by “become 'true'” you mean “become convincing.” These experiences may not help convince that God exists. It is the regression of experiences between physical lives that would do that. That is another avenue that can be explored with the hypnotherapist. As I said, life is eternal. Between physical lives you have a non-physical life in which you are much more aware of God. You can re-experience your heightened awareness of God by re-experiencing your life between your physical lives. You purposefully forgot about God at the beginning of each of your physical lives, for reasons that become clear when you are more aware of God.

And let me be clear that God is not an entity outside of ourselves, but rather the part of our being, our superconscious, that we all share.

I am effectively asking you to personally challenge your acceptance that 'God' exists.

I would fairly consider your opinion. To be fair, I would consider your opinion among all the evidence in total, the same as I do any evidence. All I can say beyond that is that I believe I am both rational and have an open mind—that is what got me to my currently level of understanding.

I think we may be a touch misaligned. There is no financial ante, but there is a ante of personal committment to embrace something that may significantly change our lives. Is this ante agreable?

It is, to the extent I gave above. For example, suppose after seeing the hypnotherapist you say you believe it was just fantasy. Other people who I know well are convinced that their regression experience was real. Taking your opinion in that context, I would search harder for others who came away from regression unconvinced like you. I already have a personal commitment to become more aware of who I am. To that end I am willing to let any of my beliefs fall if warranted by the sum of the evidence.
Leo Volont said:
You don't have to be an American to pick up on American English usage which gets stupider and stupider everyday. One finds American English all over the globe -- in books, various publications, on line, in the theaters and on television.
Most definitely... but I'm so used to something like "more stupid"... that stupider just sounded funny... When I first adapted blue letters the most annoying thing was having to edit my posts everytime because sciforums is biased towards Americans. Americans like things simple it seems... maybe that's why. More efficient to use color than colour right?
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. This contradiction in terms is not far off the mark..
Atheists themselves define faith as an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated.

There are only two possibilities.

Fact A: God does exist

Fact B: God does not exist

One of these statements is true and one of them is false. There is no way around it. No amount of belief or disbelief can change it. If you are an atheist and Fact A is correct then any logic you used to come up with your conclusion is completely irrelevant. Your entire belief system would be in error, and based on false assumptions. If God exists then nothing you could possibly come up with could change that fact. Therefore it is impossible to us logic and intellect to conclude that God does not exist. For atheists to proclaim the non-existence of God takes an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated. It takes a lot of faith.
It takes a lot of irrationality to be an theist. This contradiction in terms is not far off the mark..
theists themselves define faith as a rational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated.

There are only three possibilities.

Fact A: God does exist

Fact B: God does not exist

Fact C: which god is right?.Gods

One of these statements is true and one of them is false. There is no way around it. No amount of belief or disbelief can change it. If you are a theist and Fact A is correct then any logic you used to come up with your conclusion is completely irrelevant, except deciding which god is right. Your entire belief system would be in error, if chosen the wrong god, and based on false assumptions. If God exists then nothing you could possibly come up with could change that fact. Hopefully you've chosen the right one. Therefore it is impossible to us logic and intellect to conclude that God does not exist. For theists to proclaim the existence of Gods, when there are lots of them on the list, takes an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated. It takes a lot of faith and patience to find the right one.


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