Thank God I'm An Atheist (Warning: STRONG Content)

zanket said:
I'd like to hear from others who have had a past-life experience, especially via a hypnotist. An interesting thing that Crunchy Cat said is that in the spirit world he experienced, everyone cared about one another. That is consistent with everything I've read and heard from others. But it's not proof of an afterlife of course. Most peoples' past-life experiences (a.k.a. regressions) are of Earthly lives. Crunchy Cat's was otherworldly--even the hypnotherapist was surprised by that it seems.

Yep, 100% true across the board. The hypnotherappist found my regression
to be one of the most interesting experiences she had witnessed. After
this she felt compelled to let me know about alot of her personal experiences
as well. She is a true believer through and through and more importantly
she knows how to sustain a really cool experience!
JohnGalt said:
Everyone cared about one another?

Who would care for themselves?!

Yep, that's what the experience was. Each light-outline entity (human
shaped / featured) was obligated *somehow* to feel intense care for others
and simultaneously feel the intense care of others. It was very emotionally

In the experience, I chose to be born in this world because:

* There was a spot that was obligated to be fulfilled by an entity
in my world.
* There was a known condition that any entity (except me) that
chose the spot would probably be irreperably damaged at the spirit
* I was compelled to care for the other entities and chose the spot
as an act of Mercy (apparently I wanted something different but
my caring obligation was of a high priority).

Talk about mad-crazy altruism.
JohnGalt said:
Everyone cared about one another?

Who would care for themselves?!

Almost forgot to answer the other part of the question. There was
no indication of any survival requirements in 'spirit world'.
Re your choice of present life and soul damage, check out the book Destiny of Souls, typically at Barnes & Noble etc. Lots of “life between life” hypnotherapy cases. In one case I recall, a guy told about a team of spirits whose job in the spirit world is to fix damaged souls. (Souls—people and other entities in spirit form—typically have specialties like we do on Earth.) An example is when a soldier gets “blown to smithereens” before his or her soul has a chance to exit the body. (Souls prefer to make an early exit out of bodies facing imminent and certain death.) Then the soul is a mess and the team comes in to patch it up or piece it together (by doing “energy work”) before it can continue. People under hypnosis in the book also commonly recount how they are progressing in learning, as a spirit, how to create everyday natural objects (rocks, stars, etc.) with energy, for all of nature is spirit-made to provide the arena for physical life.

Another book is “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” in which a guy who has a past-life experience gets crushed by falling rock and feels his skull crack like you described.

Regardless of what you might conclude, it might be entertaining reading.
zanket said:
Re your choice of present life and soul damage, check out the book Destiny of Souls, typically at Barnes & Noble etc. Lots of “life between life” hypnotherapy cases. In one case I recall, a guy told about a team of spirits whose job in the spirit world is to fix damaged souls. (Souls—people and other entities in spirit form—typically have specialties like we do on Earth.) An example is when a soldier gets “blown to smithereens” before his or her soul has a chance to exit the body. (Souls prefer to make an early exit out of bodies facing imminent and certain death.) Then the soul is a mess and the team comes in to patch it up or piece it together (by doing “energy work”) before it can continue. People under hypnosis in the book also commonly recount how they are progressing in learning, as a spirit, how to create everyday natural objects (rocks, stars, etc.) with energy, for all of nature is spirit-made to provide the arena for physical life.

Another book is “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” in which a guy who has a past-life experience gets crushed by falling rock and feels his skull crack like you described.

Regardless of what you might conclude, it might be entertaining reading.

I'll consider it. Testimony is a form of evidence that is frequently assigned
to an erroneous claim... the ol 'something happened therefore it was the
spirit world' logic.

There is one contradiction in my experience which is glaring at me and no
explanation exists other than 'that's how my imagination made it'. In the
'spirit world' there were only human entities. The hypnotherappist claimed
that all entities (human and non-human) go to the spirit world. I should
have seen 'others' and did not.

What are your thoughts on this?
Crunchy Cat said:
What are your thoughts on this?

I've done a lot of reading on peoples' spirit world experiences. Animals and other non-human entities are rarely mentioned. You can see a sampling of that for yourself on Just humans seems kinda boring to me.

A book I highly recommend is Conversations with God, at Barnes & Noble etc. This is an irreligious book--indifferent to religion. In the book, God is the superconscious. The book explains a lot about the spirit world. For me, if the book is fantasy, then it would be one of the best science fiction books ever. Its info is a superset of most other spiritual books. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior is one of the first spiritual books I've read. It is a novel; not intended to be factual. The advice it gives in the last chapter is the best advice I've gotten. Conversations with God expounds on the same advice and explains in detail as to why it works. Another book, the Power of Praise, has case stories of the advice put into action. The consistency among dozens of books about a deep subject helps my faith.

Also it seems to me that the hypnotherapist could be right, but the spirit world is such a vast place that other entities could be out of sight. My limited understanding is that you can contact any other entity if it wants to be contacted. You call people or other entities telepathically and they appear if they want to. It supposedly works from Earth too; you just don't get a normal communication.
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zanket said:
I've done a lot of reading on peoples' spirit world experiences. Animals and other non-human entities are rarely mentioned. You can see a sampling of that for yourself on Just humans seems kinda boring to me.

Yep, I've had my share of time spend on I could maybe
agree that perhaps I only saw what I saw if I wasn't looking; however,
this wasn't the case. I was exploring and only came across human entities.
It all still had that hypnogogia / lucid dream look and feel :).

zanket said:
A book I highly recommend is Conversations with God, at Barnes & Noble etc. This is an irreligious book--indifferent to religion. In the book, God is the superconscious. The book explains a lot about the spirit world. For me, if the book is fantasy, then it would be one of the best science fiction books ever. Its info is a superset of most other spiritual books. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior is one of the first spiritual books I've read. It is a novel; not intended to be factual. The advice it gives in the last chapter is the best advice I've gotten. Conversations with God expounds on the same advice and explains in detail as to why it works. Another book, the Power of Praise, has case stories of the advice put into action. The consistency among dozens of books about a deep subject helps my faith.

Cool beans, I'll check em' out!

zanket said:
Also it seems to me that the hypnotherapist could be right, but the spirit world is such a vast place that other entities could be out of sight. My limited understanding is that you can contact any other entity if it wants to be contacted. You call people or other entities telepathically and they appear if they want to. It supposedly works from Earth too; you just don't get a normal communication.

I was looking during my experience... only found humans.

Sorry for the quickie responses... I am headed off to get some Chinese
food (mis-timed post).
Eh... and my mother used to say she is visited by her dead cats. Had nonexistant cats rub against her legs once in a great while or feel a warm weight on her chest when she is sleeping... only to find nothing there when she reaches up to touch it.

I stick to no belief in regards to the afterlife... but if there is going to be one and there are going to be people in it, I can't see why there wouldn't be animals. Animals have brains just as we do, just slightly less developed. They can think and, in my opinion, feel a slightly simplified set of emotions. If there is such a thing as a soul, it is my belief that animals have them to one degree or another. Like their minds, it might not be quite as large or as developed as ours though...