Thank God I'm An Atheist (Warning: STRONG Content)

Godless said:
It takes a lot of irrationality to be an theist. This contradiction in terms is not far off the mark..
theists themselves define faith as a rational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated.

There are only three possibilities.

Fact A: God does exist

Fact B: God does not exist

Fact C: which god is right?.Gods

One of these statements is true and one of them is false. There is no way around it. No amount of belief or disbelief can change it. If you are a theist and Fact A is correct then any logic you used to come up with your conclusion is completely irrelevant, except deciding which god is right. Your entire belief system would be in error, if chosen the wrong god, and based on false assumptions. If God exists then nothing you could possibly come up with could change that fact. Hopefully you've chosen the right one. Therefore it is impossible to us logic and intellect to conclude that God does not exist. For theists to proclaim the existence of Gods, when there are lots of them on the list, takes an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated. It takes a lot of faith and patience to find the right one.




That would all be correct however the difference is that we do not claim to use logic or intellect to come to our conclusion. We live by faith and do not require proof. Therefore there is no contradiction.

As for your other argument about whether or not we are worshiping the correct God. That would only come into play if there is in fact a God. That would be an argument between us theists. If there is no god then it doesn't really matter.
Brutus; Faith is irrational, faith is the belief of assertions of others.

"Fith" designates blind acceptance of a certain ideational content, acceptance induced by feeling in the absense of evidence or proof. Leonard Peikoff

Do not say that you're afraid to trust yoiur mind because you know so little. Are yoiu safer in surrendering to mystics and discarding the little that you know? Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life. Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority. Accept the fact that you are not omniscient, but playing zombie will not give you omniscience-that your mind is fallible, but becoming mindless will not make you infallible-that an error made on your own is safer than ten truths accepted on faith, because the first leaves you the means to correct it, but the second destroys your capacity to distinguish truth from error. Ayn Rand.


Accually my faith and my intellect are perfectly squared. However I know that my intellect alone is not enough. No theist can claim 100% positive there is a God, just like athiests can not claim 100% positive there is not. Both belief systems require faith. That is my point.
Brutus; it does not require faith, to be an atheist, it requires lack of faith. I don't have faith of an entity that perhaps does not exist. I can't tell you that the invented entity exists or not, just as if I claimed there are purple elephants on the other side of mars. You can't prove that there aren't, nor can I prove to you that there are. However it is likely by what we know is that there's no evidence to support the assertion of purple elephants on the other side of mars. Therefore we have to have faith that there are, or lack there off. I hope I made my point.

Since there's lack of evidence to support your assertions, I have no faith in YOUR!! and the whole religious rhetoric of assumed assertions, so there I lack FAITH!! ON THE ASSERTIONS OF OTHERS!!. without any evidence!. Get my drift?.

zanket said:
I assume that by “become 'true'” you mean “become convincing.” These experiences may not help convince that God exists. It is the regression of experiences between physical lives that would do that. That is another avenue that can be explored with the hypnotherapist. As I said, life is eternal. Between physical lives you have a non-physical life in which you are much more aware of God. You can re-experience your heightened awareness of God by re-experiencing your life between your physical lives. You purposefully forgot about God at the beginning of each of your physical lives, for reasons that become clear when you are more aware of God.

And let me be clear that God is not an entity outside of ourselves, but rather the part of our being, our superconscious, that we all share.

I would fairly consider your opinion. To be fair, I would consider your opinion among all the evidence in total, the same as I do any evidence. All I can say beyond that is that I believe I am both rational and have an open mind—that is what got me to my currently level of understanding.

It is, to the extent I gave above. For example, suppose after seeing the hypnotherapist you say you believe it was just fantasy. Other people who I know well are convinced that their regression experience was real. Taking your opinion in that context, I would search harder for others who came away from regression unconvinced like you. I already have a personal commitment to become more aware of who I am. To that end I am willing to let any of my beliefs fall if warranted by the sum of the evidence.


Excellent!! I think we're all aligned, the ante is on the table, and we're ready
to rock! Thanks for being so open-minded to this. It's unfortunately been
very rare that anyone on the forum ever takes it to the next level (excuses
and non-response tend to be the norm). My next communication will come
by email.


Brutus1964 said:
Atheists themselves define faith as an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated.

I just wanted to make a correction here. As an 'Athiest', this is not how
I define 'faith' (hence the assertion above becomes false). I define 'faith'
as unconditional trust that <something> (usually 'God') will make an
impossible or rediculously improbable expectation come true. Similarly (for
the record), I define 'belief' as acceptance that an assertion is true without
considering supportive / contradictory evidence.

I tried sending an email and I received this message:

"Sorry! That user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails. If you still wish to send an email to this user, please contact the administrator and they may be able to help."

Can this feature be turned off so I can contact you? Alternatively, if
I can be PM'd with the right email address then that would be great.

Well it's all set. I am headed over to Zanket's hypnotherappist in the
beginning of April to explore past lives and in-between past lives. Any
way it shakes out, this will be quite a cool experience. I'll post the results
of my analysis and post-mortem with Zanket on the forum once everything
is complete.

Go Atheists. See theists define misery and suffering as "the test of god". Thats what I hate about theists they have an excuse for everything and no rationale presented in anything.
Well why should it be harder for richer man to go to heaven, besides most of rich people earned their money. Humans are naturally selfish, I care more about myself than others. So if I want to accumulate money then what is your problem?
On earth, we are subjects to our free will. This entails, among other things, that interests clash, and the one that wins is regarded as superior.

Note: it is not the superior that wins. It is the one who wins that is regarded as superior.

In the course of human psycho-sociology, the mistake has been made and the causality relationship misinterpreted. It is the fight that decides who the winner is, and who is superior. One cannot be superior in advance.

However, humans like to consider themselves to be something already in advance, or based on previous experience -- but this, by no means means that the future will be the same as the past.
Humans like to say, "I am a winner, therefore I win." Or, "I am superior, therefore I always have to be superior, or I am not myself anymore."

To say

God happens to be a communist who distributes wealth among his "children" unequally.

can easily be interpreted into "God makes some people rich, but some other people poor" with the implication that being rich/poor is the identity of a person.

The fight for survival is the fight of one free will with another. God has nothing to do with that, He does not interfere with one person's free will for the sake of or at the cost of another person's free will -- that would be injust.

God gave people rules by which they could direct their actions of free will in a manner that would obstruct each other's free will as little as possible. He also gave people the freedom to either accept those rules or not -- for his is the completion of giving people free will.

Well, you can see how people choose ...

* * *

As for the tsunamis and earthquakes etc.: Such is life on Earth. A planet that sustains life has to be of a certain kind (size, atmosphere, active core, ...); people tend to think that such planets aren't exactly peaceful, and that life on them is "unfair".
water said:
On earth, we are subjects to our free will.

Is this one of those self evident things..?

Note: it is not the superior that wins. It is the one who wins that is regarded as superior.

There is no difference.

In the course of human psycho-sociology, the mistake has been made and the causality relationship misinterpreted. It is the fight that decides who the winner is, and who is superior. One cannot be superior in advance.

However, humans like to consider themselves to be something already in advance, or based on previous experience -- but this, by no means means that the future will be the same as the past.
Humans like to say, "I am a winner, therefore I win." Or, "I am superior, therefore I always have to be superior, or I am not myself anymore."

The very means by which the "I" is defined necessitates permits such a standpoint. Otherwise we would be having another one of those double standards.

John Evander Couey, who was clearly superior to his victim, dominated her satisfactorily. Terry Schiavo, who is an inferior being, is inefficient and of no use and must therefore be terminated. If she were to recover tomorrow, that would not make her any less inferior. In case of such an event, just because Opera makes her out to be some sort of hero doesn't mean she is. She was clearly an inferior - why else, prithee, did she fall victim to such a pansy's condition?

Say a tennis player lost all his life. And then halfway through his career, he started winning. We would do well to call him a winning loser, after all, losers win (sometimes). There is no need to define the 'I' according to circumstance, for we have "free will" (as you say), and if we have free will, then circumstance does not dictate the 'I'. If it did, then we wouldn't have free will, for the two are incompatible.

can easily be interpreted into "God makes some people rich, but some other people poor" with the implication that being rich/poor is the identity of a person.

The fight for survival is the fight of one free will with another. God has nothing to do with that, He does not interfere with one person's free will for the sake of or at the cost of another person's free will -- that would be injust.

God gave people rules by which they could direct their actions of free will in a manner that would obstruct each other's free will as little as possible. He also gave people the freedom to either accept those rules or not -- for his is the completion of giving people free will.

Well, you can see how people choose ...

Well now that God changes the 'I' from sinner to saint, is there really free-will? Of course not. Either God must defend free will, or God must exist. For if God existed, then He must allow us free will to never infer Him (from the get-go). If Adam or whatever mortal came up with the inference of God, it must necessarily have been because God facilitated the inference. And so there is no free will. As I have said before. Either we have free will, or we don't. Now I have been graciously lenient on free will - I have allowed it to mean we are able to do something volitionally. Neither breathing, nor thinking, nor salvation, fall under that umbrella. Either knowledge is our own (free will), or no free will at all - I believe that is logical enough for you and I to agree on. Any other description of free will by necessity must agree with such a premise.

If his is the completion of free will, then I say, who is responsible for environment? Who placed Adam in the garden, where he would sin? Not Him? Who placed those children in the desert, where they would starve and die (of their own free will..)? Not Him? Who placed us in the comforts of our homes, where we could philosophize about other's sufferings? Not Him? I say, this free will business exposes its own hollowness.

Did I mention that the very act of giving peoples rules to follow is a very rejection of free will? Leave them with two choices, follow the rules that they did not sire, or don't follow them. As I said in the other thread and here again, this influencing of knowledge is simply incompatible of free will. Just as placing you in a specific society necessarily limits your knowledge to only your environment, so you will either know or not know a God, so that you will either like or dislike or even not know what ice cream is, so that you will grow up knowing love, or grow up knowing shame, or hate, these rules He gives influence the way we do or do not interact with society. Why?

Because as soon as the first domino is tipped, the whole shebang too is set up. And so the Prime Mover MUST have His cake and eat it too. We must not skirt the very implications of a God to whom we ascribe such power. He either influences us, or He does not. We either have free will, or we do not. You cannot have two masters: free will and God.

14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15For He says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion."[f] 16So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth."[g] 18Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

19You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" 20But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have you made me like this?" 21Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

Romans 9​

You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?"

* * *

As for the tsunamis and earthquakes etc.: Such is life on Earth. A planet that sustains life has to be of a certain kind (size, atmosphere, active core, ...); people tend to think that such planets aren't exactly peaceful, and that life on them is "unfair".

As long as He was responsible for their placement in the globe, in an earthquake prone zone, near an oasis, in a desert, in a rainforest, in rich farmland, He is the Prime Mover. And we already know the implications of a Prime Mover. We are only dominoes; we are only meant to fall.
If a man has been given everything in life. Then it will be harder to find god because he lets his materials make him happy, not god. Thats where your faith comes in. A couple other ways of being rich other than money are being smart, and atheletic ability. Alot of atheists believe they are smarther than god.
qwerasdfzxcv said:
A lot of atheists believe they are smarther than god.
no atheist dont believe they are smarter than a god, "They are smarter", believe does not come into the equation. the one cell ameoba is smarter than a god. infact literally anything that exists is smarter then a god.
and that includes the religious, they are smarter to.