THANK GOD for the earthquake

Bells, apparently she was trolling in those videos. See post #35.
Not that it changes LG stance..

Exactly.. I saw the troll video she just posted and yeah, things are going to get hairy for her now.. But that still doesn't explain why LG agrees with her..

And that was what my last post was asking..
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So you don't think it's wrong to celebrate other people's death the was she (pretended) to do in that video?
I think she is personally a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

As for celebrating people's death, probably not the right word for it. I mean if you were held hostage by gunmen and the SAS came in and killed them, you would probably rejoice their death simply because it gave a new lease to yours.

IOW you would be celebrating your life, rather than the gunmen's death.

Along similar lines, if the deaths of others engender a bit of spiritual introspection in society at large (and hence moves them a step or two closer to doing away with the whole business of death in the material world ... or at least halt the building of a 5 lane highway to death, which seems to be the raging trend of contemporary life), it certainly provides a greater lease on life than the inevitable anonymous and inconsequential death that most of us have grown accustomed to expect.

But regardless whether we die in the bath tub or as a statistic amongst thousands in the worst disaster the world has ever seen, its still unclear why one type of death exonerates god and the other doesn't.

Ah.. My bad.

Interesting developments..

She has closed her youtube account after 4chan tracked her down. It seems she had originally posted under a false name and had a facebook with said false name it seems.. The poor person under that false name was harassed..

Her real identity was then tracked down and made public, hence her admitting they were all troll videos and mass deleting a lot of them. But many have since been reposted on youtube.
I think she is personally a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

That and more.

We now know she may be a troll. What they have managed to find out about her, and it was very detailed, she does belong to some sort of evangelical church and they suspect she has posted the video about how she was trolling to take the heat off herself, so to speak. This is simply because she used a false name, of someone who actually exists and that person was harassed directly because of that video. When this became know, she was then tracked down and her real identity discovered. Within about 20 minutes of this, she posted that final 'i was trolling video'.

Regardless of that, she is not quite right mentally..

As for celebrating people's death, probably not the right word for it. I mean if you were held hostage by gunmen and the SAS came in and killed them, you would probably rejoice their death simply because it gave a new lease to yours.
Which does not apply to the situation in Japan at all.

Along similar lines, if the deaths of others engender a bit of spiritual introspection in society at large (and hence moves them a step or two closer to doing away with the whole business of death in the material world ... or at least halt the building of a 5 lane highway to death, which seems to be the raging trend of contemporary life), it certainly provides a greater lease on life than the inevitable anonymous and inconsequential death that most of us have grown accustomed to expect.
But to counter that, it would mean that people are celebrating the deaths of thousands to "engender" that bit of "spiritual introspection".

As we watch this unfold, the cost of the human tragedy should never be celebrated, even if it does make some suddenly believe.

But regardless whether we die in the bath tub or as a statistic amongst thousands in the worst disaster the world has ever seen, its still unclear why one type of death exonerates god and the other doesn't.
I personally do not believe there is a God.

If there is a God however, one has to question why he/she/it would allow such suffering to occur.. How can God be so loving to his/her children and allow suffering to continue without stopping it? What kind of God loves his/her children by allowing them to suffer and die? And if he/s he did exist, why should one venerate something that wilfully allowed any suffering to occur?

omfg i cant stop laughing at the irony here.. perfect example of why some religious are nuts.. using the bible for the scape goat but whats the funniest thing to me is?

the guy everyone praises "god/jesus" wouldnt judge people because they are murderes, rapist pedafiles, homosexual. he doesnt promote that behavior by anymeans but from what i understand a sin is a sin all on an equal scale. unless your catholic of course

just another example of the religious using god as a scapegoat to kill injure and destroy hundredes of thousands if not millions of lives the saddest part of all of this is that this nut is happy that it happned

id like to end this post with.
be encouraged my brothers and sisters, god does answer prayers look at japan.. that is a direct answer to our prayers.. im so overjoyed i cant even contain my joy.. /end sarcasm

The link worked fine for Me . Jesus put the sins on Satan . Satan is the Great Scape Goat of all time . I guess he figured someone had to except blame for our collective misery . Japan is looking like the worst tragedy in my life time at the moment. I didn't think the Sumatra quake would be topped until Haiti which I cry over both those events when I think of the misery inflicted on peoples . I am in shock still from the events still unfolding in Japan , but I am not going to hold anything over a young girls head for spouting jubilee because she loves Jesus. She did not cause the event and we all have to deal with the tragedy in our own way . She will have to live with her spouting as she matures by the public scorn unraveling as we speak. She might even have regrets already. If you look back in a week or 2 the video might even be removed by then. Maybe not, you know how head strong people can be.
My Joke :
You can teach a human , but not very much
Which does not apply to the situation in Japan at all.

But to counter that, it would mean that people are celebrating the deaths of thousands to "engender" that bit of "spiritual introspection".

As we watch this unfold, the cost of the human tragedy should never be celebrated, even if it does make some suddenly believe.
I didn't use the phrase "celebrate the deaths" and I think I mentioned there was a wider picture (ultimately one which your values don't encompass) than merely believing

I personally do not believe there is a God.
I'm not surprised

If there is a God however, one has to question why he/she/it would allow such suffering to occur.. How can God be so loving to his/her children and allow suffering to continue without stopping it? What kind of God loves his/her children by allowing them to suffer and die? And if he/s he did exist, why should one venerate something that wilfully allowed any suffering to occur?
since you are probably not one to participate in this thread

Why would a good God allow evil in the world? This problem, one that Judeo-Christian man had created for himself by his belief, has haunted Western thought for millennia. It is plainly a by-product of ethical monotheism—“a trilemma” created by the three indisputable qualities of an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-benevolent God...Not until the 18th century did Leibniz give a name to this troublesome problem—Theodicy, from the Greek theos (God) and dike (Justice)...This question has not equally troubled people everywhere. Religions in the East have provided plausible theological explanations for divine punishment and retribution in the concept of karma (the accumulation of debts from earlier lives) and the work of Kali and other destructive divinities.

Daniel J. Boorstin, U.S. Librarian of Congress Emeritus

So we have two view points

1) Atheists presume there is no justification for evil. This rules out, according to them, the possibility of a God being perfect (meaning all-wise, all-powerful and all-good).

2) Theists presume evil is justified. They argue that God has neither created evil at His own whim, nor is He powerless to stop it.

A defense of theodicy—the justness of God—requires a sound explanation of how evil is part of God's plan for everyone's ultimate good.

Vedic philosophy has three contributions to make here.

1) Evil is the consequence of one's desire in connection with material nature.

2) Material nature has two aspects: one that binds us (thus giving rise to evil), and one that releases us (thus ending evil).

3) The medium of our bondage is our own desire. Under the thrall of desire, we pursue material objects that we are convinced are good.

In short, theodicy, “the attempt to understand the relationship of the God to a cosmos that suffers,” remains an intractable problem as long as we do not admit that it is madness for the spirit soul to seek happiness in the material world.

I didn't use the phrase "celebrate the deaths" and I think I mentioned there was a wider picture (ultimately one which your values don't encompass) than merely believing

I'm not surprised

since you are probably not one to participate in this thread

Why would a good God allow evil in the world? This problem, one that Judeo-Christian man had created for himself by his belief, has haunted Western thought for millennia. It is plainly a by-product of ethical monotheism—“a trilemma” created by the three indisputable qualities of an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-benevolent God...Not until the 18th century did Leibniz give a name to this troublesome problem—Theodicy, from the Greek theos (God) and dike (Justice)...This question has not equally troubled people everywhere. Religions in the East have provided plausible theological explanations for divine punishment and retribution in the concept of karma (the accumulation of debts from earlier lives) and the work of Kali and other destructive divinities.

Daniel J. Boorstin, U.S. Librarian of Congress Emeritus

So we have two view points

1) Atheists presume there is no justification for evil. This rules out, according to them, the possibility of a God being perfect (meaning all-wise, all-powerful and all-good).

2) Theists presume evil is justified. They argue that God has neither created evil at His own whim, nor is He powerless to stop it.

A defense of theodicy—the justness of God—requires a sound explanation of how evil is part of God's plan for everyone's ultimate good.

Vedic philosophy has three contributions to make here.

1) Evil is the consequence of one's desire in connection with material nature.

2) Material nature has two aspects: one that binds us (thus giving rise to evil), and one that releases us (thus ending evil).

3) The medium of our bondage is our own desire. Under the thrall of desire, we pursue material objects that we are convinced are good.

In short, theodicy, “the attempt to understand the relationship of the God to a cosmos that suffers,” remains an intractable problem as long as we do not admit that it is madness for the spirit soul to seek happiness in the material world.

seek and yee will find. I am happy . What you talking about . Happy Pappy
So many of these fundies would love the world to be destroyed(except for them)so they can say," see I told you we were right." When they get a boo-boo it has a supernatural meaning!
We say nothing about God when an elderly person slips in bath.
But evoke God because 10,000 people die in one go.


Because only God can engineer such a massive demise.
(Although the Nazis, and later the US, came close to godhood in this sense.)

See, in the case of such a massive demise, even atheists think of God. (It works!)
I'll play, since our dear self-professed atheists refuse to open up:

if it takes death at the hands of calamity to make people more god conscious, why is that a problem?


1. It should be easy to get to know (the truth about) God.
Easy, as in, one conversation and one becomes fully convinced, no doubts anymore, and moreover, saved.

2. God should always act in such a manner that all humans are pleased.

3. People should be free to live in whatever way they want to and God should support them in that fully.