THANK GOD for the earthquake

So if someone dies from old age or slips on the soap in the bath tub, you feel that these instances exonerate god from any involvement?

But if they die in an earthquake, it doesn't?

How does this work?

You're implying God killed them because they were sinners?

Leaving aside the worrisome implications, I also seem to recall an oral tradition where He said He wasn't going to do that any more.
Its more that I can't see what you are having a problem with.

Death visits everyone, doesn't it?
I'm sorry, but celebrating the deaths of thousands of people isn't a problem for you?

Listen to her words:

"It's amazing to see how fast God answers prayers sometimes"...

Then she goes on to say how they were praying for God to "open their eyes".. And then she says that apparently their prayers were answered because God "shook the country of Japan" to tell them "hey look, I'm here"..

She then goes on to say that God woke them up to tell them that they are going to hell.. And then she says she can't wait to see what else happens after the 40 days of lent - since God had answered her prayers in such a short time (from the start of lent last week to Friday when the earthquake and tsunami happened)..

After whish, she prattles about how encouraged she is that Japan is the answer to her prayers - ie the deaths there is the answer to her prayers.. By the end of the video, she was sounding as if she was having an orgasm that God had apparently killed so many people because to them they were atheists..

And you don't find anything wrong with that?

You can't understand how people would have a problem with this?
You're implying God killed them because they were sinners?

Leaving aside the worrisome implications, I also seem to recall an oral tradition where He said He wasn't going to do that any more.

I think lg's asking; what is the difference?

We say nothing about God when an elderly person slips in bath.
But evoke God because 10,000 people die in one go.


I think lg's asking; what is the difference?

We say nothing about God when an elderly person slips in bath.
But evoke God because 10,000 people die in one go.



She wasn't evoking God.

She was celebrating because she thinks God killed them because she thinks they deserved to die... And she and others prayed for this to happen - not to Japan specifically, but they're apparently praying for such horrors to happen - the glee in her voice as she says she can't wait to see what God has in store for the US because there are so many atheists there..

As in 'God is great, thank you God for listening to our prayers and killing 10,000 people'..

It's been a while since I have been a Catholic and celebrated lent, but I do not ever remember praying for the deaths of people. Has Christianity changed so much that it is now good to pray for the deaths of many people? Is this what Christianity is about now? Pray that God kills many people?
The nutcase in the video did..

There's no proof she was a christian, or, religious for that matter.

The internet is full of atheists who hate christianity so much, they portray
them as stupid, or violent, by pretending to be one.

If that is a christian, or a religious viewpoint, then find one where
we know that the person is a representative of christianity, or, religion.


It's been a while since I have been a Catholic and celebrated lent, but I do not ever remember praying for the deaths of people. Has Christianity changed so much that it is now good to pray for the deaths of many people? Is this what Christianity is about now? Pray that God kills many people?

Good question.
Maybe we should find out before making accusations.

There's no proof she was a christian, or, religious for that matter.

The internet is full of atheists who hate christianity so much, they portray
them as stupid, or violent, by pretending to be one.

If that is a christian, or a religious viewpoint, then find one where
we know that the person is a representative of christianity, or, religion.

Perhaps. There is no way to know for sure.

Edit: Scratch that. There is a way to be sure.
You are right, Jan. She admitted that she was making troll videos.
I'm sorry, but celebrating the deaths of thousands of people isn't a problem for you?

Listen to her words:

"It's amazing to see how fast God answers prayers sometimes"...

Then she goes on to say how they were praying for God to "open their eyes".. And then she says that apparently their prayers were answered because God "shook the country of Japan" to tell them "hey look, I'm here"..

She then goes on to say that God woke them up to tell them that they are going to hell.. And then she says she can't wait to see what else happens after the 40 days of lent - since God had answered her prayers in such a short time (from the start of lent last week to Friday when the earthquake and tsunami happened)..

After whish, she prattles about how encouraged she is that Japan is the answer to her prayers - ie the deaths there is the answer to her prayers.. By the end of the video, she was sounding as if she was having an orgasm that God had apparently killed so many people because to them they were atheists..

And you don't find anything wrong with that?
the only thing wrong I find about it is her engineering that she played some part in orchestrating it with her prayers

You can't understand how people would have a problem with this?
I can't understand why a person thinks there is something morally awry with placing god as the "culprit" for an earthquake, when the mortality rate has been an unbroken 100% since time immemorial.

And furthermore : If natural disasters help engineer a degree of god consciousness (namely by re-investing the living entity with a strong sense that their independence is inconsequential), and if god consciousness is what is actually capable of taking one outside and beyond this 100% mortality rate (looking at the video, I guess everyone has to start somewhere), why does this supposedly intensify the moral conundrum?

It's been a while since I have been a Catholic and celebrated lent, but I do not ever remember praying for the deaths of people. Has Christianity changed so much that it is now good to pray for the deaths of many people? Is this what Christianity is about now? Pray that God kills many people?

Good question.
Maybe we should find out before making accusations.


I am actually asking.

I mean look at the Christian response in this thread:

if it takes death at the hands of calamity to make people more god conscious, why is that a problem?

everyone dies anyway, don't they?


This was in response to this girl's orgasmic rant...

This is not the only video from this retard or with this retard on youtube.

So you don't think it's wrong to celebrate other people's death the was she (pretended) to do in that video?
Bells, apparently she was trolling in those videos. See post #35.
Not that it changes LG stance..