Tell me, what turns you off at the church.

Originally posted by Redoubtable
Sorry, Okinrus, but any form of submission or diffidence is slavery to me. I will never surrender to God. I would rather fight than grovel and worship. He created me, and I hope he can put up with me.

Sorry, but everyone is a slave to something. If you can't live without sex (just an example) then you are a slave to sex. God has told us that we are all slaves to sin and can never trully break free with out him. God has said that when we except his sacrifice we have died to sin and are free of it. But yes, he is Lord before he is savior. You're a slave to something no matter how hard you try. Just be sure what you are serving is worth your service.

All Christ's Love,

I'm a slave of myself. I serve no other. No one else deserves my service.
We are all slave to need. Need is what drives us. This is why everything we do, say, think, shit is subjective. This is also why I cant believe in your God, mystee. You are more human than you think...

I dont know, I would love to believe in god i have tried so damn hard , But i find it very hard to accept something that is scientifically implausible. and i hate how boring church is... boring boring boring...
I don't actually feel incredulity toward God. I don't disbelieve Him.

I feel indifference toward his relative existence or nonexistence. Whether or not he's really up there doesn't matter.

He seems plausible enough. It's not really any use to try refuting Him, so I'll admit that he is a viable possibility.

I'll tell you what I do feel though. If He's real, He's omniscient, making this statement moot, but nonetheless . . .

. . .I hope he knows that hate his holy, freakin' guts.

I feel jealosy, avarice, and embitterment, and I know that if He is real, He is to blame.
He made me this way, so He should know better than to expect gratitude.
I did not ask Him for this trepidation, this earth-borne test of mettle.

He is injust and tyrannical. I want to depose Him, cast him down, and take His place.
Unfortunately, I can't . . . because there are only two possibilities:

1) He's fictitious, so my fantasy is consistent with reality.
2) Hell yeah He's real, and He's livid with me and He's omnipotent and He's gonna kick my ass.

Hmmmm, I don't have any opportunities for succes, I suppose. :(

Still . . . we all have our dreams . . . *drools*: :D
Oh, I got mine at the dollar tree; now that I consider it, that clerk did have horns, and red skin, and cleft hooves, and a tail.

The Dollar Tree? My good man, how you could frequent such a place for something as important as your sinful pride is beyond my ken.
I prefer a nice online shop. So convienient.

So it seems that the Hebrews did not consider these hopping legs to be normal legs. This seems to make sense, as grasshopper crawl on four legs, but use their larger legs to propel them into the air. The English expression to 'go upon all fours' may be the obvious equivalent to the original Hebrew expression, but it wrongly gives the impression that the four legs are 'all' the legs.

A leg which one hops with is still a leg. The text is still flawed.

But I'd concede the point. It remains that the Bible is horridly flawed scientifically - as is to be expected, as it is simply a book of myths.

Does the sub really know what is going on?

Not being in control of a scene does not imply that one is uncomprehending of such.

Is this not obvious?

Sorry, but everyone is a slave to something. If you can't live without sex (just an example) then you are a slave to sex.

Invalid. One can live without sex.
But even if sex was as necessary as oxygen, one would still not be a slave to it. I do not submit to oxygen, nor am I subject to its will, both of which conditions define slavery.

You're a slave to something no matter how hard you try.

I am not a slave to anything - I follow my own will, and I make damned sure that my will is pure.
Xev your a slave to your own will, which includes your own mistakes. Your also a slave to decay and eventual death.

Invalid. One can live without sex.
But even if sex was as necessary as oxygen, one would still not be a slave to it. I do not submit to oxygen, nor am I subject to its will, both of which conditions define slavery.
During the AIDS's epidemic many died simply because they could not abstain. When someone has odds greater than 5% of getting AIDS and they're still playing dice, is not sign of slavery?
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
I dont know, I would love to believe in god i have tried so damn hard , But i find it very hard to accept something that is scientifically implausible. and i hate how boring church is... boring boring boring...

My heart goes out to you. Don't try hard to believe. Just look for him; keep serching. He will make himself known. Yes many churches are boring and far from on fire, but don't blame the faults of man on God. If the church you are at doesn't suit you, go look for another one. Don't give up, there are good churches out there. Another thing is that God hides truth sometimes. If you don't believe and haven't excepted Jesus in your heart there are a lot of things about christianity you will not understand. If it is mostly gonig over your head it would be pretty boring too. Search for God dayly. PRAY. He speaks to us through prayer just as we speak to him. Reading to Bible is always a + too. Start with the book of John if you've never read the Bible before. It's the basics. I'm glad to hear you have atleast tried to find God. Keep looking he's there.

All Christ's undying love,

Originally posted by =SputniK-CL=
We are all slave to need. Need is what drives us. This is why everything we do, say, think, shit is subjective. This is also why I cant believe in your God, mystee. You are more human than you think...

But assume for a moment that God put need in us. He put a need for him in all our hearts. That need has fooled many people into turning to sex, drugs, or bad relationships to fill that need. When we convince ourselves that this thing, this sin, will eventually fill our need, we become a slave to it. And only filling that need by turning to God can free you from that.
And though I may not say it often, I am painfully aware of how human I am.

Tons of Love,

Xev your a slave to your own will, which includes your own mistakes.

I'd think that I'm a slave to my Self and the master of my will, but this is rather a triviality.

If responsibility is slavery to self, then I am a most abject and vile slave.

Your also a slave to decay

Sounds awfully kinky. Does this involve bondage and eating live maggots off of my lover's balls?

and eventual death.

I am alive. One day, entropy will win and my body will no longer function. I will then die.

How does this make me a slave to death? It simply means that I am a part of the universe.

During the AIDS's epidemic many died simply because they could not abstain. When someone has odds greater than 5% of getting AIDS and they're still playing dice, is not sign of slavery?

They WOULD NOT abstain. Refusing to use a condom when fucking a complete stranger is a sign of foolishness, not slavery.

/Edit: One could, of course, give one's will completely over to the pursuit of pleasure. If that pursuit overrides one's will, it could be argued that one is a "slave to pleasure".
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Originally posted by okinrus
Xev your a slave to your own will, which includes your own mistakes.

You know, when I wrote that I was a slave to myself, I wasn't being serious, right? It's impossible to be a slave to oneslf. That's called "freedom," and it happens to be the antithesis of forced servitude, or "slavery," in case that was in need of clarity. Ergo, the entire notion of being a slave to one's own volition is rather backward and asinine.

yeah . . . I just wanted to make sure you were aware . . . yah . . .

I think I'll go labor in the desert now.

Originally posted by Mystee
If you don't believe and haven't excepted Jesus in your heart there are a lot of things about christianity you will not understand.

Sister, it's "accepted," not "excepted," at least in that sense.
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Mystee, you're a good kid, I can tell. That's why I like Christianity, it seems to produce good people, whether or not there is a God, though I certainly hope there is. But just remember, religion is a fashionable substitute for belief, just don't let that be a bad thing. Freedom is just an illusion.
Question ...

Originally posted by Mystee
PRAY. He speaks to us through prayer just as we speak to him.
What do you think of this quote?

"What happens when the same number of people pray for something as pray against it? How does God decide whose prayer to answer? Does the total number of people praying for or against something matter? How about the righteousness of the supplicants? Are positive prayers answered more frequently than negative ones? Does God take the positive ones and Satan the negative? Does the intensity of the praying have any effect on the outcome? Does the length of time one devotes to praying have any effect on the frequency with which one's prayers are answered? Do the words and phrases used in the prayer -- either positive or negative -- have any bearing on the success rate? Does the nature of the thing or things prayed for have any bearing on the prayer's success rate -- either positive or negative prayers? Why or why not??" -Robert A. Baker, Prayer Wars
That's a very good point, the way I think of it is that prayer stirs our internal concience. When we think about something that strongly, then it will help us to understand it more. Think of prayer as a GUI for meditation. Now, of course there may be more to it than that, but I think that is a good enough reason to not dismiss prayer.
Originally posted by DrNeroCF
That's a very good point, the way I think of it is that prayer stirs our internal concience. When we think about something that strongly, then it will help us to understand it more. Think of prayer as a GUI for meditation. Now, of course there may be more to it than that, but I think that is a good enough reason to not dismiss prayer.
Do you think there is a difference between praying and meditating?
I believe that the effects of both are quite similar. More specifically, I think that prayer is a kind of meditation. How deep of a meditation it is depends on the prayer, however.
I'd think that I'm a slave to my Self and the master of my will, but this is rather a triviality.

If responsibility is slavery to self, then I am a most abject and vile slave.
What I mean is that your enslaved to your own mistakes and misunderstanding. Which reminds me, why am I even talking to you?

Sounds awfully kinky. Does this involve bondage and eating live maggots off of my lover's balls?
I'm sure you are well aware that the only sure thing in your life is death.

They WOULD NOT abstain. Refusing to use a condom when fucking a complete stranger is a sign of foolishness, not slavery.
Where are you going with this? Then they are slaves to their own foolishness. Were the administrators slaves to the gay liberation movement? Or to their own public appearances. If they had closed them down sooner, perhaps more would have been saved.
What I mean is that your enslaved to your own mistakes and misunderstanding.

I don't think so. I've learned a lot, even from the things I regret doing and the choices I regret making.

*Pukes all over keyboard*
That is such a trite statement.

Which reminds me, why am I even talking to you?

You love me, adore me. You cannot stand to be without my bootylicious cyber-presence.
Seriously? You want to win this conflict, yet you know that you can't.

I'm sure you are well aware that the only sure thing in your life is death.

Death and human stupidity, yes. This doesn't make me death's slave, any more than needing oxygen makes me oxygen's slave.

I am the universe's bitch.

Happy now?

Where are you going with this? Then they are slaves to their own foolishness. Were the administrators slaves to the gay liberation movement? Or to their own public appearances. If they had closed them down sooner, perhaps more would have been saved.

You're throwing around the term "slave" way too easily.

I'll ask a question - what is slavery to you? How do you define it?

I agree - I also think prayer and meditation are basically the same. How deep of a meditation it is I think depends on what you are trying to achieve. Which brings me back to the quote I posted. In my opinion, it is interesting food for thought no matter what your beliefs are. :)
Originally posted by okinrus
What I mean is that your enslaved to your own mistakes and misunderstanding.

Okinrus, one cannot be enslaved to "mistakes and misunderstandings." That doesn't make any sense, comrade.