Tell me, what turns you off at the church.

A person who did these things that flores mentioned will either have guilty feelings or not....if he does have feelings of guilt then he is normal and he realised them by self actualization....he realised what he did and he felt it wasnt right. No god or jesus helps u do that....u just need to look into urself and realise it..On the other hand if a person regrets what he did only in the name of his religious group without a doubt he will do it again..A person must realise what he did and try to make himself better...not start to feel afraid of what might happen to him and try not to do it again...A person with no feelings of guilt is a mentally challenged one and should be institutionalized.
Read Zachariah. On that day I will take away the guilt of the nation. Ok everyone feels sorry for their sins but only Jesus can say "Your sins are forgiven." He has given us that power to trample serpents and scorpian, and heal others. We effectively forgive others through Jesus. What I mean by 0in sin is anyone who habitually sins. They have made themselves slaves to their sin and thus slaves to demons. However if you are not in Jesus than where are you? You are in the world and the world was created in 6 days and therefore the world is the imperfect number. The three 6's, the dragon and the two beast, that block the light of the Trinity. However for those who find rest in the 7 day and Jesus is the lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

Find a new one. God doesn't care if you're Baptist or Methodist or if you go to the church on your street or the one across town. He just wants praise and worship.
Doctrin is important. Does God care? Well yes and no. First of all, God considers the people of all religions equal. However the new testament warns about false teachers and division. One problem is that false teaching will usually come to light under study and often the person will give up both his church and God. I've seen this alot on these boards. I do alot of discovery and reading on my own. In the words of Augustine, any interpretation with love of God and neighbor cannot be seen as intentional error.
Originally posted by okinrus
[Doctrin is important. Does God care? Well yes and no. First of all, God considers the people of all religions equal. However the new testament warns about false teachers and division. One problem is that false teaching will usually come to light under study and often the person will give up both his church and God. I've seen this alot on these boards. I do alot of discovery and reading on my own. In the words of Augustine, any interpretation with love of God and neighbor cannot be seen as intentional error. [/B]

um could you dumb that down for me? I guess I don't understand what you're getting at. I think you're saying I was wrong. Maybe I was. I guess God probably does care where we go to church because I am involved at 3 different churches right now that often conflict. I believe God leads me in what church to go to when. So I can see where maybe my statement was wrong. I was trying to break that idea that people have that they can never change churches. That because it was their first church they could never change and they'll just have to deal with the lukewarmness forever. Hey I can admit when I've said something wrong. Listen to me long enough it'll happen again I promise :)

Lots of Love,
Originally posted by Flores
What's your turn off about the church?
The bloody hymns. I have a can of tuna in the kitchen that can write better music and more poetic lyrics.
Of course, sometimes they do play Bach which is usually a better argument for God than anything that comes from the Priest’s mouth.

Anyone who is in sin is a slave to the devil.

Oh! This explains why I've been constructing zigguruts all day. Thanks for clearing that one up. :)

By the way, Jesus did visit the spirit prison.

You're thinking of "Ghostbusters".
um could you dumb that down for me? I guess I don't understand what you're getting at. I think you're saying I was wrong. Maybe I was. I guess God probably does care where we go to church because I am involved at 3 different churches right now that often conflict. I believe God leads me in what church to go to when. So I can see where maybe my statement was wrong. I was trying to break that idea that people have that they can never change churches. That because it was their first church they could never change and they'll just have to deal with the lukewarmness forever. Hey I can admit when I've said something wrong. Listen to me long enough it'll happen again I promise
At some points the search for truth will require investigation of all churches. However Jesus said to Peter, "On this rock I will build my church" and "the gates of hell will not prevail against my church" so there is one church just as there is one body of christ. I don't think Jesus will judge on what church you choose though. You should read the bible, study the writings of the early church and even the writings of the reformers. My only suggestion is to love your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Doctrin should not matter so much that you become a pharisee.

Oh! This explains why I've been constructing zigguruts all day. Thanks for clearing that one up.
The tower of babel fell at God's command. You keep constructing but God will tear em down.

You're thinking of "Ghostbusters".
I believe that doors to the abyss have been opened or will shortly be opened. As was written in <a href="">Joel</a>
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The tower of babel fell at God's command. You keep constructing but God will tear em down.
I daresay that the reason Christianity has resulted in such sanguinary practices is the simple fact that Christians lack a sense of humour.

I am not in fact constructing zigguruts for Satan.

believe that doors to the abyss have been opened or will shortly be opened. As was written in Joel

Please keep them closed, I'm tired of the bloody thing staring back at me.
I daresay that the reason Christianity has resulted in such sanguinary practices is the simple fact that Christians lack a sense of humour.
I am not in fact constructing zigguruts for Satan.
When I say that you were building zigguruts for Satan? Maybe my writings have become babeled or something.

Please keep them closed, I'm tired of the bloody thing staring back at me.
No, I'm being serious here.
Originally posted by Xev
When the high priest forgets to gag the virgins and they just go "oh no, please don't sacrifice us to the Elder Gods!" for hours. Bloody annoying.

I refer you to the works of a prominent British author.

"The figures looked more or less human. And they were engaged in religion. You could tell by the knives (it's not murder if you do it for a god)."
Originally posted by Xev
When the high priest forgets to gag the virgins and they just go "oh no, please don't sacrifice us to the Elder Gods!" for hours. Bloody annoying.

Yeah, that's pretty irritating, but what really gets me is when some newbie ecstatically shouts the name of the "He Who Must Not Be Named" and the bestial Byakhee swoop down to scourge the congregation for the sins of one heretic.

I always have to rummage through my bookbag to find my Elder Sign to ward off those bat-like demons.

Originally posted by Xev
You're thinking of "Ghostbusters".
Anyone who is in sin is a slave to the devil.
Anyone who grovels before the Cross and adulates Jesus is His slave. I for one am the slave of neither God nor Satan. I am the Captain of My Own Destiny! Heh :cool:

Hmmmm . . . the construction of Ziggurats for the glory of Satan? Oh . . . so that's what I'm doin' out here in Mesopotamia! I'd been wondering 'bout that for quite a spell now.
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The old people.
That and the whole house of god atmosphere.
I mean seriously, I go to church to check out the hotties in sun dresses. Now how am I supposed to enjoy life when all those old folks are carring on about buring in hell and waving their arms about. Ever looked at old peoples' arms? They have that whole saggy, hanging flesh thing going on. Not a turn on..
Anyone who grovels before the Cross and adulates Jesus is His slave. I for one am the slave of neither God nor Satan. I am the Captain of My Own Destiny! Heh
John 15:15 "I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing."

Hmmmm . . . the construction of Ziggurats for the glory of Satan? Oh . . . so that's what I'm doin' out here in Mesopotamia! I'd been wondering 'bout that for quite a spell now.
Is pride from Satan?
Sorry, Okinrus, but any form of submission or diffidence is slavery to me. I will never surrender to God. I would rather fight than grovel and worship. He created me, and I hope he can put up with me.

"I got somethin' to say . . . It's better to burn out than to fade away!"
- Kurgan, the barbarous Immortal, Highlander (1986)
Sorry, Okinrus, but any form of submission or diffidence is slavery to me. I will never surrender to God. I would rather fight than grovel and worship. He created me, and I hope he can put up with me.
Unless if you have spent all your life killing others, hating others, etc. then you have already submited to God at least a little bit. Worship is just loving God.
John 15:15 "I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing."

Really? So you have all those S/M enthusiasts just wandering about, not knowing what the fuck is going on, no communication between the lovers whatsoever?
I think not.
This is probably up there with "insects have four legs" and "it's okay to kill people, just as long as they're of a different ethnic group" in terms of "untrue shit in the Bible".

Submission to anything is slavery to the aforementioned thing.

Is pride from Satan?

I think it's from Walmart.

Yeah, that's pretty irritating, but what really gets me is when some newbie ecstatically shouts the name of the "He Who Must Not Be Named" and the bestial Byakhee swoop down to scourge the congregation for the sins of one heretic.

This is also annoying. Having one's ceremonial robes splattered with brain is horribly embarassing, especially if one must impress others at the concomitant ritual orgy.
Originally posted by Xev

I think it's from Walmart.

Oh, I got mine at the dollar tree; now that I consider it, that clerk did have horns, and red skin, and cleft hooves, and a tail.

Hmmm . . . that suggests something . . . ahhh I think I've got it!

Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she never had a backstreet guy
I bet her mama never told her why

No, no that's not it

And I had done a hellish thing
And it would work 'em woe;
For all averr'd I had kill'd the Bird
That made the Breeze to blow.

No, that's not it either . . .

Of such great power there may conceivably be a survival . . . a survival of a hugely remote period when . . . consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity . . . forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods, monsters, mythical beings of all sorts and kinds . . .

Nope, nope . . .

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advicce that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.

Nah, not that either . . .

Where the smell of gasoline and burning break bands and red-eye is sweeter than myrrh. Where the eight-cylinder jobs come roaring round the curves in the red hills and scatter the gravel like spray, and when they ever get down in the flat country and hit the new slab, God have mercy on the mariner.

No, no . . .

I swear I had it . . . so close . . . no . . . it's gone.
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Originally posted by Xev

Really? So you have all those S/M enthusiasts just wandering about, not knowing what the fuck is going on, no communication between the lovers whatsoever?
I think not.
This is probably up there with "insects have four legs" and "it's okay to kill people, just as long as they're of a different ethnic group" in terms of "untrue shit in the Bible".

Submission to anything is slavery to the aforementioned thing.

Let me shed some light on the verse you pointed out (John15:15) A slave is not aware of the personal affares of his master. He just does what he is told out of duty. God doesn't want slaves. He wants friends. That is why he has let us in on what he's up to and let us all come and have a deep personal relationship with him. We are not called to be slaves. We are called to be his friends. That's what that verse means.

Christ's love,


Originally posted by Jenyar
Sorry, I must have missed it. I was just pointing out that 'self-actualization' ususally isn't enough.

Self-actualization is everything. It is realizing the power of god in oneself.
Re: Self-Actualization

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Self-actualization is everything. It is realizing the power of god in oneself.

God's power is only given to us once we have excepted him as Lord and Savior. If God's power was in everyone just waiting to be dug up, the world would be a whole lot more messed up.