Tell me, what turns you off at the church.

Originally posted by Voltaire
y i even went to a fu***** (sorry:eek:) private school.

The Bible, I repeat was writen by humans, it is not the whole truth an dis not perfect as well.

I went to a private Catholic school for four years. I am now replete with fancy religious words like "ecumenical council," "Transubstantiation," and "Eucharist."

Well, Voltaire, don't get me wrong; I'm no supporter of the Infamy. I must assure you that I'm an agnostic, though one that has a natural attachment to cryptic anagogies and other quixotic nonsense.
I like religion, but I don't believe a whit of it.

Oh, back to the subject, I believe Catholic Tradition claims that the Spirit of God guided the writers of the Gospel.
Several paintings of the Renaissance depict said writers with portentous doves on their shoulders.
Would this divine inspiration not protect Scripture from misinterpretation and corruption?
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Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Redoubtable
I went to a private Catholic school for four years. I am now replete with fancy religious words like "ecumenical council," "Transubstantiation," and "Eucharist."

Well, Voltaire, don't get me wrong; I'm no supporter of the Infamy. I must assure you that I'm an agnostic, though one that has a natural attachment to cryptic anagogies and other quixotic nonsense.
I like religion, but I don't believe a whit of it.

Oh, back to the sucbject, I believe Catholic Tradition claims that the Spirit of God guided the writers of the Gospel.
Several paintings of the Renaissance depict said writers with portentous doves on their shoulders.
Would this divine inspiration not protect Scripture from misinterpretation and corruption?

Just curious--where does it say in the Bible that it was devinely inspired. Come on, you Xians out there, you should know this one off the top of your haloed heads!
Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Just curious--where does it say in the Bible that it was devinely inspired. Come on, you Xians out there, you should know this one off the top of your haloed heads!

MedicineWoman, I wrote "Catholic Tradition," not "Bible".
Besides "inspiration" really isn't the right word. I should've written "intercession," or "guidance".
Re: Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Redoubtable
MedicineWoman, I wrote "Catholic Tradition," not "Bible".
Besides "inspiration" really isn't the right word. I should've written "intercession," or "guidance".

Yes, I know you did. I was just curious where the "scripture" could be found, and secondly, since the Xians on this forum think I'm demon possessed, I wanted to see if they would answer me!
Would this divine inspiration not protect Scripture from misinterpretation and corruption?

ahem... no. people can change anything to bend towards their will. it's not like thunder is gonna come and burn them alive. these men twisted everything and mixed their beliefs with other religions. whatever, people can believe whatever they fu***** want to believe.

to the dude that said he is not here to serve anyone:

sweetie you are very confused. if we did not come here to serve then why the "fruit" do you think we are here? I personally try to make other people truly happy. my heart just leaps when i help out the poor. they need our help and we, as privileged people, can afford it. maybe you don't fu***** want to serve humanity and that is understandable to a certain extent. you will learn some day, i guess.
Yes, I know you did. I was just curious where the "scripture" could be found, and secondly, since the Xians on this forum think I'm demon possessed, I wanted to see if they would answer me!
Were joking with you. Your not demon possessed, your possesed with yourself. Depends on what book. Most of the new testament authors speak of the Holy Spirit being poured out on them. So naturally what they teach about the faith is done by the spirit. The Law is basically quotation from God. Because the books of the bible were not put together in the full canon, your not going to find a general statement. However Jeremiah 1:9 "Then the LORD extended his hand and touched my mouth, saying, See, I place my words in your mouth! This day I set you over nations and over kingsdoms."... "The word of the LORD camet to me..." The Law is confirmed by Jesus saying "not an iota shall be taken from the Law until all is fullfilled".

You might be able to prove that sola-scriptura is wrong by this argument. At some point every christian will have to accept some tradition.
Originally posted by Voltaire
to the dude that said he is not here to serve anyone:

sweetie you are very confused. if we did not come here to serve then why the "fruit" do you think we are here?

maybe you don't fu***** want to serve humanity and that is understandable to a certain extent.

I suppose that we are here due to astronomically improbable coincidences that culminated in the gradual evolution of life on earth.

As for a purpose in our presence here, I don't think there is such a thing.
However, since most require substitute that one could ruminate happily, I choose to go with "be happy".
With that as my aim, I don't see why I should serve anyone. It'll only make me happy if I love them, and I'm finding that to be very hard right now.
Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Just curious--where does it say in the Bible that it was devinely inspired. Come on, you Xians out there, you should know this one off the top of your haloed heads!
I this what you were looking for? :
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is Godbreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Re: Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Jenyar
I this what you were looking for? :
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is Godbreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Too bad your same bible says

[8] How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.

Good luck with your scriptures......Medecine Woman question is extremely valid, the bible never mentions anything about it's accuracy, divine inspiration, that it's supposed to be studied, ect...
Re: Re: Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Flores
Too bad your same bible says
How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.

Good luck with your scriptures......Medecine Woman question is extremely valid, the bible never mentions anything about it's accuracy, divine inspiration, that it's supposed to be studied, ect...
I'm surprised at you Flores. I thought we have gotten past such unfounded hostility!

Read you own post: If people don't take it seriously, don't study it, and don't listen to God's Word, then of course God had provided it in vain!

The same is valid for Muslims: If you don't read the Quran, then it has been written in vain! If everybody reasoned like Medicine*Woman then certainly nobody would be "thoroughly equipped for every good work", and you know this Flores. She believes she is her own law.

In Jer.8 the following verse reads:
9 The wise will be put to shame;
they will be dismayed and trapped.
Since they have rejected the word of the LORD ,
what kind of wisdom do they have?

If you reject the Bible, you reject the prophets before Muhammed were sent by God. If they weren't from God, why does Muhammed attest to them? If they were accurate at 600CE, then all the manuscripts that date before that time and are still in existence in that form, were considered accurate by Muhammed himself. These include:

Untranslated - i.e. in their original language:
The Dead Sea Scrolls: date from 200 B.C. - 70 A.D. and contain the entire book of Isaiah and portions of every other Old Testament book but Esther.
Geniza Fragments: portions the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic, discovered in 1947 in an old synagogue in Cairo, Egypt, which date from about 400 A.D.

400 B.C. The Old Testament began to be translated into Aramaic. This translation is called the Aramaic Targums. This translation helped the Jewish people, who began to speak Aramaic from the time of their captivity in Babylon, to understand the Old Testament in the language that they commonly spoke. In the first century Palestine of Jesus' day, Aramaic was still the commonly spoken language. For example maranatha: "Our Lord has come," (1 Cor. 16:22) is an example of an Aramaic word that is used in the New Testament.
250 B.C. The Old Testament was translated into Greek. This translation is know as the Septuagint. It is sometimes designated "LXX" (which is Roman numeral for "70") because it was believed that 70 to 72 translators worked to translate the Hebrew Old Testament in Greek. The Septuagint was often used by New Testament writers when they quoted from the Old Testament. The LXX was translation of the Old Testament that was used by the early Church.

The following is a list of the oldest Greek LXX translations of the Old Testament that are still in existence.
Chester Beatty Papyri: Contains nine Old Testament Books in the Greek Septuagint and dates between 100-400 A.D.
Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus each contain almost the entire Old Testament of the Greek Septuagint and they both date around 350 A.D.

Source: How the Bible came to us

Flores, if these are not harrafa, then why do you dismiss them?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the Bible inspired?

Originally posted by Jenyar

If you reject the Bible, you reject the prophets before Muhammed were sent by God. If they weren't from God, why does Muhammed attest to them? If they were accurate at 600CE, then all the manuscripts that date before that time and are still in existence in that form, were considered accurate by Muhammed himself.

Where your argument always fail with me Jenyar is your inability to show that the various versions of the bible in the market today are the actual bible spoken by in the Quran. The Quran says that within itself it's a revelation of today and the future and a confirmation to what came before it. The stories in the bible while close are not similar to the way they are told in the Quran, and because I believe in the Quran, I have no choice but denounce the current version of the bible who was compiled by authors foreign to me in a language different than that of the orignal bible....
In addition Jenyar, the bible doesn't do anything to me as far as inspiration. It's written poorely, unnecessary stupid stories, breasts, sex, blaphsemy on the prophets, the sequence of event is not always clear, and it doesn't perfectly rythem and show language management superiority like the Quran does. The bible in it's current format can not be divine, my heart tells me so, and the closest to divine it will get is equivalent to cliff notes versus getting into Shakespeare's head.
Flores, nothing except God himself is truly divine.

Since you are aware that what we call "the Bible" consists of 66 different books, mostly from different authors and over thousands of years, it is impossible for the Bible to show the same consistency of language, rhythm and and flowing writing as the Quran would.

Anyway, no person before 600CE had access to the Quran, they did at the very least had access to those books I had mentioned in my post (most notably the complete 66 chapters of Isaiah). The perfection of the Quran could not have instilled faith in them then, so the Jewish scripture and laws of Moses must have been sufficient. Abraham had neither book, and yet still was able to have faith.

Perfection is not necessary for salvation - but truth and righteousness is. The truth is not always easy on the ear, easy to understand or to your liking. If you don't like the love described by Solomon, or the beautiful poems by David, or any of the stories of the Old Testament, it does not mean what you have is somehow superior or more true.

Everything is subject to God, and imperfect by comparison - including the Quran and the Bible. God existed before the scriptures, and called people to Him long before the Quran. The only reason we have them is to guide us on the right path to righteousness. The prophets did not always say what the people wanted to hear, and the Bible reflects this. But if you look for truth where God has spoken, you will find it.
Originally posted by Jenyar

Perfection is not necessary for salvation - but truth and righteousness is. The truth is not always easy on the ear, easy to understand or to your liking. If you don't like the love described by Solomon, or the beautiful poems by David, or any of the stories of the Old Testament, it does not mean what you have is somehow superior or more true.

I'm glad you said the truth is important, because I have a dilemma here. A book that is available in it's original language written in superior perfect arabic tells me

that there is no original sin and that Eve didn't sleep with a serpant, while a bible that I know nothing about it's origin tells me that we are born in sin and that woman is the cause of sin.

That Quran tells me that all people are equal in god's eye and are judged based on their ability to restrain from evil, that other huge book of garbage tells me that people are not equal, that sin continue to the 4th or tenth generation, that people need a mediator between them and god called Jesus, that we need to be dipped in water to become born again, that we need to be born again although logic tells me that a person is born once.

Again that Quran tells the story of Abraham in such ease and beauty, it never say that god commanded Abraham to kill Ismael, ect...The bible makes no sense and jumps events, first Ismael is described as a baby, and Sarah says that boy is mocking me, a baby can mock, wow...then Abraham to sacrifice his ONLY son Isaac, then both decendants to have great lives, yet the sons of Isaac are chosen.

This bible tells story of prophets of god sleeping with their daughters and doing horrible acts, while in the Quran, I find not a single single sexcual lowly language.

Then those chrisitians are jealous from the Quran and can't refute the errors in their bible, so they decend in level and start mocking the Prophet and picking on his life and what they claim he said out of the context of Quran in Hadith. I don't see too much criticism of the Quran, just Prophet Muhammed and the Hadith.

Come on Jenyar, after all that and there is much more, will you tell me again about this truth of yours and believing in a man that was god send. My book tells the christians.

[4.171] O followers of the Book! do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not speak (lies) against Allah, but (speak) the truth; the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is only an apostle of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His apostles, and say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you; Allah is only one God; far be It from His glory that He should have a son, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is sufficient for a Protector.

[5.116] And when Allah will say: O Isa son of Marium! did you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah he will say: Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); if I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it; Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I do not know what is in Thy mind, surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen things.

[3.59] Surely the likeness of Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.

[5.110] When Allah will say: O Isa son of Marium! Remember My favor on you and on your mother, when I strengthened you I with the holy Spirit, you spoke to the people in the cradle and I when of old age, and when I taught you the Book and the wisdom and the Taurat and the Injeel; and when you determined out of clay a thing like the form of a bird by My permission, then you breathed into it and it became a bird by My permission, and you healed the blind and the leprous by My permission; and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and when I withheld the children of Israel from you when you came to them with clear arguments, but those who disbelieved among them said: This is nothing but clear enchantment.

So Jenyar, how do you expect me to see your prepective while my noble Quran tells me that those that believe Jesus is god or son of god have indeed disbelieved. I'd rather stay on the believers side.