Tell me, what turns you off at the church.

Why do you only choose to compare Islam with Christianity? You never pick on other religions, just christianity. Are you Anti-christ? Oh my god - you ARE the Antichrist! Just kidding. But I do find it strange that most of your arguments are Anti-christ. Why do you single out this religion in particular? Are you a convert to Islam?
damn, I can see your posts, ignore list must stop after 10 days, I must reload your name again.

Originally posted by Jeremy
Why do you only choose to compare Islam with Christianity?

Because, christians choose to always spread their gospels to others by force like annoying telemarketers, I choose to annoy them back, maybe that'll get them off my back, no other faith have such an aggressive missionary mission as christianity.

Originally posted by Jeremy
You never pick on other religions, just christianity. Are you Anti-christ?

Actually, it's funny you call me that, since I believe that all christians are the anti-christ, since they twisted his original message and put words in his mouth that he never said and made a god out of him while he was trying to teach them about the universal god. Then funny they fight and not agree with the jews while they both study the same book.......but idiots don't see such subtelty and contradictions in their faith....Who is doing more harm to Jesus, a muslim that acknoledge him as a chosen prophet of god strengthened with the holly spirit, or a christian that exceeds the limits set by god and lies and makes a god out of him or the jews that don't even think he is for real.

Originally posted by Jeremy
Are you a convert to Islam?

I don't know the meaning of your question or understand your terminology. My use of the word conversion is limited to underwear, computer programs, ect... I don't believe in water born again christianity or underwear conversions and bouncing between faithes.....I was born believing in the one god and I'll die believing in the one god, it's as simple as that, and I don't need to switch churches, talk to your likes, or perform rituals, you though are quite at home with such terminology.
Soul Sisters

Originally posted by Flores
I believe that all christians are the anti-christ, since they twisted his original message and put words in his mouth that he never said and made a god out of him while he was trying to teach them about the universal god.

Then funny they fight and not agree with the jews while they both study the same book.......but idiots don't see such subtelty and contradictions in their faith....Who is doing more harm to Jesus, a muslim that acknoledge him as a chosen prophet of god strengthened with the holly spirit, or a christian that exceeds the limits set by god and lies and makes a god out of him or the jews that don't even think he is for real.

...I was born believing in the one god and I'll die believing in the one god, it's as simple as that....

Flores, you and I are One in Spirit.
Re: Soul Sisters

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Flores, you and I are One in Spirit.


Thank you doctora. But in I'm still far away from attaining peacefullness and serenity which I long for. The sufi religion describes a man/woman who has acquired this rank as finding the greatest peace only in feeling the company of God, becoming aware of Divine Beauty and Grace in our heart, and feeling attracted toward god. We would be conscious that existence subsists by God's existence and that we are endowed with the power of speaking because God has Speech. Through this window opened to us, we acquires, despite his finitude, the power of seeing and hearing infinitely and an infinite capacity. In the whirl of the most complicated events where everyone else is bewildered and falters, we would travel in safety and escapes the whirl.
Re: Re: Soul Sisters

Originally posted by Flores

Thank you doctora. But in I'm still far away from attaining peacefullness and serenity which I long for. The sufi religion describes a man/woman who has acquired this rank as finding the greatest peace only in feeling the company of God, becoming aware of Divine Beauty and Grace in our heart, and feeling attracted toward god. We would be conscious that existence subsists by God's existence and that we are endowed with the power of speaking because God has Speech. Through this window opened to us, we acquires, despite his finitude, the power of seeing and hearing infinitely and an infinite capacity. In the whirl of the most complicated events where everyone else is bewildered and falters, we would travel in safety and escapes the whirl.

So beautifully put, and so true!
medicine*woman and flores,

hello, i love the way you both think. it's sad how people come to rely so heavily on a book when everything you need to know is inside you.

For all you christians out there, meditate upon this:
"We are all one body, we have the same Spirit and we have all been called to the same glorious future." Ephesians 4:4.

May you all find happiness.

Actually, it's funny you call me that, since I believe that all christians are the anti-christ, since they twisted his original message and put words in his mouth that he never said and made a god out of him while he was trying to teach them about the universal god. Then funny they fight and not agree with the jews while they both study the same book.......but idiots don't see such subtelty and contradictions in their faith....Who is doing more harm to Jesus, a muslim that acknoledge him as a chosen prophet of god strengthened with the holly spirit, or a christian that exceeds the limits set by god and lies and makes a god out of him or the jews that don't even think he is for real.
flores= legend.
Originally posted by Flores

damn, I can see your posts, ignore list must stop after 10 days, I must reload your name again.

Whatever. Blinded by the light of truth are you? You must shield your eyes - or be turned into a pillar of salt? I know you can't block this anyway.

Because, christians choose to always spread their gospels to others by force like annoying telemarketers, I choose to annoy them back, maybe that'll get them off my back, no other faith have such an aggressive missionary mission as christianity.

Who is spreading the 'gospel' now? You choose to annoy like a missionary? o.k.

Actually, it's funny you call me that, since I believe that all christians are the anti-christ, since they twisted his original message and put words in his mouth that he never said and made a god out of him while he was trying to teach them about the universal god. Then funny they fight and not agree with the jews while they both study the same book.......but idiots don't see such subtelty and contradictions in their faith....Who is doing more harm to Jesus, a muslim that acknoledge him as a chosen prophet of god strengthened with the holly spirit, or a christian that exceeds the limits set by god and lies and makes a god out of him or the jews that don't even think he is for real.

Spend more time reading the lines, and less time reading between the lines. I said I was kidding about the anti-christ. As far as infighting of christians. How about Islamics infighting, causing the split of old India into Pakistan and modern India. Or more recently in Iraq's history Sunnis and Shites killing each other as fast and as often as they can. Oh - there is a peaceful solidarity of God.

I don't know the meaning of your question or understand your terminology. My use of the word conversion is limited to underwear, computer programs, ect... I don't believe in water born again christianity or underwear conversions and bouncing between faithes.....I was born believing in the one god and I'll die believing in the one god, it's as simple as that, and I don't need to switch churches, talk to your likes, or perform rituals, you though are quite at home with such terminology.

You convert your panties? Sounds very interesting. A convert is considered to be someone who has converted from one faith to another. Regardless of faith. I ask because most converts I have met generally go overboard with their faith to 'prove' to others (and their selves) how commited they are to it. As if they have deep seated insecurites over their own believes. I sense this in your posts.
Regardless of faith. I ask because most converts I have met generally go overboard with their faith to 'prove' to others (and their selves) how commited they are to it. As if they have deep seated insecurites over their own believes.

yeah... very true. i dunno, i don't think it is "healthy" to attack one religion and ignore the gazilion left in the world. many people have actually gotten something good out of christianity. personally i think the old testament is irrelevant to modern times so i try to focus on the teachings of Jesus. besides one does not have to be stuck to one faith, one is capable of chosing what you want to follow and mold it into the perfect, personal "religion".
What turns me off about church is, well, church itself. Your faith is supposed to be your faith... you shouldn't need to congregate with a bunch of gossipping hypocrits in some glorious building, listening to some guy preach HIS version of the gospel. You got the Book (or a version of it) and you have your family and a home. Stay there, live your lives in peace and harmony.

Let the two faced people pass the plate around.

I have been to church (forced to when I was young), practically everyone in my family was fanatically religious but I saw no need of it. I have my views, I don't need to parade myself around and proclaim to others how much faith I have. Church will not save you, your beliefs will.
At first i thought it was cool. Nowhere else in England can you find a comedy club that has free entry. Unfortunately like all good scams, the bastards managed to get all my money before i had the chance to leave.....

I would have left sooner but the jokes were so damn funny! :D
Originally posted by GuitarToadster
What turns me off about church is, well, church itself. Your faith is supposed to be your faith... you shouldn't need to congregate with a bunch of gossipping hypocrits in some glorious building, listening to some guy preach HIS version of the gospel. You got the Book (or a version of it) and you have your family and a home. Stay there, live your lives in peace and harmony.

Let the two faced people pass the plate around.

I have been to church (forced to when I was young), practically everyone in my family was fanatically religious but I saw no need of it. I have my views, I don't need to parade myself around and proclaim to others how much faith I have. Church will not save you, your beliefs will.
