Telepathy - read someone's mind

It's not something you can medicate against, the interaction is third-party and external.

As to who is doing it, like I mentioned most governments and academic institutes will attempt to follow Ethical and Moral methods of operation, the main reason for this is to save face should anything happen or should it be proven that the operation has to polymorph into a new direction because of a test subjects interaction.

There are however certain "Groups" if you will that are willing to cut the corners, they are shunned by Academics and Governments alike and for the most part people don't really bother with the notion of conspiracy about them.

In the late 1970's and early 1980's, "Cult Groups" were at an all time high they utilised methods to manipulate people to get rid of their world possessions and "believe" in some ideal, like a new world order. We don't hear much about cult groups now, not since the Heavens Gate lot suicided or when someone on this website reminds people "Not to drink the koolaid".

It doesn't mean such cult's no longer exist, it just means they've gone to ground and need flushing out. Such groups will not follow ethical or moral decisions that world scientists would because cultists aren't bound by the same values as you or I. (Think of them as Group Sociopaths)
Traditional way of stopping bad thought waves, alien mind control, evil telepathy etc:

It's not something you can medicate against, the interaction is third-party and external.

As to who is doing it, like I mentioned most governments and academic institutes will attempt to follow Ethical and Moral methods of operation, the main reason for this is to save face should anything happen or should it be proven that the operation has to polymorph into a new direction because of a test subjects interaction.

There are however certain "Groups" if you will that are willing to cut the corners, they are shunned by Academics and Governments alike and for the most part people don't really bother with the notion of conspiracy about them.

In the late 1970's and early 1980's, "Cult Groups" were at an all time high they utilised methods to manipulate people to get rid of their world possessions and "believe" in some ideal, like a new world order. We don't hear much about cult groups now, not since the Heavens Gate lot suicided or when someone on this website reminds people "Not to drink the koolaid".

It doesn't mean such cult's no longer exist, it just means they've gone to ground and need flushing out. Such groups will not follow ethical or moral decisions that world scientists would because cultists aren't bound by the same values as you or I. (Think of them as Group Sociopaths)

dude you sound like you have a minor case of paranoid schizophrenia. This isn't from anything outside of his brain. He needs to be put on anti-psychotics not by wrapping tin foil around his head. Damn i thought this stuff was only in comedies its really deeply saddening to see it in real life. I think im a little too empathetic sometimes.
dude you sound like you have a minor case of paranoid schizophrenia. This isn't from anything outside of his brain. He needs to be put on anti-psychotics not by wrapping tin foil around his head. Damn i thought this stuff was only in comedies its really deeply saddening to see it in real life. I think im a little too empathetic sometimes.
The problem is that people like yourself are all too easy to jump to the conclusion that such misuse is a delusion.

Look at it from this perspective, you make a decision with no evidence that it's a delusion, you automatically utilise a preprogrammed method of denying it and even identify the posed way to deal with it, again preprogrammed. So you claim that other people suffer a delusion but the world you shroud yourself in is false, should I be recommending medication for you? (Please note this isn't a personal dig at you, I apologise if that's how it came across, I'm just trying to identify to you that your rational is possible misinformed.)

Lets say you were afflicted with the misuse, where by you are tortured via radiology (Both verbal and physical), your sleep patterns undermined, any transposed reason or rational thought attempting to understand the situation is manipulated to "look real" for the purpose of increasing your appeared delusion, you perhaps worry about your friends, family and consider that what ever is being done to you, you wouldn't want to pressurise on another living soul.

I can guarantee that if you were put through all of this, you wouldn't be taking drugs or talking to doctors, because you'd travel that road and find it a significant waste of time and effort on your part. You might take the suicide route to escape future torment, however doing so lets those "bastards" win, so while the torture might seem unbearable, identify that one day, justice will be served and you'll be there to make sure it is. (Incidentally it shouldn't really be called suicide, since it's assisted and manipulated to occur)

Let me just point out one thing to you, for every individual that is misused in this way, there's perhaps ten thousand people not being messed with, if something happens to us, they pick a new subject from the populous that remains, that subject could well be you.
Incidentally the joke about tin foil hats is a bit old, although it was suggested that a thickness of 5mm's of Aluminium is enough to stop alpha/beta particles, it's extremely old misinformation. The frequencies used to manipulate a persons mind are not a single frequency, but a matrice of the overall range of frequencies. (This is what can cause considerable pain as the matrices used can effect volume causing the equivalent of swellings. Especially since the frequencies used produce heat.)

This means a standard material will not block interaction and why such equipment/materials like the TEMPEST tent's originated. So you might want to change the joke and tell people to build wigwam's or something.

Incidentally a concern should be raised in regards to the telecommunications industry and their network security. If a person being misused can travel the globe and have the misuse follow where ever they roam, it identifies the telecom's networks as being infiltrated.

You see for any government operation to run across multiple borders, it usually implies that their politicians are suppose to be informed so as to make the necessary arrangements to gain operations control in different territories.

Considering the UK government denies any such misuse exists (at least during the Blair regime) apparently any operations conducted here will not have followed those political channels. This implies that the equivalent of a stack exploit exists in the mobile telecommunication infrastructure, where the networks are being misused outside of their telecom's design and exploited at the transport layer level.
I can exchange voice and videos messages , smell and bad and good filings with people around ,
people can move muscles on my body from distance and much more.

Ok, let's exchange some voice and video. What do we do?
Interesting thread. I was thinking about all this when I was walking to the store yesterday and considered writing some elaborate theory around it, but apparently I transmitted my thoughts hard enough for some openminded minion to receive and to the work for me. Good job. Nevermind what Dywyddyr says. He's a troll in a moderatorcostume, nobody knows how he got hold of it. I'm guessing neglect or evil intent from "government". :D

But back to my theory, it's not a new one, I and many others (?) have presented it before, and to label people who express telepathic ability as schizophrenic has become a standard routine, since telepathy hasn't been investigated enough to be determined as a true reality, so that's all they can do, and apparently the medication given to schizophrenics can stop telepathy from occuring, so if you feel it's too much to handle, then seek help.

But telepathy in itself is not humbug or something paranormal, in a few years we will see more evidence of its reality and look back in shame at the treatments of the poineers in this area. To develop telepathy is a natural state of all evolving civiliszation. We can all feel how the ability is emerging into the collective consciousness and it's completely natural at this stage to feel fear and confusion to what is happening. But after a while, when it has settled in it will become more natural and be a part of our daily communicationsystem, for example to control our computer with brainwaves.

But again, this is just a theory, but a nice one, I think! :D I mean, we can't rely on the machines to work forever, our electronic system can easily be destroyed, and then we would need telepathy to maintain a civilisation to act together.
But as for protection. Tell yourself:

What I am thinking is my private property and none of your fucking business.
Nevermind what Dywyddyr says. He's a troll in a moderatorcostume
Why did no-one tell me?
Or are you inventing things?

since telepathy hasn't been investigated enough to be determined as a true reality
That would be false. "Telepathy" has been investigated extensively. And shown to be NOT real.

But telepathy in itself is not humbug or something paranormal
Because it doesn't exist.

To develop telepathy is a natural state of all evolving civiliszation.
That would be a wild guess. Or wishful thinking.

We can all feel how the ability is emerging into the collective consciousness

But again, this is just a theory
No, it's not a theory at all.

I mean, we can't rely on the machines to work forever, our electronic system can easily be destroyed, and then we would need telepathy to maintain a civilisation to act together.
I think we should have a formal debate about telepathy. Because nothing says irrefutability like two internet posters limited to the latest quackery.
did you recieve medication? also your explanation doesnt make sense. All others?
I had some tablets but not working on me. maybe if I drink some medicine than is going to stop high activity in my brain but to drink such a stuff becouse of some mad man. OK, I think I am going to try all existing medicine, maybe some actually can stop telepathy.:confused: