Telepathy - read someone's mind

Randi is a sceptic. He's hardly likely to be involved with a church. And certainly not Scientology.
I can talk to you using just my brain, you need more than that?

I haven't heard anything from you in my brain.

James Randi is an atheist, by the way. He is not associated with any church.
If you have this ability - posting about it on a message board is lame as all hell. I would be manipulating it to become stupid rich.


Whales and some other animals use telepathy to an extent. I'm sure we'll pick up on how this is done in due time and utilize if we can think of a system that would prevent abuse.

I read a theory awhile back saying its possible to exchange raw emotions or awareness but not "data" like thoughts.

What makes you think whales and other animals are telepathic?

What was the "theory" on how exchanging raw emotions can occur telepathically?

What makes you think whales and other animals are telepathic?

What was the "theory" on how exchanging raw emotions can occur telepathically?

About the animals . For Me it is observation of Deer and there behavior in the wild. Now maybe they have a form of communication I just can't quite perceive and it is not really telepathy , but a series of clicks , brushing noises and what have you. It sure looks like telepathy from a stupid human perspective. I remember one time in particular while my brother , me and my dad were sitting on top of Greathouse peak in the Snowy Mountains watching 7 bucks spread out through the valley below . We watched with our spotting scopes . The deer must have been spread out over the area of about 5 miles. Some how the deer communicated and by there patterns of movement you could tell they did. The deer some how signaled the other deer of our presents on top of the mountain and in the end gathered all together and split out of that valley and on over the ridge to the next valley . I guess there could have been an amphitheater effect and it is thought deer have much higher hearing capabilities than humans ? I personally think humans communicate in this same manner and just are not aware that they do. Not so much as telepathy but by a language based in instinct . I also believe this hidden language can have the appearance of telepathy. I don't know ? but watching animals in the wild make me reevaluate my own limited view of reality
Whales possess a form of communication that allows them to signal other whales hundreds of miles away.

Here are some random links but there is alot of information out there.

As for transfering raw emotion or awareness rather than data : Quantum entanglement supports this idea as well as
Whales possess a form of communication that allows them to signal other whales hundreds of miles away.

Here are some random links but there is alot of information out there.
Whales possess a form of communication that allows them to signal other whales hundreds of miles away. Some experts say it is indeed a form of telepathy
SAID to be a "Form of", not shown to be. Fail.

low frequency sounds travel extremely far

Timed out...

Total crank site. Utter fail.

As for transfering raw emotion or awareness rather than data : Quantum entanglement supports this idea as well as
Quantum pseudo-telepathy is often and easily misrepresented as paranormal
as the quantum non-locality effects that are at the heart of the phenomenon do not allow any transfer of information
Do you actually read your own links?
Dwy you are a fail fail fail fail fail.
SAID to be a "Form of", not shown to be. Fail.
I said whales are full blown telepathic or that to a very limited extent that have some telepathic ability? Your too eager to be the "jackal" here, dwy. Learn to read in context.

Low-frequency pulsating sound waves can travel extremely far? Okay how is this incompatable with telepathy. Hundreds of miles away, Dwy. Hundreds of miles away.

Are you even reading the links dwy??

"Quantum psuedo-telepathy is often and easily misrepresented as paranormal" "as the quantum non-locality effects that are at the heart of the phenomenon do not allow any transfer of information"

Read my sentence. I agreed. Transfer of "information" would not be allowed. Awareness or raw emotion would be quite different from what I imagine.
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Why not use your telepathy to find out something nasty about Randi and then blackmail him?
Dwy you are a fail fail fail fail fail.
I said whales are full blown telepathic or that to a very limited extent that have some telepathic ability? Your too eager to be the "jackal" here, dwy. Learn to read in context.
Maybe you should learn to read.
You claimed:
Whales and some other animals use telepathy to an extent.
Post 28 if you're having trouble.
Your links do not support this.

Low-frequency pulsating sound waves can travel extremely far?
Is this supposed to refute my statement?
It at least shows that your links do not support your claim.

Hundreds of miles away, Dwy. Hundreds of miles away.

The source you cited of my own link does not prove shit. You based your reply on some statement made by a nobody? Atleast get better links.
Except that YOU gave that link as support for YOUR position. The links do NOT do so. AS for "statement made by a nobody"... isn't that entire thread made of "statements by nobodies"? Goose/ gander.

Are you even reading the links dwy?? "Quantum psuedo-telepathy is often and easily misrepresented as paranormal" "as the quantum non-locality effects that are at the heart of the phenomenon do not allow any transfer of information"

Read my sentence. I agreed. Transfer of "information" would not be allowed. Awareness or raw emotion is quite different.
Fail again: emotion would be information. Information on how the other person is feeling. :rolleyes:
Back to school for you.
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"Information on how the other person is feeling" is an abstract definition. Couldent anything be categorized as information on that note. Information is not your state of awareness or emotion, that's like saying your computer hardware is the real information and not the data.

The principle of entanglement supports this idea. Obviously telepathy is not "100% real" nor have I ever claimed it to be otherwise our word would be radically different. The telepathic trasnfer of a state of awareness or emotion? Sure I believe this could be done. Can I scientifically prove it? No.

Does it matter? No. Is it uncommon?? states of awarness and emotion being transfered?
Leave me alone Dwy. Pick on the OP.
Look at his website I found on yor profile.

My name is: Vinko Rajic My Webside this side can be destroyed but if you search under name " Vinko Rajic telepathy " you are going to find a new side , Swedish citizen, Croatian before.

I am Telepathic person. I am probably only one person in the world with this kind of telepathy.

I can exchange voice messages with people using telepathy , I can exchange video with other people.
I can exchange smell and bad and good filings with people around, people can move
muscles on my body from distance and much more.
And all messages from me are transmitted to big number of people so I am a Mental Radio :
I can have telepathic sex life, probably the most amazing sex or something similar with super Tantra, the only problem is I can not have a girlfriend, that is one kind of terror they use against me.
I have no job, no address, no accommodation , I am moving from one place to next,
I am stalked day and night by dirty shit perverts.
Problem is that they turned telepathy to my bitter nightmare.
"Information on how the other person is feeling" is an abstract definition. Couldent anything be categorized as information on that note. Information is not your state of awareness or emotion

that's like saying your computer hardware is the real information and not the data.
Um, no it's not.
It's more equivalent to information on the state of the hardware.

The principle of entanglement supports this idea.
No it doesn't.

Obviously telepathy is not "100% real" nor have I ever claimed it to be otherwise our word would be radically different.
Oh, so you didn't write:
420Joey said:
Whales and some other animals use telepathy to an extent.
And you've misphrased that: a more likely wording would be "telepathy is 100% not real".

The telepathic trasnfer of a state of awareness or emotion? Sure I believe this could be done. Can I scientifically prove it? No.
Yet you attempted to give links. Fine, all you're doing is (as you've now admitted) is espousing an unsupported belief.

Does it matter? No.
Does what matter? That you post nonsensical claims? That you ramble about your belief as if it were established fact? In the grand scheme of things, maybe not. There's always another idiot...

Is it uncommon?? states of awarness and emotion being transfered?
It depends on how they're transferred, doesn't it?