Telepathy - read someone's mind

Telepathy is possible, it works very good.
I can exchange voice and videos messages , smell and bad and good filings with people around ,
people can move muscles on my body from distance and much more.
I wouldn't be surprised if you can sense the difference between male and female operators. The men can come across as one or other archetype, either that of someone with a Phd and therefore professional approach, or like an undergraduate that doesn't take their position seriously.
The female operators will likely come across as more empathetic and likely more associated with Psychology.

When the cats away (the guy or girl with the Phd) the mice will place (Mostly the male undergrad's)

The most crazy is that telepathy can sound like Schizophrenia.
Military's and defense contractors rely upon it being diagnosed as Schizophrenia it aids in their "deniability". People that don't care to understand or haven't observed it first hand will automatically assume it to be a psychiatric condition.

Historically the Russian's during the cold war used a tactic of forcing authors of potential press leaks into mental hospitals so they would become an unreliable source. (This is not implying that the operation is conducted by Russians, in fact they are probably also likely "out of the loop" on this one although you'll always find scraps of information about "Psychotropics" out there.)

To compare it, someone is using telepathy and talking, some people are receiving voices and they think they are schizophrenic. That was with me , at the beginning they made a jokes with me and I was in panic,
I thought my brain was broken and I getting mad but after I could understand what is this about.
The big difference is that they was moving small muscles on my body something that is never Schizophrenia.

Manipulation of a person through either implanting thoughts they don't want or body functions seems to be in-line with certain interrogation methods, where a person is broken down and then rebuild with an infused trust relationship. It's very similar to the "Stockholm Syndrome", the intention being that once you realise you can't escape and you aren't necessarily in full control, you'll likely be more subservient towards their operations. Now that you understand this though, it's up to you to decide if you want to resist.

But what if some people make a fun and just send voices and they do not tell you? What if people are just thinking and working and their thoughts are send and received by some now "schizophrenic" person.

I had similar concerns, the what if's were like this:
  • What if they used the equipment on children that experiment with their sexuality privately, does this mean there is a number of "Paedophiles" out there that currently can't be pointed at because of some clandestine method of secrecy and possible government deniability.
  • What if a person is manipulated by their operators to commit a hate crime, murder or rape? While they are indeed guilty of their act, their "Accomplices" get away scot free, ready to commit another atrocity another day.
  • What if the operators were pro-homosexual and decided that because the standard depiction of nature suggests that homosexuals wouldn't survive since they technically do not breed to survive, they utilise the equipment to manipulate people to become homosexual just to keep their prospective partner list optimised.
  • What if a country's government wants to have more young people involve themselves by becoming military personnel. Rather than issuing a controversial draft system or canvassing prospective students that might cause complaints of "Cold calling", again they can manipulate the individual to make the decision themselves. Kind of a "Psyonic draft".

I have to find a way to protect me of telepathic stalking. Is it any medicine that could stop this?
If you turn to medicine then you've already submitted to the notion that it's psychiatric. While chemical could potentially make you feel easier, more relaxed etc, they won't block something that is coming from an external source. You can try it yourself, however I warn you now Psychiatrists will never inform you of the side-effects of the drugs that you would become Physically dependent upon and when you realise that the drugs don't work, you'll have to go through the process of kicking the dependency.

I was thinking that some metal shield should stop brain waves.
Any idea what can I do?
TEMPEST shielding is likely what you'll want to look at, from my own observations the radiology used is "Non-ionizing", it definitely sites in the infra-red, Microwave and low UV spectrum (The same spectrum used for Mobile Telecommunications). This means that you could end up being heated marginally, however the "Blood barrier" is assume to absorb the heat and allow cooling through your whole body.

Once you are matriced, they won't turn it off for any duration of time because if they did they would have to re-syncronise their equipment with you. This could cause problems (or at least could 10 years ago) in regards to the inner ear and ventricles suffering from mismatch oscillations. (It can generate a localised form of "The Bends" which likely won't show up in blood tests)

Obviously if you paid out to have a room done, pick the Bedroom, you can then sleep easily and might even find the sleep "Dreamless"... If you do I would actually like to hear about it, as I have a little "Digital Physics" hypothesis that might aid in making a lot of sense about everything.

Incidentally I'm UK based, The equipment has been used both while I was in Scotland and the US (Even if your telephone reports there is no signal, that is just your line carrier, it doesn't mean there isn't a signal on another carrier. I mention this because I really was out in the boonies there)

If you want to talk further about it, then you can PM me through the forum software or I could drop an email to you through your website, entirely up to you. Obviously talking about it would be extremely useful for the both of us, as we can try to aid in proving it, or aid in generating a support group on the subject.

In honesty I would like to try and find more people like us and get them to meet up, as although I'm not involved in the operation of misuse, I can see a method of potentially Hijacking what they have been doing and taking it over, turning what operations they have been doing into a useful tool that we have control over.)
Telepathy is possible, it works very good.
I can exchange voice and videos messages , smell and bad and good filings with people around ,
people can move muscles on my body from distance and much more.

The most crazy is that telepathy can sound like Schizophrenia.
To compare it, someone is using telepathy and talking , some people are receiving voices and they think they are
schizophrenic. That was with me , at the beginning they made a jokes with me and I was in panic,
I thought my brain was broken and I getting mad but after I could understand what is this about.
The big difference is that they was moving small muscles on my body something that is never Schizophrenia.
But what if some people make a fun and just send voices and they do not tell you?
What if people are just thinking and working and their thoughts are send and received by some now
"schizophrenic" person.

I have to find a way to protect me of telepathic stalking. Is it any medicine that could stop this?
I was thinking that some metal shield should stop brain waves.
Any idea what can I do?

sounds to me like you are having auditory hallucinations. Believing it is real seems to be making it only worse. I would recommend you get on some anti-psychotics to put you at ease. ;) Don't panic you dont seem to have schizophrenia because your not tossing word salad around. I think with anti-psychotics you should be able to live a normal life. May I ask how old you are?
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Why not use your telepathy to find out something nasty about Randi and then blackmail him?
Just to point something out for all those that want to know "Why you can't use it to do this?" The telepathy termed by Vinko and others like him is not something that is naturally occurring, it's not something they have control of, it's just their acknowledgement of what a third-party is doing with radiological usage. I mean they could attempt to get that third-party to do this or that, but the likelihood is they will not as they won't want to draw attention to themselves.

After all can you imagine the fuss if you walked into a Casino, sat down at a Blackjack table and then promptly bankrupted the house? Certain "Pit Bosses" wouldn't be happy with this inane streak of luck and coincidence, I'm pretty sure they would offer the services of an exclusive VIP lounge, so they can have a proper talk with you.

Of course the same equipment to fortify luck can also be utilised to identify if they are playing fair or if they mark the cards. As after all if you were an inspector, you'll certainly see a different face or approach if they "recognise you". So unknowing third-party's can be the best way of detecting problems within their service, it also works wonders in regards to "Internal Affairs".
Why not use your telepathy to find out something nasty about Randi and then blackmail him?

hey that is a good idea!! We could spread his name on the wind in a negative light too !!! Yeah Man Yeah !! Shush don't say it to loud Shhhhhs- we will lie and spread the lie like a rumor
Just to point something out for all those that want to know "Why you can't use it to do this?" The telepathy termed by Vinko and others like him is not something that is naturally occurring, it's not something they have control of, it's just their acknowledgement of what a third-party is doing with radiological usage. I mean they could attempt to get that third-party to do this or that, but the likelihood is they will not as they won't want to draw attention to themselves.

After all can you imagine the fuss if you walked into a Casino, sat down at a Blackjack table and then promptly bankrupted the house? Certain "Pit Bosses" wouldn't be happy with this inane streak of luck and coincidence, I'm pretty sure they would offer the services of an exclusive VIP lounge, so they can have a proper talk with you.

Aha! But I'd also, using my inordinate telepathy, know when to bugger off.
Aha! But I'd also, using my inordinate telepathy, know when to bugger off.

I don't think you'd need Telepathy to know when the Pit Boss is after you, I think the goon squad would give it away.
Thank You! Many smart ideas??? I really have to find out how to stop brain waves. This is very bad problem. But what I really think some expert should work with me and make experiments. Somethings I can experience are just incredible, I think better than cocain( I never tried that one) . I people could use things I can use I think many people would be very happy. Telepathy can be best thing in the world but if you get mad man on you than is really nightmare. If people could use just good things.
Thank You! Many smart ideas??? I really have to find out how to stop brain waves. This is very bad problem. But what I really think some expert should work with me and make experiments. Somethings I can experience are just incredible, I think better than cocain( I never tried that one) . I people could use things I can use I think many people would be very happy. Telepathy can be best thing in the world but if you get mad man on you than is really nightmare. If people could use just good things.

One of the many applications of Microwave technology has been looked at in regards to psychiatry to deal with military personnel that suffer from psychiatric breaks (Either Sociopathy from being taught to kill, or killing or suffering from Trauma like Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) there is also an angle to attempt to increase the speed at which a person heals, as well as attempting to restrict blood flows, control breathing etc when someone needs patching up on the battlefield. To my knowledge it's all very experimental and those countries doing proper studies don't cut corners by not getting proper volunteers involved, as eventually they know the usages can extend beyond soldiers to civilians. Any corporation using data on par with that collected through Nazi atrocities would obviously not make as much money (if any) as those that go the full distance and make sure they are completely ethically and morally sound.

The usage of such frequencies can be used to heat lipid tissues to release energy to the body, it can also effect how much dopamine is released, amongst a number of other chemicals. Incidentally most drugs given to people trigger the bodies natural chemical production as a reaction, so if the chemistry can be catalysed without drugs then it's obviously the future. (Although a number of Pharmaceutical companies would likely want to shelve it, considering they make a lot of money making people "pop" pills.)

Check your hotmail account and see if it factors in any.
How can I make money on this? Any good idee? Uh I just need this 1 100 000 of Randi.

I wouldn't concentrate on how to make money currently. You need to get your hands on that sort of equipment if you want to follow that path and you aren't going to be able to do that on your own.

As for Randi, If you check the rules and reg's on the subject, technically he wouldn't let you take his challenge even if you could, mainly because it's not a lie for conning people, your dealing with something that can cause real suffrage.

What you have got though is experience. You know how a project shouldn't run, you know how operators of such equipment should be allowed to play up and the consequences of when they do, it's also something very likely related to Security and how impractical security methods used to protect such equipments misuse is currently being circumnavigated.

This gives the potential for Consultancy work in the field of security, obviously however security is an issue when you consider that "Every password you have is known", so get yourself a password generator and use something like Keypass so that you don't have to manual enter your passwords.

While this is not an ideal, it's already a step closer towards security consciousness, since you will never know your passwords, they will never be written anywhere, you won't even know them if your life depended upon it. The only concern then is how to house the files, what encryption to use, where to access the data when you need the password and how you are going to access it etc.
This gives the potential for Consultancy work in the field of security, obviously however security is an issue when you consider that "Every password you have is known", so get yourself a password generator and use something like Keypass so that you don't have to manual enter your passwords.
I have problem with passwords, I do not remember any of my password, I just type blind like this and copy-paste it sdfsdds77ds7a8adds


Also someone can get your password using telepathy but really problem is girfriend and she is not going to tell you if she can read your mind.
Think what you think :m:
You guys are bringing the poor guy down a bad road. He needs help you need to see a psychotherapist to test your theory and if it doesnt work you can be put on medication that will prevent it from happening. Its possible your brain is putting too much dopamine in your brain and causing sensory hallucinations and a simple dopamine down-regulator will get rid of the problem and allow you to live normally.
It's no longer a question of the thread descending into nonsense, it's just a question of how far it will sink.