Teen Suspended for Going to Prom

The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music "is part of the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people's hearts and minds."....

Yes it does that is why Vietnam got stopped and a lot of racist practices.
All due to drug taking rock music listening kids who saw some things wrong and banded together to change them.

If this is their excuse for not allowing rock music then I would have to say they most likely are racist and warmongering.
For mental health reasons. eg the girl who started the anti-religion group disguised as a philosophy group has become suicidal and depressive and left school.

LMAO. Because only atheists get depressed. You say the silliest things sometimes. I really don't see how my high school principal who we rarely saw (and left 5 years after starting the school to go start another) and his faculty that he hired from all religious backgrounds would give us all mental health problems. His second school is also flourishing with inner city kids outscoring their suburban peers. But I'm sure they'll all dropout from being depressed by the atheist principle they never see :rolleyes: Silly silly silly
Yes it does that is why Vietnam got stopped and a lot of racist practices.
All due to drug taking rock music listening kids who saw some things wrong and banded together to change them.

If this is their excuse for not allowing rock music then I would have to say they most likely are racist and warmongering.

you are making quite the leap there.
LMAO. Because only atheists get depressed. You say the silliest things sometimes. I really don't see how my high school principal who we rarely saw (and left 5 years after starting the school to go start another) and his faculty that he hired from all religious backgrounds would give us all mental health problems. His second school is also flourishing with inner city kids outscoring their suburban peers. But I'm sure they'll all dropout from being depressed by the atheist principle they never see :rolleyes: Silly silly silly

I was under the impression that he was running an atheist school. Nasor cleared it up for me.

I'm angry that you tar ALL atheists with the same brush. The word atheist just means someone who doesn't believe in a God. It does not mean a militant who wants to stamp out faith in everyone else. Don't attack me along with those militants. (I'm an atheist). I'm actually pretty disgusted with this assumption that only people who believe in a God are peaceful and tolerant.
I'm angry that you tar ALL atheists with the same brush. The word atheist just means someone who doesn't believe in a God. It does not mean a militant who wants to stamp out faith in everyone else. Don't attack me along with those militants. (I'm an atheist). I'm actually pretty disgusted with this assumption that only people who believe in a God are peaceful and tolerant.

Take a number, I feel the same way when I'm classed with the "religious nutjobs" :p

But I agree, not all atheists want to stamp out religion, the ones who do just seem to get more media coverage and hence seem to be louder and more visible. But as CutsieMarie just showed, there are atheists out there who build schools and hire religious teachers and don't impose their beliefs on other people.
Sometimes I like other people to make my point. You have to take me on faith. :p
sam the greatest number of schools in ausgralia are Areligious (not anti religion) there is no talk either way about religion except how it effects whatever is being taught (for instance how pts religion may effect treatment if the subject is health). state schools have a responcability to treach maths, english, science ect not religion. thats up to the person themself and church ect or not depending on the person because its not essential study the way maths, science, english, sexual health, PE ect are
It seems strange that the schools would omit something like religion as not essential study. Its the first thing archeologists study when they want to understand a people from the past.
of course they wont teach religion, for stsrters which religion should they teach? all of them? you would have no time to teach anything else. if you were to pick and chose then the goverment would be in trouble for favoring one over another. state schools (which the majority of students attend) are not selected by the parents in most states, unless there is a specific reason the students are divided by geography alone (ie if your in the catchment area for ringwood high you get first dibs on the place at that school). as funding and standeds should be the same across the state system this isnt an issue.

and what if the child is being raised athist? you think thiests have more right than the athist kids?
We had a course that gave an introduction to each religion from class one to ten, it was a class where religious stories were used to teach ethics.

I imagine even atheists would want their children to learn about ethics.
ethics dont need to be religious. lots of religious "ethic" (gay rights, rights of women, rights of the child ect) breach the international convention on the rights of the child and the convention on civil and political rights not to mention certain australian laws most oviously antidiscrimation laws. i would MUCH rather schools teach these than phelips views
ethics dont need to be religious. lots of religious "ethic" (gay rights, rights of women, rights of the child ect) breach the international convention on the rights of the child and the convention on civil and political rights not to mention certain australian laws most oviously antidiscrimation laws. i would MUCH rather schools teach these than phelips views

I don't think sexuality is covered in ethics. Nor do I know religious stories which undermine womens or childrens rights. Are there any particular ones you have in mind?
gay marrage and treatment: the bible stories that gays should be put to death

women as property: the story about the tribe killed because some guys sister slept with one of them

pedophilia and mohumids 8 year old wife

solomon and garmora where it was better for a man to give his daughters up to be RAPED rather than let 2 men paticipate in gay sex

slavery, palistinian rights, ect ect. the list goes on and on.
no, i went to a state school. i was taught things i needed like sexual health, english, maths, politics, the law and ethics, SOSE, IT, science, road saftey, first aid ect. the things which make a difference in this life, not speculation on what might or might not come next