Teen Suspended for Going to Prom

Atheists building schools.

They are known more for stuff like this:

An atheist group is planning to recruit school kids to teach them how to damage religious activity in schools.

Children will be encouraged to undermine the role of Christian assemblies and the way RE is taught. They will also be trained to lobby local authorities about these issues.

The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) will launch the recruitment drive in the summer. It will coincide with an atheist summer camp for kids.


Backed by professors Richard Dawkins and AC Grayling, the initiative aims to establish a network of atheist societies in schools to counter the role of Christianity.

It will coincide with the first atheist summer camp for children that will teach that religious belief and doctrines can prevent ethical and moral behaviour.


Marvelous, eh?
Was that necessary ? You really are hateful..
Perhaps I should provide some examples of what religion is known for ?

Why would atheists be unable to build schools ?

I'm hateful?:rolleyes:

Another one:
Lanz said the group would be a place for “outcasts” to gather.

“A lot of my teachers express conservative beliefs,” Lanz said. “You can get the vibe it’s a conservative school and a conservative town.”

Group members already are planning their first event, a night when members dress up as pirates and eat spaghetti in honor of the “Flying Spaghetti Monster.”

“It’s a philosophy mimicking God, that, ‘If you guys can believe in your God, I can believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster,’ ” Lanz said. “It’s just a silly thing that was contradicting normal Christian beliefs.”

i do..it's the truest argument one can have...unbiased..very essential to find the truth of anything..
Built by atheists?

Yes there are schools built by atheists, I went to one. It was attended by a large number of Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and Mormons. But unless you're a wacko a school built by an atheist is just like any other school built by anyone else. It is just without any religion classes or religious undertone to what it teaches. That's the way schools should be anyway.
Who was the atheist who built it?

How do you know he/she was atheist?

The origin of the school is religion, so while I can see schools accomodating different beliefs, having a school without religion being taught seems contradictory to the premise.
Who was the atheist who built it?

How do you know he/she was atheist?

The origin of the school is religion, so while I can see schools accomodating different beliefs, having a school without religion being taught seems contradictory to the premise.

My (1st) high school principal. The school was his idea, he got the funding and had the school built.

He was very open about his beliefs.

If school started as a way to teach religion then I believed we have moved far from that premise. Even religious schools don't exclusively teach religion.
My (1st) high school principal. The school was his idea, he got the funding and had the school built.

He was very open about his beliefs.

If school started as a way to teach religion then I believed we have moved far from that premise..

So as an atheist, he did not teach any religion in his school.

I'm surprised that anyone sent their children there.

Even religious schools don't exclusively teach religion

Religious schools have never exclusively taught religion that I know of. Although I have seen that the literacy of a place is directly related to religious education available.
So as an atheist, he did not teach any religion in his school.

I'm surprised that anyone sent their children there.

Religious schools have never exclusively taught religion that I know of. Although I have seen that the literacy of a place is directly related to religious education available.

I don't know what you're getting at. As an atheist, he was just a guy with a good idea for a school. I don't know what public school has a religion class. And how could you teach religion when everyone comes from different religious backgrounds? We went to school to learn our ABCs and 123s, if religion was really important which is was to many of my classmates they went to church, youth group, and Sunday school. And literacy is probably related to religious schools because they are small. Even my school kicked all of the religious schools butts on stuff like that. Small schools out score huge schools on everything, except sports.
And how could you teach religion when everyone comes from different religious backgrounds?

I did. I went to a secular school run by a Christian woman and we learned about all the religions.

Small schools out score huge schools on everything, except sports.


I'm still surprised that anyone sent their children to a school run by an atheist.
So as an atheist, he did not teach any religion in his school.

I'm surprised that anyone sent their children there.
No public school in the US teaches religion (although they might teach about different religions in a historical/social studies context). So the fact that they didn't teach religion at this school wouldn't be an issue for most people.
No public school in the US teaches religion (although they might teach about different religions in a historical/social studies context). So the fact that they didn't teach religion at this school wouldn't be an issue for most people.

Ah I see. That makes it more understandable. It also explains why atheists now have churches, summer camps and Sunday schools.
Hi Arabella, welcome to SciForums ! :)
It is common practice here to credit your sources if you quote something.

I've seen that happening a lot lately on various forums; someone with a low post count posts a paragraph or two that is on topic, but doesn't really fit with the conversation that's going on, and that turns out to be copied and pasted from somewhere else. I suspect it's some sort of automated system that's trying to "gain credibility" on various forums by automatically generating posts, so that later it can tell us all about how great some new product is, why we should all sell a certain stock, etc.
Ah I see. That makes it more understandable. It also explains why atheists now have churches, summer camps and Sunday schools.
Yes, atheists at public schools in the US aren't allowed to teach people that there is no god, just like theists at public schools aren't allowed to teach people that there is a god. So if you want to teach people about religion from either side of the issue, you have to do it in some non-school setting.
I don't get it. He may have signed an agreement, but as a minor it legally has no meaning.
Generally minors can sign contracts and enforce them against adults, but the minor has the option to void the contract at any time.

But most likely what he signed wasn't any sort of real contract, but rather some sort of "I understand that I can be suspended or expelled if I do any of the following..." statement. Such a document isn't really intended as a contract that the school will legally enforce against the student, it's just protection for the school against the student attempting to sue for them enforcing their own rules (which appears to be what's happening in this case). The school just wants the document so that when they go to court they can say "Look, he knew what he was getting into. As proof, we have this document that he signed saying he understood the rules and consequences. Our behavior was therefor not arbitrary or capricious."

Of course, they might present it as a "contract" to the students as a tool for guilting them into obeying the rules.
I've seen that happening a lot lately on various forums; someone with a low post count posts a paragraph or two that is on topic, but doesn't really fit with the conversation that's going on, and that turns out to be copied and pasted from somewhere else. I suspect it's some sort of automated system that's trying to "gain credibility" on various forums by automatically generating posts, so that later it can tell us all about how great some new product is, why we should all sell a certain stock, etc.

You could be on to something. I already wondered why she only posted just the one time.