Teen Suspended for Going to Prom


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I don't get it. He may have signed an agreement, but as a minor it legally has no meaning. His parents were sending him to this school, knowing its position on dancing (which was the rule I grew up with) and now they want to sue??? I want to smack them!

FINDLAY, Ohio - An Ohio teenager has been suspended by his Christian school that bans dancing because he attended another high school's prom.

Officials at Heritage Christian School in Findlay had warned 17-year-old Tyler Frost that he would be suspended and prohibited from attending graduation if he went to the public school dance over the weekend with his girlfriend, according to The Courier.

Frost danced and held hands with his girlfriend, Rebecca Smooty, at the Findlay High School prom, attended by about 800 students, officials told the newspaper.

Frost says he didn't think going to the dance was wrong even though his fundamentalist Baptist school Ohio forbids dancing, rock music and hand-holding, a situation reminiscent of that depicted in the 1984 movie, "Footloose."...

...School officials said earlier he could complete his final exams separately to receive a diploma.
I think the suspension was okay. Obviously, I don't condone abusing one's children by sending them to narrow-minded and bigotted "madrasas" like this Baptist institution. But, ultimately, the kid is about to become an adult and much of the responsibility for attending is on him. For whatever reason he bought into and agreed to the rules and policies of the school, so he should be willing to accept the consequences for violating them.

That he still gets to take his finals and receive a diploma is a fair trade-off -though I don't know what good a diploma would be froma backward hole of intelligence that teaches creation and that evolution never happened.

I would hope that any college or institution of higher learning he attempts to attend would require him to at least obtain a GED or a real Diploma.
My mum went to a madrassa. Is there a reason you're using the word for this school?
No, I'm using the pejorative against those that are religious. I intended to point out that schools for Christian fundamentalists are every bit as ignorant as schools for Muslim religious nuts. I didn't know the name of Jewish religious nut schools, or Hindu Religious nut schools, so I'm picking on just the Muslims and Christians (but just the nuts that attend madrassas or "madrassas"). I put the term in inverted commas to clue even the daftest among us that I was using it as a trope and not the literal meaning. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I hope this elucidates.

The majority of the world consists of religious nuts ?
I actually deleted his post as off-topic, but since Enmos responded, I will as well. The "madrassas" of the world and its major religions truly are a minority and they represent only a minor portion of the religious. Indeed, most religious adherents (be they Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) would not agree with or associate themselves with the particular "madrassa" trope I'm invoking. True enough, the Arabic word simply refers to as a school, but it has in the last decade come to mean much more.

Sorry, but if religious nuts get to cherry pick their definitions and see only those they like for words like "atheist," then I get to do the same for words like "madrassa." For me (and many others) this word refers to a Muslim school of bigotry, ignorance and hatred.

So, while some would cry foul at "openly insulting" the religious, I say poppycock. Being a "majority" (and I'm not conceding that religious nuts are) doesn't, and shouldn't, shield one from criticism, insult or ridicule. If they're wrong they're wrong. If they're ignorant, they're ignorant. If they're bigots (and the school in the OP clearly is a haven of them), then they're bigots.
may god show you the right way..if not..fallah yrayyeh albashariyyah menk..lol..
found a new way to entertain myself here..woot woot..

the school's disicion makes sense..because it simply teaches something..and the student did the opposite of that..i think the school's action is reasonable..
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like theists in ths forum

Why should we accept that all theists follow the paradigms of the most conservative among them? My insult and criticism is clearly to conservative/fundamentalist religionists, not the liberal and moderate. Though I'm not opposed to criticizing them either given the right discussion or discourse. The OP, however, is dealing with conservative and fundamentalist cults within Christianity, a distinct minority among the greater Christian superstition.

that is why they delete the comments showing how
If they're wrong they're wrong. If they're ignorant, they're ignorant. If they're bigots, then they're bigots.
and there's nothing you can do about it
You're confusing the rules of this forum with freedom of speech. You have a recourse for the former and no guarantee for the latter at Sciforums. Please take a moment to visit the sticky thread at the top of the forums list.
you're confusing all that with your personal agenda.. and it's amzing how you can talk alot without saying as much..look man..ADMIT IT..you don't like what i'm saying..and that affects your judgment..
I'm saying please stay on the topic of fundamentalist/conservative schools and whether or not suspending the teen in the OP was appropriate. Feel free to create a new thread on the appropriateness of criticizing, questioning, insulting, or ridiculing religions and their more conservative members if you like, but further off-topic posts here may be deleted.
Here's a thought: Don't go to the friggin' school! It has it's rules. It's a private institution. What's the big deal? If the kid wanted so badly to act in a way that wasn't in line with this ridiculous cult, then DON'T JOIN IT.

Problem solved.

I went to a school like that and even though their rules are stupid (most are) if you attend you have to abide by them. The school officials aren't even entirely sure why they don't believe in doing stuff. That was a poor call on his part (while the punishment seems a bit over the top). We all make our choices in life and he ruined his chance for a graduation ceremony, since he was warned beforehand.
Here's a thought: Don't go to the friggin' school! It has it's rules. It's a private institution. What's the big deal? If the kid wanted so badly to act in a way that wasn't in line with this ridiculous cult, then DON'T JOIN IT.

Problem solved.


I doubt that was a choice he was allowed to make. I went to whatever high school my parents said I had to go too.
A tidbit of irony

And yet some propose fixing the public education system by using tax money to send kids to schools like this.
No, I'm using the pejorative against those that are religious. I intended to point out that schools for Christian fundamentalists are every bit as ignorant as schools for Muslim religious nuts. I didn't know the name of Jewish religious nut schools, or Hindu Religious nut schools, so I'm picking on just the Muslims and Christians (but just the nuts that attend madrassas or "madrassas"). I put the term in inverted commas to clue even the daftest among us that I was using it as a trope and not the literal meaning. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I hope this elucidates.

And by using the Arabic word for schools bothsecular or religious, you're indicating how you're better in your absence of both ignorance and bigotry.

Well done, we need more representatives of atheism like you so we can see exactly what it means when atheist claim their secularism and lack of ignorance or bigotry. Feel free to misuse more Arabic words and show us exactly how you think
Frost, a senior at Heritage Christian School in northwest Ohio, agreed to the school's rules when he signed a statement of cooperation at the beginning of the year, principal Tim England said.
The teen, who is scheduled to receive his diploma May 24, would be suspended from classes and receive an "incomplete" on remaining assignments, England said. Frost also would not be permitted to attend graduation but would get a diploma once he completes final exams. If Frost is involved with alcohol or sex at the prom, he will be expelled, England said....

..."In life, we constantly make decisions whether we are going to please self or please God. (Frost) chose one path, and the school committee chose the other," England said.

The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music "is part of the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people's hearts and minds."....
I think its important that he be on the receiving end of their hatred and bigotry. Perhaps it will help him break free.