Swinging: Right or wrong?

Is swinging right or wrong?

  • Yes!!

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • No!!

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Each to they're own!!

    Votes: 32 78.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
many people are satisfied with who they are with, however some get a sexual buzz out of having people watch them, even have sex with them, i keep asking people isn't sex human nature? if it is human nature then why keep it to one couple?

Then why get married? What is the purpose of marriage?
i keep asking people isn't sex human nature??

What does "human nature" have to do with the topic? Looking back through a history of endless wars, one could say murder is human nature for some people. Humans work very hard to escape "human nature" everyday on a thousand levels.

Sometimes I want to have sex with every good looking woman I see (human nature, perhaps). It's a matter of CHARACTER that keeps me from perusing it, behind my wife's back or otherwise.
Then why get married? What is the purpose of marriage?

Can I answer? :) Economics :) A family unit is an economics-driven micro-institution. It is more feasible to live as a couple than to survive independently.

Of course, people get married because they love each other, but it's been proven that the chemical effects of being in love disappear after 1-3 years, and what remains after that is companionship, respect for the other person and calculated decisions. All that has nothing to do with sex. Therefore, many couples end up with great marriages and lots of respect for each other, but boring sex lives. The more fearless ones start to experiment. Others settle, suppress, or rechannel their energy into work.

By the way, I think I saw research that correlated one's IQ level with the need for experimentation in sex.
The more fearless ones start to experiment.

No, friend. The fearless ones stick by their word. Cowards do not.

But hey, I'm sure you can find some new "study" that excuses people's inability to stay true to their obligations,....Chemically speaking, of course.
No, friend. The fearless ones stick by their word. Cowards do not.

But hey, I'm sure you can find some new "study" that excuses people's inability to stay true to their obligations,....Chemically speaking, of course.

Well, first of all, by saying that the fearless experiment I don't mean that they stard cheating and swinging. All I said is that some people try to recognize the problem and others prefer to ignore it.

Social obligations have nothing to do with human nature. Sad but true :( By the way, I recently came across research that found that self-control is a depletable resource, that is, the more responsibilities and obligations people take on, the more likely they are to slip and indulge themselves in other areas of their lives. This confirms the research that swingers are often conservative and traditional people successful in their occupations.

I'm not saying that swinging is right, but what I am saying is that not everyone values the same things and is willing to exercise the same degree of self-control.
I thought I mentioned that a few posts ago. This is an opinion thread.
But, it's duly noted that scientifically speaking most humans are spineless. Thanks, Dr. Obvious

Only fools never change their convictions ;)

I thought this thread was in the Ethics section, and that's the perspective I took when answering. Ethics, morals etc. are human constructs and they have nothing to do with instincts. In fact, they are relied upon when people want to protect themselves from the consequences of following their own instincts.

Not everyone considers being spineless a vice.
Morality has a biological basis - it's built-in.
This has been pointed out and linked to in numerous threads.
Morality has a biological basis - it's built-in.
This has been pointed out and linked to in numerous threads.

I'm new on this forum ;)

If morality had a bioligical basis, my dog would let me sleep in on weekends :) In any event, this is an interesting perspective. It would be nice to see some links.
By the way, I think I saw research that correlated one's IQ level with the need for experimentation in sex.

Can you provide a link to this so called research?:shrug:

I've never seen or heard of such a correlation between IQ and sex.:p

It seems that you like to come up with crap just to say stuff to prove your point of view but as yet you are not providing anything worthwhile.
Can you provide a link to this so called research?:shrug:
Old news.
I've never seen or heard of such a correlation between IQ and sex.:p
There was something posted last year (or the year before :confused:) indicating that high IQ people had "kinkier" or more imaginative sex.
And links were provided.

Ok, I see what you mean. However, the author looked at whether a murderer was a moral or an immoral creature. Killing and torturing for reasons other than self-defense or procurement of food is an unnatural behavior, in which most animals would not engage. Furthermore, I'm not sure if humans can be considered carnivores, which would provide a biological basis for murder.

As far as brain changes that predispose people to act in a certain way, it seems that such changes would constitute a deviation from the norm, which again proves the point that nature did not intend for us to be moral or immoral. It provided us with a sophisticated enough brain to develop these characteristics, but perhaps anything else could be programmed into the area of the brain that's responsible for morality.
There was something posted last year (or the year before :confused:) indicating that high IQ people had "kinkier" or more imaginative sex.
And links were provided.

But who made up the poll? Who were researching this sex stuff and who were the people they used as subjects to interview? There is no real way to find out what IQ a person has only what they claim they have which isn't reliable to me. Get a bunch of people together and come up with the right questions and murdering others will be found wanted by some of us as well. I just don't think research is good enough to prove anything when sexual kinkiness's s trying to be found out about.
Ok, I see what you mean. However, the author looked at whether a murderer was a moral or an immoral creature.
There is indication that murderers (the serial killer type as opposed to crimes of passion) are "defective" in their brain functions.

As far as brain changes that predispose people to act in a certain way, it seems that such changes would constitute a deviation from the norm, which again proves the point that nature did not intend for us to be moral or immoral.
Um, surely a "deviation from the norm" precludes consideration as "nature's intention"?

Plus, of course, we are now (in general :D) thinking, rationalising creatures: we can overlay biological imperatives with something else, or make additions to them.
This does not mean that morality has no biological basis.
But who made up the poll?
It wasn't a poll, someone posted the latest findings from a sociological study.

Who were researching this sex stuff
Prurient busy bodies presumably :D

There is no real way to find out what IQ a person has only what they claim they have which isn't reliable to me.
Um, the DEFINITION of IQ "the result you get from doing the test", not "what you claim", neh?
Um, the DEFINITION of IQ "the result you get from doing the test", not "what you claim", neh?

But the researchers aren't going to administer IQ tests to everyone they want to fill out their study forms I'm sure.