sucide bomings, why

cosmictraveler, why were you immediately under the assumption that he was referring to Muslim suicide bombers?

Anyway, as for them, suicide is a sin within the religion. Although a martyr would get paradise, not only does a suicide bomber commit suicide (a sin), but he also commits murder most of the time (another sin). Therefore, this shows that people like bin Laden are not following the teachings of Islam, but rather their own distorted version of it.
i wasn't exactly refering, but i kind of was. next, i had brought that up earlier. but i think that if you die bringing many foes down is when u get the virgins. like a medal of honour in reverse:rather than risk your life to save many, loss your life killing many
Misconception #9: The Islamic Threat

In recent years, a great deal of attention in the media have been given to the threat of "Islamic Fundamentalism". Unfortunately, due to a twisted mixture of biased reporting in the Western media and the actions of some ignorant Muslims, the word "Islam" has become almost synonymous with "terrorism". However, when one analyzes the situation, the question that should come to mind is: Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism? The answer: Certainly not! Islam totally forbids the terrorist acts that are carried out by some misguided people. It should be remembered that all religions have cults and misguided followers, so it is their teachings that should be looked at, not the actions of a few individuals. Unfortunately, in the media, whenever a Muslim commits a heinous act, he is labeled a "Muslim terrorist". However, when Serbs murder and rape innocent women in Bosnia, they are not called "Christian terrorists", nor are the activities in Northern Ireland labeled "Christian terrorism". Also, when right-wing Christians in the U. S. bomb abortion clinics, they are not called "Christian terrorists". Reflecting on these facts, one could certainly conclude that there is a double-standard in the media! Although religious feelings play a significant role in the previously mentioned "Christian" conflicts, the media does not apply religious labels because they assume that such barbarous acts have nothing to do with the teachings of Christianity. However, when something happens involving a Muslim, they often try to put the blame on Islam itself -- and not the misguided individual. Certainly, Islamic Law allows war --- any religion or civilization that did not would never survive --- but it certainly does not condone attacks against innocent people, women or children. The Arabic word "jihad", which is often translated as "Holy War", simply means "to struggle". The word for "war" in Arabic is "harb", not "jihad". "Struggling", i.e. "making jihad", to defend Islam, Muslims or to liberate a land where Muslims are oppressed is certainly allowed (and even encouraged) in Islam. However, any such activities must be done according to the teachings of Islam. Islam also clearly forbids "taking the law into your own hands", which means that individual Muslims cannot go around deciding who they want to kill, punish or torture. Trial and punishment must be carried out by a lawful authority and a knowledgeable judge. Also, when looking at events in the Muslim World, it should be kept in mind that a long period of colonialism ended fairly recently in most Muslim countries. During this time, the peoples in this countries were culturally, materially and religiously exploited - mostly by the so-called "Christian" nations of the West. This painful period has not really come to an end in many Muslim countries, where people are still under the control of foreign powers or puppet regimes supported by foreign powers. Also, through the media, people in the West are made to believe that tyrants like Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Moamar Qaddafi in Libya are "Islamic" leaders -- when just the opposite is true. Neither of these rulers even profess Islam as an ideology, but only use Islamic slogans to manipulate their powerless populations. They have about as much to do with Islam as Hitler had to do with Christianity! In reality, many Middle Eastern regimes which people think of as being "Islamic" oppress the practice of Islam in their countries. So suffice it to say that "terrorism" and killing innocent people directly contradicts the teachings of Islam.

Author: Daniel Masters, Isma'il Kaka and AbdurRahman R. Squires

قال عمر بن الخطاب "نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فإذا إبتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله ...."
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could you break up your paragraphs into smaller peices in the future? It makes getting the points much easier. One succinct short the point. Then comes the next the point.

My point is, when the paragraph is so huge, its hard to get the point of it. If there are multiple points, they become fuzzy. Reading those monsters can be a headache. Maybe you can edit the above into peices. I think you have something good to say...I would like to absorb it!

By the way...what rythyms with Tresbien?
I don't know how to rhythm words as such, so ....

Jozen-Bo said:

By the way...what rythyms with Tresbien?

Um ... huh? It's just that you're about as evenly between two words as you can be on that one.

However, to take a guess, I'm going to answer, "Fabian".

Not the answer
you were looking for?
why kill yourself and destroy one thing when you use wires and such to not die and strick many buildings

don't get me wrong, i am against it al, but if your willing to do itonce, why not twice?

When you only live for an idea, it seems fitting to give your life to it.
People that usually commit suicide bombing, either have nothing to lose, or are religiously indoctrinated, or depressed, or all three.

People who say its just their religion are wrong. It takes more than a religious edict to turn an ambulance worker, who helps people, into a suicide bomber.

There is no double standard in the western and (to a lesser extent Al Jazeera), There is only one. "what we say goes" - Chomsky, 2006.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR APPRECIABLE REMARK.This is the summary of islamview on terrorism.
e Islamic principles God proclaims in the Koran account for this peaceful and temperate policy of Prophet Muhammad. In the Koran, God commands believers to treat even the non-Muslims kindly and justly:

...God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you over religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just. God merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you over religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion... (Surat al-Mumtahana: 8-9)

The verses above specify the outlook of a Muslim on non-Muslims: A Muslim should treat all non-Muslims kindly and avoid making friends only with those who show enmity to Islam. In case this enmity causes violent attacks against the existence of Muslims, that is, in case they wage a war against them, then Muslims should respond them justly by considering the humane dimensions of the situation. All forms of barbarism, unnecessary acts of violence and unjust aggression are forbidden by Islam. In another verse, God warns Muslims against this and explains that rage felt for enemies should not cause them to drift them into injustice:

You who believe! Show integrity for the sake of God, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to heedfulness. Heed God (alone). God is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 8