sucide bomings, why

Yes there were. But not in Iraq. The invasion left a vacuum that allowed external groups to flood into the country.

Saddam, for all his tyranny, would never allow any external group to enter his country, to kill Iraqi's as a bid to usurp his own power in the country. You also need to realise that the terrorist in Iraq at present are for not Iraqi's. Iraqi's have felt the need to join the terrorist cells that flooded into the country because they view themselves as now having a common goal. That goal is to expel the Allied forces.

We are not hated in the West because of what we have. We are hated for the hypocrisy we constantly display in how we attempt to police the world.

So your saying that Iraqi's should have been happier with being killed and tortured by Saddam than they are being blown to bits by these external groups? You should be fighting FOR the Iraqi people...I said it before and i will say it again you are handing the terrorists and dictators around the world a victory. This is why no one wants to get involved in Darfur and all the other place that innocent people are being killed and abused. This is nothing to be proud of.
we should have finished in afganstain to reduce the amount of wepon and money flow through terroist leaders. however, we didn't, and were in some stuid shit
You should have stayed in your own country instead of invading and interfering in others. You've destroyed homes, families and countries and now you destroy them as a people. For shame.
we should have finished in afganstain to reduce the amount of wepon and money flow through terroist leaders. however, we didn't, and were in some stuid shit

Dude people just dont give a fuck about poor people being blown up by terrorists and dictators. When will they start? NEVER. It just wont happen, propaganda is too easy to dispense and it is just not worth it. People sitting on their asses, living the good life dont care that people are being starved to death on the other side of the world.

Iraq? freedom for them seems like a fading pipe dream. People are blinded by religion and thats all that matters to them.
Whoever thinks its a good idea to enforce your way of life on someone else.
Dude people just dont give a fuck about poor people being blown up by terrorists and dictators. When will they start? NEVER. It just wont happen, propaganda is too easy to dispense and it is just not worth it. People sitting on their asses, living the good life dont care that people are being starved to death on the other side of the world.

Iraq? freedom for them seems like a fading pipe dream. People are blinded by religion and thats all that matters to them.

first, you care me with your inhumanity, but yes it's true:(
second, if we had finshed in afganstain then we would probbalby have more explousins in the iraq area.
lastly, who is you?
So your saying that Iraqi's should have been happier with being killed and tortured by Saddam than they are being blown to bits by these external groups? You should be fighting FOR the Iraqi people...I said it before and i will say it again you are handing the terrorists and dictators around the world a victory. This is why no one wants to get involved in Darfur and all the other place that innocent people are being killed and abused. This is nothing to be proud of.

And what do the people of Iraq have now? External forces from both sides killing them left, right and center.

Lets face some facts John. This war is a sham. It was based on a sham and its continuation is still a sham. We were not "fighting FOR the Iraqi people" when we invaded. On the contrary, we made their tenuous position even worse than it was before.

These are people who have suffered for years under the rule of a tyrant. Have we made things better for them? Ermm I would imagine the constant threat of suicide bombers and the threat of violence and arrests from the Allies.. well the answer to that would have to be a big no. By invading Iraq, we have allowed others to then enter to bring about their own personal objectives in Iraq. Getting rid of Saddam could have been achieved in a different way than bombing the hell out of their country in our attempt to 'shock and awe'. Had we been actually helping the Iraqi's, they would not want to kill us, would they. On the contrary, they would be welcoming. But we have turned their country into a hellhole and we now find ourselves in that terrible position where if we leave, we leave the Iraqi's to the opposing forces that came into the country upon our invasion. And if we stay, the external forces will keep flooding in. I don't know what it is like where you are from, but I do not consider having bombs dropped on my head as being 'help'. Strange I know, but that's just me.

What we have done is nothing to be proud of. We have trashed their infrastructure and caused human rights abuses ourselves. We would never have interfered in Darfur because Sudan has nothing to offer us in return, they have nothing we desperately need. If we had really wanted to help the Iraqi's, we would have helped them when Saddam was gassing the bejesus out of them with the weapons we allowed him to access. But we did nothing then. We don't give a flying cahoot for the Iraqi's. We never did and we never really will. I think it is time for the hypocrisy to stop. We don't give a crap about the Iraqi's. If we did, we would not have invaded them as we did.
The Iraq war is a perfect example of what happens when the media wants somthing to knaw on. and polticians:)mufc: aka, presdent bush) who invaded incorectly, making all the wrong moves and desicons.
as for the reson to invade, help defend the u.s from terroists. in the end though, there are the jerks who call it a "war for oil"
Just one question why virgins? Is islam realy that obsesed with sex? ok maybe two questions then :p
I'm not the one occupying a foreign country with military force.

No, but the Iraqi people just want what YOU have. Let them have it and live in peace. If your country (not the U.S, your other country) was being led by a dictator wouldnt you want someone to come in and save you? Maybe you prefer to live under a Saddam or a PolPot but you are far too accustomed to the good life you enjoy now to get used to living like they would force you to live.

Here you go SAM -

Have fun.
that would go back to the egging of islam and that is like asking why are guy's peverted. no simple answer
Yea but isent religion ment to be above sex, it's odd how you can jack of yet you get hundreds of women when you die.
ye, but acept the fact that guy's want sex, so of course heaven has sex. and then it is a reward as i have earlier said for helping allah out
Sounds like a load of bulshit to me, As you said if Allah realy wanted somthing done he would do it him self just the same with christian god.