Stun guns and cops.

Should cops use stun guns?

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Have you ever seen a woman in labor?
how does the cop tell a pregnant wonam by looking at her sam?

i also want you to say "yes you cannot fake labor"

remember sam the cop DOES NOT have this information.
all he has is a redlight runner that refuses to stop.
then he runs into an ER screaming.

regardless, the cops were justified.

you better think twice about not stopping.
The man running into the emergency room? Happens several times. A pregnant woman coming in? Also happens several times. A gunman rushing through a red light into the ER screaming at the top of his voice? Well gee, let me guess. Nope never seen it.
it seems you also do not have experience with terrorists either.
That's it, Sam, just keep stirrin' the shit-pot ....and watchin' how we all jump in and try to argue and discuss! ...LOL!

Ye're good, Sam, I gotta' hand it to you don't really say much, but with just a few words you can stir up more fuckin' commentary than anyone I've met here. I don't know why anyone responds to you ....and that incudes me!

Baron Max
i still would like to know how someone can look at you and know for sure you are pregnant. especially in the 10 seconds the cops had.
So you think the police would have been justified in using a weapon against the man running to get help for his wife who was sitting in the car giving birth outside the emergency room door? You'd think it justified to use a weapon on a woman who's sitting there with her legs spread and a baby coming out? You think the police officer was justified in dragging the woman out of the car? My husband and I were amazed at what the nurses were saying. They were too by the whole event. And they only commented on it when he made the comment that he was so scared I was losing baby and he wanted to get to the hospital asap and that was when they started talking about that poor couple. They could not believe that the policeman was that dumb as to not recognise the poor woman was giving birth and dragged her out of the car. Thankfully when she was out and he saw what was going on, he stopped and by that time the medical staff had run out to literally deliver the child then and there. Had a taser been used, it would have gotten very ugly for those police officers. Had they tried to press charges against either of them, I'd imagine it would have caused extreme embarrassment to the Police department and the State Government. I've been keeping an eye on the news and have yet to see if they've filed a complaint with the police department. They may have but may not have gone to the media with it. I'll be sure to link it as soon as they do however.

It's quite common for women to deliver babies right outside the hospital because they didn't make it in. I've been in there when I was pregnant with my first child and seen a woman giving birth lying down across the sliding door because she did not make it inside in time. Was quite a sight to see.

And no Leo, we would not stop. Last night we had to rush to the hospital and my husband did run through a red light when he saw it was taking too long to change and there was no traffic and had a police car tried to pull us over, we would not have stopped. There are times you need to weigh what is more important and what should come first. Usually a police officer will not taser someone in any such situation and if they did, they'd lose their job because anyone with an ounce of a brain would not stop if someone was ill in the car. If you or others are more concerned with breaking a law than getting aid to a loved one, then so be it, that is your choice and lets hope for your sake you never have to make that decision. But for me, and I used to work as a prosecutor, it's not even a choice. If my son were sick for example and he was in the car and we were rushing to the hospital, we would not stop for any police car that tried to pull us over. It would not even be considered. And lord help any police officer who tried to stop me from getting my son to the hospital in such a situation.

My cousin did not stop a police car flashed its lights at her to pull over for going through an amber light when she was driving her father, who had suffered a massive heart attack in the car with her, to the hospital. She was told by the doctors that had she stopped the car to even call for an ambulance, her father would have died. The police that time thankfully realised something was seriously wrong when she did run screaming into the emergency room and her father stumbled out of the car to only collapse in the doorway when his heart stopped.
That's it, Sam, just keep stirrin' the shit-pot ....and watchin' how we all jump in and try to argue and discuss! ...LOL!

Ye're good, Sam, I gotta' hand it to you don't really say much, but with just a few words you can stir up more fuckin' commentary than anyone I've met here. I don't know why anyone responds to you ....and that incudes me!

Baron Max

Thats easy. Everyone is as bored as I am. And we all have no life.

I mean come on, who would have these arguments if we had anything better to do?:p
So you think the police would have been justified in using a weapon against the man running to get help for his wife who was sitting in the car giving birth outside the emergency room door?
did i say it was justified to use a weapon?
You'd think it justified to use a weapon on a woman who's sitting there with her legs spread and a baby coming out?
see above.
You think the police officer was justified in dragging the woman out of the car?
given the scenario as you described it? yes. i would like to read the original article though.
My husband and I were amazed at what the nurses were saying.
cops are such assholes aren't they?
They could not believe that the policeman was that dumb as to not recognise the poor woman was giving birth and dragged her out of the car.
as far as i could tell the cops didn't know she was pregnant.
Thankfully when she was out and he saw what was going on, he stopped and by that time the medical staff had run out to literally deliver the child then and there.
and i'll bet you 10 million dollars the cops jumped all over the driver for not letting them know the situation by stopping in the first place.
Had a taser been used, it would have gotten very ugly for those police officers.
i commented on this earlier.
Had they tried to press charges against either of them, I'd imagine it would have caused extreme embarrassment to the Police department and the State Government.
the cop could easily given him a ticket for running a red light and for not stopping.
I've been keeping an eye on the news and have yet to see if they've filed a complaint with the police department.
i gaurentee you the cops will be acquitted.
And no Leo, we would not stop.
that's your choice. as a lawyer you should know better.
Last night we had to rush to the hospital and my husband did run through a red light when he saw it was taking too long to change and there was no traffic and had a police car tried to pull us over, we would not have stopped.
it amazes me how people break the law then cry like hell when the get busted.
There are times you need to weigh what is more important and what should come first.
the cops do that, oh i don't know, 200 times a day?
If you or others are more concerned with breaking a law than getting aid to a loved one, then so be it, that is your choice and lets hope for your sake you never have to make that decision.
you will get there alot faster with a cop in front of you with his red light and siren blaring.
And lord help any police officer who tried to stop me from getting my son to the hospital in such a situation.
yes of course, cops do that all the time don't they?

She was told by the doctors that had she stopped the car to even call for an ambulance, her father would have died.
the doctors lied to her. a person doesn't die immediately from a heart attack.
So you think the police would have been justified in using a weapon against the man running to get help for his wife who was sitting in the car giving birth outside the emergency room door?

Yep, because for one, nobody knew the chick was pregnant at the time, but the most important thing is that the guy broke the law and was fleeing, regardless of whether the dude realized it or not. If later the cops saw the wife of pregnant, well shit happens. The blame doesn't go on the officers, but rather the person who broke the law.

You damn liberals keep making criminals out to be the victims. There are consequences to actions and those were it for the man running a red light and not pulling over to the cops. Since he felt getting his wife to the hospital was more important, getting arrested or subdued should be the least of his worries. If that guy really was a criminal and the chick wasn't preganent, then what? You wouldn't care if those cops, or a nurse or other innocent bystander got killed and would still wind up blaming it on the cops saying how wreckless they were. Maybe that's why you're not a LEO because you realize how much of a Catch 22 it is so you instead sit back and do nothing but criticize them being easy targets.

When a person doesn't pull over when a cop throws their lights on and instead continues on and runs red lights, odds are they're a felon not wanting to get arrested. The cops persuing the evading car don't know the guy is rushing to get his wife to the emergency room so they have the mindset of wanting to catch the guy because he's potentially dangerous.

Just because the guy stops at an emergency room and runs in doesn't mean he's any less a criminal as he still broke the law. Criminals flee all the time into public places to shake the police. Just because a lady is in the passenger seat doesn't mean the cops should let their guard down. Noticing the lady is in labor is the last thing they're worried about, they wanna make sure she's not dangerous first. If anything, they probably thought she was hysterical over her boyfriend fleeing, not in labour, as it happens all the time.

Moral of the story? Don't friggin' run from the police whether you realize you're doing so or not. If you run a red light, always assume something is gonna happen. Be responsible for the consequences of your actions. If you feel rushing a red light is worth your wife getting to the hospital in time, then cops arresting you or whatever should be the least of your concerns.

- N
The man was obviously taking the risk of any consequence that the officers could have justifiably delivered for failing to stop and running.
The pregnant woman being dragged out onto the sidewalk, however, is just stupid.
"I'm having the baby!!" the woman yells.
"Step out of the car lady," the officer says.
Justified? Sure.
Idiotic? Of course.
The pregnant woman being dragged out onto the sidewalk, however, is just stupid.
"I'm having the baby!!" the woman yells.
"Step out of the car lady," the officer says.
Justified? Sure.
Idiotic? Of course.

How was he supposed to know she was pregnant, PLUS how was he supposed to know that she didn't have a gun and was going to shoot him, thus helping the man get away?

See? Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but being right there, haveing to make those split-second, possibly life-threatening, decisions is not so simple.

Armchair quarterbacks always win the games, don't they.

Baron Max
How was he supposed to know she was pregnant, PLUS how was he supposed to know that she didn't have a gun and was going to shoot him, thus helping the man get away?

See? Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but being right there, haveing to make those split-second, possibly life-threatening, decisions is not so simple.

Armchair quarterbacks always win the games, don't they.
Look, how hard is it to recognize a woman who is pregnant at full term?
Not very. EDIT- how about "hold up your hands please ma'am", then open the door and have a look around?
Yeah it is a bag of rice or whatever, in that one in a billion scenario where the suicide bomber wanted to bomb the hospital with her bomb disguised as a baby, but please - there are more confirmed sightings of a woman having an alien baby than a hospital being bombed by a suicide bomber in the U.S.
If this was palestine, i would say you had a point, but it isn't.
Someone could wak into a hospital and do whatever they wanted without getting the cops after them first in this country.
Come on.
Just use your head and figure out the possibilities, the very common occurence of a man accidentally or purposefully running a light to get his wife to the hospital might just be happening, instead of some other far-fetched situations.
Of, course, i am too smart to work in a dangerous job for crappy money, so perhaps the "armchair quarterback", has an edge over a dumb cop in putting two and two together.
There are plenty of policemen who would have done a better job though, I still believe. Most of the time a scenario like this happens you don't even hear about it - meaning the police probably didn't do anything as justified, but stupid, as this.
"Step out of the car lady," the officer says.
Justified? Sure.
Idiotic? Of course.

Sorry, but safety comes first. The man broke the law so the safety goes to the officers, not the person that's in the passenger seat of a fleeing perp.

Someone mentioned "to protect and serve" making it out to be some sort of contradiction in their actions but it's not. If an officer is with a regular person who hasn't broken the law, then yeah, watch out and be careful with the citizen and protect em with care. If that husband wouldn't have sped through red lights and fled into the hospital room while the cops are chasing them, he would have been considered a normal guy and if the cops saw the lady was in labour, they would have let their guard down and helped her.

However, since the law was broken, instead of the citizen's safety coming first (protect and serve law-abiding citizens), it now comes to the officer's safety first, even if something bad happens to the couple since the couple are no longer citizens, but criminals; that's the difference.

If anything bad happened to the prego lady while breaking the law, it's the fault of the husband. If no crimes were committed and something bad happened to the pregnant lady, the fault would be on the officers. In the first instance the couple are criminals, the 2nd instance they're regular law-abiding citizens. In the first instance the safety goes to the officers, in the second instance the safety goes to the couple.

"No good deed goes unpunished" is a fitting example of what happened with the husband rushing his wife to the emergency room. He wanted to get her to the hospital quickly, but hey, too bad he was driving recklessly.

- N
S If anything bad happened to the prego lady while breaking the law, it's the fault of the husband.
It is thinking like this that makes such an issue out of this.
The cop pulls a gun and shoots the lady while she has her hands up, and the fault is shared. In no way can you condone stupidity, without this extreme either/or thinking.
The pregnant woman being dragged out onto the sidewalk, however, is just stupid.
"I'm having the baby!!" the woman yells.
"i don't have a gun" screams the murderer.

the cops have no proof the woman is pregnant.
they did not read her medical reports.
i also doubt if they felt her abdomen.

if the man would have stopped in the first place the woman would not have been dragged from the car.

the cops actions were justified.
the responsibility rest squarely on the shoulders of the driver of the car that refused to stop.
It is thinking like this that makes such an issue out of this.
The cop pulls a gun and shoots the lady while she has her hands up, and the fault is shared. In no way can you condone stupidity, without this extreme either/or thinking.
i analysed the original scenario, it did not involve weapons.
weapons give us a completely different scenario.
of course im talking about police use of weapons because the cops handled it like the suspects were armed.
If anything bad happened to the prego lady while breaking the law, it's the fault of the husband. - me

It is thinking like this that makes such an issue out of this.
The cop pulls a gun and shoots the lady while she has her hands up, and the fault is shared. In no way can you condone stupidity, without this extreme either/or thinking. - cole

No, it's thinking like your follow-up sentence that makes these topics out to be such an issue. Liberals always go for the crazy extremes. All you guys do is come up with whacky scenarios to justify your stance when the real issue was nothing like that. Oh, oh, she could have thrown her hands up and been shot!

Uh, okay..

If you don't want something bad to happen, don't put yourself in a dangerous scenario in the first place. What do you expect to happen when you drive recklessly running red lights and evading the police only to hop out when you finally stop the car? With you guys, it's always someone else's fault, not the idiotic person who put themselves in the predicament in the first place. I know you guys want world peace, help minorities, and all that, but when you make everyone out to be the victim, you get pretty ridiculous and lose all credibility. This is why nobody takes you people seriously.

- N
If you don't want something bad to happen, don't put yourself in a dangerous scenario in the first place. What do you expect to happen when you drive recklessly running red lights and evading the police only to hop out when you finally stop the car? With you guys, it's always someone else's fault, not the idiotic person who put themselves in the predicament in the first place. I know you guys want world peace, help minorities, and all that, but when you make everyone out to be the victim, you get pretty ridiculous and lose all credibility. This is why nobody takes you people seriously.
The only point I made was that people who make mistakes of judgement are responsible - the police AND the suspect can make these mistakes at the same time. Just because one person is responsible doesn't relieve the other person of their responsibility.
Just because the suspect runs, that doesn't necessarily mean that the best course of action is to shoot them. Maybe they should taser them, or run after them, or shoot, it depends on the situation. If the cop chooses an option other than the most appropriate one, the mistake can be justifiable and still be a mistake.
That's all.

If you think that is ridiculous you need to get your head checked.