Street Lights Go out as I walk under them

And where it gets really interesting is the notion that it is the alternating frequency or resonance that actually does the neutralisation of current and not the strength of charge.

So theoretically the brain sets up a hamonic resonance and neutralises the elctrical flow. Given the clever nature of the brains structures this is also possible...

Tesla was doing experiments with resonance, wasn't he?
Tesla was doing experiments with resonance, wasn't he?

To be honest, I have no idea, however after doing a little Googling I see reason for certain correlations between Tesla´s extraordinary ideas and the ones I am proposing so far.

I would not be suprised if he was doing experiments with resonance and harmonics. He was after all fully out there using what appears to be mind over matter as his inspiration and motivating insight.

IMO he may have had a "psychotic episode" and used the experiience as a way of developing his various patents. Some being very sucessful for humanity and some not so.

Maybe he was another "zapper" and used his experience of Zapping to fuel his innovations?

The fact that he died impoverished after so much world acclaim and successful patenting leads one to speculate that he was a very sick man indeed.
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One of them being this "Slider" phenomona, where the radiological resonance (frequency) interferes with the Fillement of a lightbulb. You'll find these "Sliders" will only have it happen around fillemented bulbs as apposed to fluorescent tubing.

Any links ?
wow i'm not alone...

Hi everyone,
I've never been here before but I have started to get a little freaked out by the street lights going out whenever I walk by them. It just started happening last year, and it happens quite often. I just had one go out on me and decided to look it up on the internet to see if it happened to anyone else. I was so surprised to see so many things come up!! I've never felt anything strange or have had anything bad happen to me after the lights go out, nor have I ever had any paranormal experiences. I've also never had more than one light go out on me at a time (I think I would get really freaked out if that happened).
They always go out when I am walking by them, usually about 10-30 feet away. There is no way this can be the red car thing, it's just too strange because it happens a lot (too much to be a coincidence). It also only happens with streetlights around my college campus, not any other lights. Last year there was only one street light that would go out every single time I walked by it, but it never went out any other time other people walked by it. Then this year, it has started happening all over campus on different street lights.... I don't know how to explain it because it seems like if it was something with my electricity levels, other things would be affected too... but its only street lamps about 10-30 feet away....

Anyway, I just wanted to put up a post because I was really relieved that this happens to other people. ... I'm so curious now as to what it means or if it even means anything

I'm new hear so I don't want to start a fight however this isn't just a coincidence. There was a special on the Health Channel about this condition. The EMF that is emmited by certain people interfers with the EMF of the street lights. For me I can either turn and off bulb on or and on bulb off. I have shown this to my friends when we go to Blockbuster. When I get within 10' of a certain street light it turns off. When I back up it turns on. All of my friends have done the same and they have no effect. I also shock myself on almost everything metal. I've blown lightbulbs and broken a laptop.
Here is a video of someone doing it on tape
I'm new hear so I don't want to start a fight however this isn't just a coincidence. There was a special on the Health Channel about this condition. The EMF that is emmited by certain people interfers with the EMF of the street lights. For me I can either turn and off bulb on or and on bulb off. I have shown this to my friends when we go to Blockbuster. When I get within 10' of a certain street light it turns off. When I back up it turns on. All of my friends have done the same and they have no effect. I also shock myself on almost everything metal. I've blown lightbulbs and broken a laptop.
Here is a video of someone doing it on tape

I am looking forward to the usual responses from our resident skeptics....ha:)

[ of course he has a friend hiding off camera with a switch in his hand....]
Here is an article too :D

Here is an abstract

"Ongoing research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab is suggesting that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the possibility of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI. [citation needed]

A more earth-bound explanation may be that transformers (that supply the relatively high voltage necessary for the gas discharge that produces the bright light) when break down will not produce enough voltage for the discharge to happen, but potential will start to raise. When the necessary voltage is reached, the discharge quickly draws it away, thus the lamp glows for a time, then darkens. When it gathers enough voltage again it will glow and darken again."

IMO it is a mix between the two. The EMF a person generates is just enough to trip the bulb on or off. So the effect may only work on lamps that are affected by these faulty transformers.
excuse me but I have taken the liberty of posting the full article as I think a lot of readers are hesitant to use links.....facinating and relevant to my earlier posts about how deliberate attempts such as in laboratory conditions fail to produce predictable results. "Deliberate and Predictable" being the key words....

SLIders & the Streetlight Phenomenon

Do streetlights suddenly go out when you pass beneath them? Do watches or credit cards stop working in your possession? Perhaps you are a SLIder.
A reader writes:

"Around five years ago, I have noticed that at times while I am driving down the road at night a street light will go out as I am passing below it. It happens frequently and seems to be happening more.
It has been giving me the creeps. If it happened only once or on very rare occasions, I don't think I would have given it a thought. However, it happens about once or twice a week. Could it be some electronic thing or could it be something less explainable?"

The phenomenon is known as street lamp interference, or SLI, and it possibly is a psychic event that is just beginning to be recognized and studied. Like most phenomena of this type, the evidence is almost exclusively anecdotal. I have received several stories like the one above from readers.

Typically, a person who has this effect on streetlights - also known as a SLIder - finds that the light switches on or off when he or she walks or drives beneath it. Obviously, this could happen occasionally by chance with a faulty streetlight (you've probably noticed that it's happened to you once in a while), but SLIders claim that it happens to them on a regular basis. It doesn't happen every time with every streetlight, but it occurs often enough to make these people suspect that something unusual is going on.

Very often, SLIders also report that they tend to have an odd effect on other electronic devices. In letters I've received, these people claim such effects as:

Appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched.
Lightbulbs constantly blow when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on.
Volume levels change on TVs, radios, and CD players.
Watches stop working.
Children's electronic toys start by themselves when the SLIder is present.
Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession.
What's the Cause?
Any attempt to pinpoint a cause for SLI at this point would be mere speculation without a thorough scientific investigation. The problem with such investigations, as with many forms of psychic phenomena, is that they are very difficult to reproduce in a laboratory. They seem to happen spontaneously without the deliberate intention of the SLIder. In fact, the SLIder, according to some informal tests, are usually unable to create the effect on demand.

A reasonable speculation for the effect, if it is a real one, might have something to do with the electronic impulses of the brain. All of our thoughts and movements are the result of electrical impulses that the brain generates. At present it is known that these measurable impulses only have an effect within an individual's body, but is it possible that they could have an effect outside the body - a kind of remote control?

Ongoing research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab is suggesting that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the reality of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI.

Although the SLI effect is not a conscious one, some SLIders report that when it does occur, they often are in an extreme emotional state. A state of anger or stress is often cited as the "cause." SLIder Debbie Wolf, a British barmaid, told CNN, "When it happens is when I'm stressed about something. Not really manically stressed, just when I'm really mulching something over, really chewing something over in my head, and then it happens."

Could it all be just coincidence, however? David Barlow, a graduate student of physics and astrophysics, suspects that the phenomenon might be attributed to people seeing patterns in "random noise." "It is unlikely that a light will turn itself on when you walk past it," he says, "so it is a shock when it happens. If this should happen a few times consecutively, then it appears some mechanism is at work."

SLI Research
A research project into SLI has been started by Dr. Richard Wiseman at the University of Berkfordshire in England. Wiseman recently made the newspapers with a project to test ESP with a kiosk-type machine - called The Mind Machine - that he set up in various locations around England to collect a large amount of data about the possible psychic abilities of the general public.

Hillary Evans, an author and paranormal investigator with The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), is also studying the phenomenon. (You can download the original SLI Effect book in PDF format by Hilary Evans completely free from their website.) She has established the Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange as a place where SLIders can report their experiences and share those of other SLIders. "It's quite obvious from the letters I get," Evans told CNN, "that these people are perfectly healthy, normal people. It's just that they have some kind of ability... just a gift they've got. It may not be a gift they would like to have."
Actually it reminds me of a reported reliable Television switching itself off for a person at this forum participating in a telepathic trial, with my brother inlaw Ozzie some time back.[ results or should I say the lack of results are published and are in the forum archives somewhere ] I'll see if I can find the link.....
"Ongoing research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab is suggesting that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the possibility of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI.

Just to let you know, the research protocols of the people at PEAR have been widely criticised by other scientists. Interestingly, the PEAR people seem to ignore scientific criticism and review of their work, which suggests that they are perhaps pushing a vested interest.

After all, if psychic phenomena don't exist, the people are PEAR will be out of a job.
I am aware of this however according to the the article "other" institutes have done similar studies with similar outcomes. Who these other researchers are is another question :D
Well it has been a few months since anyone posted on this one, but it the reason I am here. My curiosity got the best of me. I have noticed weird things for many years. Starting with dreams I started having at the age of 7 of things that would come the next day. Nothing to big but a little dumb five minute skit in my dream that would happen the next day, and this is when I started writing down things. I can not wear a watch literally a few hours on and the start to lose time, 10 minutes then 20 then they stop. Well I always thought my mom just bought me cheap watches. Until I got one for my 16th birthday that was a $175 watch, and it did the same thing. I kept it on because my father bought it for me and it was really nice with in a month it started running completely backwards. Street lamps go off when I am in the car, more so when I am mad or sad then normal. Walking in the park by my house when I would be really upset with my mother I could turn them all off just by getting close. My mother has noticed the weird things that happen around me, and tells people I caused the earthquake in Crawford County of 1998, I was mad at my boyfriend and walked in the door and slammed it and the whole house started to shake. One time I walked into the high school and all the lights went out. I had a miscarriage my first pregnancy and I was severally depressed and sad for two weeks nothing but rain. Just strange stuff.
me 2

Every time i go running at night at least 2 street lights go out. All my life digital watches pack up if I wear them.

tonight while out running it happened again. I walked 20m past the light and it came back on, i ran back to it.. turned round and walked past it and it went off again.

as i got 30ms away this time it came back on.

i declined to try a 3rd time.

I don't think this is normal... i don't run that much at night and it happens too much to be a coincidence.

tonight was the first time i actually went/looked back, to see if the light came back on and i googled this when i got back.

next time it happens i'll try it again and see if I can reproduce it.

edit: and one last thing, I have on one occasion have 2 consecutive lights go out, ala long dark tea time of the soul, but only once !! also I'm pretty sure theres one light that consistently goes out, I often eye it up about half a mile away and see many other runners/walkers go past before I get there and it goes out.. about 50% of the time.

I've also posted this on a running forum for responses, it might just be statistically more likely for runners... one thing, tonight was slightly damp/misty and i feel like I have a real electric charge through my body(i sometimes get that feeling on a back of a hard run).. not sure why, i was running quite hard tonight tho.
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