Street Lights Go out as I walk under them

webprodesign shoud try reading "the long dark teatime of the soul" by Douglas Adams

covers streetligts going out when you walk under them.
yeah full this happened to me the other day then i thought of this post and then i was like freaky man, wow it is strange dude
Okay, I'm really new to this and I didnt even find it myself, in fact I don't ever even post on forums and I only signed up to post this message, my friend decided to find out what the heck was going on with me after she had been around a few, too many, of my experiences...I'm kinda young, 19, and lights have been going out for as long as I can remember. They dont go out though for good, if I were to walk back by 15 minutes later it would be back on, but it doesnt go off until the moment I walk by or step foot under a light (ever!). A street light in a row of maybe 30, walkway light, room light, just lights period, but they are never blown out they just switch off and highway lights and security lights arent suppossed to do that...And, (this is the thing that freaked out my friend) there was a motion detector, in the basement of our building, that kept cutting off the lights every minute or so and for almost an hour we waited every minute for it to go off, the thing is I couldnt ever get it to cut the lights on, only she could. No matter how slow, fast, close, far, parallel, or perpendicular, I was to the detector it wouldnt ever cut the lights on when I tried, but at the shrug of my friends shoulders, the lights would pop back on. I broke a sweat trying...that really isn't normal...okay another thing. Is this just a forum or does someone have some answers?? I can't drive myself crazy about it since I can't stop it, I dont know what it is, and it doesn't look like there is any end to it but I'd be interested to to see if there was a valid reason for this. Oh yea, I am a very scary (as in scared of a lot of things) person so if you have any extraterrestrial or other wordly explanation no matter how true it could be...please dont tell me LoL I'd rather just not know in that case.

P.S. I'm living my life, this wierd life, and this is not any red car really isn't :/
I can tell you quite abit about this whole thing. I searched for it on google just to see if it happened to a decent amount of people. The whole thing has to do with your bodies EMF (Electromagnetic Field). It has nothing to do with "the red car patters" thats just what people say that don't understand. Any kind of light can be sensitive to EMF if it is not working the way it was designed or it was cheaply made. I notice everyday that the exact same lights go off everytime I pass them. I have even watched other people ahead of me pass them and nothing happen but as soon as I come near, off it goes. One of my best friends has a long list of abilities that the "red car" people would have a heartattack if they saw in action. Among the many things he has blown as well as shut off lights. He and I both have fried alot of indoor light bulbs. And if you have this ability, try and control the traffic lights. Lets just say neither one of us hardly ever hits a red light. ;) But back to the lights. If your bodies EMF is different that most people then you will most likely interfer with anything electrical or electronic, since both create their own EMF and involve many frequencies. And if your EMF is very different then you will most likely be able to control electronic devices with your mind and sometimes fry them, like my friend. Not to get onto other subjects but your bodies EMF balance can be off set by devices with powerful EMF such as cell phones. Cell phones do cause tumors but most likely not in everyone. Just as some people hardly ever get sick, some can be unaffected by cell phones. But if you really want to get in tune with your abilities don't use one. I don't but thats because I passionatly hate them. Nikola Tesla has wireless patent priority over Marconi but we still use Marconi's crap and Tesla's life was runied by the money hungry jerks. But back on topic, if you experence these abilities don't be afraid to try improving on them. For some reason you are using a part of your brain most people don't. Whether it is caused by coming back from death, or just natural from birth you have abilities that most don't. And the "red car" people can say you and I are full of it or whatever but its true. My most focused ability is my very hightened intuition into things. So keep shutting lights off and see what else you can do. Explore your mind, its fun.
webprodesign said:
Street Lights going out when you go under them?

Tell Us!
I too have had the same things happening. Street lights would go off as I drove under them, and other times, just by looking at them. I thought I was crazy. I also had the experience at work. I went to the front of the store (for no apparent reason), and looked at one of the flourescent lights. After staring at it (for no apparent reason), the light blew out! Now, how could timing be so incredible that at those moments for these things to happen. Also, I don't look at the clock in my truck for awhile, and when I do, it is 12:34. Not 12:35, or 12:33, always 12:34. My friend was with me once where I was telling him about the lights going out, and we stopped at a restaurant. As soon as I got out of the car, the lights in the parking lights went off. When I got into the restaurant, they went back on. My friend was spooked. It is good? to know that the thing with the street lights happen to others. Shadowdog signing out...
This whole street light thing has been going on with me also for years. One incident that really gets me though is when my tv goes out suddenly. It used to just turn off here and there. The last time it happened it came back on and off and on and off several times. I was in my room with my girlfriend who thought i was messing around. i had just set my room up in my basement which i already believed was haunted. many stories about that. i got kicked out my house and staying with my pops now but the streetlights still go out.
This all started with loud music my crazy mom heard. Turned out it was coming from the basement where no one ever went. we used to keep a bunch of cats down there and everthing is pretty torn up. I took the flashlight down and there was only one thing lit. It was the numbers an old record player/stereo with music blaring through the speakers. i walked up to it and flipped it off. it was still on so i lowered the volume. i didnt have the nerve to find the outlet and pull the plug. i was ready to get out. theres been a lot of strange things going on down there. also, voices coming from my guitar amp. man im glad i got kicked out. too much crazy shit going on over there.
light sensors.
if less then a certain amount of light falls on the collector, the lights go on, my guess is that you cast a shadow on the collector

*complete co-incidence, you just tend to remember when it happens more then when it doesnt
*faulty underground wiring leading to the circuit being broken when weight is put on a certain part of the ground

why is this in the cesspool out of curiousity?
surely general science and technology, or pseudoscince, depending on how you view it
teslaman said:
I can tell you quite abit about this whole thing. I searched for it on google just to see if it happened to a decent amount of people. The whole thing has to do with your bodies EMF (Electromagnetic Field). It has nothing to do with "the red car patters" thats just what people say that don't understand. Any kind of light can be sensitive to EMF if it is not working the way it was designed or it was cheaply made. I notice everyday that the exact same lights go off everytime I pass them. I have even watched other people ahead of me pass them and nothing happen but as soon as I come near, off it goes. One of my best friends has a long list of abilities that the "red car" people would have a heartattack if they saw in action. Among the many things he has blown as well as shut off lights. He and I both have fried alot of indoor light bulbs. And if you have this ability, try and control the traffic lights. Lets just say neither one of us hardly ever hits a red light. ;) But back to the lights. If your bodies EMF is different that most people then you will most likely interfer with anything electrical or electronic, since both create their own EMF and involve many frequencies. And if your EMF is very different then you will most likely be able to control electronic devices with your mind and sometimes fry them, like my friend. Not to get onto other subjects but your bodies EMF balance can be off set by devices with powerful EMF such as cell phones. Cell phones do cause tumors but most likely not in everyone. Just as some people hardly ever get sick, some can be unaffected by cell phones. But if you really want to get in tune with your abilities don't use one. I don't but thats because I passionatly hate them. Nikola Tesla has wireless patent priority over Marconi but we still use Marconi's crap and Tesla's life was runied by the money hungry jerks. But back on topic, if you experence these abilities don't be afraid to try improving on them. For some reason you are using a part of your brain most people don't. Whether it is caused by coming back from death, or just natural from birth you have abilities that most don't. And the "red car" people can say you and I are full of it or whatever but its true. My most focused ability is my very hightened intuition into things. So keep shutting lights off and see what else you can do. Explore your mind, its fun.

I agree wholeheartedly with you. I'm very inituitive also and thought that I may just have some hyper-alertness to lights flickering on/off. In the back of my mind I thought it may have something to do with EMF. The sole reason I'm here is that this street light on/off thing has been happening to me for years and I decided to search the web to see if others had experienced it. The red car theory may explain this occurrence for some small percentage of the people, but for others it is more than subliminal recognition.
Tonight, I was walking 100 yards short of a street light and consciously predicted that when I passed under it would shut off. It did. I drove by the same light 20 minutes later and it was on again. When my car pulled up to the corner where it stands, it turned off again. No shadows were involved, no underground transformers and no timers. The same light went out as I walked under it and as I sat in a car adjacent to it. I'm an engineer and I don't believe in the boogie man.

I suggest you sit under that particular streetlight for a couple of hours and observe how many times it flickers on and off. I think you'll find it has nothing to do with anything you do.
I met my husband by having this conversation. I had told people before about this phenomena and they looked at me like I was nuts, but my husbands response was "Me Too!" The funny thing is now when we go under street lights together they come one. Our electric currents can wreck havoc in our house. We go through light bulbs like crazy. I found this sight with a Google search because I was out with my girlfriends on Friday. We were walking home from a bar and talking about ghost experiences. I said that I had never had one, but told them about my power to turn off street lights. We were coming up to a street light and I said watch. (I was a little drunk and showing off) I walked under the streetlight and it immediately went out. Much to the screams and giggles of my friends. It kind of freaked me out too.
Streetlights go out when I walk under them too, not every time and not all the lights but it happens, it also happens to a friend of mine, but with her it's more often.
Lots of people report the thing with street lights.

The fact is: there are an awful lot of street lights, and that means that at any particularly time a lot of them are flickering or flashing on and off at random.

VRock and tablariddim:

Do what I suggested above. Go and sit or stand under a streetlight for a while (say 20 - 30 minutes). Pick one which you think "goes out" when you walk under it. Then just stand there for a while and watch. I'll bet the light comes back on again, then goes off, then comes back on again, more or less at random, or even at regular intervals.
Why did this get moved to the cesspool? Just curious. I mean, the topic is dumb, I suppose. But fitting to the parapsychology or pseudoscience subforums...
No idea how it got moved to the Cesspool. It's now back in Parapsychology. If this topic doesn't fit parapsychology, nothing does.
street lights going out

This whole street light thing has always happened to me. Since I was a little kid, the lights would go out usually just before I pass by them, and then they take a few minutes to come back on. It happened to me tonight on my way home. One thing I have noticed is it always happens when I am about the 50-75 feet from the light.
Have you ever had any other strange things happen...maybe hearing loud banging or thuds just before you are about to fall asleep? Repeated single loud bangs like someone hitting an iron door with a fist?
This is my first time here, I googled street lights going off.