Street Lights Go out as I walk under them

Street lights have photo sensors on them, so if you hit the photo sensor with a spot light they will turn themselves off.
M*W: I've read everyone's reply, but your's makes sense to me. The street lights go off everytime I drive under them, at least the one in front of my house does. I always thought it was me or my car that was giving off some kind of interference. Why would the lights have a sensor so as to turn off the lights. Isn't that counter-productive?
M*W: I've read everyone's reply, but your's makes sense to me. The street lights go off everytime I drive under them, at least the one in front of my house does. I always thought it was me or my car that was giving off some kind of interference. Why would the lights have a sensor so as to turn off the lights. Isn't that counter-productive?

Not if it's a light sensor. (obviously shielded from the light itself)
That would mean that they turn off automatically in daylight.
Which is what you would want.
Maybe some cars/people relect enough light back from the lamp to trigger the sensor.
You could watch a light to see whether its turning off depended on the colour of the car.
yeah that happens to me al the time
once i had this urge to drive sumwhere didnt know where till i got there
i ended up at a blood caravan i sat for a while wondering why im here
a car drove up took me picture then drove off that was even weirder than being there

lights go flicker flicker then bang off they go
and another time i needed to go again i wanted to go to the fuel station but i thought what do i want to do that for so i went to the shop next door to it
then a blood van drove out of the servo station or fuel staion
i dont go by these feelings any more cause i think they weird

i guess im just bloody weird hahahaha
where i sused to live there were so many attacks in one area
me and mates used to chat about the weird goings on
till ....
i woke up one day with blood under me nails i showed me mates and we talked
i hafd a night mare that night with attacking a woman i dreamt i stook staring at her
then i attacked her scratching and clawing
i well it was weird i dreamt i flew there with black ribbon like floating things
driffting i followed the dream the path i flew and it was horrorble
i cant understand what went on
needles to say the attacks stopped in this particular area
Not if it's a light sensor. (obviously shielded from the light itself)
That would mean that they turn off automatically in daylight.
Which is what you would want.
colour of the car.

Chris is exactly correct. Photosensors are the most efficient way of turning them on and off.
I have noticed that there has been several times when i walk under a street light it burns out or shuts off. i have changed the times and streets over the last two years to see if I was imaiging this. Does anyone know what this means.
Thanks confused
I have noticed that there has been several times when i walk under a street light it burns out or shuts off. i have changed the times and streets over the last two years to see if I was imaiging this. Does anyone know what this means.
Thanks confused

It means that street lights go out surprising frequently. As they age, streetlights will often go into a slow on-off cycle.

Also, it is human nature to see patterns more often than is strictly necessary.
It means that street lights go out surprising frequently. As they age, streetlights will often go into a slow on-off cycle.

Also, it is human nature to see patterns more often than is strictly necessary.

Well, those are hypotheses about a phenomenon. I think we can all agree that you are speculating.