Street Lights Go out as I walk under them

Geez. What's up with so many people googling street lights going out? I never noticed this myself. However, one time I saw a telephone pole just fall over for no reason. One second, it's standing like normal. The next, timber! Right into the road! No wind, no rain. Beautiful, sunny day.

Welcome to sciforums.

One thing I have noticed is it always happens when I am about the 50-75 feet from the light.

Have you thought that this might be a good distance from which you can see the light easily without having to look up too much?
Geez. What's up with so many people googling street lights going out? I never noticed this myself.

I've seen it happen before. Lots of times.
But, as I said earlier in this thread (I think I said it in this thread), it's just red car syndrome. For every time a street light went out when I walked under it, there were at least 20 or more that haven't gone out. But, you only notice when things happen, not when things don't happen.

Speaking of stories about telephone poles and such. I remember one summer I was in New Mexico almost on the border and was driving along this road and I watched a buzzard (vulture, whatever) come flapping down to land on a power line...
It must have brushed its wings on one of the lines while its claws grabbed another because it got a hell of a shock apparently.
It sort of swiveled on the line, hanging upside down for a minute before it let go and crashed down to the ground.

Now that was hilarious.
I wonder how often something like that happens?
This only happened to me once, and when it did every other light went out..... Only time i was actually scared of the dark...
When I was sixteen I was walking to the store with my best friend who was suffering some kind of mental breakdown at the time. It was about -30C out and things were very uncomfortable and he started to get very anxious about things and, when we walked under each of the streetlamps they flickered and then went back to normal.
I'm not saying that he somehow controlled the lamps but it really freaked me out at the time.
Me TOO!!

I travel a lot on a major highway a couple of times a week...Every time I drive under the SAME street lights (regardless of the time for all you "timing is everything" people) they either flick on or off. I have also had radios (without remotes or alarms) turn on/off while I was in the room. I've also experienced this with hairdryers. My husband as witnessed it but says I'm weird. Does it have anything to do with your mood? I never pay attention to what mood I'm in when it happens...

crazy I'm not the only one who notices do doo doo
I´ll bite and give my two cents worth.

Have been thinking about this pheno for some time due to many similar expereinces of my own. It seems that our thinking can apply a small electrical charge to the objects we are thinking about.[ observer affecting the observed] Under normal circumstances this poses no problem as te charge is a part of background charge. whitenoise. [ unless you are typing on a PC and it keeps stalling for no apparent reason....sheer frustration...yes?]

However if one has a heightened sense of concern and is generally very tense and anxious the tension of the thinking generates an electrical charge that can interfere with some appliances and magnetic fields especially those related to high tech micro voltage systems that have inherant flaws to their design that the mind can capitalise on. Thus well built systems are less affected than poorly built systems. Especially the magnets used for the refigerator, those plastic ferro magnets of poor quality and magnetic film of poor quality, such VHS tapes and music tapes. or a badly tuned TV set.

The charge itself is not the issue so much but the alternation pattern that resonates with the appliances pattern neutralising the elctrical flow is.

Once you have experienced this and either gone "wow" or experienced an adrenal rush of any type, the mind automatically learns how to spontaneously do it again and again as a reflex until the person learns how to control it, either intinctively or consciously. [ This leads onto unqualified theories about the casuality of illensses such as Schizophrenia etc etc]

I must admit I have yet to meet someone who has been able to control it consciously and deliberately in a way that is predictable and conclusive, however just because it isn´t predictable doesn´t immediatley disqualify it´s truth. Deliberate attempts, as in most psychic pheno, immediately supress or overwhelm the instinctive and usually subconscious reflexes at work.

For those seeking advice as to how to stop this occuring, the only real way is to relax and think of it as being what Invert was saying and that is it is just red car syndrome and that stats will show this is not a human interference pheno.... rely on the skeptics and just relax on the whole issue...the pheno with luck will just pass into memory and the mind will learn to let go of it as a conscious ability and let it occur as a subconscious one where it belongs and was originally.

Ths is not as easy as it may sound because the mind and usually the person is normally highly ambitious and indecisive about reliquishing the ability. However if it is not there is a significant chance that more serious problems may occur as the minds instinctive ambitious nature evolves.

Ask any electrical engineer about unexplained temporary and intermittant electrical failure and see what sort of response you get.....?

One way to test this for those who have freinds who agree is, to pass under the street lights with a blindfold on [ not aware of the street light] and get the friend to record whether the light goes out as consistantly as it has in the past.

It is also a method of returning the reflex to a subconscious or autonomic state.
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In developing Theory on the nature of schizophrenia I found that many patients I interviewed expressed intense interest in streetlight pheno, as well as in what they thought was the ability to "Zap" someone [ small time electicution one guy said..with a smile on his face.] and delusions or illusions of person manipulations etc...

As the patient is so traumatised by his own state his ability to coherantly organise his thoughts on the issue is diminished [especially as he is constantly being told he is delusional and paranoid.]

However if one allows for the possibility that "electro projection" is real then one can make a lot of sense from what they are complaining about. Especially when one realises that a hyper sensitive patient is suffering from the awareness of being Zapped by other "normal " people all the time. Not realising that for Normal people this is a instinctive behaviour and nor deliberate.

I talked to one lady who was so traumaitised by this zapping pheno that she would isolate her self at home for weeks at a time for fear of being zapped and doing the zapping. But what was most enlightening was that she would only venture out to the public domain when she felt the "sexual "urge to do so, because she found the ability to "zap" people sexually arousing. So her resolve to relinquish the ability was locked into her sexual ambitions as well as her telepathic ones. As it was tied in with her libido she was very reluctant to talk about it due to issues of shame and guilt. The feeling of raping someone mentally and being raped in turn is heightened in her mind. SDV´s or self detrminaton violations making her feel not only the victim but the perpetrator as well.

Thus the prognosis is poor as she will constantly be compelled by her own drive into a state of abject misery until she learns some lessons about it all, and of course because the medical position is that it is all delusional she will hopefully get some meds and be told to do nothing about her problem. She will then become so sedated and her libido so compromised that the urge to zap people will be diminished and life will be ok for every one else but her.
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Considering the body is a dynamo which producse a very weak electromagnetic field, it is possible that some degree of "zapping" is possible. There are also considerations of EM phenomena related to ghosts.
Considering the body is a dynamo which producse a very weak electromagnetic field, it is possible that some degree of "zapping" is possible. There are also considerations of EM phenomena related to ghosts.

And where it gets really interesting is the notion that it is the alternating frequency or resonance that actually does the neutralisation of current and not the strength of charge.

So theoretically the brain sets up a hamonic resonance and neutralises the elctrical flow. Given the clever nature of the brains structures this is also possible...
Unfortunately due to it´s inherant unpredictablity for suggested reasons mentioned earlier, it is virtually impossible to test. Also the amount of charge or energy involved is so microscopic one would only be able to measure the resultant distortion [effect] and not the cause of that distortion.
With the proper equipment, I am not so sure, Quantum Quack. Moreove,r your suggestion of blind folding seems good.
Thanks I suggested only because I got the impression from a couple of posters that their own indecision about the reality of what they were experiencing was causing them distress. A simple test with blind fold on and the off may be rather enlightening...of course one might feel a little silly doing it but hey, I am not the one suffering from the indecision and curiosity..

been there done that sort of thing....:)
I've noticed that the words of Quantum Quack only appear when I type in my address bar, hit return, then wander through a few threads. Pretty remarkable, yeah? And spooky!
Do you think I have the power?
I've noticed that the words of Quantum Quack only appear when I type in my address bar, hit return, then wander through a few threads. Pretty remarkable, yeah? And spooky!
Do you think I have the power?

ha.....nope don´t be silly only I have that power.....:D

sigh!!! no one listens to me....[ now I know why ]:(
It's a fascinating subject. Some testing ought to be made

Also possibly if freinds set u some video recording equipoment and try to catch it all happening on video. I bet though it won´t work unless the person doing the thingo with the lights is consciously unaware of the camera. because i fteh person has that awareness of the camera it would be deliberate and as I said as soon as it becomes deliberate the ability is supressed and overwhelmed.
There are also considerations of EM phenomena related to ghosts.

In the usual sense ofthe words I tend to believe that Ghosts are actually a form of hallucination, [ a mind eye emmulation of a memory sensed] however the EM pheno isn´t.

If you see a ghost the usual adrenal reaction is intense and this sets up the thought tension as the persons attempts to reconcile the experience, the fields that are generated can if severe enough cause objects to move and light stuff like paper to fly about [ static electrical forms of EM]
So in a sense spontaneous and uncontrolled telekenetic events can be similarilly explained.

This is all based on the premise that thought is the generation of energy reflected and is experienced by the thinker by way of feeling this electrical energy. You know what you create..[think] by reflection.

Under certain conditions the brain experiences an adrenal rush that triggers uncontrolled generations of thought and if the resonance and harmonics are appropriate all sorts of shit can happen....[ in theory any way]

Seeing a mind eye emmulation of a memory sensed [ ghost- hallucination] could be such a circumstance.

You may recall PJ my discussion about experienceing someone elses memories....well I tend to feel that seeing or hearing Ghosts are just this sort of thing.
There are two possiblities I would suggest.

The first is straight forwardly mundane, "It's just coincidence" which pretty much sums up any abnormal or "paranormal" termed events. Many people will pretty much fob off any event or occurance with this because it's the simplest, it makes some sense and it's not beyond a persons knowledge, no matter who they are.

The other possibility is a little out there for some, in the sense that certain people are used for a certain type of research. Notibly the research is directed to individuals that usually find themselves being classified with a mental illness. It involves certain Medical researchers (probably Military) using radiological surveillance techniques, which although appear clandestine to most people only have small "Tells" to prove their actual use/existance.

One of them being this "Slider" phenomona, where the radiological resonance (frequency) interferes with the Fillement of a lightbulb. You'll find these "Sliders" will only have it happen around fillemented bulbs as apposed to fluorescent tubing.
It's not even coincidence.

If a tree falls in a forest, and there's no one around, does it make a sound?

If a street lamp flickers, and there's no one around, did it flicker?

The only flickers that matter, of course, are the observed ones. Otherwise they didn't happen. By the observer's POV, the only time street lamps flicker is when they are under them.

Or is that too mundane for you folk.