Street Harrassment.!!!

What is the main reason you thank Men behave like they did in the OP video.???

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Where are all the other videos? Where are all the other complaints? There are roughly 4.5 million women in New York. One would think at least a few of them have access to cameras and can post on Utube. So if this is legit, just the law of large numbers suggests there should be more evidence.


Look. A brief google search on "street harassment" or any similar term will turn up thousands of blog posts, comments on news articles, comments about this specific video from women who regularly experience exactly the kind of behaviour displayed in the video.

It is possible that all the women you know personally live sheltered lives and never walk down public streets alone. Or maybe they just haven't sat you down and told you about all the cat calls, propositions etc. that they get when they do that. Maybe the law of large numbers has thrown up the statistically possible but unlikely outcome that you actually have no female contacts to whom this has happened. Who knows?

Do a little leg work if you doubt this is real. Put in the bare minimum effort before jumping to conclusions that make you look naive.

It’s odd that in a city with more than 4.5 million women that someone wouldn’t have noticed this before and reported it.

Yeah. That would be odd, wouldn't it? Check for yourself. I mean, really take a minute or two and check.

Perhaps terrorists infected the male population of New York overnight with a “bore” virus which compels them to act like jerks no matter how ugly or plain she maybe. I just don’t think so.

What makes you think this is restricted to New York? Are you getting all defensive about your home town or something? Check for yourself whether it happens in London, or Sydney or Nairobi.

I think this is more likely a publicity stunt which appears to have worked very well.

Based on what? A hunch you have?

Well that is what this lady is telling the world. But do you know that to be the case? If that had happened to any of the women I know, the world would have heard about it long ago.

Yeah? I suggest you ask some of them. You might get a surprise. Or you may be a statistical outlier.

Questioning the veracity of this video isn’t in any way an endorsement of harassment of any kind. If this video is a truthful, then it is indeed a sad state of affairs.

Do you think the video was staged? Do you think those guys were actors? Seriously?
I didn't see her assuming the worst at any point in the video. What I saw in the video was a whole bunch of men acting towards her in a way that she found unwelcome. The problem is not that these men represented a real physical threat to her - there's no way to tell that from the video, and the video doesn't make that claim. The problem is that these guys all felt entitled to invade her space and to impose themselves on her in various ways. Their gender is only relevant because, presumably, no women walked along beside her silently for 5 minutes (and so on) during the 10 hours. I don't see how color and religion come into it, either. For example, there's no indicator in the video of the religion of the men involved, as far as I can tell.
Where does she say she found any of it Unwelcome. The .org that Hired her Says its unwelcome and If I agree I can donate to their cause.

Color... The 1st guy walking is black. The guy offering his phone number appears to be hispanic. You couldnt see that? You couldnt HEAR the accent?

God Bless often indicates religion. You couldnt hear that?

So you think that the guy who walked in step with her, right beside her, for five minutes was just innocently going about his business, do you? Really?
The Video Gives me No reason to suspect otherwise!

Funny you should characterise my objections to your position as "whining". It's almost as if you don't want to hear what I have to say, so you'd prefer to pretend it's just noise.
Your making things UP! It is just NOISE.

Well, you sound like a remarkably tolerant individual, milkweed. You're willing to put up with strangers telling you how you ought to act in public.
My gray/tolerance area is more healthy than what you are apparently surrounded by (societal influence) . Sorry you have to live your life in fear of offending someone with a compliment. Glad your aware its not me inflicting those boundaries on your ability to say something nice to someone.

And I'm also interested in where you draw the line, personally.
I really dont think you are interested. I do try to avoid discussing me personally in this thread and am choosing that option now.
Where do you draw the line. See my post above, and have a go at answering. I draw the line at comment number 1, if it is unwelcome to the recipient. How about you?

I draw the line by dismissing subjectivity in favor of a more universal objectivity.

Interestingly, in another thread about gravity, trippy posted a link to the esa site, wherein was a link to her doing an interview about the video in question.
She said that she is an actress and was trying to look as though she didn't wish to engage conversation for this video.
She stated that people needed to learn to read body language.
(fairly good read of body language on my part when I referred to her as a woman with a grump on---that is what she was striving to achieve)

OK she thinks herself to be an actress
not an anthropologists
not a psychologist
(I'm degreed in both, and have an educational bias there---so I filter purported claims for videos ostensibly about the subject matter within those disciplines through those lenses)

So, take the video as an interesting bit of "street theatre".
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Look. A brief google search on "street harassment" or any similar term will turn up thousands of blog posts, comments on news articles, comments about this specific video from women who regularly experience exactly the kind of behaviour displayed in the video.
It is possible that all the women you know personally live sheltered lives and never walk down public streets alone. Or maybe they just haven't sat you down and told you about all the cat calls, propositions etc. that they get when they do that. Maybe the law of large numbers has thrown up the statistically possible but unlikely outcome that you actually have no female contacts to whom this has happened. Who knows?
Do a little leg work if you doubt this is real. Put in the bare minimum effort before jumping to conclusions that make you look naive.

LOL, once you brush aside all of your ad hominem and your illogical argument (e.g. straw man) here is the bottom line, you have no evidence the video clip in question has not been staged. Neither you nor I know the veracity of the video. The video and the claims made by this young woman conform to your biases; therefore you believe them to be true without question, just as you believe anyone who doesn’t appreciate artists like Rothko and his Black on Black painting is a bore and are reduced to arguing hypothetical shades of black to justify the artistic value.

You accept what this woman has said without question. Her representation is sacrosanct and anyone with the audacity to question her veracity as I did is by definition an infidel. Only she and those who made the video in question know the veracity of the video. Wouldn’t you feel funny if a few days, weeks or months from now, it turns out her video and story were fraudulent? And liberals wonder why people think they are odd.
PS I don’t live anywhere near New York. New York isn’t my kind of town. But I have been to Manhattan numerous times on business.

One more point, I didn't say or even suggest women are not on occassion harassed on the streets. My comments were limited to this instance and this woman. So you are being more tha a little disingenuous. Just because some women have been harassed, it doesn't mean this woman was harassed and it doesn't mean this video is wasn't staged.

*What makes you think this is restricted to New York? Are you getting all defensive about your home town or something? Check for yourself whether it happens in London, or Sydney or Nairobi.

Did I say it was? No I didn’t. My comments were limited to this instance and this woman. You are inventing another straw man. I am not the one getting defensive. Before you go pointing fingers you need to take a few deep breaths and take a long serious look at yourself friend. All I did was question the veracity of this young woman and her video clip. I didn’t say it was untrue, but I did question its veracity.

*Based on what? A hunch you have?
Yeah? I suggest you ask some of them. You might get a surprise. Or you may be a statistical outlier.

You are going way off the deep end friend. Legitimately questioning the veracity of a video should not generate that much animosity. You know, not everything you see or hear is truthful. And as I said before, you have no evidence one way or the other to prove your belief in the video and the claims of this young struggling actress. You just believe the video and the woman to be truthful, therefore it must be truthful.

*Do you think the video was staged? Do you think those guys were actors? Seriously?

Did, I say I believed that? No I didn’t. You are making stuff up again James. Asking a question, doesn’t mean I answered it. This whole thing sounds a bit odd to me. Maybe I am naïve, but then maybe I’ve been around the block a few times. I have worked the streets a major metropolitan city on the left coast as an EMT back in my youth. I have seen more than you can imagine. I have seen many folks like you, folks who thought they knew it all, get schooled in reality and life on the streets. I suggest you look at yourself again before casting aspersions on others.
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... Glad I wasnt on that train ...

Loved it!
Mod Hat:

Motor Daddy - kindly make a point, or exit the thread stage left.
Staring isn't catcalling, gentlemen. If two or three of the women had got up and started giving him the "hey baby" treatment, then there'd be a counterargument here.
Staring isn't catcalling, gentlemen. If two or three of the women had got up and started giving him the "hey baby" treatment, then there'd be a counterargument here.
So a couple of quicky crotch shots on the i-phone is ok and doesnt count.
Can we edit out all of the single men saying "nice" or "smile" or in the video as not counting also?
And the guy walking silently along. He didnt catcall so should he be excluded from the video count (which btw is approx 20 people making approx 35 total comments)? Without viewing the video again I believe it was one group of 3 people making 4 comments (one guy made two, one guy said smile twice). And we have mr. friendly trying to give her his phone number making 7 comments.
My problem with this "experiment" is that, while a few people were offensive, many more were not... yet it almost feels as though she is trying to condemn all guys for this behavior.

Granted, while I think the guys that did "harass" her were out of line, I think more than anything it was a matter of them not taking a hint.

I dunno, ya get sleezeballs everywhere unfortunately.
So a couple of quicky crotch shots on the i-phone is ok and doesnt count.
Can we edit out all of the single men saying "nice" or "smile" or in the video as not counting also?
And the guy walking silently along. He didnt catcall so should he be excluded from the video count (which btw is approx 20 people making approx 35 total comments)? Without viewing the video again I believe it was one group of 3 people making 4 comments (one guy made two, one guy said smile twice). And we have mr. friendly trying to give her his phone number making 7 comments.

I don't think the photo was ok, no, and I wouldn't put it on par with the "nice" comments, which were also not acceptable. "Smile" is pretty sleezy also but I think it fits into sleezily permissible... for a little while. I don't know that they were so egregious as to warrant a fine. The longer runs approached harassment, IMHO, and deserved action.
motor daddy said:
Who determines if it's harassment that occurred on the street, you?
The victim, usually - in this case one who provided considerable evidence, so we could see the basis of her assessment; which is pretty convincing, if anyone here really needed yet more evidence of what any sane human being already knows.

Try treating your boss like those guys were treating that woman - and make a video for us, for our education.
Try treating your boss like those guys were treating that woman - and make a video for us, for our education.

My boss was Uncle Sam for 20 years. He sends people to die in wars.

...and yes, women that also work for Uncle Sam fought for the right to be shot at too.
I don't think the photo was ok, no, and I wouldn't put it on par with the "nice" comments, which were also not acceptable. "Smile" is pretty sleezy also but I think it fits into sleezily permissible... for a little while. I don't know that they were so egregious as to warrant a fine. The longer runs approached harassment, IMHO, and deserved action.
2 different women taking photos. .. anyways
Without her telling them its space encroachment, I dont think one can say harassment.

I am going to lean towards no harm meant in every case without substantial evidence otherwise. If she would have said to the guys alongside her, "leave me alone" and they continued, then yes its harassment. We all get along better when we communicate than when we have on our 'bitch face'.
That entire video is feminist bull****. It is a provocation and a nicely orchestrated one.
2 different women taking photos. .. anyways
Without her telling them its space encroachment, I dont think one can say harassment.

I am going to lean towards no harm meant in every case without substantial evidence otherwise. If she would have said to the guys alongside her, "leave me alone" and they continued, then yes its harassment. We all get along better when we communicate than when we have on our 'bitch face'.

Agreed - sorry, I should have made that clear. One needs, legally at least, to say 'piss off' at some point.

But it would be better still if - and I regret again agreeing with Tiassa even on a point so obviously true - we could address male behaviour over the necessity for female defense, preventing harassment instead of constantly refining reactions to it.
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