Street Harrassment.!!!

What is the main reason you thank Men behave like they did in the OP video.???

  • Nature

  • Nurture

  • Other (please discuss)

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So do you behave in the same way as those guys?

Not me... im a doer.!!!

One time at work a guy excitedly said... come check out the new girl... i walked down the hall wit him whare 2 other buddies was an i coud see who they was talkin about... so i walked over to her... talked a bit an ask her on a date... she said yes an we dated for 6 mounthes.!!!
Huh. Implying biology in crime - at whatever level - is seemingly a bit frowned on these days. I hope no one's advocating anything.
An experiment or study with a "predetermined outcome"
you think that valid science

eg, an environmental study in which the predetermined outcome is that CO2 has no effect on the climate.
Not me... im a doer.!!!

One time at work a guy excitedly said... come check out the new girl... i walked down the hall wit him whare 2 other buddies was an i coud see who they was talkin about... so i walked over to her... talked a bit an ask her on a date... she said yes an we dated for 6 mounthes.!!!

So let me guess, you walked up to her and said, DAMN Baby!! you lookin good. She said, thanks for the nice compliment, you want to go on a date?:wink:
So let me guess, you walked up to her and said, DAMN Baby!! you lookin good. She said, thanks for the nice compliment, you want to go on a date?:wink:

No... i said "What... im to ugly for you"... j/k

It was over 40 years ago... but no dout it was a bit flirtatious... an ther was at least 3 other female workers wit-in 3 feet (ear shot) wit big smiles on ther faces so we was all havin a good time... an thus began our 2 dates a week over the next 6 mounthes.!!!
motor daddy said:
So they go to all that trouble because people tell them they look great
They go to all that trouble because street creeps are miserable to deal with all day long, and a certain percentage are dangerous.

Now you recommended them as examples of how to handle street harassment. Are you recommending their tactics for handling the problem?

motor daddy said:
So when I tell a woman, nice dress, and she tells me to get lost you loser lawless creep, I know I should never tell a woman that she looks great in that dress, ever!
You keep digging that play stupid hole - it suits you, and everybody gets a good look at who these guys are.

clueless said:
Of course its a combination... but i voted for nurture... because all those guys in the video woud have behaved more appropreately if they hadnt been raised in an invironment which promotes that type of behavior.!!!
Another observation supporting nurture: they don't talk to their boss that way. As soon as there is accountability, the entire scene changes.
They go to all that trouble because street creeps are miserable to deal with all day long, and a certain percentage are dangerous.

Which ones are dangerous?

Now you recommended them as examples of how to handle street harassment. Are you recommending their tactics for handling the problem?

What tactics for what problem, the problem of women telling other women "nice dress"? Your labels are confusing to me. What gender are the creeps, male or female?

You keep digging that play stupid hole - it suits you, and everybody gets a good look at who these guys are.

So I'm one of the creeps that tells women they look nice in that dress? Why not you? How do I know you're not a creep that tells women they look nice in that dress? Is it that the first person that calls the other person a name is to be believed, and the accused is SOL? That how it works in your user manual?
Who walks up to strangers and comment on their dress?

Your wife, mother, sister, daughter, sure. But complete strangers walking down the street. Ermm okay. Unless you are a transvestite interested in where said nice dress comes from, what compels you to approach strangers to comment on their dress?

I am curious about one thing, Motor Daddy. Say your daughter is 13 and she is walking down the street and a man your age approaches her and comments on her dress and how nice she looks in it, you'd be okay with that? How about if your 21 year old daughter is walking down the street and some stranger comments on her appearance and then starts to follow her for 5 minutes or so, walking real close so she knew he was there, staring at her the whole time, would you view that as being complimentary? Would you tell her, 'don't be silly! It's perfectly normal for strange men to view you as a sex object and stalk you and make you feel really uncomfortable'?

What it comes down to is this.

Do you think women should be allowed and able to walk down any street without being or feeling harassed from strangers?

It does not matter whether you believe that strangers stalking, following, commenting on women's dress, boob size, size of their arse, how they would look on their penis, etc does not constitute harassment. For example, some stalkers believe that sitting outside the bedroom window of the object of their affection is not stalking or harassment, and just letting the person know how much they love them. What matters is how the victim or the recipient of this form of unwanted attention feels about it.

The girl in the video clearly showed it was unwanted. She did not look at the men making these comments, she did not invite their attention in any way, shape or form. The only thing she was doing was walking down the street. Which begs the question... Why you think it is acceptable to accost strange women or approach them and comment on their looks, their sex and their dress when they have not invited you to do so?
What it comes down to is this.

Do you think women should be allowed and able to walk down any street without being or feeling harassed from strangers?

I think every human being should be harassment free, on every street, everywhere. Do you think males should be harassment free too on every street, everywhere? I'm not sure, you only ever talk about how women should have the right to be safe. Men too, no? Maybe in your mind there is a us vs them?
I think every human being should be harassment free, on every street, everywhere. Do you think males should be harassment free too on every street, everywhere? I'm not sure, you only ever talk about how women should have the right to be safe. Men too, no? Maybe in your mind there is a us vs them?
Where did I say that men should not be safe and free from harassment and violence?

Bells, No comment on Gayle's comment? Cat got your tongue?
I don't even know who you are talking about or what his or her comment was or what it was about..?

Does she or he (if Gayle is male) have no problem with street harassment? Good for her (of him if Gayle is male). Not all women or men feel that way, however. As is clearly evidenced by this thread, and by your appearing to believe that it is not wrong to accost strange women on the street to give your opinion on how they dress..

Do you think that because some people think it is fine, that women or men who feel that it is a negative and horrible have nothing to complain about, that it is somehow not wrong? Some people also think raping or beating one's wife is not a crime or wrong. Are they right?
Where did I say that men should not be safe and free from harassment and violence?

I made a statement:
I think every human being should be harassment free, on every street, everywhere.

Then I asked you a question:
Do you think males should be harassment free too on every street, everywhere?

Then I asked you another question:
I'm not sure, you only ever talk about how women should have the right to be safe. Men too, no?

and another question:
Maybe in your mind there is a us vs them?

Your response to that is to ask me where did you say men should not be safe? How does that answer my questions?

I don't even know who you are talking about or what his or her comment was or what it was about..?

Then you've proven to me that you don't read and understand people's comments that post in the threads you are active in. I think the word is incompetent!
I read this Gayle person's statement as you discussed it above. Who is it? And why should it matter to this discussion?

Is it a woman? I would assume it is. Okay, so she doesn't have a problem with street harassment. As I said above, good for her or whatever she is, whoever she happens to be. My neighbour, Nancy, finds the video disturbing and street harassment disturbing. Does it matter to this discussion?

Instead of dodging the questions regarding your defense of accosting strange women in the street to comment on how they are dressed by bring up people we don't even know and how they feel about it, perhaps you can just qualify your statements in this thread?
I read this Gayle person's statement as you discussed it above. Who is it?

Gayle King.

And why should it matter to this discussion?

It was a woman's point of view expressed on TV, like if Obama said something on TV, we could talk about it in a thread. Same deal here, Gayle made a comment on TV, and I am talking about it in this thread. See how that works?

Is it a woman?

Yes!!!!!! But I like to think of her as a person, not an it. Do you normally think of people as "it"?

I would assume it is.

So you like to assume things instead of finding out for sure? Google is chocked full of info about Gayle. But you knew that, didn't you??

Okay, so she doesn't have a problem with street harassment.

Where did she say she doesn't have a problem with harassment? Or is it that "street harassment" isn't real harassment, just uses the word harassment after street, right? Not really harassment, though? Or is it? Gayle doesn't condone harassment, and she didn't say that either. Duh?

As I said above, good for her or whatever she is,

What she is is a woman. Not an it. She's a real woman that does a morning show M-F. I'm not sure what you're getting at when you ask what she is. She is a human woman, not a statistic if that's what you mean??

whoever she happens to be.

Gayle King, a woman!

My neighbour, Nancy, finds the video disturbing and street harassment disturbing. Does it matter to this discussion?

Sure, have her register (or you relay her comments for her) and we'll see if she is a man hater or fights for all people's rights! You never know these days with so many women having hate towards men. Can't be too careful!

Instead of dodging the questions regarding your defense of accosting strange women in the street to comment on how they are dressed by bring up people we don't even know and how they feel about it, perhaps you can just qualify your statements in this thread?

I did, you don't comprehend? Which part(s) don't you understand, or should I have asked which ones you do?
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Not always, because there are predators, but catcalling normal takes place when there are two or more males. There’s safety in numbers, right?

It never gets the girl because an intense display of prowess shows a lack of social awareness. Subtle flirtation indicates behavioral flexibility and social intelligence, but it’s not about getting the girl, is it?

Is it a male bonding type thing, where they’re using inappropriate humor as a tool for social approval?
Gayle King.
You say this as though it is supposed to mean something to me or be important to me or this thread in some way....

You still don't understand that I do not even know who Gayle King is?

It was a woman's point of view expressed on TV, like if Obama said something on TV, we could talk about it in a thread. Same deal here, Gayle made a comment on TV, and I am talking about it in this thread. See how that works?

So someone on TV said that she did not mind street harassment...

And this somehow makes it right? Or is it only right because she said it on TV?

Yes!!!!!! But I like to think of her as a person, not an it. Do you normally think of people as "it"?
I tend to view people who harass people on the street as "it". In other words, not worthy of consideration.
So you like to assume things instead of finding out for sure? Google is chocked full of info about Gayle. But you knew that, didn't you??
Why do I need to know who she is?

Where did she say she doesn't have a problem with harassment? Or is it that "street harassment" isn't real harassment, just uses the word harassment after street, right? Not really harassment, though? Or is it? Gayle doesn't condone harassment, and she didn't say that either. Duh?
Didn't you say earlier something along the lines that this Gayle person does not think street harassment is a problem or something along those lines?

What she is is a woman. Not an it. She's a real woman that does a morning show M-F. I'm not sure what you're getting at when you ask what she is. She is a human woman, not a statistic if that's what you mean??

You seem very offended that I do not know or care who this person is?

Is she someone you like to watch on TV and is therefore important to you? Are you a fan and you are cranky that I just don't care about whoever Gayle King is or when she is on TV or about your morning television viewing?

Gayle King, a woman!
You have already established this. She is a woman. Hear her roar.

And why should I care if she is a woman?

Sure, have her register (or you relay her comments for her) and we'll see if she is a man hater or fights for all people's rights! You never know these days with so many women having hate towards men. Can't be too careful!
Well why should she register?

You kept going on about this Gayle person's opinion about street harassment. Why is Nancy's opinion any less worthy?

I did, you don't comprehend? Which part(s) don't you understand, or should I have asked which ones you do?
Oh no I did understand.

I am curious though. You see, men who catcall women or walk up to strange women and comment on what they are wearing usually fall into 3 camps:

(1) The creepy pervert who cannot see a woman without feeling a pathological need to accost her and harass her and will comment on her clothes.
(2) The guy who thinks he's just the best and who thinks that strange women will want and need to hear his opinion on what she is wearing, even though she just thinks he falls into camp (1).
(3) The guy is a transvestite or cross dresser and wants to know where the dress is from and thinks it's a nice dress. (This is really the only acceptable)..

Which camp do you fall into?

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Do you think women should be allowed and able to walk down any street without being or feeling harassed from strangers?

I think women should be able to handle themselves and tell the men that are making them feel ill at ease to go fly a kite and stop bothering them then turn around and just walk away. If more women would do that I believe that the men would soon stop bothering all women for they would think they would get another reaction like that that puts them in their place and shows that women can do what it takes to stop this nonsense.
You say this as though it is supposed to mean something to me or be important to me or this thread in some way.....

You still don't understand that I do not even know who Gayle King is?

You still don't understand that she is a woman? A real female woman. That's what she is.


So someone on TV said that she did not mind street harassment...

That's not what she said in the quote I posted in this thread. Did you read it? It said:

King said, "I am not going to get upset because somebody said, 'Hey girl, you look good today!' You know what I say? I twirl and say 'Thank you.' It would be different if they were throwing you on the ground and saying, 'Hey, I want to boink your brains out!"

She didn't use the word harassment. Not once! I know you want her to say that, but she didn't. If you read the quote word for word, she never says the word "harassment." Not once. Do you see the word harassment where it isn't? That's a really weird deal you have going there.

I tend to view people who harass people on the street as "it". In other words, not worthy of consideration.

Sure, but who harassed someone? Are you judge and jury? Are you the authority on harassment, or is Gayle?

Why do I need to know who she is?

You don't, but you kept asking, and I kept telling you, she is a woman that expressed her view on TV.

Didn't you say earlier something along the lines that this Gayle person does not think street harassment is a problem or something along those lines?

I never said, nor did Gayle say the word harassment. That is your imagination hallucinating that Gayle said the word Harassment. She didn't, those are your made up words. You are inserting words into her mouth! She didn't say that. Do you c.o.m.p.r.e.h.e.n.d??

You seem very offended that I do not know or care who this person is?

I am not offended. I actually predicted that you wouldn't give a crap what a real woman had to say.

Is she someone you like to watch on TV and is therefore important to you? Are you a fan and you are cranky that I just don't care about whoever Gayle King is or when she is on TV or about your morning television viewing?

No, I'm appalled that you ignore what a real woman had to say on the matter. Not to your liking, so you brush it off as not worthy of your acknowledgement?

You have already established this. She is a woman. Hear her roar.

Do you have something against women? I take offense to the way you degrade women that way.

And why should I care if she is a woman?

Because she is a woman voice to be heard!! Not interested in what a woman has to say on the matter???

Well why should she register?

So we can all hear what she has to say about how she thinks it's harassment in the video.

You kept going on about this Gayle person's opinion about street harassment. Why is Nancy's opinion any less worthy?

Did I say her opinion is less worthy? I encouraged you to invite her here and we can all get to hear what she has to say. How does that equate to "less worthy" in your cranium?

Oh no I did understand.


I am curious though. You see, men who catcall women or walk up to strange women and comment on what they are wearing usually fall into 3 camps:

(1) The creepy pervert who cannot see a woman without feeling a pathological need to accost her and harass her and will comment on her clothes.
(2) The guy who thinks he's just the best and who thinks that strange women will want and need to hear his opinion on what she is wearing, even though she just thinks he falls into camp (1).
(3) The guy is a transvestite or cross dresser and wants to know where the dress is from and thinks it's a nice dress.

Which camp do you fall into?


I don't catcall women.

But let's see what camp you fall into as a woman:

1. Man hater.
2. Hollywood Star lust for attention.
3. Someone that is interested in hearing what women have to say on the matter.
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You still don't understand that she is a woman? A real female woman. That's what she is.
As I noted previously.. And?

What makes her opinion more important than every other woman's?

That's not what she said in the quote I posted in this thread. Did you read it? It said:

She didn't use the word harassment. Not once! I know you want her to say that, but she didn't. If you read the quote word for word, she never says the word "harassment". Not once. Do you see the word harassment where it isn't? That's a really weird deal you have going there.
So she does not have a problem with strange men walking up to her and commenting on her clothes (ie street harassment). What does this have to do with the women who do?

I mean, are we all supposed to drop everything and agree with her because she is on your the morning talk show you seem to watch?

Sure, but who harassed someone? Are you judge and jury? Are you the authority on harassment, or is Gayle?
Well the woman on the video was harassed. A lot of people who viewed it saw it as harassment.

Who is Gayle and why should I or anyone else care if she thinks that the girl in the video should have twirled and said thank you to random strange men stalking her and harassing her in the street? What makes this Gayle person's opinion more worthy of consideration over other women?

You don't, but you kept asking, and I kept telling you, she is a woman that expressed her view on TV.
And as I keep saying.. And?

Why do you keep insisting that I care who this Gayle is and what she says on TV? Because she is a woman? Good for her. So am I. I fail to see why I should care who she is or what she says?

I never said, nor did Gayle say the word harassment. That is your imagination hallucinating that Gayle said the word Harassment. She didn't, those are your made up words. You are inserting words into her mouth! She didn't say that. Do you c.o.m.p.r.e.h.e.n.d??
Well this is a thread about street harassment and you quote morning TV personality saying she would twirl or whirl or whatever and say thank you to men who approach her and comment on her clothes. Usually when strange men or women start doing that, it's classified as street harassment. Or when people catcall is also classified as street harassment. This Gayle person seems to think it would only be bad if the guy tried to rape her. Okay. That is clearly her opinion. She is welcome to it.

So why should I care who she is (despite your repeated assertion that she is on TV, I don't really care about TV or who appear on it) or what she says? Why is her opinion worth more than other women?

I am not offended. I actually predicted that you wouldn't give a crap what a real woman had to say.
Real woman?

Is she a real woman because she is on TV?

Do you think the woman in the video is a real woman? Or not a real woman?

No, I'm appalled that you ignore what a real woman had to say on the matter. Not to your liking, so you brush it off as not worthy of your acknowledgement?
You keep saying real woman. What makes her a real woman as opposed to all the other women who view it as harassment? Or are they not real women because they are not on TV? Nancy is a real woman and she thinks it is harassment. Does that mean I should not believe how she feels about it because she is not on TV?

You seem intent that I somehow comment on what Gayle had to say. As I have repeatedly said now, Gayle is very welcome to her opinion on the matter. Like most people, she has an opinion on it. Does not mean that what women experience is not harassment. I get it, I do.. You think that because she said it on TV, that it somehow nullifies how other women (also "real women") feel about it. I happen to disagree with her assessment. So what?
Do you have something against women? I take offense to the way you degrade women that way.
How did I degrade what she said by saying she is entitled to her opinion just as I am entitled to mine and Nancy to hers?

It is interesting that you keep saying "real woman".. As opposed to someone who is not a real woman?

Because she is a woman voice to be heard!! Not interested in what a woman has to say on the matter???
Once again.. Since you seem to have a few issues with comprehension.. Gayle is entitled to her opinion and she is free and welcome to it. It does not mean that other women do not have opinions on the matter.

How is this silencing her or not being interested in what she has to say? What I said was that why does what she has to say matter to me or any other woman for that matter? We all have our own opinions based on our own experiences and what we witness. It seems Gayle thinks it is only bad if the person tries to rape her. I happen to disagree with her assessment. So what? Should I be rendering my clothes and wailing that I disagree with a woman on TV?

So we can all hear what she has to say about how she thinks it's harassment in the video.
Why do you need to?

Is Gayle not enough for you?

Did I say her opinion is less worthy? I encouraged you to invite her here and we can all get to hear what she has to say. How does that equate to "less worthy" in your cranium?
Sure. Get Gayle to join and we can all have a great shin dig.

I don't catcall women.
Why don't you?

But let's see what camp you fall into as a woman:

1. Man hater.
2. Hollywood Star lust for attention.
3. Someone that is interested in hearing what woman have to say on the matter.
1) Hardly. But keep trying.
2) This does not even make sense.. Although you do seem somewhat hung up on famous people on TV, in the music industry or movies.
3) Yes. And?

You seem so intent that I take the word of TV personalities and run with it. Your sexism seems to follow the line of thought that because she is a woman, then I must somehow pay more attention to her. The whole 'but she's a woman' thing you have going there is a bit weird, to be honest. She, like everyone else, has an opinion on the matter. So what?
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