Stinky Revelations


Sure it CAN happen because of other things like radiation and particular toxin type things... but as I said in the last post. One would have to perform rigourous data collection and analysis to bring any reasonable opinion regarding the particulars that led the mutation that led to HIV.

** Well I thought poop - heaven was a good theory. :D Don't need rigourous data or testing to know stinky/ toxins embedded deep within a womans inner intricacies will eventually cause mutations/ disease .... mabey not Aids who knows? It's just a theory:cool:
Originally posted by Lady

** Well I thought poop - heaven was a good theory.
Seems like you're a little assocentric. You like the ass sex eh? Hehe, you go girl.
Originally posted by Lady

:D Don't need rigourous data or testing to know stinky/ toxins embedded deep within a womans inner intricacies will eventually cause mutations/ disease ....

Actually, you do. I mean, just because it seems gross to you doesn't mean it has anything to do with anything else. The only way to make assertions like that which you make is science. The problem with promoting theories like you are without any evidence to back it up is twofold: 1) regardless of your actual position, it makes you seem like a gay hater; 2) your theory has no basis in anything other than your opinion.. which doesn't appear to be (mind you, i'm saying "appear" because you don't show us evidence of your massive intellect) particularly noteworthy.

I don't say that to insult you, I say that to inform you of how you appear to ME... and I would imagine others as well based on the various feedback I've seen regarding your posts.
Originally posted by Lady

mabey not Aids who knows? It's just a theory:cool:

Hitler had a theory too.
Seems like you're a little assocentric. You like the ass sex eh? Hehe, you go girl.

** Boys do too.

Actually, you do. I mean, just because it seems gross to you doesn't mean it has anything to do with anything else. The only way to make assertions like that which you make is science. The problem with promoting theories like you are without any evidence to back it up is twofold: 1) regardless of your actual position, it makes you seem like a gay hater; 2) your theory has no basis in anything other than your opinion.. which doesn't appear to be (mind you, i'm saying "appear" because you don't show us evidence of your massive intellect) particularly noteworthy.

Q - Do women have anal SEX? Now my theory is tangiable( is it not?) did not I say earlier that is would definately create some kind of disease but not neccesarily Aids. Yet there is no point in making more disease,nevertheless, Don't let my personal opinion of homosexual behavior cloud your thinking faculities concerning the doorways of the disease? Now which one of you genuis with massive intelluct have a cure?,...(silence)... exactly?
Lady, I may be way off topic here. Do you have friends, family or so who are actually affected by HIV/AIDS?

What does all this theorising have to do with the real issue? Is not every human, homosexual, bi-sexual or whatever their sexual preference is, in the first place a human being?

My god, woman, wake up and realise that life is not all bliss and that there are things, like this horrible disease, which excist. Not only in theory. It affects real people, loved ones, good friends, who die of this disease.

Have you ever been around someone who suffers from AIDS? Ever seen someone die because of it?

It has nothing to do with only bi-/homosexuals, it affects all kind of people. Lots of hetero's too. Not all have anal sex, are drug addicts or have orgies. Your ignorance and unwillingness to learn, strike me as pretty stupid.

I am sorry to say so.

If you want a cure, then start on it. Dive into physics, medical treatments and so forth, learn how you can help cure this disease.

(note: This is merely a reaction, not really on topic and I know it. Apologies for coming in between.)

It has nothing to do with only bi-/homosexuals, it affects all kind of people. Lots of hetero's too. Not all have anal sex, are drug addicts or have orgies. Your ignorance and unwillingness to learn, strike me as pretty stupid.

** Apologies accepted...nevertheless, what the point of finding a cure? When there will be another disease right behind it? Society needs to change as well
Do women have anal SEX? Now my theory is tangiable( is it not?)
It is not at all more tangible. It remains as absurd as when you first stated it. It is not a definite fact that anal sex leads to disease.

However, you are right in that society needs to be a little more conscientious about AIDS if it is going to be stopped. The main problem here is unprotected sex (vaginal, anal or oral ;)), rather than the actual act itself.
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Aids Questions?

Let me try to explain that which I find confusing

** Is it Genetics? If so, how, why, and will it happen again? Natural selection in action....yes or no?

** Various strand are in animals will they turn active? Is it possible? If so, what triggers it? what makes it lie dorminant?

** What is mortality rate without medication? How many new infections with medication?

** Will the U.S be like Africa? In what year?

***Sex, drugs, humans? hmm..:(
AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. It is only genetic due to the fact that viruses are either strands of genetic material (RNA in the case of HIV), or proteins (these are called prions), and take over the DNA of host cells in order to replicate. This has been mentioned in more detail already by WellCookedFetus.

It is possible for a host to carry a virus and not be affected by it. Viruses are usually very specific in the receptors they can detect, and not all animals (or plants for that matter) have those particular receptors.

Isn't the mortality rate resulting from AIDS 100%? However, not everyone who carries the HIV virus contracts AIDS. Again, as has been mentioned, people who lack the TD4 receptor (the specific receptor that the HIV attaches to) are unaffected by the virus.

No, I don't think the US will be like Africa at any point. One of the most important methods of prevention is education. People in the US and Canada are pretty aware of how the virus is passed, and have prevention methods drilled into their heads from an early age. Africa doesn't quite have that luxury now, and they certainly didn't have it when HIV first hit.
TD4 receptor (the specific receptor that the HIV attaches to) are unaffected by the virus.

**TD4 receptor- A protective mechanism?Is this here by chance? Can it be harvested? Introduced to a uninfected host? For studies? Has this being tried? By the way, scientist have a better chance of finding a cure than relying on education to over-rule the power of sex.;)
Yes, the TD4 receptor is a protective mechanism, although perhaps by accident. It is a defective receptor that causes the host to be unaffected.

Most receptors on the surface of cells are proteins or glycoproteins, so they could be collected, technically speaking. However, they could not be introduced into an afflicted individual as a treatment. The cells that have a defective TD4 have a mutation on the DNA that codes for that particular protein. So simply putting the protein in the system won't help.

I don't think has been tried, because it doesn't work that way. In order for the TD4 receptor to be a treatment, the defective gene would have to be spliced into the DNA of the zygote very early on in development. This is not practical. Especially since the incredibly costly procedure would have to be done on every child to ensure that everyone is immune.

Again, education is the best way to prevent the spread of AIDS right now. And, again, the goal is not to stop sex altogether, but to make sure everyone is intelligent about it.
We could remove bone cells (that is were T cell are produced?, I don’t know I’m not a immunologist) implant and anti-sense gene that would destroy the mRNA of one of the proteins that make the TD4 receptor. This new cell we would grow in vitro and implant back in the aids victim. If all goes well the victim will now produce Helper T cells that are immune to HIV and the victim we regain a normal T cell count and not get/have aids.

Of course proper production or abstinence are far cheap and less complicated then this!
Wouldn't you have to modify the gene at an early stage of development? Eventually the good cell that you insert back into the victim will divide, but will it be enough to help?

It may be possible to use a virus to modify the gene, but I think it will be very difficult, and not without risks of its own.
It has been done for people that have IDD a rather similar disorder to AIDS in which people can not produce T cells because the cell die of toxic overdose. The bone marrow cells are a stem cell for all immunity and blood cells.
Yes, the TD4 receptor is a protective mechanism,although perhaps by accident. It is a defective receptor that causes the host to be unaffected.

Despite the price it should be introduced more affluently in the human gene pool exspecially when gene's mysteriously GO Bad...WHAT'S NEXT?

Mutations occur all the time. Most of the time, however, the mutation doesn't do anything. In some cases, the gene can become defective, which can be bad or beneficial to the organism. These mutations seem to occur at random, and are mostly due to our environment and diet.
Actually the theory is that the defective TD4 became a positive trait in Europe because it also helps T cell live longer under bubonic plague toxins... for reason yet unknown. That is why when I said 1/2000 people I meant 1/2000 European Caucasians. The ratio in black people is yet uncounted but detected and is thought to be due to a direct response to HIV rather then the black death. But little research has been done for the origins of dTD4 in Africans. Mutations like this do to simple evolution since having a immunity to a disease like HIV allows one to prosper in a normally lethal environment. Take sickle cell anemia and Thalisima both mutations are very detrimental in homozygous form but normally (heterozygous) grant one resistance to malaria. Sickle cell and thalisima is only found in Africans and Sufartic Jews, not in more northern Caucasians who do not get exposed to malaria.