Stinky Revelations

Just so you see this:

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
HIV is a retrovirus that came from a long line of retroviruses! The proof is in its genome which shows that it is related to HTLV and viruses of the Genus Lentivirus.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stinky Revelations

Originally posted by Lady
Feel educated?

** Well one is just a theory ( the creation) disease?Care to test my theory? Anyways the other post are way's of transference? But do you have a logical explanation on the creation of Aids? Or perhaps a theory? [/B][/QUOTE]

Okay... Uh.. you already said it, but then you started adding shit.

Aids or rather, HIV mutated from another virus or something. Mutation is a natural part of biology. It apparently happens all the (thinks of cancer.. which is the result of mutation) time. How is like asking "how did that apple hit me on the head?". It just happens.

Sure it CAN happen because of other things like radiation and particular toxin type things... but as I said in the last post. One would have to perform rigourous data collection and analysis to bring any reasonable opinion regarding the particulars that led the mutation that led to HIV.

It's more likely that given your apparent jesus fetish, you are trying to justify your homophobia through relating to the reasons that "god smote the fags" or basing your reasoning around your judgement that "those fags got what they deserved".

Seem plausible at all? I mean seriously.. can you see how it might seem that way to someone who isn't you?
If Aids was meant to kill gays way are the majority of Victims not gay? Look at Africa were it is at “plague” levels: its killing men, women and children and a large percentage of the population is infected with millions dieing every year! If anything this is nature’s (or God’s (if your lady)) way of trying to reduce the massive human surplus!

HIV is a retrovirus that came from a long line of retroviruses! The proof is in its genome which shows that it is related to HTLV and viruses of the Genus Lentivirus.
well cooked baby

If Aids was meant to kill gays way are the majority of Victims not gay? Look at Africa were it is at “plague” levels: its killing men, women and children and a large percentage of the population is infected with millions dieing every year! If anything this is nature’s (or God’s (if your lady)) way of trying to reduce the massive human surplus!


It's more likely that given your apparent jesus fetish, you are trying to justify your homophobia through relating to the reasons that "god smote the fags" or basing your reasoning around your judgement that "those fags got what they deserved".

** Down boys, listen, I never said it was a homo disease, I'm sure hetero's have engaged in poop- heaven with the "ol lady" (hmm) but despite my religious beliefs and theories. One things is fact, there are certain groups aid's is more rapid amongst. Is there not?

Q- Is it possable the retroviruis was created within humans/animals( self- destructive mechanism) but dormaint? And what caused it to become active?

Q- If transference was a insect was the bug just created in the early 1900's? Is there no record of mysterious deadly disease's in earlier history?

Q - It is said that cats carry a strand that doesn't affect humans or that cat, Yet why is it there?

Q - Why is it that some monkey's can live with the virius but not humans? Exspecially if the monkey folks gene's are so closely related to ours?

Q - Is the virius three dimensional?

** From the jungles to our beds, if mosquito's become carries, than were all dead
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No offense but Paul Ewald does not say anything about spontaneously generation of diseases. He simply states how disease evolve for/with there hosts and how diseases are transmitted.
What happens to humans when blood leaves the brain
Science and logic is totally in Vain
Wanting cure's for diseases but no mending the way's

Free love and orgies is simply the thing
A lust for porongraphy raw and insane
Prisons are bathehouse's no protection in range
Give us a cure but we don't want to change
And . . .

Originally posted by Lady
What happens to humans when blood leaves the brain
Science and logic is totally in Vain
Wanting cure's for diseases but no mending the way's

Free love and orgies is simply the thing
A lust for porongraphy raw and insane
Prisons are bathehouse's no protection in range
Give us a cure but we don't want to change
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
lady's pathetic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology could not dare comprehend the fact that virusi do not spontaneously appear and that promiscuity does not make virusi but only gives them a means of infectious travel.

** I do lack some physics, chemistry, you name it, but let's examine spontaneous... Does not the virius have a life within? All the BIG cathedrals and pious men without the gift of Exorcism? (hmm)
..Tell me is such without thought? Is Natural Selection without thought?

Did you know Conception and life is also a STD!

**....scared to live scared to die?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
No offense but Paul Ewald does not say anything about spontaneously generation of diseases. He simply states how disease evolve for/with there hosts and how diseases are transmitted.

** The part where it could lies dormaint in us......blah .....blah... make sense
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
:confused: I don't see what your getting at?

** You said yourself the viruis was quite possibly a gene gone bad, basically. So is this gene within us and why did it go bad? From my understanding some animals have a strand of the virius. What is the purpose? Is it there intentionally or not? Will it and how does it mutate and become deadly to the host? I'm full of zillions of questions best reserved for God, but anyone can give it a shot
A virus is nothing more but an instruction that say "replicate me!" Evolution controls how the virus gets this done but that is about it. There are many theories claming that a good percentage of our DNA is viral in origin. A virus can incorporate is own genes into a cell genome and stay dormant forever or via some biochemical event reactivate. Viruses and life follow under the laws of Darwinian evolution… this means that random mutation are the engine and natural selection is the driver, but if a god or goddess is controlling what mutates where and when… weeeeeellll there is nothing that says that can’t be going on, but then again there is nothing that says it needs to be.

<i>One things is fact, there are certain groups aid's is more rapid amongst. Is there not?</i>

Are you thinking of homosexuals? In fact, many more heterosexual people have AIDS right now than homosexuals.
lady how does your argument hold weight when the people who get it "quickest" are nurses who get needle stick?

they are not an "ofence against god" because they are trying to HELP people and thats what jeauses SAID to do
Just a thought

Most places with high rates of deadly disease are also adherents to groups with Risky Practices or beliefs, for example, centuries of witchcraft/Voodoo has been a common religion/ cult amongst many African countries, therefore, lots of disease, and only recently did Uganda expose and denounce the satanic practices publicly.

Now the rise of Aids in the U.S. coincides about the same time drug usage was big, likewise, new age religions, like paganism, satanism,wiccan, or other occulitic practices became unveiled and widespread in the nation, mainly attracting the youth, male/female. Most of these religions except and encourage sexual freedom
Originally posted by Asguard
lady how does your argument hold weight when the people who get it "quickest" are nurses who get needle stick?

they are not an "ofence against god" because they are trying to HELP people and thats what jeauses SAID to do

** What arguement?
Mother Nature has vowed balance, therefore Aids, a tool, is granted evolution as a means of cleansing. The way's of transference is established in the earth, therefore, protect yourself , through the knowledge that is known.