Stinky Revelations

i would say you would have more chance arguing that choping down the forests and more INTERACTION (NOT sexually, i mean illegal shiping of exotic specis/animal bites ect) was the cause

and as to the spreed LOOK AT AFRICA, this is not a homosexuals deases

nurses get it, mothers pass it to children

Aficains even have a higher chance of immunity supporting the idea that this disease was around for a long LONG time.
Check this theory out

Paul Ewald in "The Evolution of Infectious Disease" covers HIV. According to the phylogenetic analyses, SIV (the simian version of HIV) is derived from HIV, implying that monkeys got their version from us, not the other way around. I'd be interested in scientific references that show that HIV is derived from SIV. Thanks in advance.

Ewald also points out that it's possible that HIV was a common infection that remained benign in humans for thousands of years and suddenly became virulent due to the adoption of promiscuous habits (e.g. prostitution) in the geographic area of origin of HIV. Ewald uses this to support his theory that virulence is a consequence of transmission rate.

HIV and AIDS are not the same. HIV is a virus, AIDS is the disease caused by the virus. There are many instances of HIV infection with no manifestation of AIDS, and there is at least one case in which an individual (male) was HIV positive and is now HIV free, implying that some immune response got rid of it.

Hope this helps.

excerpt by paulsamuel or visit pg 4 and check out theories of your fellow posters.
The 1/2000 people is immune because they lack a functional CD4 receptor on their helper T cells. With out his receptor the virus can not infect there T cells and kill them. Sence the T cells can’t be kill the immune system is not crippled and the person does not get AIDS.
Just a thought

Most places with high rates of deadly disease are also adherents to groups with Risky Practices or beliefs, for example, centuries of witchcraft/Voodoo has been a common religion/ cult amongst many African countries, therefore, lots of disease, and only recently did Uganda expose and denounce the satanic practices publicly.

Now the rise of Aids in the U.S. coincides about the same time drug usage was big, likewise, new age religions, like paganism, satanism,wiccan, or other occulitic practices became unveiled and widespread in the nation, mainly attracting the youth, male/female. Most of these religions except and encourage sexual freedom ( Statistics- Informative)
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Trading bodily fluids is dangerous there is not doubt about it! Look at some of the horrible and grotesque possible side effects: AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis, Children, ect, ect, ect!
"No chimps are very polygamous... Bonibos are just noted for doing it like people do"

Fetus: You need to read up more on Bonobos (I'd recomment "Bonobo; the Forgotten Ape"). Yes Chimps are promiscous (not polygamous as there are no Chimp marriages that I'm aware of), but Bonobos DO IT LIKE CRAZY-- ALL THE TIME WITH ALL TYPES OF PARTNERS. Yes, bonobos are known to mate face-to-face, but they've got the Kama Sutra beat by a mile with all their variations.

Originally posted by Lady
A plauisable explanation for the biological creation of Aids. Remeber this is only a theory but the mechanics is right.

Sodomy; anus-sex; poop heaven; feces festering in the womans privates; will cause damaging molecular changes; disease; and animal poop isn't cool either, yet a possability. To think if aids started due to nasty promiscious people. If I'm way off base tell me so

Well? Do you have another theory?:cool:

You are a simpleton.
Fetus... good point. I felt compelled to say it though. I probably should have just kept it to myself though. Sometimes I delusionally think that my opinion makes a shit of a difference. LOL. yeah right..
lady's pathetic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology could not dare comprehend the fact that virusi do not spontaneously appear and that promiscuity does not make virusi but only gives them a means of infectious travel.

Oh I'm mean today! :D

Did you know Conception and life is also a STD!
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
lady's pathetic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology could not dare comprehend the fact that virusi do not spontaneously appear and that promiscuity does not make virusi but only gives them a means of infectious travel.

** Paul Ewald in "The Evolution of Infectious Disease" makes sense to me and except for my theory of the creation of Aids, most of my post deal with ways of transference, futhermore, all my post aren't in religion, but what are you implying? Science has no foundation in religion?
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virus are our preditors, simple as that.

They exists as natures way of controling human population (just look at the spread of the black plauge)

unfortunatly humans have a habit of meddling with nature

its as simple as the arms races between animals and other animals or plants

we "cure" something and it mutates to work better so we change the treatment so it mutates again ect

no sinister conspiracy with god and people who sleep with animals

just nature
Re: Re: Re: Stinky Revelations

Originally posted by Lady
** Educate me -all knowing one?

Okay. Trying to assert a correlation between behavior that increases odds of getting a disease and the particulars of what led to the mutation that led to said disease is completely pointless without the statistical data and analysis thereof to back it up.

Feel educated?

The idea that a virus is created simple out of the evils of anal sex is ludicrous! As for your views of promiscuity and odd sexual practices spreading disease that is fact. And yes science was founded from religion. 90% of your posts are in "Religion", "Free thought", "Ethics, Morality, & Justice" and "Pseudoscience". Your posts in "Pseudoscience" alone prove my point!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Stinky Revelations

Originally posted by wesmorris
Okay. Trying to assert a correlation between behavior that increases odds of getting a disease and the particulars of what led to the mutation that led to said disease is completely pointless without the statistical data and analysis thereof to back it up.

Feel educated?

** Well one is just a theory ( the creation) disease?Care to test my theory? Anyways the other post are way's of transference? But do you have a logical explanation on the creation of Aids? Or perhaps a theory?
Yes HIV is a retrovirus that came from a long line of retroviruses! The proof is in its genome which shows that it is related to HTLV and viruses of the Genus Lentivirus.
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

The idea that a virus is created simple out of the evils of anal sex is ludicrous! As for your views of promiscuity and odd sexual practices spreading disease that is fact.

** Can the evil for a moment and switch back to common sense poop- heaven is full of toxins.... disease? Why is this not plausiable?

Your posts in "Pseudoscience" alone prove my point!

** Well you got to die someday........Good night