Splinter: Shorty's tantrum and related posts

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If I don't give enough information for people I think they will ask questions. I never think they will assume and jump to conclusions. I have made a career in engineering and the devil is in the details. I don't assume, I don't jump to conclusions. I'm not used to people who do, so I don't plan on it. I don't think "I better say this to that so they don't think this or that"
So if I don't give enough information, feel free to ask questions, but without being snarky about it. PM me if need be. ok? :)

What's the point, really? The mods on this forum are all unemployed. They spend all day looking for a reason to act. They would make great politicians.

This is the new North Korea forums, where if you question Dear Leader, you get banned by somebody who can barely hold their own life together, much less make objective decisions about content on a message board.
This is pure BS! I am now being accused of being dishonest and a LIAR???????

Considering the games that "Orly" plays with me on a regular basis you think she is being genuine? in Post 20 ( "PM me if need be. ok?")
This is a JOKE!!

Since you are calling me out for being dishonest, even after I sent you a PM and said that I was being genuine with my question.

Maybe "Orly" would like to expand on the Pm she just sent me recently. The one where she was having a discussion with Sandy, talking about
how to Exact Words "Piss Shorty off". The one she seemed to forward to me by mistake, before sending me a second PM doing exactly what
she told Sandy would Piss me off" Ask her if I bug her in PMS? It would be NO because I don't PM her!

But you are going to make this BS thread calling me out as a DISHONEST LIAR????? I don't lie, I say it as it is. Do you have proof that I am lying?
even though i have told you over and over I had no motives whatsoever in asking what I did. Can I call another member here dishonest and a liar too?
Because I actually have proof that will show that they are.
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15ofthe19 said:

This is the new North Korea forums

And yet you keep coming back ....

• • •​

Shorty 37 said:

Maybe "Orly" would like to expand on the Pm she just sent me recently

And maybe, if it's all you say it is, you should deal with Plazma and the other admins.

But you are going to make this BS thread calling me out as a DISHONEST LIAR????? I don't lie, I say it as it is.

I love that phrase: "I say it like it is". It's the last refuge of the desperate. Once again, Shorty, if you would but acknowledge what has been put before you instead of pretending like it doesn't exist, well, that would be a start.

But, no, here you are, repeating your same complaints with no indication of why prior address was insufficient.
And yet you keep coming back ....
Yes, I guess I do. And you and your ilk keep proving my point with your moderation based on insecurity.

You are the perfect example of a totalitarian liberal. All about the 1st, until it makes you uncomfortable. A Maoist, I do believe. Good luck with that.
Yeah, and that makes you a hero, doesn't it?

15ofthe19 said:

All about the 1st, until it makes you uncomfortable.

You were never promised a First Amendment at Sciforums. Nor was I. In the meantime, you might want to consider the position you're putting yourself in.

I mean, there is the contrast. You complain—

What's the point, really? The mods on this forum are all unemployed. They spend all day looking for a reason to act. They would make great politicians.

This is the new North Korea forums, where if you question Dear Leader, you get banned by somebody who can barely hold their own life together, much less make objective decisions about content on a message board.

—and yet, despite the contempt in which you hold us, you keep coming back here as if trying to prove some hypocritical point to people you think so little of actually means anything.
Stop feeding the trolls Shorty.

Also, funny how much of this thread contains insults from the same trolls that attempt to ban you for 'insulting' others.

Really, just ignore them and tell them to eat some shit and go on with your business because the sexism and favoritism are apparent and I doubt that it is going to change in the near future.
This is one weird thread.

Oh you have no idea. My advice, run. RUN!



I will give you the same advice I have given Orleander. Now this is not the first time I have told you both the same thing. I've lost count of how many times I have told you both the same thing. Put her on ignore!

Why continuously whine about another poster, when you can just put them on ignore? Wouldn't it save you a whole lot of hassle and pain to do so? You don't like each other. So why continue to antagonise each other constantly, doing the 'she says' thing? You are both adult women with lives of your own. You are not in high school anymore. Ignore!

Since you are calling me out for being dishonest, even after I sent you a PM and said that I was being genuine with my question.
Those of us who were unfortunate enough to be party to that thread know exactly what happened. We have the benefit of previous experiences with the two of you. Your questions were meant to attempt to antagonise and insult her, over something that was obviously very painful to her. Was it too much to expect some form of empathy? She had repeatedly stated why she did not know. So why make fun of her for it, as you did? Had it been any other poster, you would not have asked the questions and then belittled her as you did.

So for god's sake. If you hate her that much and don't want to see or read what she has to say, put her on ignore. If you don't know how, click on her name and then look for the 'ignore poster' option. It is not that hard.
....Maybe "Orly" would like to expand on the Pm she just sent me recently. The one where she was having a discussion with Sandy, talking about how to Exact Words "Piss Shorty off". The one she seemed to forward to me by mistake, before sending me a second PM doing exactly what she told Sandy would Piss me off" Ask her if I bug her in PMS? It would be NO because I don't PM her!.....

Recently??? I was told to be nice and I'm trying.
Please post every PM I have ever sent you. You have before so I don't see why you wouldn't now.

and Bells, you're right.
Uh huh So you are denying this PM between you and Sandy discussing pissing me off?
Think about it REAL hard before answering. Stop playing innocent ok, I don't think the members are buying it anymore.

Bells is right! So STOP sending me provoking PMS is it that hard to do. I don't send you any.

I have been ignoring pretty much of everything lately. I just happened to get caught up in that conversation because it was interesting. If it would have been another poster who had taken the conversation there, we would still be having the same disagreements about it. It was not about Orleander it was about the discussion in the thread, regardless of who brought it up. I don't know how to stress that anymore, because I have been called out as being a dishonest Liar, just because I don't see this situation the same as a couple of mods.
I think anyone who chooses not to use the ignore button should not complain about PMs.

Yeah, but you're a moderator. :(

Use your manly brain, Kadark, how difficult is it to practise some self discipline and simply not read a post?
Use your manly brain, Kadark, how difficult is it to practise some self discipline and simply not read a post?

Use your womanly brain, Sam, how difficult is it to realize I was joking?
If I don't give enough information for people I think they will ask questions.

Yes thats exactly what you do. You also put out posts that will lead the direction of the questioning a certain way. Then you often disappear for a few pages, Only to come back and say. How dare you ppl think that. This has happened quite a few times. Some obvious threads come to mind (but I won't get into that) If is a pattern of yours that has not only been noticed by myself. You WANT ppl to assume things! Maybe some haven't caught on to this yet, but as you can see some members have.
...So you are denying this PM between you and Sandy discussing pissing me off?...

No one feels sorry for you anymore because your SOLE purpose coming here was to attack:


When I put you on ignore you started attacking other people too. It's a cry for attention. :(

It would be different if you came here to post in the sci/rel/pol threads, but you didn't. You attack people and start threads that have nothing to do with anything here. :rolleyes:
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