It's very disturbing to see people try and justify their violent tendencies.
So now you are bashing on people who have aggressive impulses. Great. There go some perfectly decent people I happen to know. As troublesome as their impulses can be, I don't hold a grudge against them for it.
On the other hand, I do have a problem with people who are inclined to dictate to others how they live their lives when it's none of their business. Look, I'm not super-keen on corporal punishment, but it would have to
clearly fall inside the scope of abuse for me to open my beak. Having experienced abuse and seen abuse, I know the difference, and I think I know more about the subject than you do.
You see, now the subject of discussion is no longer parents who spank their kids. Let it rest, it's distasteful. Now the focus is on
YOU. Stand up, and take a bow because you are on camera now. What motivates people like you to dictate to parents how they raise their children? Were you born with a piece of your brain missing, or are you just really arrogant? Perhaps you should donate your body to science, so maybe we can figure out how to stop there from being more people like you.
Good psychiatric help will assist you with this problem, squirrel.
You are not Squirrel's fucking psychologist. You are just a very arrogant person, whatever your fucking profession is, and you are suffering from some god complex where you can't see that you're in the wrong.
In the unlikely event that squirrel wants your psychiatric advice, he/she will ask you for it. I don't care what authority you are giving it on. It's just as much of an insult as if I told you that you are an arrogant, sanctimonious, brainless piece of shit. Squirrel is not calling you an arrogant, sanctimonious, brainless piece of shit, so knock it off.