Some logic for both sides...

If he knew in advance then surely you can see that he left them no choice. Had they acted differently, god would not be omniscient. He would have nade a mistake

i know this is hard to conceptualize. we have free will, but god can know the choices that we make before we make them because time is not a constraint for him. i'm pretty sure this has even been a concept in movies. if you move forward in time, then you can see the future. he doesn't even have to move forward. he sees everything all at once. it's like being able to see the end of a chess game. he won't make your moves for you, but he'll definitely win.
If you have a huge maze that only has one exit, but millions and millions of twists and turns, and you drop a mouse in there, does it matter what choices the mouse makes along the road to the exit? There's only one inevitable outcome for it, no?

How can it be choice for humans if, before we're even born, that inevitable outcome is already set n stone? Is that choice, or the illusion of choice?

Or, heh, maybe this: Would you consider being plugged into the Matrix freedom?

i don't know about the matrix. law is the only constant, and because he has created it, he will have his way in the end. but you get to choose what you do in regards to that. it seems to me that you choose whether you want to exist or not, and if so, or until you don't anymore, you choose how you do it.

well, it seems that the holy spirit can communicate to anyone and everyone at the same time. i have actually been filled with the spirit while talking to a man who was also filled with the spirit, and this man conveyed a message to me that he had no idea about what it meant. i know he speculated, but was wrong, because i did know what it really meant. he did know though that it wasn't his message. he knows when the spirit is talking through him, as it's a fairly common occurrance. i remember he's been doing it since i was a child.
These are just emotions and a good chemistry between two people. There is no reason to suspect anything supernatural with such common occurrences.

i know this is hard to conceptualize. we have free will, but god can know the choices that we make before we make them because time is not a constraint for him. i'm pretty sure this has even been a concept in movies. if you move forward in time, then you can see the future. he doesn't even have to move forward. he sees everything all at once. it's like being able to see the end of a chess game. he won't make your moves for you, but he'll definitely win.
It doesn't matter whether he can move through time or not or what mechanism he might use, the fact remains that if your perceived choice is known before you make it then you have had no freedom to make a free choice. Whatever action you make would have been pre-determined. There can be no free choice if an omniscient god exists.

If such a being exists then you can only be an automaton playing out exactly all the actions the creator has determined you will do for your entire life. Whether you choose to follow the savior or die will have been determined long before you were ever born. What you would think of as free will would be an illusion.

An evolutionary process is mutually exclusive to a god driven process. Evolution is a natural and unguided process. To say that a god is directing evolution is a contradiction in terms.

Either evolution is the process by which we have arrived or something else is the cause. They cannot be mixed.

Now perhaps we could speculate that a god sowed the first seed of life and then allowed evolution to take it from there, but then issues of prayer would have no meaning since evolution does not respond to prayer and if a god did intervene frequently and has a master plan then that would again not be evolutionary.

If you accept the fact that evolution has occurred and is occurring then you must also accept that gods play no part in our daily lives.

god creates the law that science discovers and documents. nothing happens outside of his law. nothing happens by "magic". nothing is "magic". not god, not anything. and even if something seems that way, it's only unexplainable, and only unexplainable because of our own limitations. we just haven't found out the science behind it yet. that doesn't mean there's no science behind it.

These are just emotions and a good chemistry between two people. There is no reason to suspect anything supernatural with such common occurrences.

you have no idea what you're talking about. you weren't there. you aren't him. you aren't me. you have never experienced this type of thing. so how can you possible pretend to make some conclusion regarding it. chris, you just pulled that right out of your butt. :)

It doesn't matter whether he can move through time or not or what mechanism he might use, the fact remains that if your perceived choice is known before you make it then you have had no freedom to make a free choice. Whatever action you make would have been pre-determined. There can be no free choice if an omniscient god exists.

If such a being exists then you can only be an automaton playing out exactly all the actions the creator has determined you will do for your entire life. Whether you choose to follow the savior or die will have been determined long before you were ever born. What you would think of as free will would be an illusion.

where in the world are you getting that known=determined?? if you were to travel forward in time, and you knew about a decision that i would make in an hour from now, would that mean that you were making that decision for me??

NO, IT WOULDN'T. :confused:
you have no idea what you're talking about. you weren't there. you aren't him. you aren't me. you have never experienced this type of thing. so how can you possible pretend to make some conclusion regarding it. chris, you just pulled that right out of your butt. :)

Why is it then that the holy spirit channels itself through some people and not others?
i know this is hard to conceptualize. we have free will, but god can know the choices that we make before we make them because time is not a constraint for him. i'm pretty sure this has even been a concept in movies. if you move forward in time, then you can see the future. he doesn't even have to move forward. he sees everything all at once. it's like being able to see the end of a chess game. he won't make your moves for you, but he'll definitely win.

It's not hard; it's impossible. Let's say god can do anything that people want him to, That removes the need for further discussion.

he always acts in our best interest
That cannot be true. If it were then a hell could not exist. It is not in anyone's best interest to be condemned to hell.

If he is omnipotent and if he truly always acted in our best interests then he could have created an environment where everyone would make the correct choices for life. Since he appears to be prepared to allow people to suffer and die in hell then he clearly does not act in everyone's best interest.
Why is it then that the holy spirit channels itself through some people and not others?

Those he chooses as channels are the chosen people, What a silly question. How dare you question god's ways, you miserable speck crawling about on the home god created for you,

Sheer ingratitude, that's what I call it. I think you owe god an apology or it's the lake of fire for you. ( rubs his hands in glee at the prospect of watching sinners suffering )

where in the world are you getting that known=determined??
It is a necessary condition and paradox that would have to occur if manipulation of time were possible.

if you were to travel forward in time, and you knew about a decision that i would make in an hour from now, would that mean that you were making that decision for me??
No. I would not be the factor that determines your action. But the fact that your action would be known before you made it means that you no longer would have any freedom to do anything else.

If the knowledge exists by whatever cause than that precludes you from having freedom of choice.
Those he chooses as channels are the chosen people, What a silly question. How dare you question god's ways, you miserable speck crawling about on the home god created for you,

Sheer ingratitude, that's what I call it. I think you owe god an apology or it's the lake of fire for you. ( rubs his hands in glee at the prospect of watching sinners suffering )

I'm sorry god...I'm sorry :bawl:

you have no idea what you're talking about. you weren't there. you aren't him. you aren't me. you have never experienced this type of thing. so how can you possible pretend to make some conclusion regarding it. chris, you just pulled that right out of your butt.
Certainly I do not know the exact words but those experiences of shared emotions and experiences happen to all normal people frequently. You are just interpreting natural events with your excessive imagination.
where in the world are you getting that known=determined?? if you were to travel forward in time, and you knew about a decision that i would make in an hour from now, would that mean that you were making that decision for me??

Ok, let's establish where we are at right now..

You state that god, knowing every [perceived] choice that you will ever make, does not negate 'free will', that you are indeed still making a free choice.

We shall assume for the sake of this that god also has free will, the freedom to make specific choices. It is therefore valid to state that this god chose to create Adam and Eve. He did not choose to create say Bob and Jane or Mark and Mary, he chose specifically to create two beings knowing every single action they would ever do in their lives.

But he did not choose what those actions would be, he merely chose to create two people that would do specific things. They were created and could not have ever done anything else.

So what I will ask for the sake of discussion is why did he not create Bob and Jane instead? See, Bob and Jane both would have chosen differently. They would not have eaten the fruit and thus not caused the fall of man.

You cannot argue that they do not have free will, (your very argument is that they would have free will), even though god would know specifically in advance that these people would not completely fudge everything up.

So why choose to create two beings that you know will fudge everything up? It is a specific choice on gods part, the creation has absolutely no say in the matter whatsoever, they will simply undertake every action that they are going to undertake and consider it a choice.

But then so would Bob and Jane - no evil would have ever been done and the world would be a better place perfect place. Countless billions of lives would not have suffered and end up suffering for eternity because of [perceived] choices that they could never make.

So, I have now sent an email to god detailing the solution to all his, (and our), problems. Start from scratch and this time create Bob and Jane instead of Adam and Eve. Free will is still entirely intact, he didn't make the choice for them, he simply knows in advance that they wont make a complete mess of things.

god creates the law that science discovers and documents. nothing happens outside of his law. nothing happens by "magic". nothing is "magic". not god, not anything. and even if something seems that way, it's only unexplainable, and only unexplainable because of our own limitations. we just haven't found out the science behind it yet. that doesn't mean there's no science behind it.
Leave out the god created the law part and you will finally comprehend reality.

The universe appears to behave according to some very fundamental laws. That appears to be the nature of the universe. There is no reason to speculate that a god was the cause of those laws.
Why is it then that the holy spirit channels itself through some people and not others?

i have had the holy spirit channel messages to me through people who had no idea it was happening. they were just doin' their thing...making conversation. no, to where my jaw hit the floor. and the other person's like, "what?" :shrug: