Some logic for both sides...

Someone? I mean you.
I'm suggesting why engage in futility, you?

You are being evasive as usal because you cannot defend the crap you espouse. What does evolution do ? Get the ( wrong ) answer on any Creationist site. Alternatively, reply when you have taken the trouble to understand what evolution is all about. It may, of course , be beyond you.

Why me ? Look back at some of your posts and you will see that you never offer any evidence to support your utterances. You will not give a staraight answer to anyone because you are so emotionally involved in your superestition that you cannot afford to admit you might be wrong. That's what I call the confidence of the ignorant.

Stick to your fairytales. Unlike most of humankind ,you are unlikely to grow up.
That's right I'm being evasive.
Evading a futile discussion with you.

And the whole world knows why. Your reputation for arrogance, unsupported statements and ignoring facts is growing on this site. Ask around !
And the whole world knows why. Your reputation for arrogance, unsupported statements and ignoring facts is growing on this site. Ask around !

Myles...these so called facts are skin deep. There is nothing definite about anything in this universe.
And the whole world knows why. Your reputation for arrogance, unsupported statements and ignoring facts is growing on this site. Ask around !

Arrogance is what this forum seems to be made of.
In any case avoiding futility isn't arrogant it's logical. Your Hissy Fit Thread in the Site Feedback reiterates that you have a severe lack of perspective of just about everything. You lack self control and have demonstrated your weakeness on numerous occasions. You have a personality conflict with me. I'm not going to fight someone as dense as a brick wall. What would be the point. I allow your flawed human instincts to draw the rope that hangs you. There is no effort on my part and I'm entertained at the same time.:D

You're a waste of time, Miles. If that time is to be wasted I prefer to do so on my terms.
Arrogance is what this forum seems to be made of.
In any case avoiding futility isn't arrogant it's logical. Your Hissy Fit Thread in the Site Feedback reiterates that you have a severe lack of perspective of just about everything. You lack self control and have demonstrated your weakeness on numerous occasions. You have a personality conflict with me. I'm not going to fight someone as dense as a brick wall. What would be the point. I allow your flawed human instincts to draw the rope that hangs you. There is no effort on my part and I'm entertained at the same time.:D

You're a waste of time, Miles. If that time is to be wasted I prefer to do so on my terms.

Back to the ad homs. Wounded pride ( goeth before the fall ), deadly sin. Your evaluation is of no interest to me. Carry on, you are doing a fine job,.
Don't take it personaly, it's just a frank analysis of obvious aberrant behavior.
You ask
I give.

I thought this was Sciforums?...not Dawsons Creek....Oh well:shrug:

Yes, Theres nothing like a stalker to make things intresting.
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Nothing to be learned if god hadn't made a mess in the first place and then conveniently blamed it on others.He had a second try when he sent the deluge but he still didn't get it right. So now he's trying again. It's about time he realized his limitations and gave up.

would you want to be a puppet or a drone that did not understand the laws underwhich you live? how can you make a choice then? there would be no choice, or you would choose the wrong thing because you didn't know any better. do you believe that it's possible for everyone to choose the right thing all the time? i think that if we did, we would live forever. i think it's possible, but only if we learn what the right thing is and why.
If the choice is imperative to the plan they had no choice, God wanted it that way, so that's the way it had to be.

god wanted them to have a choice, and they made it. why can't it be both ways? he just knew what they would choose before they chose it because he's omniscient and omnipresent, and all that jazz.
Lori, is there any specific information you've seen that implies God is omnipresent.
I ask because my study of the bible shows that he has a specific location.

Yorda seems to be drawing similar conclusions as yourself.
If you have a huge maze that only has one exit, but millions and millions of twists and turns, and you drop a mouse in there, does it matter what choices the mouse makes along the road to the exit? There's only one inevitable outcome for it, no?

How can it be choice for humans if, before we're even born, that inevitable outcome is already set n stone? Is that choice, or the illusion of choice?

Or, heh, maybe this: Would you consider being plugged into the Matrix freedom?
Typicaly a maze has only one path to the exit.
Biblically speaking there is two. Life and Death.

The Matrix was a good example of how the choices we make allow our outcomes to be predictable....almost mathematical.

"If you already know what I'm going to do how can I make the choice?"
"Because you already made the choice, now you have to understand why you made it?"

Behavior dictates our future. That's consequences.
Even in the Matrix the answer to the intial flaws of the program were to add choice.
However choice eventually causes a system wide error.

Very Powerful symbolism...notice what the solution was in the end to both problems.
Don't take it personaly, it's just a frank analysis of obvious aberrant behavior.
You ask
I give.

Yes, Theres nothing like a stalker to make things intresting.

You mean a deerstalker, Sherlock.

Do I take it personally ? You are joking, I take it.Some of your better efforts

Matthew begins with the word history...look and see what you said to three of us who said you were wrong, You weaseled oue later by saying you equated history with genealogy, Remember your copy of the bible which differed fro the St James' version, the Vulgate and the Greek NT ? You never diid reveal your source because......

Then you claim Darwin said monkeys mutate into men, When asked for a source, you resorted to personal abuse.

Next, you suggest evolution does nothing.

Jesus did't work on the sabbath, ergo his creation is not finished, ergo that explains evolution, which according to you does nothing. That also explains why the seven days mentioned in Genesis must not be taken literally.

You have posted lots more of the same rubbish and still expect to be taken seriously. So you know what you can do with your analysis. It carries as much weight as your other crap. You show not the slightest sign of scholarship in what you write and get stroppy when you are contradicted.

I will leave it at that. Don't expect a response to your next tirade.
You mean a deerstalker, Sherlock.

Do I take it personally ? You are joking, I take it.Some of your better efforts

Matthew begins with the word history...look and see what you said to three of us who said you were wrong, You weaseled oue later by saying you equated history with genealogy, Remember your copy of the bible which differed fro the St James' version, the Vulgate and the Greek NT ? You never diid reveal your source because......

Then you claim Darwin said monkeys mutate into men, When asked for a source, you resorted to personal abuse.

Next, you suggest evolution does nothing.

Jesus did't work on the sabbath, ergo his creation is not finished, ergo that explains evolution, which according to you does nothing. That also explains why the seven days mentioned in Genesis must not be taken literally.

You have posted lots more of the same rubbish and still expect to be taken seriously. So you know what you can do with your analysis. It carries as much weight as your other crap. You show not the slightest sign of scholarship in what you write and get stroppy when you are contradicted.

I will leave it at that. Don't expect a response to your next tirade.

Your reasonings were all non sequitors.
Which isn't reasoning at all. Once someone with a prejudice devotes themselves to a continuos string of logical fallacies the disucsion has become futile. Sad and pathetic.

You simply don't have the mind for logic.
Emotion clouds your reasoning.
You lack self control.

I will always expect a respone from you. You are incapable of doing otherwise, emotional and impulsive.
god wanted them to have a choice, and they made it. why can't it be both ways? he just knew what they would choose before they chose it because he's omniscient and omnipresent, and all that jazz.

If he knew in advance then surely you can see that he left them no choice. Had they acted differently, god would not be omniscient. He would have nade a mistake
Lori, is there any specific information you've seen that implies God is omnipresent.
I ask because my study of the bible shows that he has a specific location.

Yorda seems to be drawing similar conclusions as yourself.

well, it seems that the holy spirit can communicate to anyone and everyone at the same time. i have actually been filled with the spirit while talking to a man who was also filled with the spirit, and this man conveyed a message to me that he had no idea about what it meant. i know he speculated, but was wrong, because i did know what it really meant. he did know though that it wasn't his message. he knows when the spirit is talking through him, as it's a fairly common occurrance. i remember he's been doing it since i was a child.

An evolutionary process is mutually exclusive to a god driven process. Evolution is a natural and unguided process. To say that a god is directing evolution is a contradiction in terms.

Either evolution is the process by which we have arrived or something else is the cause. They cannot be mixed.

Now perhaps we could speculate that a god sowed the first seed of life and then allowed evolution to take it from there, but then issues of prayer would have no meaning since evolution does not respond to prayer and if a god did intervene frequently and has a master plan then that would again not be evolutionary.

If you accept the fact that evolution has occurred and is occurring then you must also accept that gods play no part in our daily lives.