Some logic for both sides...

Why are you asking me again?
Are you bored, little Miles?

Yet another unassailable answer. You didn't spot the mistake in my arithmetic.

The appearance of the first homonids was about 6 million years ago.Let's call them Adam and Eve just for a laugh. So creation was complete 4.5 billion -6million years ago, scarcely worth taking into account.

Why should I be bored. You are the type who comes to my door selling Jesus and their book of fairy tales.They usually have the good sense to depart after I ask them a few questions which they cannot answer, Their smiles usually turn to scowls wheras your words turn into insults. You cannot walk away on this forum, so you come up with more and more stupid non-answers to avoid losing face, failing to recognize that you have already done so.

No doubt there is some symbolic language in the bible which proves that. in Methusalah's time a day was much shorter that 24 hours. It all sound a bit arbitrary to a rational mind but you, of course, know better.

How about a sensible response as opposed to your usual invective ? Otherwise, ignore what I have written !

Do you need some attention from your Uncle SaQ, Miles?
Do ya?
Do ya?
Do ya?

Your answers get better all the time. You are terrified of letting go of your biblical comfort blanket.

I have no further need of you at present because I have shown that you talk nonsense, which was my objective. Others are less likely to be talen in, once they have seen the contradiction I have pointed out.

Your god really behaves in a arbitrary manner. You put a long day in, you take a short day out, you take a normal day and you shake it all about.

What a blessing it is to have you on hand to explain god's mysteries.

THanks for taking time off from your computer games to give me such a full answer. Your efforts are appreciated. Bye for now.
well I think correcting a error in the creation is not the same as finishing it.
When he completed those seven days everything was perfect and some one came and unraveled the whole thing.

Frankly I'm surprised your' not one of those "6 days" people. it's intresting to see someone who isn't convinced the king of eternity need to rush through the entire process. These people have no idea how an artist works...Why rush...there is no dead line.

it is if the error was made on purpose. i was thinking, what if the seven days aren't over. what if you implied omnipresence to the scripture? we could still be in the sixth day, with the seventh being the millenial reign of christ. or it's whenever the "perfection", or the eternal lives of the human race is achieved?

it seems logical to me that the beginning of the bible is not the beginning and the end of it not the end. i think we've been told what we need to know not everything there is to know. a window into a generation of our development.
it's intresting to see someone who isn't convinced the king of eternity need to rush through the entire process. These people have no idea how an artist works...Why rush...there is no dead line.

True, hence the use of evolution as Gods' means of creative process.;)
True, hence the use of evolution as Gods' means of creative process.;)

You are simply piling one speculation upon another. Where is the foundation? Evolutionary theory is opposed to the notion of a creator; it stands on a solid foundaton of scientific evidence.

Your form of reasoning is based on ifs and buts. For example,

If a unicorn existed it would have the following characteristics. Here insert whatever you consider makes you feel good.

As it is invisible, that shows that gods does not want us to see it. Such a sight is only granted to the priveliged few.

But how do I know there are such creatures, dad ?

Because it says so in this book . Have faith and you will understand why god does not want you to see unicorns.

And so on, and so on. That is not reasoning; it is idle speculation
If it happened to you that way, does this mean it has or will happen for everyone else that way as well?

well, i don't know why god would treat me any different. but think about it...

how can you really KNOW anything unless you experience it? you just can't.

it's like the difference between getting a degree and on the job training. and yeah, you can observe, study, and draw conclusions. like with gravity, you'll drop a few objects off the side of a building and decide it may not be wise to jump off yourself, but unless you do you'll never know what it feels like to fall.
this sounds like you think of god as a human, or like a human, and god is not.

i can't see a "preclude" or an "intervention" in a realm where there is no time.

It applies no matter how one conceptualizes God. There is simply nothing for Him to do.

I cannot envision any "realm" where there is no time. Everything in our universe seems to be subject to time, otherwise there would be no time in which actions could occur.
You are simply piling one speculation upon another. Where is the foundation? Evolutionary theory is opposed to the notion of a creator; it stands on a solid foundaton of scientific evidence.

Your form of reasoning is based on ifs and buts. For example,

If a unicorn existed it would have the following characteristics. Here insert whatever you consider makes you feel good.

As it is invisible, that shows that gods does not want us to see it. Such a sight is only granted to the priveliged few.

But how do I know there are such creatures, dad ?

Because it says so in this book . Have faith and you will understand why god does not want you to see unicorns.

And so on, and so on. That is not reasoning; it is idle speculation

you're assuming that god can be seen. god isn't a unicorn. god isn't a man, but some people look at the order and perfection in the universe and it's law, and see god. you're assuming that god can't be seen. if his spiritual form is visible in the spiritual realm, then why would you expect to see him now? and if you believe that his physical form walked the earth, then unless he walked right past you, how would you see him? what is it you expect to see exactly?
It applies no matter how one conceptualizes God. There is simply nothing for Him to do.

I cannot envision any "realm" where there is no time. Everything in our universe seems to be subject to time, otherwise there would be no time in which actions could occur.

There is a lot for god to do. For a start, he can clean up this bloody mess he created
you're assuming that god can be seen. god isn't a unicorn. god isn't a man, but some people look at the order and perfection in the universe and it's law, and see god. you're assuming that god can't be seen. if his spiritual form is visible in the spiritual realm, then why would you expect to see him now? and if you believe that his physical form walked the earth, then unless he walked right past you, how would you see him? what is it you expect to see exactly?

You are missing my point ? What and where is the spiritual realm ? How do you know his spiritual form can be seen there ? Have you seen him in the accepted sense of that word. I believe you are simply speculating.
well, i don't know why god would treat me any different.

How come that for so many people, it just does not happen that they would "experience God"?

Are they evil?
Are they insincere?
Are they deluded?
Just haven't tried hard enough?
It is not their fault?
God has a special plan for them?

Any answer a theist gives to the question How come that for so many people, it just does not happen that they would "experience God"? puts those people into a no-win situation.

They either have to believe that they are evil, deluded, insincere, just that haven't tried hard enough, that it isn't their fault or that there is some special plan for them. All of these options are such that they disempower the person.
No wonder some people become insane when they try to "experience God".

Lori, what do you want to accomplish by having started this thread?
it is if the error was made on purpose. i was thinking, what if the seven days aren't over. what if you implied omnipresence to the scripture? we could still be in the sixth day, with the seventh being the millenial reign of christ. or it's whenever the "perfection", or the eternal lives of the human race is achieved?

it seems logical to me that the beginning of the bible is not the beginning and the end of it not the end. i think we've been told what we need to know not everything there is to know. a window into a generation of our development.

Actually...You have corrected me Lori.
The Creative Days aren't over.
Every day ended in the bible quiet clearly except for the last day which is the Day or rest or the Sabbath. The bible does say we are continuing in the Great Sabbath. I must have forgotton. But the other days, the time of work is indeed over.

You know Lori, Strangely there are some intresting parrallels to Jesus here. Jesus showed the Pharaseies that somethimes it is necessary to work even on a day of rest. Emergencies arrise that require action. Providing his son and preparing the way for him through Isreal required much work on the angel's part. But it was necessary, I guess for our own sake. That's an intresting perspective.

and While the error wasn't made by God on Purpose it was on Adam And Eves part. As Neo said in Reloaded. The problem was choice.
according to science, natural laws control everything, ...

Depending on what you mean by "natural laws", but essentially, correct.

so if we don't understand them we understand nothing.


and since we have understood nothing for thousands of years, what makes us think that we can understand something else in the future?

An incorrect assumption. We understand many things. As for understanding the future, all we have to do is apply inductive reasoning.

after all... even if we figure out the cause of natural laws, we have to explain what caused THAT cause, ad infinitum.

Not at all. That would be the case if one was in support of a Foundationalist theory of the Scientific Method (SM). Infinite regress is avoided by adopting a more flexible methodology, open to revision, and not dependent upon some a priori axiom, as contemporary SM does.

and so, we say that god (the causeless cause) explains and causes everything.

Theists do.

it's very obvious that all creatures have a design.

It is fallacious to assume that a design implies a designer.

i fail to see the need to invent something weird like 'natural laws'.

There is no need, merely a pragmatic utility.

... we aren't controlled by mindless natural laws,

I would say we are.

so why would animals? and if animals are controlled by the mind, why would plants and matter be any different?


to say that god created the universe 6000 years ago is not too far from the truth... but it's even closer to say that he created it 7 seconds ago. the present is a zero point where everything begins and ends at the same time. alpha and omega.

I fail to see how temporal ontology implies a deity.
Actually...You have corrected me Lori.
The Creative Days aren't over.
Every day ended in the bible quiet clearly except for the last day which is the Day or rest or the Sabbath. The bible does say we are continuing in the Great Sabbath. I must have forgotton. But the other days, the time of work is indeed over.

You know Lori, Strangely there are some intresting parrallels to Jesus here. Jesus showed the Pharaseies that somethimes it is necessary to work even on a day of rest. Emergencies arrise that require action. Providing his son and preparing the way for him through Isreal required much work on the angel's part. But it was necessary, I guess for our own sake. That's an intresting perspective.

and While the error wasn't made by God on Purpose it was on Adam And Eves part. As Neo said in Reloaded. The problem was choice.

From what starting point do you arrive at these conclusions ? There are so many assumptions that I wonder how you can possibly believe what you say.

If you believe in an all-powerful god ,then don't blame Adam and Eve for being the way god may them. They had no choice.