Some logic for both sides...

Smithsonian Institution scientist Porter Kier is very dogmatic “they agree (scientist) that evolution is a fact and should be so labeled.” Not to mention Dawkins himself holds it as truth.

Apparently Kier and Dawkins don't fit under your mishappened classfication system.

If you have quoted them correctly, they don't. I don't know what a "mishappened classification is ".

In his latest book, The God Delusion, Dawkins devotes a chapter to an argument which attempts to show why god almost certainly does not exist, which is not quite in accord with what you are saying. Dawkins is an atheist by personal coinviction.

Kier is expressing an opinion , not a fact. Science does not deal in facts.

Science can prove nothing; it is confined to espousing theories that are regarded as the best explanations we have at a given point in time. Knowledge is , therefore, provisional. If you look at the history of science you will find ecidence to support what I say. Think of the work of Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein and you will see the process at work.

Sir James Jeans put it succinctly in likening science to a stream which turns back on itself many times as it journeys to the sea.

Addition: I think I can explain the apparent confusion. Facts are what we discover about the world and theories are our attempts to explain how those facts may fit together or interact. Evolutionary theory is not a fact; it's an explanation of how we understand the fossil record. If you can provide a reference, I would be interested in seeing for myself what Kier said and in what context he said it. My feeling is that he was using the word loosely.

An example might help. Gravity is a fact. If I drop a stone, it will fall. The explanation of gravity is a theory which may or may not be true. Remember what I said about Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Each provided an increasingly sophisticated account of gravity.But, while these theories were being formulated stones did not hover in mid air.; they continued to fall.

Evolutionary theory is an explanation based on what we know of the age of the earth, the fossil record and so on. It is the best explanation we have of how life developed on earth.
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inteligence huh?
ok why for example,would god create men with nipples :p

how about all those other mistakes,

you know what? i asked that question once, and someone told me that it's because at one time the entire species was female and they could empregnate themselves. or maybe that means they were hermaphrodites, and they could impregnate each other. i don't know...something like that...
In reality, we are God, but being all-powerful got really boring after a while because we could instantly get everything we wanted and there was never any surprise because we knew everything. So we chose to forget our powers and take this thrilling experience called life. Sometimes we even choose to dream nightmares, because then the awakening (death) is even better: "Whew, it was all just a dream..."

i believe it. we're so twisted.
You gravely underestimate the importance of being right.

A person who has little or no interest in being right might as well give up on their life.

ok, i want to be right because i want to do the right thing. in order to do the right thing, i need to know the truth. to know the truth, i have to let go of my ego, and open my mind and heart. what i'm saying is that it seems to me that many people want to be for the sake of being right, because their ego is at stake.
ok, i want to be right because i want to do the right thing. in order to do the right thing, i need to know the truth. to know the truth, i have to let go of my ego, and open my mind and heart.

How do you know that?

How do you know that when you "let go of your ego" and "open your mind and heart", what you find is indeed the truth and not something else?

How do you know when you have let go of your "ego"?

what i'm saying is that it seems to me that many people want to be for the sake of being right, because their ego is at stake.

And this same "ego" is the force that drives people to seek any welfare for themselves in the first place.
Without an "ego", people simply wouldn't care what they do or what happens to them.
We need a Mod here to edit the title of this thread; there's little logical argument happening.
The fact of evolution precludes the intervention of a God. They are mutually exclusive explanations. Evolution needs no outside director, that is it's power as a theory.
The fact of evolution precludes the intervention of a God. They are mutually exclusive explanations. Evolution needs no outside director, that is it's power as a theory.

Entirely correct.

And yet.... good luck getting some people to understand that logic...
well, energy is never created or destroyed right? isn't that a law? it's just a transfer that takes place. so from that perspective, everything is adaptation.

the bible on the other hand, has a beginning and an end. a first page, and a last page. we are within the constraints of time and what is relevant to here and now. there is no time in the spiritual dimension. god is alpha and omega.

yeah...I'm not following you.
There is no time in the spirtual dimension. True
on creation...your thinkings seems abstract.
How do you know that?

How do you know that when you "let go of your ego" and "open your mind and heart", what you find is indeed the truth and not something else?

How do you know when you have let go of your "ego"?

well, because it's happened to me that way. that's the process that, when i looked back, i observed. it was only when i gave up caring what the truth is, that i found it, and that makes sense to me. that's what i think the "door" is in the scripture, "seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened", because your ego, and what you really want to be true will obsure the vision.

how to know if it's the truth is a hard question i think. but it starts with why and how you seek it in the first place, like we've discussed above. what are your intentions? are you sincere and humble, like a child? during the learning process, it explains what you experience. i don't claim to know about things that i don't experience. i can guess. i can conclude. i can assume. but not know. afterward, there is fruit. that's what the bible refers to it as, and it's the best judge of all, and it's simple. the truth produces good fruit, and a lie produces bad fruit. for some reason the ego is prone to believe lies. it's the corruption of the flesh that the bible calls sin. it's that part of us that cares more about being right, than it does about the truth. it is self-centeredness.

you know that you've let go when you just don't give a $&#@ anymore about whether you're right or wrong about what you've done or believed in the past or what the consequences of it are in the future. you know how deeply all of us become entrenched in our beliefs. we build our lives around them, our job, our families, our politics. we preach about them, base our decisions on them, identify with becomes who we are. but that is a lie. our beliefs are not who we are. and it seems like when you let go of all of the lies, that you find the real you somewhere underneath. the world is full of lies that hurt us.

And this same "ego" is the force that drives people to seek any welfare for themselves in the first place.
Without an "ego", people simply wouldn't care what they do or what happens to them.

i disagree, and take it from someone who has been very self-destructive, and realized that if you really care about others, then you will care about yourself.
The fact of evolution precludes the intervention of a God. They are mutually exclusive explanations. Evolution needs no outside director, that is it's power as a theory.

this sounds like you think of god as a human, or like a human, and god is not.

i can't see a "preclude" or an "intervention" in a realm where there is no time.
yeah, why don't you call the title police, nark. lighten up.


I can't say that I've ever seen an ad hominem before with a typo.


It's no wonder you're a Theist.

Alas, I won't resort to pointless name-calling; some of us aren't children.
yeah...I'm not following you.
There is no time in the spirtual dimension. True
on creation...your thinkings seems abstract.

well, given that there is no beginning or end, and so the bible only is relevant to a small window of time that is not really a constraint, but only a perceived one, then i think a lot of people are assuming the wrong thing about genesis.