Some logic for both sides...

What if I woke up from a bad reality and it was only a dream? :(

In reality, we are God, but being all-powerful got really boring after a while because we could instantly get everything we wanted and there was never any surprise because we knew everything. So we chose to forget our powers and take this thrilling experience called life. Sometimes we even choose to dream nightmares, because then the awakening (death) is even better: "Whew, it was all just a dream..."
In reality, we are God, but being all-powerful got really boring after a while because we could instantly get everything we wanted and there was never any surprise because we knew everything. So we chose to forget our powers and take this thrilling experience called life. Sometimes we even choose to dream nightmares, because then the awakening (death) is even better: "Whew, it was all just a dream..." what is the actual point of this forgetting?

I love where Sir Laurens Van Der Post, quotes one of the "people of the desert" (Bushman/San/Koi) as saying "There's a dream dreaming us, and we must get back to that dream, and the vision, the power, and the energies at the disposal of man's dreaming self will help us to win the battle."

As an aside he also said -
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right. -- Laurens Van der Post
Therein lies the paradox. To find what you seek, you must abandon the search, ultimately. You must give up the desire to find that which you seek.

Wherever you look, outside of yourself, you will find not "that which you seek", but at most an idea "of it"; when you can look within, at nothing, the search begins.
You have to abandon all ideas, conceptions and expectations. You have to leave something behind, in order to find the "nothingness".

This is all fine and well, but in order to "abandon all ideas, conceptions and expectations", a person has to be either catatonic or enlightened.
Does a Zen master believe in Lori_7's god?

I think so.

But does the Zen master believe worshipping Lori_7's god and making oneself dependable on Lori_7's god is the best option to choose in this Universe? I think not.
If only it were presented in such a mannor.
Unfortunatly it has become dogma and doctrine. All which I do not care for.

It has been presented that way and is so understood by all intelligent laymen, It's the ID crowd who either fail to understand or deliberately twist facts to mislead people like you.

Find me a single instance of a scientific paper on the subject that says otherwise !

What has become dogma and doctrine is the invention of some Christians who cannot handle the challenge to their beliefs
intelligent design is the reluctance to use the word "God". so if people can't argue over creationism, they argue over semantics, which i'm pretty sure that's been shown in this thread. maybe if people would quit arguing, they would come together, and figure it all out. but people don't really want to figure it all out. all they really want, is to be right.
intelligent design is the reluctance to use the word "God". so if people can't argue over creationism, they argue over semantics, which i'm pretty sure that's been shown in this thread. maybe if people would quit arguing, they would come together, and figure it all out. but people don't really want to figure it all out. all they really want, is to be right.

People want to be right. Those who follow the scientific method hope to get as close as possible to whatever we can understand of the universe. They are aware that knowledge is provisional. If a theory can be shown to be wrong, they will drop or modify the old and go with the new. That is called progress.

Other people have a different approach. They find all their answers in a holy book which they claim is timeless and explains everything. They KNOW they are right. That is called stasis.
It has been presented that way and is so understood by all intelligent laymen, It's the ID crowd who either fail to understand or deliberately twist facts to mislead people like you.

Find me a single instance of a scientific paper on the subject that says otherwise !

What has become dogma and doctrine is the invention of some Christians who cannot handle the challenge to their beliefs

Please stop lying.
intelligent design is the reluctance to use the word "God". so if people can't argue over creationism, they argue over semantics, which i'm pretty sure that's been shown in this thread. maybe if people would quit arguing, they would come together, and figure it all out. but people don't really want to figure it all out. all they really want, is to be right.

You gravely underestimate the importance of being right.

A person who has little or no interest in being right might as well give up on their life.
It has been presented that way and is so understood by all intelligent laymen, It's the ID crowd who either fail to understand or deliberately twist facts to mislead people like you.

Smithsonian Institution scientist Porter Kier is very dogmatic “they agree (scientist) that evolution is a fact and should be so labeled.” Not to mention Dawkins himself holds it as truth.

Apparently Kier and Dawkins don't fit under your mishappened classfication system.
who cares what others agree with and think of, the only thing that matters in this life is power. POWER to destroy and create.