Some logic for both sides...

In the book "survival of the sickest", the author suggests that the high rate of diabetes in our society is being caused by a beneficial evolutionary trait becoming a negative trait because of the success (easy living) of our recent generations. That is an interpretive paraphrase, but I also like the phrase from a Pink Floyd song "can you tell Heaven from Hell?"
Sorry for the ramblings, but is God nudging us towards nirvana with stem cell research? Why in God's green Earth would we need a way to make our bodies last longer? Have I missed your point?

not THESE bodies. he'll make us perfect. it will be a function of our choices, and our environment. if there is no transgression, then there will be no death.

the diabetic epidemic in this society is being caused by the fact that almost everything we eat has high fructose corn syrup in it. it didn't used to. think about how much soda people consume. artificial sweeteners cause the same reaction in the body as sugar does. and when it's not sugar we're eating, it's some form of noxious carbohydrate, laden with saturated fat and excitotoxins.

i find it amazing that people survive as long as they do...
The Bible says people make choices and God does indeed condemn them to the Lake of Fire based on their actions.

You yourself said that "people" don't have the power to judge/or condemn. Only God does. Then, you claim in the very next sentence that people indeed do condemn themselves. So which is it? Does God condemn us, as the Bible says, or do we condemn ourselves?

Lori, do you agree with this statement:

At the end of days, God will judge everyone based on what they did here on earth. If their actions meet his requirements, he will let them into heaven. If not, he will pick them up and throw them into a giant lake of fire. In other words, he himself will condemn them.

If you do not agree with this statement, then, yes, you are denying the Bible.

You have stated, "I will live in eternity." You have already judged yourself in this case. So can we, or can we not, judge?

Also, I am not judging anyone. You are the one making the claims of the qualifications for eternal life.

According to you, we need one qualification to have eternal life in paradise:

1. have faith that a personal God exists, and love him

The Dalai Lama doesn't love God, because he doesn't believe he exists. So, then, you indirectly are judging and condemning him to hell for eternity.

all judgement is is a realization of the truth. the comprehensive truth about the cumulation of your choices in life. do you think that you ever really get to see or understand the FULL compounded effect of all of your choices in a lifetime? there's no way...not even close. well, that's what i understand our judgement to be. a realization of the truth about all of the choices in our life.

and when it comes to communing with god the only rule is that you want to...

therefore, the dalai lama, like many others, are condemning themselves by a choice they make. and btw, how are they condemning themselves, if that is in fact what they truly want? if they don't want to know god, or to live with him and many others in a perfect eternal paradise, then what's the problem? somehow that's my fault or god's fault? how is that? they're getting exactly what they want and what they choose, so i don't understand what you mean.

think about this...

if you look at our planet right now, you can see...not entirely, but get a good picture...of the comprehensive effect of all of our choices over time. there is no denying this truth, though so many people continue to ignore it. and they will continue to ignore it even though these effects make them suffer greatly.

their choices put them in hell, and they suffer, and yet, choose to stay there.
Ah, can I debate with you now? :p ditto

You don't have a clue why I brought that story up? Because you said that God gives us free will, that God doesn't interfere in our lives yet he did both with the Pharoah, therefore I kinda thought it was relevant.

lmao nooooo no no no no I don't dig through the Bible to find a reason. Lori, I was raised in church as well as taught Sunday school. Therefore, I knew the stories, I just don't tend to believe in them and I tell you why as well as discuss what I think about them- I don't sit there and thumb through the Bible to find reasons to hate the Biblical God though lmao I really have better things to do with my time.

do you feel like a puppet? do you feel like you have no free will in this life? i don't. and yet i also know that nothing happens outside of the will of god. i conclude therefore, that the reconciliation of our free will and god's will, must lie within the law. and when our will becomes perfectly aligned with his, then we will live forever, because there will be no transgression. but this is not to occur by force, or through ignorance, as you have suggested might be better than through knowledge, that's gained by experience, and our pure intentions.
all judgement is is a realization of the truth. the comprehensive truth about the cumulation of your choices in life. do you think that you ever really get to see or understand the FULL compounded effect of all of your choices in a lifetime? there's no way...not even close. well, that's what i understand our judgement to be. a realization of the truth about all of the choices in our life.

and when it comes to communing with god the only rule is that you want to...

therefore, the dalai lama, like many others, are condemning themselves by a choice they make. and btw, how are they condemning themselves, if that is in fact what they truly want? if they don't want to know god, or to live with him and many others in a perfect eternal paradise, then what's the problem? somehow that's my fault or god's fault? how is that? they're getting exactly what they want and what they choose, so i don't understand what you mean.

think about this...

if you look at our planet right now, you can see...not entirely, but get a good picture...of the comprehensive effect of all of our choices over time. there is no denying this truth, though so many people continue to ignore it. and they will continue to ignore it even though these effects make them suffer greatly.

their choices put them in hell, and they suffer, and yet, choose to stay there.

Right, I see what your saying.

But here's my point. God has unlimited power. If he wanted to, he could get rid of hell or the Lake of Fire, and he could choose to simply not allow sinners into eternal paradise and let them continue in this physical, suffering type realm for as long as they want. Then, when they choose to, they can shape up and have faith in God and love him.

It seems pretty unfair, and cruel, to torture these people for eternity if they chose not to live in eternal paradise, wouldn't you say? Wouldn't it be more fair to, instead of torturing them forever and ever, to simply not allow them into the kingdom and make them continue to live on earth in a different body?

Or do you think an eternal lake of fire is the answer?

I would appreciate a definition for sin as well, because everyone seems to have a different view and I would like to hear yours. It would give me another perspective to look at. You make good points in terms of free will and consequences, and I would like to hear your definition of sin. Thank you.

By the way, I do agree with you on free will in terms of us having full ability to choose.

P.S. - would you, Lori, ever allow someone to be tortured forever? Let's say someone murdered your entire family and left you alive. Would you really wish that person to be tortured for eternity, in constant horrifying pain? How could you live with yourself, knowing that you have the power to stop the torture?

In my view, very few humans would wish torture for eternity on someone. It would cause too much guilt and sorrow. It's hard for me to believe God is less compassionate than humans.

Also, if God is really the ultimate "forgiver," then how does torturing people show any forgiveness whatsoever?
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Right, I see what your saying.

But here's my point. God has unlimited power. If he wanted to, he could get rid of hell or the Lake of Fire, and he could choose to simply not allow sinners into eternal paradise and let them continue in this physical, suffering type realm for as long as they want. Then, when they choose to, they can shape up and have faith in God and love him.

It seems pretty unfair, and cruel, to torture these people for eternity if they chose not to live in eternal paradise, wouldn't you say? Wouldn't it be more fair to, instead of torturing them forever and ever, to simply not allow them into the kingdom and make them continue to live on earth in a different body?

Or do you think an eternal lake of fire is the answer?

I would appreciate a definition for sin as well, because everyone seems to have a different view and I would like to hear yours. It would give me another perspective to look at. You make good points in terms of free will and consequences, and I would like to hear your definition of sin. Thank you.

By the way, I do agree with you on free will in terms of us having full ability to choose.

P.S. - would you, Lori, ever allow someone to be tortured forever? Let's say someone murdered your entire family and left you alive. Would you really wish that person to be tortured for eternity, in constant horrifying pain? How could you live with yourself, knowing that you have the power to stop the torture?

In my view, very few humans would wish torture for eternity on someone. It would cause too much guilt and sorrow. It's hard for me to believe God is less compassionate than humans.

Also, if God is really the ultimate "forgiver," then how does torturing people show any forgiveness whatsoever?

well, this is strange. it's a good day to talk about torture i suppose. i wrote this poem right before i came out here and read your post. and i'm feeling it.

no dead ends

every day in agony
every day in futility
finding ways not to be me
can't escape what i can't be

let me out of this misery
i simply wish to cease to be
it's all i ever felt was for me
and you tell me that you love me

i hate this world and i hate this life. i hate the way we spend our time. we're slaves to sin, slaves to greed, slaves to capitalism, slaves to bankers and politicians and institutions. we're slaves to our own bodies. all day long every day we're either making a mess or cleaning one up. i damn well better be learning something. i feel like i'm being tortured. i feel like i'm in hell. and i've got it good (relatively) i think. i want to change so much. i long for it so much. but i can't do it on my own. i feel like i'm trapped in a world and a body that i can't escape from. there is no escape. and it just goes on and on and on. it doesn't stop. it just keeps getting worse. we are creating a hell. we are in hell. and i want out. it's torture to be given a paradise and to not be able to enjoy it. it's torture to be given a paradise and every day watch it being destroyed. to be forced to participate in it's destruction. to have no choice because there's no better way offered. no better way known. but i'm learning. and the more i learn the more i hate this world and the more i want out of it. i don't want to live this way anymore. i'm sorry.

jesus is the only way out of this marred existence. i don't understand how it will happen exactly, but i know that he is the way, the truth, and the light...

this is my attempt at defining sin. i wrote it a couple of pages back, but you must have missed it...

sin is like a birth defect right now for all of us. it's a condition. and it's also an act. but in our case right now, it's a condition that leads us to act. if i'm not mistaken, sin is any transgression of his perfect law. his law is perfect in that if applied, it creates a perfect balance and equilbrium in the universe. it eliminates death. so sin must be anything that causes death in the universe.

i honestly believe that somehow through christ we will all be changed so that we don't have this birth defect anymore. i think it has to do with his blood. i think it's genetic, and i think it will undo whatever was done when man fell in the garden. i also think that this world will be virtually destroyed, and we will start over, with new bodies, with his blood in them, and with knowledge that will keep us from ever wanting to go back. knowledge that we attained here.

and no, i would not wish for anyone to be tortured. not even a murder, or a child molester. but do you see that their actions leave us no choice by law? wouldn't you consider locking someone up in a prison cell to be some form of torture? i would. and yet what are our options? to allow them the freedom to kill again? to not protect our children? what is the answer? do you agree that it's their own choices that led them to this torture in the first place? so regarding the topic of eternal life, and given my definition of sin, you can see how there must be segregation. in a perfect world, any transgression of the law would allow death to enter and eternal life would be thwarted...again. to ensure a perfect and eternal life in it, everyone must be willing to follow god's law at all times without exception. right now i honestly believe, based on my own experience, that it is not possible to do this. but i believe in a way, and jesus is the way. i know it. things that i have been shown and experienced have solidified this belief in me. i believe that god will show everyone what i have seen. i believe that he will lay all the cards on the table, and that he'll level the playing field so to speak. and the people today who think they own him, will not own him anymore. and in light of this new knowledge, there will still be those who do not want to know. who do not care. who do not want to change. who do not feel tortured by this existence like i do, or apparently like being tortured, which i do not. these are the people who will stay. and i have already pointed out, and it's obvious, the environment they perpetuate.
Talking about torture, I have updated my page.. :p

(Shameless advertising)..

To stick to the subject of your latest post, it seems god is the one doing the torturing. More on my page.
Revelation 20

13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done.

15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

At verse 15, God has a choice. He can throw people into the lake of fire, he can destroy them into nonexistence, or he can place them in some other non-torturous or less tortorous environment.

God is the one who makes the choice to tortore these people for eternity. Instead of throwing "bad" people into the lake of fire, maybe God could consider placing them in a place less fun than paradise, but not as bad as a lake of fire. Just a thought.
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You call yourself and asshole, and you still expect to be taken seriously?

And what of other people then - you have made us into people who discuss with an asshole.

So niiiiice of you! :bugeye:

Why do you think I bailed out ? :p
i hate this world and i hate this life.

jesus is the only way out of this marred existence.

It is your delusion of jesus that causes your hatred. Give up your delusion and you'll find the hatred disappears.
Revelation 20

13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done.

15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

At verse 15, God has a choice. He can throw people into the lake of fire, he can destroy them into nonexistence, or he can place them in some other non-torturous or less tortorous environment.

God is the one who makes the choice to tortore these people for eternity. Instead of throwing "bad" people into the lake of fire, maybe God could consider placing them in a place less fun than paradise, but not as bad as a lake of fire. Just a thought.

this is my take...

that's it's your choice as to whether or not your name is written in the book of life. and that this lake of fire does not sound to me to be an eternal place of torture, but a place of extinguishment. it is called the second death, so...

if people don't want eternal life, and choose death, they get what they want.
It is your delusion of jesus that causes your hatred. Give up your delusion and you'll find the hatred disappears.

i don't care what you think about jesus...if you can look at this filthy stinking world that we have polluted with our greed, and spend your time enslaved to that greed, and watch ourselves abuse each other and ourselves, and live in sickness and suffering and not hate this world, and long for a change, then it is you who are deluded. thank you for providing evidence to prove my point.
i don't care what you think about jesus...if you can look at this filthy stinking world that we have polluted with our greed, and spend your time enslaved to that greed, and watch ourselves abuse each other and ourselves, and live in sickness and suffering and not hate this world, and long for a change, then it is you who are deluded. thank you for providing evidence to prove my point.

Just send a teddy bear somewhere. It will reduce your suffering.
i don't care what you think about jesus...if you can look at this filthy stinking world that we have polluted with our greed, and spend your time enslaved to that greed, and watch ourselves abuse each other and ourselves, and live in sickness and suffering and not hate this world, and long for a change, that it is you who are deluded. thank you for providing evidence to prove my point.

Of course, you don't care what I think about your delusions, but you should care that it was people with similar delusions of gods that have made the world you now hate. The societies of the world were created by theists like yourself.

You are in essence your own worst enemies. The proof is in the putting.
i don't care what you think about jesus...if you can look at this filthy stinking world that we have polluted with our greed, and spend your time enslaved to that greed, and watch ourselves abuse each other and ourselves, and live in sickness and suffering and not hate this world, and long for a change, then it is you who are deluded. thank you for providing evidence to prove my point.

What do you think - Why are people greedy? Why do they abuse each other?
Just send a teddy bear somewhere. It will reduce your suffering.

Of course, if you were a Muslim's wife, you wouldn't be allowed to say or do anything at all. Suffering would be your life and nothing will reduce it.
Of course, if you were a Muslim's wife, you wouldn't be allowed to say or do anything at all. Suffering would be your life and nothing will reduce it.

That explains why there have already been women Presidents in Muslim countries.

How many have you elected?
That explains why there have already been women Presidents in Muslim countries.

Does it also explain why lapidation is set in law in Muslim countries while considered cruel and unusual punishment internationally? How long do you think Lori would last in a Muslim state?
Does it also explain why lapidation is set in law in Muslim countries while considered cruel and unusual punishment internationally?

You win, they don't have the cluster bombs, white phosphorus and humane missiles which are the hallmark of international justice.

I want a 4 foot teddy bear, preferably a golden brown color.
You win, they don't have the cluster bombs, white phosphorus and humane missiles which are the hallmark of international justice.

I want a 4 foot teddy bear, preferably a golden brown color.

And, it's not like I don't understand that Muslim scholars are furiously debating both sides of lapidation within Islam, but it does seem quite odd they simply don't view it from a point of human rights, as does much of the rest of the world.

Why do you think it's NOT a human rights 'no-brainer' for those so-called "scholars," Sam? How can cruel and unusual punishment as a doctrine within a religion that promotes peace be debatable?
And, it's not like I don't understand that Muslim scholars are furiously debating both sides of lapidation within Islam, but it does seem quite odd they simply don't view it from a point of human rights, as does much of the rest of the world.

Why do you think it's NOT a human rights 'no-brainer' for those so-called "scholars," Sam? How can cruel and unusual punishment as a doctrine within a religion that promotes peace be debatable?

Possibly because its not a religious issue, but a cultural one.

Death by stoning does not exist in the Quran.